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A/N: Ichirou's backstory is finally here! And he gets to unlock his full potential! Enjoy!

edited on september 17th, 2022 @ 8:22pm

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰




"WE'LL GET THIS DONE IN 5 minutes. Hakkai! Let's show 'em that our combination is better than those two siblings!" Mitsuya claimed.

"Taka-chan... Wanna hear my plan?" Hakkai asked, causing Mitsuya to turn towards him in confusion.

"During the Kanto Incident, Angry and I couldn't get past the siblings. They kept attacking in ways we didn't expect." Hakkai explained.

"I see..." Mitsuya said.

"So I got the idea while I was getting beaten up just now. And here's the plan!" Hakkai exclaimed, charging forward and knocking Rindou out of the way. "If they're too strong together, let's just separate them!"

"... What a crazy idea... Oh well," Mitsuya then punched Ran. "it's easier this way!"

"Stand up, Haitani Ran. Let me show you how to fight 1 vs. 1."

"Shit! There's a large size difference between us. So how am I getting pushed back!?" Mochi exclaimed.

"... Size difference... you dumbass. The reason why I can't lose is..." Chifuyu headed for Mochi. "A 100 times... bigger than you!"

Chifuyu sends a punch to Mochi while Mitsuya and Hakkai were dealing with the Haitani brothers.

"This is the end, you asshole!"


"Our vice captain has defeated Mochi!"

Mitsuya looked down at Ran. "So what now? You still raring to go, Ran?" He asked.

"Stupid. Can't you see I can barely even stand?" Ram replied.

"Hmph, it was a nice fight anyways." Mitsuya said.

"Awesome! And here we have our 2nd Division leaders defeating the Haitani brothers!"

"You guys are amazing!" Angry exclaimed.

"Damn right!" Smiley agreed.

"We have the advantage, don't we?" Angry asked.

"Yep, but let's not let down our guard. We have our best members fighting out there. So that means if one of us falls the tide will quickly turn to Kanto's favor!" Smiley informed.

"You're not tired yet, Takemichi?" Kakucho questioned.

"Not at all!" Takemichi responded.

Senju was shown bruised up as Sanzu grinned at her. "Did you forget who raised you when you were younger? I can read your moves very easily!" He claimed.

Akkun was kneeling on the ground. "What's wrong, fodder character? Are you done already?" Shion taunted.

"If it were the older days I would've gave up or taken out a knife by now. But I'm fighting alongside him, so I'm not gonna show my old cowardly ways!" Akkun claimed.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

"You... How many times do I have to beat you until you fall down!?" Kakucho exclaimed.

"I fight alongside Hanagaki Takemichi. So I will not show my cowardly self. So come here, Madarame!" Akkun challenged.

"You're annoying, fodder character! Just die already!" Shion shouted.

"Madarame you shit... you're using weapons—" Akkun began, noticing his brass knuckles. His sentence was cut off as he dodged Shion's punch.

"You'll never get to the top like that!" Akkun claimed, sending a punch to his face as he collapsed to the ground.

"Sendo has defeated Madarame!"

"Looks like our top members are winning their fights, huh?"

"That's so cool!"

"At this point we're winning this battle!"

The Toman members started cheering 'Toman' over and over.

"Toman's quite a lively bunch, huh." Wakasa commented.

"Seems like I can't afford to lose now." Ichirou claimed.

"I don't want fight you, Aniki. You taught me everything I know. But now, we're fighting on opposing sides. I really have no choice in the matter." Ichirou continued on. "But can you just explain something to me?"

Wakasa hummed as he stayed silent. "Why did you switch sides to Kanto Manji? Did Mikey threaten you in some way?" Ichirou asked.

"...Who knows. How 'bout you hear it from the guy behind you." Wakasa replied as Ichirou turned around just in time to get smacked to the ground by Benkei.

"Too slow! How long are you gonna baby your brother, Waka!" Benkei exclaimed.

"Shit! Benkei-kun is here too?" Ichirou cursed in his mind.

"Let me handle him, Rou!" Inui helped Ichirou up.

"You sure?"

"I'll let you handle your brother. I'll deal with him." Inui said.

Ichirou sighed. "Alright." He finally agreed.

"What's wrong, Senju? You're surprisingly not as tough as I thought." Sanzu mocked.

"... Haru-nii... I'll take my loss. Let's end this here. I'm sick of us siblings fighting each other because of my mistake. I regret it." Senju said. "That day, when Mikey gave you those scars. Haru-nii I'm truly sorry."

Sanzu used the metal pipe he was holding to knock Senju to the ground. "Whatever happened on that day, you don't understand anything about it." He informed.

"Vice Captain Sanzu defeated Senju! The situation has changed!"

"What you did back then was merely a trigger." Sanzu claimed before he walked away.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

Inui and Ichirou were facing Wakasa and Benkei. "You're trying to take on those two legends? You're both insane." Kokonoi pointed out.

"Hajime, I mean this in the rudest way. Shut up and be a good little bystander. Besides, I grew up with these two. Now sit back and watch." Ichirou spoke, glancing his way. "That's all you ever do, right?"

"Benkei-kun and Waka are pissing me off!" Inui threw a punch at Benkei and Ichirou threw a kick at Wakasa. "What's with Brahman!? What's with Kanto Manji!? Would Shinichiro have wanted all this!? No matter what, deep inside you guys are the First Generation of Black Dragon! Deep inside, I'm also a First Gen. Black Dragon! Always have been! And with that in mind, I put all my trust in Hanagaki Takemichi! Because 2nd Gen. Tokyo Manji and First Gen. Black Dragon share the same spirit!"

"That's why I'll never lose to Kanto Manji!"

"What'll I do? Back when we were kids, this would be where I came in to save him. But now that'd just be a selfish act. Besides, I've always chosen Akane-san over Inupi, right!?" Kokonoi clenched his fist. "There's... no turning back after this..."

"... Seems like the battle's getting to a certain point." Mikey spoke, turning around. "I'll leave it to you, Hanma."

Hanma pulled down his mask. "... Okay ♡︎" He replied.

"Chifuyu!" Hakkai shouted.

"You did great, Sendo!" Mitsuya praised.

Chifuyu was helping Akkun up. "Hehe. Somehow, I did it." He said.

"Yo, the survivors of death."

"... Hanma!" Mitsuya shouted, noticing him.

"Play with me too!" Hanma grinned.

Inui got punched by Benkei while Ichirou got kicked by Wakasa. "Shit!" Inui cursed.

"Inupi! Ichirou!" Kokonoi shouted in concern.

"What are you doing!? Koko! Help me out here! You're my one true friend, right!?" Inui exclaimed.

"Stop being a piece of shit, Hajime!" Ichirou insulted.

"You..." Kokonoi trailed off. "What... are you... we're on opposing sides right now. So why are you saying things like that? I mean..."

"Well... it's fine now, isn't it?"

Kokonoi widened his eyes as Akane's ghost appeared in front of him. "That's enough... it's time for you to live your life the way you want to!" Akane smiled. "Thank you... Hajime-kun."

"I see... I've been so stubborn..."

"This is the end, Seishu!" Benkei shouted.


Before Benkei could attack, Kokonoi threw a punch to his face, knocking him down.

"Koko!" Inui exclaimed while Ichirou grinned.

"What an annoying guy." Kokonoi commented.

"Having fun watching everything from above, Mikey?"

Mikey turned around, seeing Pah-chin. "... Oh, it's you." He said.

"I'll be the one to send you to your end." Pah-chin claimed.


⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

Peh-yan noticed that Pah-chin was facing Mikey. "Pah-chin! Don't lose to Mikey! Just do as you always do!" He encouraged.

"Last time I challenged you was in first grade!" Pah-chin said.

"... If you wish to die, then come on, Pah." Mikey claimed, tossing his jacket aside.

"Bring it on!" Pah-chin charged forward.

"Mitsuya! Chifuyu!" Hanma called out their names. "Can't you guys be a little bit more entertaining?"

"Shit! Hakkai! Akkun!" Chifuyu shouted.

Benkei threw a punch at Kokonoi. "Aren't you a Kanto Manji Gang officer? You're supposed to be on my side, what are you doing? Damn it!" Benkei exclaimed.

"Kokonoi Hajime has now officially quit the Kanto Manji Gang." Kokonoi declared.

"Koko... I'm sorry." Inui apologized.

"I'm the one who's supposed to apologize Inupi." Kokonoi claimed.

"I've always seen Akane-san in you. I just couldn't accept it. I just couldn't accept it. I couldn't accept that... she died. That's why I ran away with the money. It was easier for me to believe that money was the answer to everything. But despite that, you never gave up on me and always followed me." Kokonoi continued on. "So I'll forget Akane-san. And from now on, I'll give myself to you."

"Koko... our opponents are 'living legends.' I can't see us winning this battle. Even with Rou on our side." Inui informed. "So are you sure about this? If you're gonna be on my side, you're betting on the 'wrong horse' y' know."

"Only a true friend could ride that 'horse,' right?" Kokonoi claimed, making Inui get taken aback.

"Yo, Seishu, Hajime."

Both of them turned to see a grinning Ichirou. "What's heaven like?" Ichirou asked.

"Don't ask ridiculous questions, Ichirou." Kokonoi said. "You're going to hell, dumbass."

"Yeah? I'll see you there." Ichirou told him. "Ah, it's so good to have the Black Dragon trio together again, don't you think?"

"The name still sucks ass."

"Shut your trap, Hajime!"

Inui smiled at his friend and his boyfriend. He wouldn't admit it, but he had missed their bickering.

"Mikey! Thanks to you I'm getting all pumped up!" Pah-chin claimed.

Mikey dodged Pah-chin's oncoming fist. "Just like when you invited me to Toman!" Mikey kicked him in the stomach. "And when I followed your ass to make Toman better!"

"Mikey!" Pah-chin shouted as Mikey sent a back kick towards him. "Mikey..."

"What's up with that guy!? He's still standing strong after taking the captain's kicks!"

Peh-yan glanced up in worry. "Pah-chin..." He mumbled.

"I'm not very smart... So I don't know... What your plans are... To me, so long as you're smiling... I don't care what it takes." Pah-chin grinned. "And up until now, I've done my best to keep you smiling."


A vision of the First Gen. Toman members soon appeared.

"We all love you."

"Mikey... Are you... having fun now?" Pah-chin asked before collapsing on the train cart.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

Kokonoi and Inui were double teaming Benkei while Ichirou was on the ground.

"Have you already forgotten, Ichirou?" Wakasa began. "I was the one who taught you everything. You're easy to read."

Ichirou groaned in pain as he moved to a hunch over position.

"I wonder... when did I label myself as weak?"

"Waka-nii!" An eight year old Ichirou called out to his big brother, latching himself onto his neck.

I had always admired Waka-nii as a kid since his times when he was leading Koudou Rengou. I would always watch in awe as delinquents feared him. I once watched him take down a small delinquent gang in the past and thinking, 'I'm gonna be just like him.'

"What do you want, Ichirou? I thought you were with Mikey." Wakasa sighed.

"Manjiro's boring to hang out with!"

"Ichirou! Watch it!"

Shinichiro chuckled in amusement. "It's okay, Waka. Ichirou just might want to play with kids his age. Manjiro is a year younger than him, after all." He said.

"Aniki! Train me! I want to learn how to fight from you! So I can join Black Dragon!"

Wakasa, Shinichiro, Benkei, and Takeomi all chuckle. "Maybe when you're older, Little Imaushi." Takeomi said, ruffling his hair.

"Takeomi's right. You're too young now." Wakasa agreed.

At the age of 10, I was deemed old enough by Waka-nii to start my training. If I wasn't at Shinichiro's bike shop, I was at my brother's gym.

A twelve year old Ichirou felt his back connect to the ground as he groaned in pain.

"You need to be faster, Ichirou!" He heard the voice of his older brother scold.

"I'm trying, Aniki!"

"You're not trying hard enough! You were able to knock down the other guys without breaking a sweat! What's the difference with me, huh?" Wakasa said. "Is it because I'm your brother?"

Ichirou's silence was all he needed, causing the older Imaushi to scoff before leaving the ring.

By the time I was old enough to join Black Dragon, the 8th Generation had appeared. It's leader? Kurokawa Izana. It wasn't the Black Dragon I remembered growing up around, but I was happy. Izana was a great leader. He had a really unique fighting style and I admired his form.

"You... want me to train you?" Izana asked.

"If you don't mind." Ichirou replied. "The way you fight is really admirable. And I'd like to learn from you, Izana-kun."

"Alright. But don't expect me to go easy on you."

"Wouldn't have it any other way, Izana-kun."

I've trained and kept trying to make my fighting skills better and better. So why do I still feel weak?

Ichirou's eyes widened, as if he finally realized something.

"Is it because I'm your brother?"

"That's right... I have been seeing Waka-nii as my hero. The one who taught me how to fight. I haven't been seeing him as..." Ichirou paused.

"... my enemy!"

Wakasa was about to walk away from the fight until suddenly, a kick was thrown at him out of nowhere as he crashed to the ground, getting Kokonoi, Inui, and Benkei's attention.

Kokonoi widened his eyes as he saw a bored but serious look plastered on Ichirou's face, recalling what Inui had told him.

"Ichirou always has this cocky attitude whenever he fights. Pisses me off." Kokonoi complained as they had just got done dealing with a troublesome gang.

"I think I prefer Rou being that way." Inui claimed, causing Kokonoi to hum in confusion as Inui looked towards him.

"If there comes a time when he gets serious, he'll become deadly."

"Now, now, Aniki. I know that didn't hurt you one bit." Ichirou stated. His voice was relaxed — not a trace of playfulness was present.

And that's what scared Wakasa the most.

He looked up at his younger brother in shock, a faint memory played in his mind.

"You better keep an eye on that mini you, Waka." Takeomi told Wakasa as they watched an eleven year old Ichirou take down a grown man. "There's no doubt that the only person who could overpower you... is him."

Wakasa got up and charged at Ichirou, who ended up blocking his kick, his hands not leaving his pockets.

"8th Generation Black Dragon Leader, Kurokawa Izana." Ichirou spoke. "I knew his move that he used on Mikey would come in handy."

Ichirou then narrowed his eyes. "Aniki, the biggest mistake that you made in your life..." He appeared behind Wakasa and sent a flying kick to his face, catching him off guard.

"... was teaching me how to fight!"

"Are you getting fired up, Aniki? Because I am." Ichirou grinned challengingly as him and Wakasa had a stare off.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

A/N: Sorry if Ichirou's backstory wasn't super interesting. Most of it was just Wakasa teaching him how to fight. Thanks for reading!

Word Count: 2556 words.

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