Chapter- 10

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The call is from the security office Isla took the phone " Mam someone named Jack has come to see you. He doesn't have an appointment we tried to push him away but he is making a fuss saying you would know him if we inform you of his name. What should we do mam? " security asked through the phone. Isla looked at Leo for a brief moment before replying " Let him in I'll deal with him" call ended. " What is the matter?" Leo asked while looking at Isla. " The person you searched for is here," Isla said, " Don't tell me Jack is...." "Here" Isla completed the sentence Leo started. At the exact moment, Jack enters the cabin both of them turned to look at him. " What are you doing here Jack?" Leo stated. " Isla I have realized my mistake please give me another chance I'll make everything back right" Jack catches Isla's hand while kneeling in front of her. Leo grabbed Jack by his collar " I asked what are you doing here? " he said while shouting and punching him in that anger. Isla tried to stop Leo while Jack stood there doing nothing.

" Look Leo even now she is trying to stop you so that you can't hurt me," Jack said with a visible smirk on his face. "I said to shut you up " he shouted and punched again. Before Leo beats Jack again Isla hugged Leo tightly. " Please stop baby don't let the things that is he saying inside your head". Leo calmed a little and looked at Jack " Listen Jack the moment you decided to leave me it's over. Don't think I would come back to you because you are my first love. Do you even love me truly I cried for hours I begged for you to come back. You don't even have a slight idea how difficult it has been for me. You created an inferiority complex in me Leo is the only person who accepted me for who I'm, he accepted me with all my flaws. He supported me and encouraged me. He cared for me and he deserves my love and he knows how I feel. In this part, you don't even have the slightest part in it." Leo is looking at Isla with the happiest loveliest eyes, he didn't even expect this answer from Isla. When Jack came back Leo got a little bit nervous that Isla would decide that she would go back to her first love again. But what Isla told him was completely different. Isla again continued her speech " The moment I started to love Leo he made me feel how special I am. In search of gold in my life I got the purest diamond, so don't even think I would leave the happiest life I am leading now.

Jack again opened his mouth to say something before that Isla asked Leo to call security in and take Jack out of the company. "Jack it's my last request please don't ever come back into my life again". Security came in and dragged Jack out. Leo looked at Isla and slowly side-hugged her "Let me take you home, take a rest for now, we can discuss this later". Without any words Isla followed him soon they reached home. Leo forced Isla to sleep a little as she hasn't slept last night a blink. He sat near her for a while and caressed her hair. Without his knowledge, he also slept on the edge of the bed while sitting. Later that night Leo expressed how he felt when he rejected Jack when he came to the company. Isla also shared how Leo's love changed her, after a little talk both of them landed in bed.

After a week Isla came to her company while smiling brightly. Mia came inside the cabin while looking at the brightest smile " Looks like someone is happy may I know the reason". Isla gave an envelope in her hand which Mia opened with full eagerness once she saw what is inside the envelope Mia started to jump in happiness "The day I have dreamt of is finally going to happen". With that, she hugged her tightly. The same happened with Leo and Arthur in their company. On the destinated day the couple got married and lead a happy life.

Don't believe in what others say of yourself just believe in yourself so a miracle can happen in your life. Just like the belief Isla had in herself that made her life towards her true soulmate Leo. 

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