Chapter Three: Cats

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     "What brings an alley cat like yourself here tonight?" Marinette asked as she moved back, making way for Chat Noir to come in. The cat made a show of jumping through the opening, bouncing off her bed and landing in a rolling somersault on her floor before popping up with a charming smile on his face.

Turning, he watched as Marinette limped down the ladder. Without thinking, he came up behind her and set his hands on her waist, easily lifting her and carrying her over to her chaise lounge. As he set her down she said, "I was handling myself just fine."

"No doubt. But how can a prince leave his princess behind?" He responded. She grumbled under her breath but decided to let it go. "So, what is my princess doing this feline evening?" Chat Noir purred, sitting on the edge of the chair.

"Well, I just got home from the hospital."

"Oh?" He feigned surprise, his ears twitching. "What happened?"

"It was an accident. I ended up falling off the sidewalk and in the way of a car." Marinette said as she moved to tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear. Ever since the hospital, she had been too lazy to put her hair up. So she opted for keeping it loose around her shoulders.

"Did you get really hurt? Are you okay? Do you need anything?" Marinette's laugh filled the room as she shook her head, giving Chat a smile.

"Nah. It's not too bad. I just have a lot of bruising." She explained. Chat Noir nodded his head, trying to appear as if this was the first time he'd heard this news. "But you didn't answer my question, kitty."

"Oh, well, I was in the neighborhood. Ladybug has been absent so I'm covering her patrols." Chat missed the way Marinette flinched slightly. "But it's thankfully been Akuma-free. But when I saw the light on in your room, I couldn't help but want to check on my favorite princess. So, here I am." And although he was grinning, Marinette thought it didn't quite reach his eyes. For a brief moment she wondered if he'd just gotten lonely.

"Well, I was thinking about watching a movie. Wanna join?"

"Sounds purr-fect." Ignoring the pun, the girl once again pulled herself up off her lounge and limped over to her desk, grabbing her laptop. She let out a sharp wince as she crouched down to her movie bin, a jolt running from her heel all the way up her leg.

"What movie do you want to watch?" Marinette asked, not noticing the concerned look Chat had on his face as he watched her.

"I'm cool with anything. I am a cool cat, after all."

That gave her an idea. Grinning, Marinette chose a disk, hiding it from Chat's view. "Let's go up to the balcony." The bluenette told him as she turned to face him.

"But it's cold!" He whined.

"I know, but I'll bring out blankets and make us some hot chocolate. But this way, if my parents happen to check on me we will have enough warning. Plus, it's an easy escape route for you."

"Okay, okay." He gave in.

Marinette took in a deep breath before standing, barely containing the soft groan that wanted to escape. She had never hated the stairs that led everywhere in her room more than she did now. Setting the laptop and disk down, she started towards the trapdoor.

The leather-clad boy turned towards Marinette, who had a sour expression on her face as she stiffly made her way to the trapdoor that led downstairs. He studied her for a second, noting the limp she was trying to hide and the wince that ever-so-slightly appeared on her face. Chat Noir frowned slightly. This was just like when he visited her in the hospital as his civilian form, Adrien Agreste. She tried to act as if she wasn't hurt. But Chat Noir got the sense that she was in way more pain than she was letting on.

"Here, Princess." He stopped her with a gentle hand to her left upper arm. "Let me go downstairs and get whatever it is you need. You shouldn't be on that ankle of yours any longer than necessary."

"How did you know it was my ankle that was hurt?" She asked, turning to look at him.

"Oh, umm," You told me at the hospital when I came to visit you, "because you're limping. I figured it was your ankle that was bothering you."

"Oh. I didn't think I was limping that noticeably." She mumbled, looking down.

"So how about it? Just tell me where everything is and I'll fetch it for you."

"Oh, are you a dog now? Go fetch." Marinette teased. Chat merely stuck his tongue out at her. Scrunching her eyebrows, she debated the pros and cons of letting the superhero go through her house unattended. "Okay," she decided, "but you'd better not get caught. I seriously doubt you want to explain to my parents what you're doing in their house."

"Don't worry, stealth is my middle name." Giving the leather suit boy the instructions to find what he'd need, he disappeared down the trap-door. While she waited, she gathered extra blankets and pillows from a storage bin, dumping them at the bottom of the ladder leading to her bed. She went back for the laptop and disk.

"What's up with Chat Noir?" A tinkling voice asked. Marinette turned towards her Kwami.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, he did just show up out of nowhere. Do you think something's wrong? He had a weird look on his face the whole time." Tikki noted.

"I think he's just lonely. Without Ladybug around, he probably got bored. Though why he ended up at my house, I don't know. What do you think his problem is?" Marinette huffed as she started up the ladder to her bed, laptop in hand. Tikki grabbed the mouse and flew next to Marinette.

"I don't know. He just seemed awfully... observant of you tonight." The biting cold had goose bumps rising on Marinette's arms and legs as she hurriedly set the laptop down on the table. Even though it was only 7:45, the cold had begun to set. The sky had turned a pretty hue of red.

"I don't know about him being observant, although he did notice that I had a hurt ankle. Besides, whatever his reasoning, I don't object to the company." Marinette headed back down to drag the pillows and blankets up, Tikki helped carry what she could while keeping an ear out for Chat Noir's return. Just as Marinette and Tikki finished laying out the blankets and setting up the pillows, they heard the soft footsteps of her cat partner. Tikki hid off the side of the balcony as soon as Chat Noir's head just started to pop up.

As Chat Noir climbed up out onto the balcony, he held out a cup to Marinette. "One Chat Noir hot chocolate specialty, mademoiselle." He proudly announced as the girl gratefully took the warm cup in her hands. She blew on it and took a tentative sip before sighing in pleasure.

"Chat, this is so good! How did you learn how to make this?"

"My, uh, mom showed me. When I was little, and feeling sad, my mom would make this for me. It was our thing. And thank you, I do try my best." The blond gave a dramatic bow. They both laughed, and the boy plopped himself down next to Marinette. Using the mouse, Marinette started the disk. She had taken the liberty to start the film earlier so that all she had to do was play it.

Of all the ways her evening could have gone, this was not how she imagined it going. Sitting on her balcony, watching a movie with Chat Noir.

As the CD started, she glanced out of the corner of her eye to Chat, trying to gauge his reaction. She could see, after a minute into it, the exact moment he realized what he was watching.

"You didn't!" He gasped, hand on his chest as a sign of faux shock.

"I did!" Marinette giggled, watching his ears lower as his eyes narrowed. "You did say you were cool for anything."

"Yeah, I did not have a Broadway musical in mind when I said that." Chat groaned. "Cats. Of all movies you could have picked, you chose Cats."

"This happens to be my favorite Broadway, thank you very much." Marinette huffed, making a show of crossing her arms and pouting.

Chat suddenly smirked, leaning close to Marinette. "Have a thing for cats?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Ugh! How did I not see that coming?" She groaned, shaking her head in disapproval. "If you don't stop, I'll kick you out, kitty."

"Ugh! I'm sorry, Mari. I promise to be a good little kitty and watch it."

"Apology accepted!" Marinette clapped gleefully, but couldn't help but notice the slight flutter her heart felt when he called her Mari. "Now let's enjoy the movie."

They both settled down, finding comfortable positions. As the movie played on, Marinette was vaguely aware of her eyes dropping with fatigue. Must be the pain medication finally kicking in... She let out a tired yawn as her heavy eyelids started getting harder and harder to keep open. Finally, they shut fully.

Chat Noir nearly jumped when he felt Marinette lean against him, but instead froze, expecting Marinette to jerk away. When she didn't, he dared a glance at her.

She was asleep.

With her head on his shoulder, he let a nervous gulp out. What did he do now? He didn't want to disturb her sleep, he knew she needed rest. So he stayed as still as he could. Around halfway through the movie, she shifted. Pulling herself down and laid her head on Chat Noir's lap. Her slim but strong arms wrapped around him, almost as if hugging him. She let out a small sigh of contentment before drifting back into her sleep.

A flaming blush erupted on the boy's face. He never recalled feeling so comfortable with someone's arms around him before. When Chloe threw her arms around him, it was always more annoying than anything else. Nino slung the occasional arm around his shoulders, but that was just friendly. And at home, Adrien didn't receive any type of physical touch.

This felt more than just friendly.

But Marinette was Marinette. And the more Chat got to know her, the more he wanted to know.

And the feeling scared him.

What about Ladybug? He loved her, admired her, would die for her. He knew that. But he wasn't a big enough idiot to not realize that he was starting to feel something for the bluenette in his arms, too. It confused him.

Could he somehow, possibly, miraculously, love two girls at the same time?

On one hand, there was Ladybug; a courageous, selfless, beautiful super heroine. Her confidence always boosted Chat's, and he knew that either one of them would die for the other. He knew that she was clever, creative, and incredibly strong.

But on the other hand, there was Marinette; an amazing, kind, adorably clumsy girl. Her smile always brightened his day just a little more, and he didn't know what he'd have done if she had died. He knew that she was innovative, shy, but also an incredible leader.

Both girls were contrasts of the other, but Chat could see the similarities, too. They were both brave, smart, and incredible. And they both made his heart race.

But he did make a promise to Ladybug. Could he even fathom breaking it? But he didn't even know her real identity. She didn't know his. What if she met Adrien, and didn't like him? And Ladybug never wanted to stray from her professional self. Never letting Chat get to know her. But Marinette... she was sweet, open, and so caring towards others.

He had made the promise to Ladybug, but he couldn't just ignore what he felt for Marinette.

He was lost.

But Marinette liked both sides of him. Or, at the very least, Chat hoped that she liked him. As Adrien, Marinette had never seemed comfortable around him. Always jumpy and nervous. He didn't strike himself as the intimidating type, but that's how he thought she viewed him. But as Chat Noir, she was more playful and open. He thought this side of her was extremely attractive.

He couldn't even give himself a good reason for why he came to her house. One second he was lying bored on his bed, the next he was knocking on her door. And now here he sat, with Marinette cuddling with him. Not that he minded.

Preoccupied with his thoughts, Chat didn't even realize the Broadway had ended until the sound stopped. Unsure what to do, he looked around for anything to clue him in. Unfortunately, the universe didn't give him any mystical hints as to what he should do.

Being as slow and gentle as he could, so as not to wake her up, Chat Noir began to pick the bluenette up. Holding her bridal style, he started down the hatch that led to her bedroom. He wasn't sure where to put her. On the bed? But if she had to get up she'd have to go down the ladder, which would strain her ankle. Her chaise lounge? Seemed like the best option.

Chat was glad that Marinette was a deep sleeper because he had a couple of too-close calls almost dropping her. But he managed to make it down the ladder without breaking her. Carrying her over, he set her down. She mumbled something before rolling on her side and curling into a ball. Chat couldn't help but note how incredibly cute she looked.

Going back up, Chat started cleaning up. Folding the blankets and stacking them with the pillows, closing the lid to her laptop, and bringing the mugs downstairs to wash them.

After he finished cleaning the mugs and leaving them to dry, he came back upstairs for the pillows and blankets. He wasn't sure what to do with them, so he left them at the bottom of the ladder that led to her bed. Setting the laptop on her desk, he grinned at his work. But then something caught his eye.

He hadn't noticed before, but there were pictures littering Marinette's wall. Photos of him. Adrien, that is. Not Chat Noir.

At first, he brushed it off on the fact that he was a model for his father's fashion designs, and he knew Marinette loved fashion, but some of these photos weren't of his modeling. Just normal photos. Where'd she even get these?

Then, another thought struck. Did she like him?! Could she like him as Adrien Agreste? He almost couldn't believe his luck in this.

This whole time, thinking she'd been scared of him, she actually had a crush on him? But maybe that was an arrogant thought. Perhaps she had a very good reason for having all of these photos of him. Yeah, she could've had a totally plausible reason for it. He hoped she didn't.

With nothing left to do, and with his thoughts a blizzard in his head, Chat Noir meandered back to the lounge where Marinette slept. She was still curled into a tight ball, making small noises. She seemed so fitful. Was she having a nightmare? He sat on the edge of the chair and started softly stroking her hair, loving the way it ran through his fingers. He cooed comforting words. Soon enough she settled, relaxing her grip on herself a little. The fashion designer's son started to stand, intending to leave, when he felt a small hand grip his wrist.

"Please, stay." Mumbled a half asleep Marinette, her eyes not even open. Chat weighed his choices, but couldn't help himself as he sat back down. Marinette shifted, pulling on Chat's arm with surprising strength. He gasped a little as she tugged him so that he was lying snugly beside her. The chair was so small that they barely fit. Marinette moved again, this time to cuddle with her partner. She laid her head on his chest, wrapped one arm behind his neck and the other around his stomach, and crossed her leg over his. She sighed in contentment as she fell back into a deep sleep.

Chat couldn't breathe. Not literally, only mentally. How was he supposed to respond to the advances of a sleeping girl? He was almost positive that she wasn't aware she was spooning with him.  He wasn't even sure she was aware she was doing anything. Her grip on him was tight enough that he probably couldn't wriggle free without waking her and he did not want to explain this situation to her. He relaxed his stance, giving in. Surely he could just stay here for a few minutes, then leave once her grip slackened.

Five minutes turned into ten and then turned into twenty. Then Chat lost count as he fell asleep, not even aware he was in danger of doing so.


     "Kid, wake up! Seriously, wake up!" A quiet voice demanded. Adrien merely groaned in response.

"Five more minutes, Plagg," Adrien mumbled.

"Ugh, I'm so gonna regret this." A sharp sting on Adrien's earlobe had him yelping in pain, going to slap the assaulted area but was pinned by something laying across his chest. Confused, the blond opened his green eyes and got an eyeful of black fur as his Kwami hovered over him.

"Did you bite my ear?" Adrien asked, frowning.

"Yes, I did. It was disgusting. You need to take a shower when you get home."

When I get home? Oh, crap.

A movement caught Adrien's eye, and he finally took notice of the figure laying on top of him.

Crap, crap, crap!

He was at Marinette's house. And with a sudden panic, he realized that if Plagg was hovering above him... he untransformed. He was now Adrien Agreste.

"Plagg..." Adrien started, but was interrupted as Plagg's hands came down over his mouth. Adrien gave the cat Kwami a glare but tensed as he felt Marinette move. She settled again, and Adrien let out a sigh of relief. There was no way he could explain himself if she woke up.

"You fell asleep, you idiot. You'd better be glad she didn't wake up. That would've been the end of the secret part of your identity." Plagg hissed. Adrien ignored him and instead started slowly detangling himself from Marinette. Her grip was much looser than it had been earlier.

"What time is it, Plagg?" The model asked, yawning.

"Eh. I don't know. It's dark outside."

Well, Adrien thought, that's better than it being morning. He still had a chance to fix this before it became a problem. He finally managed to pry Marinette off, and he rolled off the chair and landed silently on the ground. Standing, he turned to face Plagg.

"Did you find something to eat?" He asked his furry companion.

"Yeah. I found a stash of chocolate chip cookies. Obviously not as great as Camembert, which you owe me a whole wheel of when we get back, but it was enough to restore my energy since you drained it." Adrien winced at Plagg's accusation.

"Yeah, sorry Plagg. I didn't mean to take so long here. Or fall asleep." Adrien turned back to Marinette one last time before returning his attention to his Kwami.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Let's just go, you have school tomorrow. And I want cheese."

"Alright." The boy took in a deep breath. "Plagg, claws out!" A brilliant green light filled the room before quickly shutting off, in Adrien's place was now Chat Noir. He nimbly jumped to the ladder and darted out the hatch leading to the balcony.

But if he had looked back before bounding through the city of Paris, he would have seen the shell-shocked face of Marinette, who had woken up to see her crush transform into Chat Noir.

Too bad he didn't.

     A/N; Hello! I'm so glad that you took the time to read my book. And I'll be trying to update it as soon as I can. Please, leave your thoughts on the book so far in the comments. I really love your feedback, and I'll even accept (constructive) criticism.

     If you have any ideas, or maybe some suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments below. Or even contact me via Wattpad messaging or my email (it's in the bio on my profile).

     I hope you're enjoying the story so far. After reading so many different ML fan fictions, I finally decided to make my own. I hope it's not as cliché for you as it seems to me.

     And as always, continue being your amazing self (yes, I am talking to you).

The song for this chapter is The Rum Tum Tugger from Cats.

Word Count; 3,524

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