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A/N: I had a random thought of "What if Ichirou never had the chance to meet Inui and Kokonoi?" And the first timeline gave me a perfect, yet devastating idea :)

edited on october 1st, 2022 @ 8:45pm

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰




KAKUCHO ENDS UP DROPPING TO the ground. "Kaku-chan!" Takemichi screamed as he rushed over to see if Kakucho was alright.

"I'm fine. The wound isn't deep." Kakucho reassured as Sanzu rushed inside the train. "More importantly, Sanzu is..."

The train soon started to move. "The train is moving!" Takemichi thought.

"Whatever happens in the conflict doesn't matter. I won't let anyone get the king." Sanzu said to himself.

"Sanzu!" Takemichi shouted, grabbing Sanzu out of his thoughts.

"The train is already moving, there's nothing you can do now!" Sanzu exclaimed.

"Shut up! Whatever your plan is, it's crazy!" Takemichi shouted back.

"Let me go!"

"Shut up! I'll fucking kill you!" Sanzu yelled. "How the hell did you know about my plan, anyway?! I didn't tell a single soul about it!"

"S-Shit! I'll stop you no matter what!" Takemichi declared.

"Get down, Takemichi!" Kakucho warned.

"Kakucho!" Sanzu said as Kakucho charged forward with a wrench, hitting Sanzu in the face.

"Hit the brakes, quick!" Kakucho told him.

"Got it!" Takemichi rushed towards the controls. "... Which one is the brake?!"

That's when Takemichi suddenly got another vision of Sanzu stabbing him in the back with his katana.

"A vision?! Shit, I have to dodge that!"

Takemichi quickly dodged the blade in time. "He dodged that? Are you kidding me?! I attacked from a total blind spot!" Sanzu noted.

"By any chance..." Sanzu's voice wavered. "Are you a time leaper too?"


Kakucho quickly pushes Sanzu out of the train. "Shit!" Sanzu cursed.

"Can you stop it, Takemichi?!" Kakucho asked.

"I'll make it stop!" Takemichi replied.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

"This is bad, Takemichi! At this speed we're gonna derail at that junction!" Kakucho shouted.

"Shit! I don't know which one is the brakes!" Takemichi exclaimed in a panic. "If the train gets off the tracks, that'll be the end! It'll crash and kill everyone!"

"You're too late. That thing isn't gonna stop that quickly." Sanzu claimed.

"Please stop!" Takemichi screamed out as the train kept moving. "Shit! I can't find the brakes! Kaku-chan, help me out here!"

He turned around to see that Kakucho was sitting down. "The wound from Sanzu's attack?! It's been that deep all this time?!" Takemichi thought.

"Damn it, we're not gonna make it!" He exclaimed. "At this rate... that terrible end will..."

"Everybody, move!"

"Takemichi... You need to get off the train or you'll die too..." Kakucho muttered.

"I'm good! Kaku-chan, you get off!" Takemichi told him. "Are these the brakes?!"

Outside, members of both gangs noticed the train lights.


"A train?"

"I'll definitely stop this train! I won't give up!" Takemichi declared.

"You're putting others before yourself, huh?" Kakucho closed his eyes as a few tears slipped. "I envy your friends."

"Move Takemichi. I'll do it." Kakucho claimed.

"Together!" Takemichi shouted.

Kakucho grabbed Takemichi by his collar, shocking him. "Kaku-chan?!" He exclaimed.

"Even if he was 'one of us.'" Kakucho began as he threw Takemichi out of the cart. "I'll get Sanzu's ass for ya."


"I won't give myself a meaningless death." Kakucho thinks to himself. "I'll definitely stop this!"

"Hey, hey!"

"Oh shit, oh shit!"

"It's coming towards us!"

"Woah! Run, run!"

"What's that?" Mitsuya questioned.

"Shit! Is it not working?!" Kakucho exclaimed.

He suddenly heard the sound of Izana's earrings, getting his attention.

"You're still as reckless as ever." Izana spoke as he smiled. "Well, that's what makes you, you."

Izana then placed his hand over Kakucho's. "I'll help you out Kakucho." He finished.

The train soon skidded to a stop. "You're kidding me, right?" Sanzu asked in disbelief.

"It stopped..." Takemichi mumbled as he began running. "It's a miracle! Amazing, Kaku-chan! Kaku..."

Takemichi stops short when he saw that Kakucho was unresponsive.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

"The train... stopped."

"What happened?" Mitsuya asked.

"This could've been a disaster." Hakkai stated.

"... Sanzu..." Mikey mumbled before he began to shout. "All of you! What are you spacing out for? The 2nd Gen Toman is at their last breaths! Let's show them no mercy!"

The Kanto Manji members cheered in response.

"Shit..." Peh-yan muttered.

"There's no turning back for Toman..." Smiley said.

"... Kaku-chan?" Takemichi questioned. "Kaku-chan! You can't die yet! I haven't even given you words of appreciation yet! 'Thanks for saving me' or 'thanks for saving... everyone's lives...'"

Takemichi soon began to sob. "Kaku-chan..." He teared up. "Shit. Why..."

"Takemichi look behind you!" Mitsuya warned. "Sanzu's back!"

Mitsuya then noticed his katana. "A katana?!" He questioned.

"You've completely ruined my plan, Hanagaki Takemichi! You are a goner." Sanzu claimed.

Takemichi tried to punch him but Sanzu retaliated with a kick.

"Takemichi!" Mitsuya shouted.


"Just give up." Sanzu raised his katana. "There's no way you'll win this. So why are you still standing? You, who cannot live among carnage and bloodshed, has no chance to win against Mikey. So this is the end."


A sound of a motorcycle was soon heard, followed by a very familiar voice.

"What's wrong Hanagaki?! Is this truly your end?!"

The motorcycle soon crashed into Sanzu's stomach.

"Mitsuya. This uniform is too small!"

"You're here, huh?" Mitsuya questioned.

"You're kidding me?!" Hakkai exclaimed.

"For real?!" Inui said in shock.

"No fucking way..." Ichirou muttered.

"So you've got this guy too, huh, Hanagaki Takemichi?" Kokonoi asked.

"Ta—..." Takemichi began, still in shock.


Shiba Taiju.
Former 10th Gen Black Dragon Leader.
2nd Gen Toman's 6th Division Captain.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

"2nd Gen Tokyo Manji Gang 6th Division Captain, Shiba Taiju! I've got front row tickets to see Hanagaki beat up Mikey!" Taiju announced.

"So you actually came..." Mitsuya said.

"Huh?! Big Bro is in 2nd Gen Toman?!" Hakkai questioned in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me... that Taiju is working under Takemitchy?!" Chifuyu exclaimed.

"Seriously?" Inui said.

"He's not the type of guy to work under anybody!" Kokonoi added on.

"So he's returned... I've been wondering what he's been up to all this time." Ichirou commented.

"That's the former leader of the 10th Black Dragons, Shiba Taiju." Benkei noted as Wakasa remembered a faint memory of what Ichirou told him.

"Imaushi-san! Please come out and control your brother!"

Wakasa glanced up before following the beaten up man towards the ring where he saw Ichirou in his Black Dragon uniform throw down a man twice his size.

"What's got you pissed?" Wakasa asked his younger brother, who looks up at him.

"Shiba fucking Taiju!" Ichirou exclaimed in anger.

"Who now?"

Ichirou sighed, coming out of the ring to join his older brother. "He's the leader of the 10 Gen Black Dragons. Seishu only chose him because he was strong. I mean, why can't Seishu just lead us? He was Vice-Leader for three generations. He deserves it." He complained.

"You're very blunt with your words, Ichirou. Why not just tell him off like you normally would?" Wakasa asked.

Ichirou snorted. "Oh, I wish I could. I got a million things to say to that sibling abuser." He replied.

"So why don't you?"

"Because if I speak my mind, I'm afraid he'll hurt Seishu and Hajime." Ichirou responded. "I know those two can take care of themselves. But... They're my friends. If anyone hurts either of them, I'll kill them. And as much as I hate Taiju, he doesn't deserve to be killed."

"Taiju-kun..." Takemichi muttered.

"Captain... We've clashed once, so let me tell you one thing. There is no one that can beat Mikey but you." Taiju told him.

"So let's go! I'll open up a path for you towards Mikey!"


Both Takemichi and Taiju charged forward. "Get outta the way!" Taiju ordered as he bulldozed through the Kanto Manji members.

"I can't believe it, Taka-chan. Big Bro isn't the type to fight for someone, right?" Hakkai asked.

"Well, somehow he was charmed by Takemitchy. I mean, he saved the Shiba siblings after all. He just wanted to return the favor." Mitsuya answered.

"Amazing, Taiju! You're like a bulldozer!" Takemichi exclaimed.

"Haven't seen Taiju fight in a while, and that sure looks crazy." Kokonoi commented.

"He's still as scary as ever." Ichirou stated.

"Yeah, looking like a whole demon over there." Inui agreed.

"It sure is reassuring to have him as an ally!" Takemichi said.

"He took down almost all of our members all at once!"

"He's turning the tables all by himself!"

"This is the former leader of the 10th Gen Black Dragons, Shiba Taiju!"

"You sure are a tough guy."

"Ah?" Taiju said as he came face to face with Wakasa and Benkei.

"You're the guy Ichirou was telling me about, huh?" Wakasa asked.

"But we won't allow you to reach Mikey." Benkei claimed.

"This is bad! The original Black Dragons are here!" Takemichi exclaimed.

"I see, the First Gens. You must be Ichirou's big bro." Taiju stated, noticing Wakasa. "Just a bunch of retired old men. You think you can beat me?!"

"That spirit alone won't bring you to victory, young'un." Benkei said.


"Then let's do this, legends!" Taiju challenged.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

A/N: Another chapter is completed! Thanks for reading!

Word Count: 1560 words.

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