Beautiful Beginnings

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© All copyrights belong to StarsAndMoon1447 on Wattpad


Previously, this chapter was called 'The Day After The Night Before' because I come up with weird names. :D


WARNING: Mature content ahead. Skip if you are uncomfortable, but remember that this book is rated 'Mature'.



"You want to get changed?" Hamza asked.

"No, I was thinking that I could stay in this very comfortable dress all night." I smiled, teasingly.

"Cool, but make sure you keep the jewellery on as well, yeah? To ensure maximum comfort." He chuckled as lay on the bed beside me, propped up on his elbow. He sat up. "Actually, before you get changed, I should give you the moun-dikhai that I had selected for you." He reached into the bedside drawer and pulled out a small gift wrapped in a silver wrapping paper. "For you, Mrs Hamza." 

I took the box for him. "This time I'll open it and see it myself, rather than ask you what it is." 

He placed his hand on mine and took the gift from me and unwrapped it, before handing me the box, which itself was beautiful. 

As I opened the box, my eyeswidened. It was a beautiful silver charm bracelet, with blue topaz stones ineach individual charm. One charm was the letter 'H', another was a teddy bear,a motorcycle and a plane- special and meaningful parts of our life together. 

"I know you love your charm bracelet, and this is not a replacement. This is just one from me, based on the Tale of Hania and Hamza." 

"It's beautiful." I whispered.

"I'm going to cheesify this scene and say 'not more than you'." He grabbed my wrist and began to rub his thumb over my skin, sending tingles up my arm.

I stared at him and then reached up to place my hand on his cheek. And then, for some reason, I ran my fingers down from his forehead, over his nose and onto his lips. My gaze stopped on that gorgeous mouth of his as well, and all I wanted was to feel his mouth, kissing me all over. Returning my gaze to his chocolate brown eyes, I decided to take the first step.

"Sometimes, it's just that initial move that's the hardest, but once you take that first step, you'll get comfortable automatically." Mama's advice was repeating in my mind.

I reached up and started pulling out the pins that were holding my dupatta in place, barely even blinking as I stared at my husband. A few seconds later, the dupatta slid off my head, falling onto the bed behind me. He reached up and pulled off my maang tika gently, the jewellery adorning my forehead. He then sat up facing me, placing both his hands on my cheeks. Leaning forward, he kissed the spot where the tika had been resting just moments ago.

My breathing increased rapidly, and simultaneously, so did my heartbeat. I guess shy Hani had just woken up and had realised what was about to happen between me and Hamza.

I felt him pull at my earring and I closed my eyes, breathing in the scent of his cologne as he practically embraced me while trying to remove the jewellery from my ears.

I winced a little as he took off my second earring.

"Sorry. Did I hurt you?" 

I shook my head, too overwhelmed by desire to say a word. 

"I love you, Hania Hamza." He whispered, tossing my earrings towards the bedside table, along with the tika, before placing his lips against mine.

In my head, as we kissed fairy dust showered around us, surrounding us in its glittering glory as we lost ourselves in each other. I felt like we were soaring high above the rest of the world, in the gentle clouds, underneath the starry night, with moonlight providing a natural spotlight. I felt like we were defying gravity, as we floated among the stars, locked in a powerful embrace, in each other.

I loved Disney films, I loved fairy tales, and I absolutely believed in Happily Ever Afters. I was starting to believe that Hamza was my Prince Charming, and that I was about to start a life that I'd always dreamt of. Yes, people have called me 'stupid' for being such a dreamer, but I didn't care. My life was a story written by Allah Himself, and I have faith that the Greatest of Writers will write me a beautiful story, complete with a Happily Ever After. My whole existence was because of pure and unconditional love, and I hoped to achieve the same in my own life.

Hamza pulled back, and it was time to remove my necklace. His hands brushed the skin of my neck as he unclasped the heavy necklace, and my skin felt on fire at his touch. He moved closer and leaned down until his lips were softly touching my neck, moving down to my collarbone. He kissed the hollow spot at the base of my throat, and I clenched at the bedsheets because my need for him was becoming almost unbearable. 

"Hamza?" I reached up to pull the pins from my hair, loosening it and causing it to fall around my face. 

"Hmm?" He kept kissing my neck like his life depended on it.

"I have something special for you." I told him as he began to work on removing my bangles and kangan. 

"What is it?" 

Smiling, I pulled away from him and got up, lifting my heavy lehenga. He had to get up and help me up because the dress was heavier than me- or, at least, it seemed that way. Pulling my dupatta along with me, I headed to the walk-in wardrobe and headed for the shelves that had been dedicated to my things.

Prepare to have your mind blown, Hamza Daniyal. I couldn't help smiling as I bent down to open the box. 




I decided to change as well, as I waited for Hania to return. 

Our walk-in wardrobe was linked to the bathroom, and I heard water running, so it was clear that Hania was going to clean up properly before she returned.

I wonder what she has planned for me.

I switched my stupid phone off and tossed it into a drawer. There would be no interruptions tonight.

I was standing by the window a few minutes later, staring out at the quiet street, when I heard the door open behind me. I turned and I actually blinked, surprised in the most pleasant way possible.

Hania Hamza was standing there, seeming wearing just a zipped-up black leather jacket over her underwear. Her hair was up in a high ponytail, and she had removed all of her wedding make-up, replacing it with dark eyeliner that strongly emphasised her big brown eyes. The henna covered hands and feet, as well as the red nail polish, were a strong contrast to the bad girl appearance that she was giving off in general.

A grin slowly appeared on my face as I discovered the new, bold side of her.

As she walked up to me, she unzipped the jacket, slowly and seductively. As the zip descended, I caught a sight of black lace and I knew that this girl had dangerous plans tonight. But then the zip got stuck, and she frowned, glancing down at it.

I chuckled at her adorableness. Of course the real Hania had to shine through all this, and I was loving every moment of it. I walked over to her, wearing just low rise black trousers. Her gaze lifted up and seemed to freeze on my torso, her cheeks turning pink. "Let me help you with that." I reached out to help her, my fingers brushing the soft skin of her stomach as I yanked lightly. The jacket fell open revealing the s*xy black lingerie that was just begging me to tear it off.

I pressed my forehead against hers as I helped her take the jacket off, and it fell to the floor at our feet.

She rested her hands against my shoulders, closing her eyes, the rapid rising and falling of her chest gaining my attention. I put my hands on her bare waist, and she gasped softly. 

"I love you. Don't feel pressured to do something that you're not ready to do." 

"I love you too, Hamza. And I'm ready." She opened her eyes and looked up at me, biting her lower lip. 

I scooped her up in my arms, causing her to shriek. Her hair hung long and loose, looking black in the dim light of the table lamps. Walking her over to the bed, I set her down gently, before leaning over her. She put her hand on my cheek again and I turned my head to kiss her wrist.

I sat back, and just stared at her, up and down her body. She had closed her eyes once again, and her hand was curled in a fist over her stomach as if she was nervous. I gently moved it aside, and brushed my own fingers against her stomach, the gentle curve of her slight belly. It was hard to believe that I had every right over this gorgeous girl, as she did over me.

I covered her body with mine, leaning my weight mostly on my arms, and began to kiss her shoulders and neck. She gasped out my name, her hands sliding up my back. With every kiss, she seemed to be fighting for control against her desires, whereas my own body was reacting extremely positively to beautiful wife of mine.

"I'm going to use protection because we should create better understanding between each other before Hania Junior or Hamza Junior joins us. You okay with that?" I whispered in her ear.

She nodded. "Hamza, I...I'm sorry if I'm not good..." 

"This is my first time as well, so I can't judge if it's good or bad." I laughed teasingly to ease her nerves. "So, I apologise as well in advance." I looked carefully at her. "But please let me know if there comes a point when you just want me to stop." I grabbed a packet from the drawer and opened it, before reaching for my trousers. 

Hania kept her eyes closed as I adjusted the protection. I turned off the lights and got into bed, and this time when my body covered hers, and as my lips pressed against hers, I tugged her underwear down, taking away all barriers between us.

Kissing her repeatedly all over her neck and shoulders, I muttered calming words to her constantly, before I finally entered her.

She cried out, her nails digging into my back and for a few moments I was worried that that I had caused her serious damage or something. But then the cries turned into sounds of pleasure, and then we lost ourselves in each other, making love into the wee hours of the night and creating a new and unbreakable bond between us.



When I woke up the next morning, I sighed blissfully. Last night had been amazing, a beautiful beginning of our eternal relationship, In Sha Allah.

I realised that I was alone in the room and I sat up, holding the bedsheets against myself. "Hamza?" 

He wasn't in the room, and when I had a look, he wasn't in the bathroom either. 

Last night, Rabia had shown me where everything was kept, so I had a nice, long shower, letting the warm water relax my tense muscles. I dried off and changed into one of my post-marriage outfits, gifted to me by my in-laws. This one was a short peach kameez with lace borders, white capris-style shalwar and a peach lace dupatta with white high heel sandals. Leaving my hair loose around my shoulders, I put on my silver earrings, and headed downstairs.

Hamza was in the drawing room with Daniyal Uncle, Rabia, and Iman, Ismael and Omar Bhai, who had all come to give us breakfast. My husband looked up as I walked in and gave me a wink, making me blush. Flashes of last night made me want to run out of the room, unable to face anyone, but I stayed strong and remained in the room.

"Appi!" Iman squealed excitedly as she rushed up to meet me, throwing her arms around me.

"Assalam Alaikum!" I kept my arm around my little sister as I greeted everyone, not looking at Hamza to avoid my cheeks turning a deeper shade of red.

"Walaikum Assalam!" Everyone replied.

"How are Mama and Papa?" I asked Iman. "Is Mama okay now?" 

"She slept in your room last night." Iman rolled her eyes. "She was very sad, but also happy for you, if that makes sense."

We all had a nice breakfast together before my cousins and Iman left, saying that there was a lot to be done before the Valima tonight. I was so grateful that Rabia was here at least, because she was basically the only close female on this side and I needed her. And she was such a nice and sweet person, always smiling and willing to help.

Hamza disappeared again after breakfast and I wondered what he was up to. This time, I went to search for him. 

"Hamza?" I opened the door to the garage and froze.

That irritatingly hot husband of mine was leaning by his motorcycle, shirtless, fixing it up. I gripped the door handle, my heart beat increasing as I watched those amazing muscles... Oh, calm down hormonal Hania. You just had a long and passionate night last night, and you're already yearning for more...

I cleared my throat to make him aware of my presence.

He turned and smiled. "Hi there, Mrs Hamza."

"Why do you keep disappearing on me?" I pouted, walking over.

He crossed his arms over his chest, watching me in amusement, his biceps bulging and his abs almost taunting my inability to stop checking him out. But then I noticed the deep looking scratch across his forearm, and it seemed quite fresh.

"What happened?" I looked at the bike and saw that it was visibly damaged, not too much but just enough to be noticeable. "Hamza?"

"I went out on my bike after Fajr." He cleared his throat. "I got sleepy and sort of lost my balance and fell off it, causing it to fall on me." 

"Allah! Are you okay?" Worriedly, I put my hands on his biceps, glancing at him up and down. "Hamza!"

"I'm fine." He held up his arm with the scratch. "Got away with this, and one of my babies got hurt. That's all."

"Are you sure you're okay?" I felt bad now. "Wait. One of your babies? Care to explain?" 

"One is this beauty," He nodded towards the bike. "The other one is the bike I have in the UK, and the third one is Hamia Hamza." He met my gaze and I almost died at his words. "You look very, very beautiful, Hania. Ma Sha Allah."

"But why were you out after Fajr?" My eyes were filled up with compassion for my husband. 

"I just....I just needed some fresh air, that's all." He averted my gaze.

"Hamza, what's wrong? Please be honest with me." I was worried sick about him.

He sighed. "Hania, just remember, this isn't your fault." 


"Hear me out before you react, okay?" He turned around, and I saw the scratch marks on his back...the ones that I'd caused during our activities last night.

"Oh my God, I hurt you." I couldn't stop a tear from slipping out.

"It's not that. I was in intense pain because of the scar that was not caused by you." 

I glanced further down and noticed a gash that I hadn't noticed before, which seemed to have freshly opened up, possibly because of my scratching. "How did you get that?" My own voice seemed unfamiliar to me, as I saw the scar in shock.

"The one time Mum physically hurt me, she left a physical scar." 

I gasped, pressing a hand against my mouth. "S-She did that to you?" 

"Hania." He turned back around to face me. "I don't want to talk about it. My past is s**t, no doubt, but it's my past and I want to just end this topic right now, okay? I've moved on, and I just want this to remain a closed chapter." 

I wanted to argue, but I didn't. I didn't want to cause him further and unnecessary pain. "Okay, I won't ask further questions, but I'm here if you want to talk, okay?" 

He pulled me into his arms and I blushed against, the feel of his bare skin again bringing flashbacks of last night. "Thank you, Han. That's enough for me, knowing that you're here." He gave me a small smile. "Don't feel sorry for me, babe. My scars make me stronger."

I kissed his cheek, and rested my head against his chest for a while.

"You're an idiot." I lightly slapped his chest, breaking the few moments of peaceful silence. "If you ever hide your pain from me again, I'll... I'll..." I paused as I thought about a potential threat. "I'll steal your bike and run away!"

He laughed loudly. "You'd what?! My Hania riding a motorcycle? That's something I would love to see."

"You wouldn't see me! That's the whole point of stealing. I'd ride off in the middle of the night."

He smiled. "I was stupid. I rode my bike while I was sleepy. This was bound to happen."

I grabbed his arm and started examining the scratch. "I'll have Papa have a look at this tonight. I don't want this to be anything to worry about."

"Han, it's just a scratch."

I glared at him. "Do not argue with a worried wife!" 

He pulled me back closer by tugging my arm. We were just inches apart and I felt shy at his shirtless proximity. He wrapped his arms around me again and I pressed my forehead against his chest, blushing. I felt him kiss the top of my head and I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I just realised that we hadn't even had our first morning kiss yet." He said, huskily, using his thumb and index finger to lift my head up by the chin. He leaned down and slowly pressed his lips against mine. I closed my eyes and lost myself in the deep and romantic kiss, forgetting about everything and everyone around us. My heartbeat was completely out of control, and my body was reacting very positively to his hands, one of which rested on my waist, while the other was tangled up in my hair.


We jumped apart hearing Daniyal Uncle's voice from somewhere inside the house. Blushing, I turned and ran into the house before he could have seen us together. One look at us and he would have figured out what we had been up to.

I was starting to realise how much truly my mother-in-law had hurt my Hamza, and I promised myself that I would try my best to heal the wounds left by his past. I know that I could never fully remove them from his life, given the fact that his mother inflicted them, but I would do my best to help him in the recovery as much as possible.

I hate seeing him in pain, Allah. Please help me heal him. Ameen.


Rabia and I went to the parlour to get ready for the Valima. Daniyal Uncle picked her up once she was ready, and I was waiting for Hamza to pick me up so that we could go to the wedding hall together. 

My dress today was an ice blue maxi-lehenga. The maxi itself was floor length, with a slit on the side, with ombre shades of blue at the bottom. The entire outfit had silver embroidery and a stunning silver border. The dupatta was dark blue, like in the ombre shades of the maxi, and again the border was silver and absolutely beautiful. This was selected by Rabia, as a lot of the times, the Valima outfit was gifted by the in-laws. My heels were high enough to challenge the Eiffel Tower, it seemed, and I stumbled five times at least as I made my way inside the hall, forcing Hamza to hold onto me. Hamza, himself, wore a navy blue suit that complimented the colour of my dress perfectly.

Strangely enough, Hamza and I were the first ones there, apart from Rabia and Daniyal Uncle, so Rabia took me to the bridal room, while Uncle took my husband God knows where. I had a bit of a photo shoot, where I posed as the shy bride that I was, before Uncle called Rabia to tell her that it was time for me and Hamza to go into the hall.

My heart was pounding hard in my chest. I had been eagerly awaiting the moment that I got to see my family again, but now I was almost nervous.

Outside the hall, Hamza held out his arm and I slid mine through his as the hall staff opened the door for us to walk through. It was dark, with a spotlight over us.

"Ya Allah! Hamza, if I trip, it will be so embarrassing." I whispered. "Literally everyone is watching, and it will be recorded on the video and countless smartphones."

He laughed.

"Shh! You're not meant to laugh. We're meant to look perfectly poised!" I looked up at him and saw him grinning cheekily at me.

I didn't trip but he winced and groaned quietly, making me realised that he was hurt worse than he had let on earlier. "What's wrong? Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine, don't worry." He muttered, but I felt him lean slightly towards me, as if for support. I used all my strength to make sure that he didn't collapse, and forced a smile on my face as I quickened our steps to lead him to the stage to sit.

We sat down, the lights came back on and I looked at him, worriedly. His jaw was clenched and his hands were curled up in fists. "Hamza..." 

"Appi!" Iman rushed up to me as if she hadn't just met me this morning. She was acting really out of character. I expected her to be all indifferent and afraid to show emotion, as usual, but she seemed to have really missed me. She wore an off-white heavily embroidered short kameez with sheer sleeves, and with plain off-white slim-fit trousers. Her hair was loose, and she wore smokey eyed make-up which looked stunning. She threw her arms around me. "Ma Sha Allah! You look stunning!" 

My parents looked like the perfect power couple as they came up to the stage. Mama wore a stunning golden lace sari, with a heavy gold necklace, and golden kangan that had been passed down to her from Dado. Her hair was pinned back from her face, and her make-up was of natural shades, enhancing her natural beauty, if that made sense. Papa wore a black suit, the handsome surgeon. Ma Sha Allah. May Allah protect my parents from evil eyes. Ameen.

Hamza composed himself and I stood up to meet my parents. I hugged Papa first, feeling as if I hadn't seen him in a long time. "Assalam Alaikum, Papa, Mama."

"Walaikum Assalam." They both replied, as Papa kissed the top of my head.

"My Hani!" Mama's familiar jasmine scent hit me hard as we hugged, making me want to cry.

"Mama!" I gave her a tight hug. "Papa can't keep his eyes off you." I whispered.

"Hani!" She told me off, just as quietly.

I giggled, pulling back.

"Ma Sha Allah!" She put her hands on my shoulders, staring at me with a small smile. "You look gorgeous."

"It's no mystery where she gets her looks from, Aunty." Hamza grinned. "You can easily be their elder sister."

Mama's cheeks turned pink and she shook her head. 

"Lose the charm, kid. You're already married to our daughter." Papa raised an eyebrow. "No need for extra buttering up."

We all laughed.

And then Hamza doubled over with pain.

"Hamza!" I grabbed his arm immediately. "What's wrong?!" I panicked and looked at my father. "Papa!" 

He wrapped Hamza's arm around his shoulders, and Omar Bhai appeared on the other side, and the two of them led him out of the room. There was a bridal room built just across the hall, and they went there. Mama, Daniyal Uncle and I followed, while Arhaan Mamu asked everyone else to wait in the hall.

"What happened?" Papa was asking Hamza. "Where is it hurting?"

"Mama..." Terrified, I looked at my mother, who wrapped an arm around my shoulders. 

Hamza took off his jacket and took a shallow breath, as if in a lot of pain and I couldn't stop crying, seeing him like that. "I...I was in an accident last night. I went out on my bike somewhere..."

"To get me some cake!" I jumped in, to stop him from looking bad in front of my parents. It generally looked dodgy for a man to ride off on his bike alone on his wedding night. "I wanted some chocolate fudge cake."

When Hamza looked at me, I almost reeled back because of the passion in his eyes, and he gave me a tiny smile. "I fell on my side, and I sort of ignored the bruise on my waist."

How had I missed it? I had seen him shirtless, but I missed the bruise! Had I really been that busy checking him out to pay attention to what really mattered?!

"I need to see it, Hamza." Papa told him, quietly. "If that's okay with you."

"You want to wait outside?" Mama whispered to me. 

Yep, I definitely did. This was going to end up being a very awkward situation otherwise, being in the same room as my father and my shirtless husband.

Mama and I headed out and waited in the hallway.

"You okay, my love?" She asked me, looking concerned.

"I'm exhausted, Mama." I sighed, leaning back against the wall.

"I remember the feeling." She smiled, nostalgically.

My eyes widened as I wondered if she thought I was talking about...those activities that occur on a wedding night. No, you weirdo. She meant as a bride, clearly. Right?

Papa came out a few minutes later.

"Is he okay?!" I asked, worried.

"The bruise seems superficial, but it will hurt for a few days. I recommended taking pain killers and a cream that I've asked him to get. He should be fine within a few days." He replied, holding out an arm for me. I moved closer and hugged him. "Don't worry, meri jaan."

"It's nothing serious, right?"

He shook his head. "No, but if the pain doesn't stop in three days maximum, take him to the hospital and have it looked at." 

Hamza came out then, pulling on his jacket, followed by Daniyal Uncle. "Sorry for the drama, guys. Shall we continue the Valima?"

I glared at him.

"What?" He pretended to look innocent.

I shook my head in disapproval, wordlessly.

"I don't think my son has fully grown up yet, Fawad." Daniyal Uncle sighed. "I apologise."

"Then I guess they make the perfect match." Mama looked at me, with a teasing smile, putting a hand on my shoulder.

Our parents laughed and I narrowed my eyes at Hamza as he winked at me.

"Shall we?" Daniyal Uncle pointed towards the hall, and the three parents walked in, leaving me and Hamza alone.

"How are you downplaying this, you jerk? You should have told me how much pain you were in!" I shoved Hamza lightly.


"You scared me so badly! I thought... Allah! I thought..." I couldn't finish the sentence as I realised how terrified I truly had been.

He grabbed me by my wrists suddenly, pulling me towards himself. "This is why I didn't tell you. I hate seeing this scared, upset look on your face. My beautiful Hani should always be smiling... or blushing, but never afraid, never sad. I didn't marry you to put you through hell, but by marrying you I need to protect you from everything bad, everything negative."

"Not when you're in pain, Hamza. I don't want you to ever suffer through your pain alone."

He smiled and pulled me towards himself, kissing me there while there was a hallway full of our family and friends just behind a door. "I love you, and I promise that I will confide in you the next time."

"I love you too." I returned his kiss, still worried. I didn't want him to keep hiding his pain from me. I was his wife, and he needed to learn to share things with me. I just hope we become close enough to automatically tell each other everything.


I hope Hania & Hamza's romantic night was good enough. I find it really difficult to write such scenes.

Ugh, I want Hania's Valima dress, it's so gorgeous! :( 

Thoughts and comments?

Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote!

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