Chapter 3 - The Meeting

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Silver shot back from the surprise, nearly toppling over while almost launching the rubble into the pile before managing to stop himself. A survivor! Realising that that was exactly what he desired, Silver took a deep breath to recover, then gently dropped the rubble he was holding as to not appear threatening, though making sure it was still within reach in case the person turned out to be hostile. "Sorry about that," Silver chuckled sheepishly, "I thought you were a monster lying in wait to attack me." He crouched down once more in order to see the figure better. "May I ask who you are?"

From what Silver could see, instead of calming the person down his words seemed to have the opposite effect. The figure pushed themselves back into the alcove as much as possible, and Silver thought he could see clear terror in the other's gaze, though the shadows the figure was shrouded in made it hard to tell. He decided to try once more. "Hey, I'm not going to hurt you. I would just like to talk a little," he murmured softly.

With the figure still refusing to come out from underneath the debris, Silver weighted his options. He could either try to talk the other out of there, or he could lift the entire pile and expose them that way. Feeling himself growing impatient, he decided to go with the latter option, though he decided to warn the other person first. He had learned long ago that most people didn't really appreciate it when objects randomly started floating around them.

"Listen, I'm going to lift up these rocks, then we can talk face-to-face. I hope that's no problem." Silver's clumsy choice of words made him grimace, of course it would be a problem. The person would have come out of there long ago if it hadn't been. Sighing softly, he focused his mind on the rubble, and lifted it up easily. However, the sight of the person underneath it made him nearly drop the rubble on top of them again in surprise.

The best way Silver could describe the figure was as a young male hedgehog... that looked nearly identical to him. Silver often got teased by his friends about his simple-mindedness and lack of observational skills, but even he could tell that the similarities were uncanny. The other hedgehog had the exact same five quills on his forehead, and Silver thought he could catch sight of the two he had on the back on his own head as well. Though a multitude of injures alongside mud and dirt coating the other's fur made it hard to discern, Silver could have sworn that they had almost exactly the same light grey fur. However he could also see some differences between them, such as the blue eyes he noticed earlier, and most notably the wild and bright orange chest fur in place of his much more tame white fluff.

The lookalike cried out in fear and tried to scramble away the moment Silver lifted the rubble, but collapsed only inches from his original spot, another wail getting ripped from his lungs. From his mannerisms and the cuts and scrapes littering his body Silver could tell that the figure was injured and in a lot of pain. He felt his heart cry out in empathy for the other, and his mind raced to find a way to help him.

Placing the debris a safe distance away, Silver quickly removed his backpack and searched for the medical supplies that were in there, wanting to offer them to the whimpering person lying in front of him. At the time he had objected to his friends giving him so many of the resources of the Restoration, claiming that they needed it more than he did, but now he was grateful for their vigilance. Haphazardly pushing aside books, food articles, and the Miles Electric Tails had designed for him, Silver found the first aid kit he was searching for. Yanking it out of the bag, he turned towards the other once more, crouching down a bit away from him to not appear threatening.

"You're injured. Please, let me help you." All Silver got in response was a terrified glare. Deeming the other too hurt and exhausted to lash out at him even if he wanted to, Silver got a bit closer, talking gently to calm him down. The other flinched and squeaked as Silver touched his shoulder, but relaxed the slightest bit when Silver kept softly murmuring and stroking his fur. He didn't react negatively other than a scared squeal and some whimpers when Silver pulled out creams and bandages and announced he would use them to heal him, which he considered a greenlight to continue.

With the survivor being patched up quickly enough with no further issues, Silver grabbed his backpack once more, then hoisted him up and let him lean on his shoulder as he searched for a place where he could set up a safe camp. Eventually he found a sheltered nook between some collapsed buildings. With some quick use of his psychokinesis more rocks and plates were placed against the niche to make it wind- and snowproof, as well as offering some more protection against potential attacks. Silver still had a difficult time believing that the world was entirely void of hostile creatures, especially looking at the injuries his find had sustained.

The hedgehog-like creature that was with him had quieted down his whimpering, now only trembling and staring as Silver swiftly created a small sleeping area with the sleeping bag and pillow he found in his backpack. Figuring the other would have to be freezing in the cold temperatures, he also searched through the backpack for clothing, finding the coat Amy had tried to give him and he had declined numerous times. Her foresight made him immensely relieved, and he cheerfully offered the lookalike the cloth. The other stared at it in a mixture of fear and wonder, and Silver awkwardly kept holding it out towards him for a few seconds more before realising that he would probably not get a reaction. Taking matters in his own hands, he wrapped it around the other's shoulders and torso, before gently pushing him down to sit on the sleeping bag.

"I'm going to start a fire, then we can be warm and I can prepare some food, alright?" The other still didn't react. It made Silver sigh disheartedly. Bundling up layers of snow outside with his powers to be able to put the fire out instantly if it got out of hand, he grabbed the fire-starting kit (an invention of Tails as well; the best fire with no fuel or anything needed, the fox had told him proudly), and prepared to turn it on. As he did that he let his thoughts wander. Who is this person? Why does he look so much like me? And how come he doesn't talk? What caused him to be injured like that?

Deciding that for now he probably wouldn't find any answers, Silver returned his attention to the matter at hand. With the fire quickly turning the alcove more comfortably warm, he had enough time to study the survivor from the corner of his eye. The creature, for his part, was looking at the fire as if he had never seen anything like it. Silver figured that with all the snow and ice coating the world outside their small safe haven he probably never had. It reminded him of himself, the first time he had travelled back to the past and witnessed all the beauty and wonder it had to offer, though he was much less terrified at that time that his lookalike was now. He felt a pang go through his heart at the memory.

With the silence quickly becoming unbearable, Silver decided he might as well chat a little more with the survivor. He hoped that if he talked enough, the other would eventually respond, or at least be a little less terrified of him. "For food I have cans of, uh... beans? And some premade packaged meals. And I also have soup! It might taste kind of bland, though, since it needs to be prepared in such a way that it doesn't spoil... but which would you prefer?"

Silver looked at the creature hopefully when he spoke his question, but he might as well have been talking to a very scared wall that was afraid of making a single wrong movement. The other still didn't respond, or even show any sign that he understood what was being said to him. Silver sighed inwardly. This was going to be a long night...

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