Chapter 16: The Show Must Go On

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For the next few days, Park Yebin had been practicing nonstop with the Narcotics.

No one was going to deny how unbelievably talented Yebin was.

After it was decided that Yebin will be replacing Mikey on the electric guitar, she took the initiative to learn their songs right then and there. It was convenient for them, as Yebin had been exposed to their practices before, so she would know how the band worked. However, it wasn't just that. The moment Yebin picked up Mikey's guitar and began plucking at the strings for Hammer to Fall, a Queen song that was included in their set list, it was more than that.

Yebin already oozed the charisma and skill, the attractiveness of any great performer. She was a god.

The Narcotics made the right move in recruiting Park Yebin.

They, besides Delilah, could only watch Yebin in wonder, as she perfected each song of theirs, even the original ones. She played along to their music like it was her own.

Her dynamic with the Narcotics was jolting at first, but before they knew it, Yebin felt like she had been a part of the band since the beginning. They have lucked out on having Yebin in their band.

And so, they practiced day after day, hours upon hours, in that studio room. They would stay late into the night to perfect their craft for the important concert. Even Mikey stayed behind for these late hour practices, so he could help out Yebin whenever she needed it (not like she really needed it, but he felt satisfied being there doing something despite his broken arm).

None of them minded the long grueling practices. To them, it was just any other practice, trying to perfect their sound.

Before any of them knew it, the day of the Central Park music concert had come.

The Narcotics were ready.

Yebin twirled around to get every inch of Central Park. The area was now heavily decorated with colorful signs, stands of food and trinkets, and other side performances. The park looked so different since the last time she was here. It had the same energy as any other festival she attended back in Korea. It was like a shot of adrenaline into her veins.

There was so much people too, much more than she could ever expect. People of different color, ages... It was so exciting.

"Yebin, come on! Don't lag behind!" Delilah called out.

The lass blinked, as if she was taken back into reality. The Narcotics were already far ahead on the pathway. They were all dressed so chicly with their coordinated outfits and styled hair. Now they truly did look like a band Yebin have seen so many time on the television.

Oh yeah. She glanced down at her own outfit. Yebin was donned in a navy blue tank top with a patched denim jacket and black jeans, her own hair was slightly curled.

She keeps forgetting she was a part of them too.

Zach walked back to retrieve her. "You must be amazed, Yebin?" The leader asked with a soft smile.

"Very amazed!" Yebin chimed, while adjusting the strap of the guitar on her back. Her eyes trailed over to the man at the sidewalk, just singing his heart out with his acoustic guitar in hand. "It reminds me so much of home, when I would just perform whenever a festival happened nearby. There's so much people here!"

"Yes, the people we will be performing for today," Zach replied, his voice filled with enthusiasm.

Yebin bit down on her lip. "This... probably would be the biggest audience I've ever played for."

"Hey, us too." Zach then pointed towards something in the distance. As Yebin followed his finger, she spotted vans pulling up into the area. There were lots of filming equipment too. "It's even bigger because it's being broadcasted live."

"That... is crazy," she breathed out, once realizing how much grander this event was.

"It is." patted her shoulder out of comfort. "But we're in this together, am I right?" Yebin returned the giddy grin, and nodded her head at him. He bobbed his head towards the direction to the stage, and the two of them began to walk again.

Yebin wanted to experience everything she can for this festival. Some stalls looked to have some specialty snacks and drinks she would love to try. Her eyes sparkled when she spotted one particular booth. They were selling some... funnel cakes. She was already drooling over them, the sweet aroma of the fried dessert hitting her nostrils.

"Do you want me to buy you some?" Zach asked out fo the blue.

Yebin turned her attention back to the man. "A-Ah, no. I shouldn't—"

But he had already made an u-turn and went up to the funnel cake stall. Yebin could only scuffle behind him as he paid for the sugary treat. Once he had it in his hands, he gave it to her. "Have you ever had this before, Yebin?"

"Er, yes, we've had similar things in Korea, but not like this," Yebin chimed as she ripped off a still-hot piece of the cake. She popped it into her mouth and she swore she saw heaven's gates. She hummed in delight. "Oh my god, it's better than I expected!" She glanced up at Zach. "I will pay you back!"

Zach chuckled at her. "Don't. You already paid me and the band tenfold by joining us in the last minute. This is the least I could do for you, Yebin." He plucked off a bite for himself before he continued his stroll. Yebin fell into step with his, while happily munching on her treat. "Say, Yebin..."

"Yes?" She muffled out with cheeks full of the cake.

"Do you... have a b—"

"Guys! Come on, it's time for our practice session!" Diane called out to them. Her, Delilah, Malia, and Mikey stood just at the end of the pathway, looking back at them in confusion. "Brother, I thought you were supposed to bring her over."

Yebin picked up her pace and stood alongside Delilah, she held up her plate of the funnel cake. "We got distracted. Do you guys want some?" She asked them.

"Hell yeah!" Mikey exclaimed as he went to get a bite of the funnel cake. It was a bit too hard to rip off a piece of the treat with his one arm, so Diane ripped it for him. "Thank you, Yebiiin~"

"Thank Zach, he paid it for me," Yebin chimed, taking another delicious bite.

"Oh really?" Diane quipped, her brow raised while looking at her brother.

Delilah cut in, "Well! Now that we're altogether, let's make this last practice perfect. We have 14 other acts we need to outshine, so lets do our 110%!"

Everyone cheered to the drummer's words.

The band walked farther and reached the outdoor stage they will be performing on. The stage was humongous, at least the biggest Yebin would be performing on. While there was rows of seats in front, there was a large grassy area that many people have already begun settling down on.

Yebin followed after her group as they approached the backstage area of the stage.

"Excuse me! Sorry, excuse me! Excuse me!" Yebin slowed into a halt at the voice. It took her by surprise, as the words changed into Korean. As she turned around, she spotted an older Korean man trotting over to her.

She wasn't going to lie, joy washed over her to hear her native tongue after so long. "Are you talking to me, sir?" She replied back to the man in Korean. The man nodded, a smile to his lips as he caught up to her. "How did you know?"

"I had a feeling you were Korean," he chimed. He held up his palm towards Yebin. In his hand was a guitar pick.

Yebin gasped as she felt around in her jacket pocket. It must've fallen out by accident. She took the pick from his hands and held it to her chest. It wasn't even hers, of course, it was Mikey's. She would've felt horrible if she lost the pick... plus, what would she even play her guitar with?

"Thank you so much! You are a lifesaver," Yebin exhaled. "How can I repay you?"

"You don't have to," He uttered, waving his hand at her dismissively. "Are you going to be performing?"

"I am! I'm in the band, the Narcotics!" Yebin rubbed the back of her neck. "If I'm completely honest, I'm just the replacement for the band because their guitarist got injured."

"Ah, I see! I came in from out of state to watch this with my family. We'll be cheering your band on then," he replied with a nod. He hummed, before asking next. "I'm sorry, but you seem familiar in some way."

"How so?"

"Have you made... videos by any chance?"

Yebin's eyes widened. "I-I do! I usually do covers of old rock bands on my Instagram. Have you seen my stuff? LadyGodiva95?"

The older man clapped his hands in realization. "No wonder! I have, I have!" He then held a perplexed expression, his face evident that he was trying to remember something.

"Yebin Park!" Delilah was calling her from behind.

Oh yeah, she has held up her band long enough. She gave the man an apologetic glance. "I'm so sorry, but I have to go into practice with my band now. It was really lovely talking to you, sir. Made me remember how to speak Korean after not talking it in a while. Thank you again, er, please cheer on the Narcotics loudly!"

Yebin gave the man one last farewell wave before bolting over to the rest of her awaiting group. With that, the Narcotics finally reached the backstage, ready to begin their practice session.

A couple hours later, the grand concert had begun.

A variety of performances has taken the stage. Dance crews, DJs, solo singers. The Narcotics were at an advantage as there were only two other bands performing. More so an advantage as they were scheduled as the last of the bands to perform, fourth to the very last.

With Mikey and Malia watching from the side stage, Yebin, Delilah, Diane, and Zach prepared themselves behind the curtain while the host began the introduction for their band. Yebin could feel her heart racing a hundred miles per hour, her hands firm on the electric guitar. She glimpsed over to her band mates and they gave each other supportive looks.

Yebin beamed.

That's right, she wasn't alone this time. She had people to perform with.




The introduction finished, it was her cue to go. Yebin started, her guitar licks blasting through the speakers for everyone to hear. She heard the cheers, the excitement radiating off the audience as the curtains swayed open.

She was in her zone, falling deep into her performance along with her bandmates.

It was euphoria.

How long has it been since she got to play in front of people? She couldn't help but smile so bright, as if the sun never left them. The way the audience could dance and sing along to their performance was everything she could hope for. It was always so satisfying whenever she could put a smile on someone's face with her songs.

The Narcotics finished off their 4-song setlist with an original song written by Delilah. Yebin glowed with pride, seeing so much people throughly enjoy the never-before-heard tune.

They have succeeded, and they thrived. The four bandmates gathered together at the front of the stage and gave their final bow, while the crowd burst with cheers.

"We are the Narcotics!"

"Please, continue to support us through our social media handles!"

"Thank you!"

Yebin, Diane, Zach, and Delilah clambered off the stage, tackling the awaiting two in crushing hugs. They were drunk with delight.

They know they killed it, just as they prepared it.

They stayed around and watched the rest of the concert, bopping and cheering along just like everyone else.

Yebin had to admit, this was very healing. Just letting the music control her, she was in her element. Nothing else but music could ever put her in an instant good mood.

Finally... she felt like she could return back home without any heavy, depressing feelings. This event felt like the perfect farewell to her time in America.

The concert ended without a hitch. The crowd began to disperse as the night sky had finally greeted them. At that point, The Narcotics thought it was a good time to dip too, stomachs yelling for food after their hard work. With their instruments in hand, the band started their way through the park to return to their cars.

In that moment, Yebin's phone buzzed in her jacket pocket. She slowed down her pace, slightly struggling to take out her phone while trying to balance the guitar on her back. She didn't think she could feel happier until she spotted a particular name flash on her phone.

| Youngho 🌟 |

YH: Park Yebin
U have some nerve

Yebin blinked in confusion. What could he possibly mean by that?

YH: confused?
maybe care to explain
how i saw you perform?

Yebin's mouth fell agape. Ah. The concert was broadcasted. He must've ended up watching and seeing her on stage. She groaned under her breath, she wasn't planning Youngho about all this yet. There was way too much to tell him now.

She planned on telling him everything once they both return to Korea...

She stared at the brightly lit screen, trying to figure out to tell him. Where would she start?

YH: why aren't you replyingg
i see you reading these! 😤
don't just stand there staring
blankly at your phone.
who's guitar do you even have?
That's not yours!

Yebin's heart shook. Eyes widening, she read Youngho's message over and over. Did she read it right? Was she misinterpreting it?

How the hell does he know what she's doing right now?

YH: to your right, yebin

Yebin whipped her head to that direction, a little too fast she nearly gotten whiplash. Her breath caught in her throat, as she noticed the tall stature of a man merely feet away from her.

Was she breathing?

She didn't think so.

There stood Suh Youngho. Just there, in the flesh. In New York?

Despite all the madness, Youngho gazed at her with a warm smile to his lips.

Just how?

How could he just look so warm like that, just when she hid all of this from him?

In her paralyzed state, Youngho walked closer until he was just in front of her. Yebin stared up at him, unsure what to say at the moment.

It didn't help that he looked as handsome as ever.

"By the way, Park Yebin," Youngho started, their eyes meeting. Yebin pursed her lips, dreading what he was going to say next. That she lied? That she was crazy?

But, no, Yebin could have never imagined what'd he actually say.

And honestly, it drove her more mad than before.

"I missed you too."

Johnny has returned and they have met ☺️ so we'll be able to see more of him and Yebin together in the next chapter. Such a cliche scene, but it couldn't be helped!

The chapter was a lil bit rushed but I just wanted to get everything in~

Again, if you enjoyed the chapter, please leave a vote and some comments about your thoughts and whatnot!

Until the next update then ☺️

PS: also HAVE YALL SEEN THE DREAMIES COMEBACK? My fave songs from the album is probably Love Again and 7 Days, but I might have to do a relisten 😊

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