Chapter 1 - The Escape

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He was floating in darkness...

"Project PK-HMH is stable again. We will wait until it has woken up more, then commence with the next experiment."

How had he ended up here?

"The organism is waking up now. We shall begin another trial."

Why was it him?

"Project PK-HMH appears to be growing unstable once more. I suggest we cease experimentation for today."

They always hurt him...

"Inject a stabiliser, then continue the test. Our research cannot be dependent on the whims on such a creature."

He had to escape...

"Stabiliser is ready... hm?"

He had to escape!

"Warning! We're measuring critical levels of psychic energy! If this continues, it might- AAAH!"

Ivory eyelids tore open as blue eyes frantically glanced around the room, while he felt his powers burst out of his hands and his mind uncontrollably. Glass shattered and objects he couldn't have known the name of were torn apart, as shockwave after shockwave of energy raced through the room. In front of him, he felt reality tear, opening up into a portal coloured bright purple. He wasted no time. With what little strength he had left in his body, he flung himself into it, not caring about its destination as long as he got away from there. With the experiment disappearing in its depth, the portal closed after him, leaving behind a room filled with destruction.

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