The saviour

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"Isabella my dear, where have you been?" Vincent stepped into the greenhouse, seeing Isabella sitting in a corner, hindered by the flowers. As he approached her, he could hear the soft whimpering sounds. Enveloped in guilt and worry, Vincent immediately squatted down in front of her, brushing the messy strands of hair to a side and cupped both of her teary cheeks. "Look at me, Bella. Look at me." He looked into her puffy eyes, trying to calm her down, "W-Why were you running, Bella...? Were we not...meant for each other...?"

"I can't Vincent, sorry, I cannot..." Isabella whimpered, "I-I need more time." 

Inside the cage, the bird silently woke up. Sensing the awkward and sympathetic atmosphere, the bird, for the first time, made some noises by clapping its wings and chirping constantly. The cool night breeze lingered on their clothing. Isabella's tears mingled with the cold, turning her face slightly red under the moonlight.

Vincent was completely helpless by the scene in front of him. His obedient Bella was no longer listening to any of his words anymore, while the sound of silver bars clanging against the table was annoyingly echoing throughout the space. His brows furrowed, his temper flared shortly before gripping onto Isabella's shoulders, harshly slammed her against the wall. He spoke into her ear through clenched teeth, "Shut up and just listen, woman."

Isabella's heart jumped at his sudden outburst. "How long will you be hiding those bruises from me, Bella? I immediately came back after graduating just to take you out of this hell, where no one wants you."

"Your father is just an abusive man with anger issues. His drunken state prevented him from further developing the family's fortune, while I have all the ability to take care of you and give you everything you've ever wanted." He kept convincing, not giving Isabella any chance to speak, "I am all that you need. Are you scared that I don't love you enough...? Do you still see me as an outsider? O-Or perhaps you might be...hating me?"

"N-No that's not what I meant—" "Then why do you keep avoiding me?! I can give you affection, money, tittle, all your needs, all your wants. I can cage every single bird on earth for you, I can build you as many castles as you want just to play hide and seek, I can make someone disappear if you ever tell me you dislike them!"

"So tell me, my precious Isabella..." Vincent's bluish eyes darken, his voice dropped an octave, "Why are you hesitating?"

Isabella shivered at his words, not daring to face Vincent directly. This was an utterly different person from the one she knew. Her head was spinning, and she could feel her stomach flipping upside down. All the memories with Vincent flashed through her brain. "V-Vincent, please, I-I..." His grip on her shoulders was like a vice, she could hear her bones cracking the longer she stuttered. Overwhelming, suffocating, excruciating. Suddenly, a female voice raised from behind, instantly caught Vincent's attention.

"My lady, I've prepared a hot bath as you ordered." The handmaiden then looked surprised by the scene in front of her, "Oh, did I perhaps not come at the right time?"

"N-No, very well, I really need a bath right now." Isabella was like seeing her saviour. She stood up and quickly wiped away her tears, leaving Vincent squatting beside. "Please lead the way...W-What's your name again?"

"Iris..." The maid spoke up softly, acting like not seeing Vincent's cold expression. Isabella turned back and quickly bowed to him, before striding out of the greenhouse with the maid.

The space around Vincent quieted down again. His gaze turned to the bird in the corner, frowning with annoyance. The cage was flung open, and the man grabbed the desperately struggled bird out. He then calmly tightened his grip, while losing in his thoughts. Since when did a sparrow know how to fight back? If the birdie got out of control, how to put her back in place? A crackling sound cut his thoughts. The bird was not struggling anymore, but instead closing its eyes in acceptance.

Ah...I see.

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