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     Hey guys! As the title of the chapter suggests, I've been tagged by rilakumalover305  for a tag challenge. I'll use the same questions she did, but will just type the question then answer.

Q1. Are you named after someone?
A1. Nope! In fact, my name was chosen only because my father refused the name my mother originally wanted to name me, which was Cassandra.

Q2. When was the last time you cried?
A2. Semi-recently. Back in June, my ex-boyfriend got back together with me and strung me along for about a week before giving me the silent treatment and then dumping me over email. Again.

Q3. Do you like your handwriting?
A3. Sometimes. Most of the time, no. My handwriting is barely considered legible but sometimes, every once in a blue moon, I'll manage to write something that looks pretty.

Q4. What's your favorite lunch meat?
A4. Does brisket count? Probably not. If not brisket, then ham.

Q5. If you were another person, would you be your friend?
A5. Yes. I probably would. I'm told I can be a likable person. At times.

Q6. Do you use sarcasm?
A6. Ha. Ha ha. Ha ha ha. No, not at all. What are you talking about? Me? Sarcastic? Never! (I am actually quite sarcastic; in person, that is)

Q7. Do you still have your tonsils?
A7. Yes! Although there was a year and a half long stretch where I got strep every month and a half but right when they were about to demand my tonsils out, the strep stopped and I haven't gotten it since.

Q8. Would you bungee jump?
A8. Yes! And no. I would, as long as I knew there was no risk to my life. If I ever did it would probably be an indoors bungee jump. I love thrills, but am not fond of, you know, dying.

Q9. Favorite kind of cereal?
A9. A tie between Captain Crunch and Cookie Crisps. Depends on my mood.

Q10. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
A10. 90% of the time, yes. Then there's the other 10% of my lazy moods.

Q11. Do you think you're a strong person?
A11. Depends. Are we talking metaphorically or physically? I'll answer both. Metaphorically, in the sense of emotions and feelings and such, I think I'm stronger than most people realize. My entire life I've crafted the persona that I'm a weak person, when in fact, at least in my head, I'm actually quite strong. Difficult circumstances made me hard, even if I come off as a big softie. And physically? Well, let's just say I can't do a push up and leave it at that.

Q12. What's your favorite ice cream?
A12. Cookies-n-Cream FTW!

Q13. The first thing you notice about people?
A13. Their smiles, or lack thereof. It's easy for me to tell if someone's had a good or bad day depending on their smile. Whether it's forced or not.

Q14. Red or pink?
A14. Red! My favorite color is actually blood red. Which I swear isn't as creepy and murderistic as that sounds.

Q15. What is your least favorite physical thing about yourself?
A15. I don't actually like this question. For years I dealt with depression and self-loathing, especially about my body. I always felt plain, boring, and not at all pretty. But luckily, with the help of my best friend I've come to realize that yes, I am beautiful. I can't remember the author of the quote "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", but I adhere to it. I changed my perspective, overcame my depression (through years of struggling, and am still struggling(though not as bad)) and have managed to thus far feel great about myself. Every time I find myself thinking, "I wish I had that body" or "I'm so ugly" or "No one thinks I'm pretty" I remind myself that some people don't think Scarlett Johansson is pretty. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, loves. YOU. ARE. BEAUTIFUL. If anyone tells you otherwise, screw them! They obviously don't deserve the time of day from you. It's up to you to make yourself feel beautiful. You are the eye, you are the beholder. I know that once I started repeating to myself in the mirror every day, "I am strong. I am beautiful. I can do this." I noticed how much more confident I became. Sure, there were those who still tried to tear me down but I built the armor I needed to protect myself from that. Now it doesn't even faze me because I know I'm beautiful. You are, too. Tall, skinny, short, curvy, lanky, gangly, chubby; THAT DOESN'T MATTER. The only thing that matters is how you perceive yourself. Once you start seeing yourself as beautiful, the results are spectacular. Because it starts to change the way you think. From negative to positive. I immediately noticed the change in myself after a few months of just telling myself in the mirror that I was beautiful. I started acting nicer, I grew confidence, my boyfriend started becoming more affectionate towards me, and people started treating me nicer. And I realized then that it wasn't them that though I was over weighted, plain, boring. It was me. And once that perspective changed it was like magic. I just hope one day you might wake up to realize that yes, you are beautiful!
Rant over.

Q16. What's your favorite physical thing about yourself?
A16. My eyes. They're a chocolate brown with hazel lines and even some green on some days.

Q17. What is the color of the pants and shoes you are wearing right now?
A17. My pants are just plain ol' blue jeans, and my shoes are black flats with a pink/red/green/yellow floral design.

Q18. Last thing you ate?
A18. A taco with lettuce, sour cream, cheese, and grilled taco meat. It was delicious.

Q19. What are you listening to right now?
A19. Nothing. But earlier I was jamming out to Hamilton.

Q20. What color shirt are you wearing right now?
A20. A forest green, three-quarter sleeve shirt with an artful slit in the back.

Q21. If you were a crayon what color would you be?
A21. Definitely a cerulean blue or a Robin's Egg Blue; something exotic, but pretty.

Q22. Favorite smell?
A22. How do I put this? Men. Like, the manly, cologne type scent. Literally like a drug for me. I love a guy who has just enough cologne on to be noticeable but not overpowering.

Q23. Who's the last person you talked on the phone with?
Q23. My best friend!

Q24. Favorite sport to watch?
A24. Soccer. No questions.

Q25. Hair color?
A25. I have a dark brown, almost black wavy hair that falls to my shoulders. About a quarter and a half of the bottom half of my hair is a maroon/red dye.

And that's it for the questions! If you happen to have any more, make sure to comment! And like always, keep being amazing!

Oh wait. I'm supposed to tag people? Well, here it goes;


I challenge all of you to answer these questions;

Have loads of fun guys!

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