⁽ ΒΉΒΉ ⁾ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ ΚŸα΄€α΄›α΄‡ α΄›Κœα΄€Ι΄ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ.

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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to another chapter! Enjoy!

edited on august 20th, 2022Β @ 8:35pm

⊱ ────── {β‹…. ✯ .β‹…} ────── ⊰


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THE REST OF THE KANTO MANJI GANG had appeared behind Mikey.

"All 3 gangs are here!" Senju exclaimed.

"Interesting!" South grinned.

"No... Mikey-kun. You can't fight here now..." Takemichi muttered.

"This fight is for Draken!" Takeomi screamed out.

"Let's begin the war of the 3 Deities!" South shouted.

"Kill everybody!" Sanzu exclaimed.

The three gangs soon began fighting. "Fuck off, Kanto gang! You guys abandoned Draken!" Takeomi accused.

"Brahman, stop! Don't let your anger get to you!" Senju shouted.

"Look at the situation now, Koko." Mikey spoke, getting both Kokonoi and Takemichi's attention.

"Not gonna make any moves, boss?" Kokonoi asked.

"Yeah. I leave this to Haruchiyo and the rest." Mikey replied.

"You... Don't really care about it!?" Kokonoi asked.

"... About what?" Mikey replied.

"Vivo!" South shouted. "My former Tenjiku boys! Let's not forget about the Kanto Manji Gang, shall we? It's so rare to see Akashi getting all rowdy like this. It'll be fun to settle Brahman first!"

"Got it!"

"The fuck are you laughing about, South!?" Takeomi shouted in anger.

"Get ahold of yourself, Takeomi!" Senju exclaimed. She was about to head forward until someone stopped her.


"Don't get involved, Senju. This fight isn't like any other. Someone's life just got taken." Wakasa informed, grabbing Senju's attention. "And that person was Draken."

"Hanagaki. Take care of Brahman's Princess."

Wakasa turned to his younger brother. "You stay out of this too, Ichirou." He ordered.

"Huh!? I'm not some kid anymore! Let me fight with you and Benkei-kun!" Ichirou argued.

"And I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you."


"Let him fight with us, Waka. The kid's right. You gotta let him grow up sometime." Benkei interjected.

"Fine." Wakasa finally agreed. "Let's go, Benkei, Ichirou!"

"Yes!" Benkei agreed as he followed Wakasa with Ichirou soon behind the two.

"South!" Takeomi exclaimed. "Why did you kill Draken!? He wasn't even a formal member of Brahman! If you wanted to kill someone, it should've been me! Let me go, damn it!"

"This is war." South claimed as he went to punch Takeomi.Β 



However, his attack was soon blocked, making him confused. "Your punch is kinda weak for someone your size." Benkei insulted.

Wakasa came up from behind Benkei and kicked South while Ichirou soon followed with a kick of his own.

The two Imaushi siblings both landed on the ground. "You're dealing with us." Wakasa claimed.

"Compassione! First Gen Black Dragon!" South said.

⊱ ────── {β‹…. ✯ .β‹…} ────── ⊰

"Get out of my way!" Kakucho shouted. "Ughβ€”!"

Kakucho spots Mikey with Kokonoi at his side. "Why is Mikey not making any moves!?" He wondered.

"Die, Kakucho!" Sanzu exclaimed, swinging his katana as Kakucho dodged. "No matter how strong you are in fights, it'd be much easier to use weapons, y' know?"

"Oooh..." Ran appeared from behind Sanzu, swinging his baton down on his head. "Easy, indeed β™‘οΈŽ"

"Tch." Sanzu muttered.

Mochi was bulldozing through the Kanto Manji Gang members. "What's wrong, Kanto Manji? This isn't very challenging!" Mochi insulted.

"Rokuhara's executives are the 'S62 Generation'!"

"The rumors are true, their strength is on another level!"

The nearby Rokuhara Tandai members were soon on the ground. "Move, you asshole." Takeomi ordered.

"It's no use, Takeomi has lost his cool." Benkei commented.

"You've defeated a 100 of my members. 'The greatest duo' lives up to its name!" South claimed.

"What the hell are those two?"

"The kid isn't so bad either."

"How are those monsters still staying calm?"

"Benkei and Waka. Before the First Gen. of Black Dragon happened, these two divided the Kanto region." Senju explained.


"Kanto used to be divided into two parts. The East and the West. On the West side of Kanto, with 600 members, a gang named Ragnarok controlled the nation's biggest gang. Their leader, who once walked through the aftermaths of a battle soaked in blood, was called 'Red Cliff' Arashi Keizou."

Ragnarok President.
Arashi Keizou.

"And to rival Ragnarok was their counterpart, where 12 Eastern Kanto gangs merged together to make... Koudou Rengou. And leading the gang was... a man who was feared and was named the 'White Leopard.'"

Koudou Rengou President.
"White Leopard."
Imaushi Wakasa.

"Those two were... that big?" Takemichi wondered.

"The two gangs feuded aggressively. But the person who managed to combine the two teams together was... A man who no one knew about. Sano Shinichiro. And so, the gangs in Kanto became reunited." Senju continued on. "As Takeomi had always said, 'there's no mistaken that... The toughest brawlers in Japan are... those two!'"

"What about Ichirou-kun?" Takemichi asked.

"I don't know much about him. He only came to me two years ago, saying he wanted to join the gang Waka was in." Senju replied.

"I wanted to save some energy for when we reached Mikey... But I guess we don't got a choice." Benkei stated.

"Don't let your guard down. South is on par with Mikey's strength." Wakasa reminded him.

"He kinda reminds me of Taiju." Ichirou commented. "Except more... dark."

"Vivo!" South screamed out. "Come at me, 'legends'!"

"Bring it on!" Benkei challenged as him, Wakasa, and Ichirou charged forward.

⊱ ────── {β‹…. ✯ .β‹…} ────── ⊰

"What's wrong, Brahman? Tired already?" South taunted.

"There are still monsters like you around, huh?" Benkei grinned.

"First Gen. Black Dragon's strongest duo... No matter how strong those two are... they'll never win against Terano South. He's a man of extreme violence." Kakucho noted.

"Forte!" South shouted as Wakasa, Benkei, and Ichirou headed towards him.

Wakasa easily dodged South's incoming punch as he ducked under it before swinging his foot at his face and then kicking him again while Ichirou aided his brother, sending a back kick at South.

"They're so fast!"

"How the hell are they attacking while in mid-air!? Are they birds!?"

Benkei then sends a punch towards South's face, sending him back.

"What kind of power was that that!? South flew like 2 meters!"

"That's insane..." Takemichi muttered.

"Waka with his insane agility, and Benkei with his heculean strength! This is the power of the First Gen. Black Dragon duo!"

"Nice one, Benkei." Wakasa complimented.

"I helped." Ichirou pouted. "Aniki! Did you see my amazing kick!? Did you? Did you?"

"Well, couldn't do it without you and Ichirou's help." Benkei said before patting Ichirou's head. "You did great, kiddo."

Ichirou sighed. "While I appreciate the praise, Benkei-kun, you're not the person I want to hear that from." He thought.

"You good with this, Mikey? Seems like this battle is gonna end as Brahman's victory." Kokonoi commented.

"... You think so?" Mikey asked.


South soon sat down, getting Wakasa and Benkei's attention as well as Ichirou.

"... At the age of 12, I had a man who I referred to as my 'father.' I beat him to death, with all the love I had for him." South began, removing his uniform as something soon caught Wakasa's attention.

"Gun wounds?" He questioned.

"At 14, a raid on my home took my mother's life in the crossfire. I struggled between life and death, with these scars. But I can't stop this urge!" South exclaimed.

"The urge..." Takemichi thought.

"'Dark impulses.'" Mikey mumbled.

"And to think that I'd be beaten by the likes of you? It makes my violent urges..." South paused.

Wakasa widened his eyes. "Ichirou!" He shouted, pushing his little brother out of South's range as Ichirou felt himself crash to the ground due to the action being so sudden.

South began punching Benkei and Wakasa. "Get stronger! And stronger! And stronger! And stronger!" He exclaimed in his head with every punch. "Vivo!"

Wakasa and Benkei were soon on the ground. "Thanks to these urges of mine, I've come to love violence... Mikey you get me, don't you!?" South asked.

"The legendary duo... both taken out...!" Takemichi thought in shock.

"Aniki and Benkei-kun... were beaten just like that?" Ichirou felt himself trembling. "So that's why he pushed me out of the way. He didn't want me to get caught in that."

"Aaah..." Takeomi's voice wavered. "You monster!"


"Senju!?" Takemichi exclaimed.

"I'm sorry Waka. But I can't just stand and watch." Senju claimed.

"I'll deal with you myself."

"Vivache!" South exclaimed.

⊱ ────── {β‹…. ✯ .β‹…} ────── ⊰

Senju and South were soon facing each other. "Stop it, Senju! It's too early for you to take on South! The three of us can handle this fight!" Takeomi shouted.

"Shut your mouth, Takeomi!" Senju exclaimed, getting Takeomi's attention. "... I never wanted the fight to go this way. But!"

Senju soon charged forward. "At this point, Brahman is done for!" She finished as South punched her.

"Senju!" Takemichi and Takeomi shouted in unison.

Senju slid on the ground. "That's enough, Senju! You're underestimating Waka and Benkei! There's no way you can win this fight!" Takeomi told her.

"Akashi-san. What do you mean by that!?" Takemichi asked.

"Senju got herself included in the 'Three Deities' only through First Gen. Black Dragon's support. Senju can't take this fight alone!" Takeomi replied.

"... This is bad!" Takemichi exclaimed.

"I was wrong, Senju! I lost my cool! You don't have to do the same thing! Get out of there while you still can!" Takeomi shouted.

"Die, Brahman!"

Senju easily dodged South's punch before grabbing his wrist and kicking him in the face as he got knocked down.

"That's crazy..." Takemichi mumbled.

"Takeomi..." Senju spoke.

"Brahman's boss... is me!"

⊱ ────── {β‹…. ✯ .β‹…} ────── ⊰

"Senju... you've been holding back, haven't you... It's all my fault... I lost all my faith in you... I... I've... I've failed... Brahman's principles!" Takeomi sobbed out. "I've lost your trust. Ever since we got Draken into Brahman."

"Takeomi. You've got it all wrong. All of this... isn't your fault." Senju claimed. "It's my responsibility. I was not able to stop you. I'm responsible for Draken's death, too. I'm disappointing as Brahman's leader. So all I can do now, is take this guy down."

"It's been a while since I've gotten this fired up, the 'unmatched' Senju!" South said.

"Vivo! Kawaragi Senju! It's the first time I've felt this great!" South exclaimed. "A new rhythm is born! Such a blissful moment! I want this beat to go on and on and on!"

Senju suddenly crashed past Takemichi. "Senju!" Takemichi shouted. "That monster pushed Senju away!"

South placed his hand on Takemichi. "Move. Hanagaki Takemichi." He ordered.

Something zapped within Takemichi once more. "Eh!?" He exclaimed. "A vision!?"

South was soon seen not moving as Takemichi kneeled next to him.

"South! He's dead!"

"Huh!? What was that vision!?" Takemichi turned to look back at South. "South was dead!? A monster like him... dead!?"

Kakucho was soon thrown to the ground as he was knocked out. "Kakucho!?" South exclaimed in shock and Mikey soon appeared.

⊱ ────── {β‹…. ✯ .β‹…} ────── ⊰

"He~eh. You finally made a move, Sano Manjiro." South claimed.

"Mikey-kun!" Takemichi said.

"You... What are you up to now..." Takeomi muttered.

"Get out of the way, Mikey! South is my opponent!" Senju declared.

Mikey turned to give her a murderous glare.

"You wanna die next?"

"What the hell is this murderous vibe I'm getting!?" Senju wondered.

"Let's go, Mikey! Let's begin the requiem's finale!" South declared.

Mikey threw a kick towards South's face almost instantly as him and South battled it out.

Takemichi suddenly placed himself in between South and Mikey.

"That's enough Mikey!" Takemichi declared. "You gotta stop this... or else South will die!"

"You can't stop destroying things, can you?" Mikey asked. "I'm the same. That's why I'm here to destroy you."

Takemichi widened his eyes. "It's just like that time when he confronted Kazutora-kun!" He realized. "Mikey-kun... turned into a murderer!"

"You..." Mikey grabbed onto Takemichi's arm. "Are in my way."

Mikey snapped Takemichi's arm over his leg, causing him to scream in pain.

"Now then. How do you want to die?"

"Don't do it, Mikey-kun!" Takemichi exclaimed.

⊱ ────── {β‹…. ✯ .β‹…} ────── ⊰

Ichirou could only watch as Mikey was punching South repeatedly until his face was unrecognizable.


"He's not breathing..." Takemichi noted. "He's gone."

"Are you kidding me, Mikey!?" Kokonoi exclaimed.

"Everyone, listen up!" Kokonoi then shouted. "Senju has lost to South, and South has lost to Mikey, hence it's Kanto Manji Gang's victory! This concludes the conflict!"

"Everyone's dismissed! Clear everything up! Kanto Manji Gang, too! Help those who can't get on their feet! Retreat now!"

"You good, Kakucho?" Ran asked as he supported Kakucho.

"What about... South?" Kakucho asked.

"... Who knows? Anyways, it's best for us to get out of here." Ran replied.

"Mikey! Are you even human!? There's no reason to go that far y'know!" Takeomi shouted.

Mikey walked up to Takeomi before kicking him in the face. "You're better off dead, too." Mikey claimed.

"Stop it, Mikey!" Takemichi got in front of Takeomi.

"You again?" Mikey asked.

"You can't do this! This is wrong!" Takemichi shouted as Mikey sent a punch to his face, sending him the ground.

"Mikey, that's enough okay!? We're retreating!" Kokonoi told him.Β 

"Now then. How do you want to die?"

Mikey soon lifted Takemichi up in the air.

"Now then, how do you want to die?"

Tears soon filled Takemichi's eyes.

"Just kidding!"

"He's not... kidding this time..." Takemichi thought as Mikey punched Takemichi's face repeatedly.

"Hanagaki!" Senju shouted.

"Mi... key..."

⊱ ────── {β‹…. ✯ .β‹…} ────── ⊰

A/N: Another chapter is finished! Thanks for reading!

Word Count: 2218 words.

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