Chapter- 5

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That girl said that she and Jack were dating, so I should stop spreading those rumors and my obsession with Jack and she left there. The next day I told Jack about what that girl has told me, and he replied that I shouldn't mess with that girl she is one of his Neighbors as well as she is close to his parents so if I mess up with her it would affect our relationship. Being blinded by his love I believed and behaved in whatever he told me. On the other side, Olivia and Noah decided to end their relationship as it is not working out for them. Soon enough next rumor came out that I was the reason for their breakup but not even a single percentage of me wished for them to break apart. Olivia started ignoring me I tried my best to explain to her that it is not my fault but there is no use soon my friendship with her came to an end. Not a much days after our final exams came for the next higher studies we five planned to study in the same school. Because of this tension, Olivia and Noah changed schools, same goes for me I wanted to be free from those fake names so I called Jack to go to another school with me. After the admission was closed I came to know that Jack applied for a different school. At this point, five of us were in five different schools. My days in a new school were pretty good except for the fact that I miss Jack so much. Even though those days don't exist the things from my old school followed me and no one wanted to be friends with me I was called selfish and steals other girls boyfriend's. I told everyone why would I do that when I have my boyfriend, the people around me started to tell me I don't have a boyfriend it is just my one-sided feeling Jack is in love with that another girl. It broke my feelings to hear that and I don't even know what is happening in the new school for Jack, I texted him that evening but I got no reply. My heart started to beat fast it continued for like one week there was no reply to my message and my calls. I was very anxious about what was happening there and what is wrong with him.

After a week I received a reply he said that he is a little busy adjusting to the new school and with some other pieces of stuff. Being a stupid girl I believed all those thinking without thinking about anything. Some girls from my school warned me not to trust him blindly, I asked her how does she know he is cheating on me in the first place. She told me that one of Jack's friends from the new school is her childhood crush and Jack had admitted cheating on me to his new friends and is even making fun of me. Still, I refused to believe those words but somewhere in my heart gap formed, and started to suspect him. That following year I spent my days all alone in school without friends. Soon I got adjusted to being alone and by the time Jack would respond to my message rarely like one or two words, my studies had fallen apart. After the final exams were over I went to my favorite coffee shop at the entrance of the shop I saw a scene that broke my heart. I'm finally witnessing the scene that my heart longed not to happen in front of me in real life. I walked over to the spot.

It would have been so much fun to play with my feelings right Jack I said while standing in front of him who is now holding that girl's hand who said I was spreading false rumors about our love. Isla, you are here this is my girlfriend you haven't seen her yet right Jack replied like I'm nothing to him. At that moment I felt like I have lost myself without any words I came out of the shop. When I'm out for some reason I looked back inside the shop to see Jack laughing brightly with that girl. That is the last time and I haven't seen him for the past years. It took me two years to regain myself from the loss and to understand what I have missed in my life. Then I came to college and met you guys you are the ones who made me realize I'm the one who is responsible for my happiness. The loss made me show up my cold attitude to protect myself from not getting hurt again. Isla finished her words while an unknown tear made its way down her cheeks.

" You have survived the hardest dear," Mia said while hugging her. " I'm fine now, " Isla said with a genuine smile. " Then shall we make our way out it's getting late" " Sure, I'm late for my gym class see you tomorrow Mia," Isla said and run from there. " From when she started to go to the gym," Mia said to herself and made her way toward Arthur's house. " Arthur I have big news," she said in a hurry while opening the door without knowing Leo is there with him " What is it babe," Arthur asked excitedly. It's nothing, Hi Leo "Mia said while looking at Leo. " Do you guys want me to leave and give you some privacy?" Leo asked with a polite tone. " It's ok we can discuss that later now come let's finish our work first," Arthur said but Leo's mind is feeling like he is invading their privacy so he insisted on leaving them alone. " Leo, can I ask you something?" Mia asked " Sure, go ahead" " Did you ask Isla to lose weight, when she started going to the gym,"

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