Mother's Reflection

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© All copyrights belong to StarsAndMoon1447 on Wattpad


Hamia pictured in the photo above.



I clutched Hamia against me as I silently sobbed. 

I want Mama.

I was so sick and tired of being sick and tired. I had been throwing up tirelessly all morning, even though I had been so sleepy. Hamza was currently busy talking to the nurse who he had hired to take care of Uncle, who was now home.

I reached for my phone on the bedside table, and began clicked on my contacts. My parents, Hamza and Mani were in my favourites, and my thumb hovered over Mama's name. For both my parents' numbers, I had chosen photos that included both of them, because of their absolute close relationship. I could never even imagine one of them without the other, and may Allah never let me witness that day. 

No, I'm married now. I can't disturb Mama for every little thing. I'm about to be a mother myself, so I need to become more responsible.

Yes, but this is my first pregnancy, and I need my mother, so shut up, Hania.

No, I won't shut up! Let Mama relax now. Stop acting like a baby! 

But she told me to call her whenever I needed her!

Hania, grow up!

No! I need my Mama, and that's all I know right now. 

I sat up, wiping my tears away. Nausea was overwhelming me and I glanced towards the bathroom weakly. 

Suddenly, the bedroom door opened, and Hamza walked in, carrying a tray. "Hey, beautiful lady." He set the tray down on the bedside table and I saw dried toast and a glass of water in it. "I heard you throwing up, and I googled this. The NHS website recommends that you eat something like dried toast or plain biscuits before you get out of bed, to help you with morning sickness." He grinned at me. "The Internet is a blessing for us modern husbands." 



"You are amazing, and I really, really love you." I said, biting into one of the toasts. "But I was thinking that if I could go and stay with Mama for a few days. Dado is there as well, and they both can help me. You are so busy and stressed anyway, and I could really use maternal advice." 

He nodded. "I was thinking the same thing, but I didn't want your family to think that I can't handle your responsibility." 

"They would never think that about you now, Hamza. You have proven yourself to them, and to me, repeatedly." 

"I'm so sorry, Hania. I wish I could help you out a bit more, but Papa..." He looked genuinely guilty.

I put my free hand on his. "Don't be silly. I know that he needs you right now, as well as his business. I understand, Hamza. It's okay. Please don't embarrass me by apologising. It makes me feel like a stereotypical Bahu." 

He stood up, and leaned down to kiss my forehead. "Eat up and keep drinking fluids, especially water. I'm around anyway, but phone me if necessary, okay? I'll drop you off at your parents' house in the evening." 

I nodded. 

He glanced down towards my stomach and grinned. "I still can't believe that I'm going to be a Papa, Han. In Sha Allah! I can't wait to tell Papa. He'll be absolutely overjoyed!" 

"I told Iman. Is that okay?" I winced. "I'm sorry, I should have discussed this with you earlier." 

"You just told her now? I would have thought you'd told her earlier." He crossed his arms over his chest, staring down at me. "But seriously, if it was the old Iman, I might have not liked it, but she is a different person now, responsible and mature. And I can tell that she genuinely and truly loves you, so it's not an issue with me." 

"Aww, such an understanding husband." I got off the bed, stumbling a little, holding onto him. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I rested my head against his chest. "I'm madly in love with you." 

"I love you too, Han My Jaan." He hugged me as if I was teddy Hamia, rather than human Hania.


Hamza wrapped his arm around me as he led me from his car to the front door of my parents' home. 

I couldn't wait to tightly hug Mama, and completely let her take care of me. 

However, I was in for a surprise when we went inside. 

Iman opened the front door, and grinned in surprise. "Oh, hey! I guess you heard about Mama?" 

"What about her?" I asked, puzzled.

"She's going to Lahore for a week for Ahad Mamu's birthday. She was going to call you and tell you, but she's been busy doing grocery shopping for the house so that everything is stocked up while she is away." Iman explained as we walked into the living room.

My heart sank in disappointment. Mama was leaving? I looked at Hamza, who kept his expressions neutral. I was glad that he hadn't brought my luggage yet, otherwise Mama was the sort of person who would have cancelled her trip for my sake. 

"Oh, um... Hamza and I were in the neighbourhood, so we thought we'd come and say hello. Where's Mama? Is she still out shopping?" 

"No, she just got back home. I think she headed straight up to shower." Iman shrugged. "I'm going to make some coffee. You want...? Oh, never mind. I'll just get you both glasses of fresh juice." She headed into the kitchen without waiting for an answer.

Hamza put his hand on my elbow and whispered. "Han, you can still stay if you want. Your Dado is still here for maternal advice." 

"If Mama finds out, she'll feel so bad." I whispered back. "She would just know that I came here for her." 

"Han, stop overthinking. If worst comes to worst, tell them that you can stay with them while Aunty is gone." He told me. "If I am being honest, I would feel more comfortable while you are here. I am constantly worried that I might become negligent and God forbid if something happened to you..." 

"Now who's overthinking." I grinned. "But fine, whatever makes you comfortable." 

"I'm sorry again, Han. I wish I could spend my whole day with you, taking  care of you." 

"Hamza, stop apologising! Just focus on making things right for Uncle." I put my hands on his cheeks. "Once he is okay, In Sha Allah, we'll have plenty of time to focus on our baby." 

He gave me a warm hug, and I closed my eyes as I rested my chin on his shoulder. I was, without doubt, going to miss Hamza, but even Dado's presence would help me a lot, if I was being honest. She had witnessed two generations after her, and now the third one was on its way, In Sha Allah. She would know what to do just as well as Mama, if not better. "Han, I'll keep stopping by to check up on you and your family. If you ever need to order out food or anything, let me know. Or if there's anything I could do to help you guys out, don't hesitate to call me." 

"I won't." I hugged him tightly. "Who else would I call?" 

We heard light footsteps on the landing above, and turned to see Mama coming down the stairs, dressed in a plain light blue kameez shalwar. "Hania? Hamza?" She looked surprised to see us.

"Assalam Alaikum!" My husband and I said in unison.

"Walaikum Assalam." Mama adjusted her dupatta and walked down the stairs. Something felt off about her. "You both should have told me that you were coming. I would have prepared something." 

"Do I need to tell you before coming here now?" I pouted, jokingly.

"You know that's not what I mean, Hani." She kissed my cheek. "How are you, meri jaan?" 

"Alhumdulillah." I smiled at her. "Mani told me that you were going to celebrate Ahad Mamu's birthday. That's great! You can really use a break, I'm sure." Out loud, I was saying that, but internally I felt miserable. I loved everyone, of course, but I really needed Mama right now. Of course, I wasn't going to be selfish and stop her. She had spent way to long being Mrs Fawad Ali, and mother of Hani and Mani. It was about time she got some time for herself as well.

"It's just for a week." She said. "I'll be back soon. I know that you'll need me right now. I remember how much I needed Ammi." 

"Mama, don't worry about me. You met the gynaecologist with me and she was such a wonderful person. She told me to contact her anytime if I have concerns, and I will." I squeezed her hands. "But, please help me officially break the news to Dado. I feel shy." 

Hamza ruffled my hair, fondly, at the back of my head.

"I think she has guessed it already, but okay, sure." Mama nodded. "And yes, your Dado will be great with advice. She has witnessed her own kids, then your Phupho's sons, and then you and Mani. She'll help you out with any pregnancy concerns." 

"I think I'll stay here while you're gone." I briefly glanced at Hamza before turning back to face my mother. "I was thinking of staying here for a few days anyway."

Mama suddenly looked sad. "Oh, Hani, did you come here to stay with me?"

I shook my head, silently apologising to Allah for lying to my mother. "No, Mama, I just wanted to spend some time here. Papa, Mani and Dado are still here. We'll all have a wonderful time without you." 

But my mother knows me too well. 

"Aunty, it's okay. As you said, Hania's Dado is very experienced when it comes to this. She'll help Hania if needed. I just feel more comfortable her being here around her, Iman and Uncle, even if you're in Pakistan. Hania's all alone all day at home, but here she'll have family around." Hamza stepped in. "And don't worry about your family. I'll keep checking in on them." 

Mama smiled at him, clearly pleased. "Thank you, Hamza." She squeezed my hands. "Get plenty of rest, don't do any housework, and make sure you eat and drink regularly- healthy things." 

"I will." I noticed her hesitation. She wanted to say something else, but she was stopping herself. "Don't worry, I'll make sure Papa doesn't become negligent towards himself either." 

Mama hugged me again, silently crying. I knew that she hated leaving her family behind, even for a few days.

"Mama, it's only a few days, In Sha Allah. You belong here with us, and you'll come back to us, In Sha Allah." I breathed in her familiar scent, and it made me want to go to Pakistan with her. But I was a grown up, a wife and a mother-to-be myself. I needed to stop acting like little toddler Hani.

But suddenly, as I hugged here, a weird thought entered my mind- one that sent chills through my whole body.

Ya Allah, protect my mother and bring her back to us safely. Ameen. Our whole home will collapse if, God forbid, anything happened to her.



"I feel like cancelling and staying home." I told Fawad as he grabbed the prayer mat that night to pray Isha. 

"Don't. It's a non-refundable ticket." He smiled in amusement. 

"I'm serious, Fawad. Now Hani is here, and I'm sure she came here to stay with me." I set my book aside, looking at him.

"Mina, we're all here to take care of her. Hamza's around, even if he's not staying here." He set the prayer mat on the ground and stood in position to pray. "The ticket has been booked, so quit thinking about it now."

As he started to pray, I couldn't help watching him. In white shalwar kameez, and with his height, he seemed like a perfect guardian figure. As I watched his strong back, I thought about the amount of times he had shielded me, protected me from various situations and people. 

I have a lot to be thankful for Allah, but Fawad is no doubt my biggest blessing. He gave me his name, a safe and secure home and my beautiful daughters. 

And suddenly I was feeling really homesick. I didn't want to go.

As soon as Fawad finished his prayer and folded up the mat, I rushed up to him and hugged him, surprising him. "Mina?" 

"If I ever hurt you, or if I ever did something to upset you, Fawad, please forgive me. See me off with your heart cleansed from any resentment or grudge you have towards me." Silent tears flowed from my eyes as I buried my face against his chest. 

His arms tightened around me. "There's not even a speck of resentment in my heart against you. But why are you saying that?" 

I looked up at him. "My Ammi used to say that we should never leave with resentment or anger towards our loved ones." I was suddenly terrified at the prospect of flying to Lahore on my own. I was terrified that I would never see him, my daughters, or my loved ones again. I was terrified that I would never get to witness my Hani's little baby, or my Mani's wedding.  All I wanted now was to stay in my husband's strong arms forever. 

I still feel the safest with Fawad.

"In that case, please forgive me as well for ever overlooking you or your feelings, Mina." He kissed the top of my head. "Please forgive me for ever unintentionally hurting you. I love you more than life itself and I would never hurt you on purpose." 

"I love you just as much, Dr Fawad Ali." I closed my eyes, feeling my wet lashes rest against my cheeks. The steady beating of his heart began to gradually calmed me down, and he held me like that for a long time.



Dado was so overjoyed by the official pregnancy news that she asked me to sleep beside her that night.

"Meri chanda." She stroked my head repeatedly as I lay beside her.

*"My moonlight." A term of endearment.

"It's such a different feeling, Dado." I whispered. "A few months ago, I couldn't even manage without Mama, and now..." 

"It truly is a life changing experience, Hania." She agreed. "Nothing remains the same." She paused. "But keep one thing in mind, my love. It's easy for a husband and wife to drift apart after the birth of their child, but you both need to remind yourselves how important and precious your bond, your relationship is. It will take effort, considering how exhausting being a new parent, but if you keep it up right from the beginning, your relationship will only get stronger. Take your parents as perfect examples. At the beginning of her marriage, Jasmina was basically clueless as to what responsibilities truly were. But Ma Sha Allah she managed surprisingly well, and look at her now. She's the centre of the world for you, Iman and Fawad. Both you mother and father worked hard to get to where they are, but my point is that even after becoming a parent, you need to maintain your marriage as well."

"I understand, Dado." 

"You're like Jasmina in many ways, meri gudiya. You have been sheltered and protected and were not given much responsibilities, but so far you seem to be doing well in your marriage, Ma Sha Allah. Keep it up, like you mother, and you'll see that this baby will just strengthen your marriage, In Sha Allah." 

"How did Mama manage when I was a newborn?" I wondered out loud.

"She had her struggles, and I'm ashamed to say that I didn't make things easier for her. But your father's support got her through a lot. Good spouses can truly become your strength in difficult times, and they both proved that for each other. May Allah protect them from evil eyes. Ameen."


"I wish from the bottom of my heart that you and Hamza find that unity and form a closer bond after the birth of your child. Just remember, patience and effort is mandatory from both sides." 

I fell asleep listening to my Dado's words of wisdom, grateful that I had her, as well as Mama, to guide me. Alhumdulillah.



"Khair se jao aur khair se waapis aao." My mother-in-law ran both hands over my head as I bent down to say goodbye to her. 

*"Go safely, and come back safely." 

Ammi kissed my forehead, and I straightened up, before turning to Iman. "Take care of yourself, Mani. Eat properly and sleep properly." I hugged her tightly, kissing both her cheeks. "Our future doctor should stay healthy, right?" 

"I love you, Mama." She held on tightly to me. "Don't forget the coconut biscuits from the bakery." 

I couldn't help smiling. "Love you too, and don't worry, the biscuits are on my list of Hani/Mani Requests." I whispered in her ear. "And please drop the subject of Taif until I get back. Whatever you decide, talk to me when I get back, and I might have to ease your father into it." 

"I have no such thing on my mind right now, don't worry." She whispered back. "I'm too focused on a coursework that I have to finish in four days." 

"Good girl." I stepped away from her and turned to my Hani, who was crying. "Hania, don't do that. You need to think about your baby now, first and foremost." I grabbed her hands. "You know, meri jaan, everyone calls you your mother's reflection, so you need to step in and be an emotional support for our family in my absence, okay? I'm not asking you to do any physical work, just be there for them, that's all." 

Hani nodded.

I kissed her forehead, then her cheeks. "But most importantly, look after yourself and my nawasa or nawasi."

"Mina, the cab will be here in two minutes." Fawad entered the room after leaving my luggage by the front door. He had wanted to drive me to the airport, but because of work, he didn't have time, so I told him that I would go by cab.

"Coming." I hugged my daughters simultaneously. "I love you both. You both are two pieces of my heart. Look after yourselves and each other." 

"Give my love to everyone back home." Dado said. "And have you kept the shawl that I am sending for Fariha? She's been complaining of feeling cold a lot lately."

"I have everything for everyone." I reassured her. "Including the envelope of birthday cash that you are sending for Ahad Bhai on his birthday." I grabbed my handbag from the side-table. "Allah Hafiz." 

"Allah Hafiz!" My daughters and mother-in-law said as I walked out with my husband. 

As we got outside, I turned to Fawad. "Aap vaada karain ke apna khayal rakhain ge. Mujhe pata hai ke aap Ammi aur bachiyon ka to bilkul sahi se khayal rakhain ge, laikin aap hamesha apne mamlay main laparwahi kar jaate hain.

*"Promise me that you'll take care of yourself. I know that you'll take good care of Ammi and the girls, but you are always careless towards yourself."

"Tum fikar na karo." He smiled. 

*"Don't worry."

"Vaada karain." I repeated.

*"Promise me."

"I promise." He sighed, putting his hands on my waist and pulling me closer. "Sab ko mera salaam daina, aur bachon ko pyar. Arhaan ko kehna ke woh abhi bhi gadha hi hai." I giggled at that. "Aur haan, Omar aur Zunaira ko ek din khana khilwadaina hum donon ki taraf se, aur Ismael and Rabia ko bhi.

*"Give my salaam to everyone, and love to the kids. Tell Arhaan that he's still a donkey."
"And yes, organise a dinner for Omar and Zunaira, as well as Ismael and Rabia, from the both of us."

"Sab ko khilwadoon gi, warna couples main kebab main hadi banoon gi." I laughed.

*"I'll organise a dinner for everyone, otherwise I'll feel like a fifth wheel between the couples." 

He put his hands on my cheeks. "Apna bohat, bohat khayal rakhna. Mujhe pata hai ke aapka sasural wahan hai, laikin kyunke wahan is waqt koi nahin hai, koshish karna ke apne Bhaiyon ke ghar pe hi raho."

*"Take good care of yourself. I know that your in-laws home is there, but since there is nobody there right now, try and stay at your brothers' home." 

I nodded as tears filled my eyes again. "Mera dil nahin kar raha ab jaane ka."

*"I don't feel like going now."

He smiled. "Kuch arse ki baat hai. Aur dekhna, Lahore se aapka waapis aane ka dil nahin karega.

*"It's only for a few days. And you'll see that you won't feel like coming back from Lahore then." 

We kissed then, because his phone had beeped, indicating the almost arrival of the cab. We kept kissing each other until we heard the cab pull up.

As the cab driver loaded the luggage into the car boot, I held onto Fawad, as if for dear life. I hadn't even felt this sad when it was my rukhsati, and I was leaving my parents and brothers behind. 

I felt like this was my rukhsati as well, actually, where I was leaving the most beloved people in my life behind. 

"Allah Hafiz." My voice broke and a sob escaped my mouth as I slid into the back seat of the cab. 

"Keep me updated every step and call me when you land, In Sha Allah." 

"In Sha Allah." I repeated. I glanced past him towards the house, where I saw the white lace curtains being pulled aside, with my daughters peering out and waving at me. It reminded me of their childhood, when we either used to greet Fawad at the front door, or look out for him from the window if it was cold and/or raining. I glanced back at my husband. "I love you, Fawad."

"I love you too." He smiled.

I turned and watched him from the back window until the car turned the corner.

Why am I so sad? I wanted this, and now that I'm getting it, I can't stop crying. 



"Here you go." I held out a bag towards Papa, ,as he came downstairs, ready to go to work. "I made you a sandwich."

"Thank you, Hani." He gave me a small smile, before heading into the living room. 

Mama hadn't even reached the airport, and it was obvious that he was already missing her.

As I stood in the foyer, I pressed a hand over my stomach. "Your Nano and Nana Jaan are so cute, Ma Sha Allah. May Allah give them both a very long life, and plenty of more blissful years together. Ameen." I then followed my father inside, where he was making sure that he had his wallet, keys and phone. "Papa, you don't mind me calling Hamza over while you're at work, right?" 

He looked up, surprised. "Why would I mind?" 

"I just want to make sure." I shrugged.

"Jaan, he's your husband. He's family. He doesn't need my permission to come here." He kissed my forehead. "I'm going to leave now, but call me or Hamza if needed, okay? Take care. Please just make sure that Dado takes her medicine after lunch, and that you take your vitamins too, okay?" 

I nodded. "I love you, Papa." 

He looked at me for a few moments with a fond smile. "Love you too, Hani." 

"Don't miss her too much. The week will go by before you even know it, In Sha Allah. And when you're off, we can have a long overdue family evening." It would be weird without Mama, but I had to do everything to boost up my father's mood, the way he always did for us.

"I don't miss her at all." He grinned. "In fact, it's very peaceful."

"Haww, Papa!" I feigned shock, placing my hand over my mouth. "Very bad. I'm going to tell Mama." 

"Will you tell her if I bring home some Krispy Kremes tonight?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Bring the right flavour, and I'll consider not telling her." 

"Bohat cheeky hogayi ho aap, Hani." He ruffled my hair before heading towards the front door. "If you tease me too much, I won't allow Hamza to come here." 

*"You have become very cheeky, Hani."

"Papa!" I gasped. 

He chuckled and left. 



I fell asleep while studying, even though it was barely eight in the evening. 

A knock on the door made me jump up, startled. I realised that I had been lying on my bed, with my head resting on my open textbook. What was that old joke about absorbing knowledge by sleeping with your head resting on books?

"Mani?" Appi's voice came from the other side of the door. "I'm making rotis for Dado. Do you want some?" 

"Why are you making rotis?" I jumped up from the bed and went to open the door. "Mama told you not to do any housework. Didn't that aunty who sometimes help out with the cooking make food already?" 

"Dado doesn't like her rotis." Appi giggled. "So I offered to make her some." 

"I'll make them! You sit." I offered, suddenly feeling very protective of my sister's unborn baby. I was starting to understand why Khallas were considered to be the next closest thing to a mother. 

"You'll make them?" She laughed harder. "I really don't think Dado should be put at risk of food poisoning. She's too frail." 

"You're hilarious, but I practiced a couple of times with Mama. Go and sit inside, away from the kitchen as I don't want you inhaling the smoke as I make rotis." 

"Who are you and what have you done to Mani?" 

"That Mani has evolved into an overprotective Khalla." I said, proudly. "Trust me, I won't let Dado eat it if it's bad. If worse comes to worst, I'll go pick some tandoori roti up from the nearby restaurant." 

"How about instead of wasting food, you go and pick some up in the first place?" She suggested. "You can keep practicing with Mama when she gets back, and then she'll decide if you're ready to go solo." 

I rolled my eyes. "The lack of faith hurts like a shard of glass." I went back into my room to get my car keys. "You want anything else? Craving something?"

"Your behaviour is kind of strange, Iman." She said. "I'm not used to such mushiness from you." 

"Only for the baby, not you." I looked at her. "I'll be back in like twenty minutes. Will you be okay?" 

"I'm not a child, Iman!" This time she rolled her eyes.

I stood staring at her silently for a few seconds. She was making me miss Mama, because of her great resemblance to our mother. I would never admit it out loud, but I hated it whenever Mama went to Pakistan without us. It was just such a long distance. In Edinburgh, it had been different. It was just a one and a half hour flight, but Pakistan was halfway across the world. 

"Are you okay?" Appi looked at me, confused.

"I was just thinking about picking up a curry as well. I don't like maash ki daal, which Mama had cooked last night. I can stand all the other daals but no that one."

*Maash ki daal is a dryer form of lentils. 

"You need to learn how to eat things without complaining." Appi said Mama's typical dialogue before walking off towards Dado's room.

As I headed downstairs, I shed a few tears. I knew that Mama needed some time for herself, as Papa had gently explained to us last night, but a selfish part of me wished that she hadn't gone.

It's only a week. It'll be over before we know it, In Sha Allah.



"You okay?" Hamza's deep, concerned voice came through the phone.

When Iman had left, and I had come downstairs to get a glass of water, the silence of the house started to cause restlessness inside me. I felt that weird feeling again, and I started to feel a panic attack coming on, which was when I'd called Hamza.

"I'm scared, Hamza. I don't know why. I feel very restless." I paced the kitchen, placing a hand over my chest. "Talk to me, calm me down, please." 

"Do you want me to come over?"

"No, stay with Uncle, but just talk to me over the phone. Even that's enough for now." I sat down at the kitchen table and began to tap the table nervously with my fingers.

"Okay, tell me exactly what's going through your mind right now, Han." 

"I don't know. I can't explain." I ran a hand through my hair, with my fingers getting stuck in the light tangles near the bottom. "It's almost like a weird sadness, almost like my heart is crying with sorrow. I know it makes no sense at all, but that's the best way I can express myself in words."

"Han, you think it's because your mother's gone abroad, so far away, and you just miss her?" 

I stared at the fridge, which was covered with magnets and a small white board with important messages. Currently, it read in Mama's writing: 'Mani dentist appointment'. Yes, our mother still had to write these messages to remind my sister. "Hamza, can I tell you something that I haven't told anyone before?" 

"Of course." 

"I had the same feeling years ago, when Nana Jaan and Nano passed away." I said, quietly. "We got the phone call from Mamu, and it was like someone had covered our life with a dark and gloomy filter. I couldn't stop thinking about death then." I started to silently cry. "I kept thinking about their final moments, their final thoughts. I kept staring up at the starry sky at night time and thinking about the world beyond this one, where souls depart and await Judgement Day. I have no idea what happens, I don't have enough Islamic knowledge on the subject, but the thought made me cry so much, but I never said a word to my parents, especially not Mama." 

"Why are you thinking those thoughts right now, Han?" He asked, softly. "Babe, you're pregnant. You need to remain positive and think positively." 

"Because I heard Mama cry for her parents. I saw her grief, even as Papa held her in his arms. And the fact that I'm getting these dark thoughts the day she has gone so far away from us is terrifying the life out of me, Hamza. I fear death less than I fear losing my parents." 

He sighed. "I understand, Hania. I felt that very real fear very recently, so I totally understand. But you have no reason to be feeling that way. She has gone to Lahore just for a week, and In Sha Allah, she'll be back."

"In Sha Allah."


That night, as I lay in bed, drifting between the state of being awake and being sleep, I felt someone get into bed beside me, and then the faint scent of Hamza's cologne entered my nose as he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer. 

"Hamza?" I muttered, sleepily.

"It's me. Go to sleep, don't worry."

"How did you get the key?"

 He chuckled lightly. "Jasmina Aunty gave me a spare key yesterday when you went to the bathroom. I guess she was expecting your husband to want to sneak in the middle of the night to see you." 

I smiled.

"And I met your father downstairs, so I guess your father's okay with the fact that there's a guy in your room." 

I giggled at that. "What a cool father." Then something occurred to me and I opened my eyes and turned on my back. "What time is it?" 

"It's around two-thirty." He replied. "Why?"

"He's still awake?" I was worried now. 

"He's working."

"But he has to work tomorrow as well, and if he doesn't get proper sleep..." 

"I jokingly asked him if he ever even sleeps, and he told me that he plans on working from home tomorrow, as he just has to study some patient files or something. Don't worry." 

"Hamza, I'm worried about him." I turned to face him.


"I don't know, I just am." I felt that restless feeling again. "Ya Allah, I hope this weeks passes by in the blink of an eye." 

"Han, your family has shown a lot of faith in Allah. Keep it up and you'll see how He eases all your worries." Hamza moved closer to kiss the tip of my nose. "Now quit worrying my baby unnecessarily. Let him or her sleep in peace."

"It doesn't sleep peacefully anyway with your snoring!" I poked a finger against his chest.

"My snores aren't that loud! It's the snoring of a tired man!"

"Ask me how loud they are, sweetheart." Now I kissed the tip of his nose. 

"You know that you almost kneed me in my masculine area the other night?" 

"You're making things up now!" I blushed.

"I'm not. It actually woke me up. A few inches south, and my yelling would have woken you up." He laughed.

"My baby and I refuse to talk to you any further." I turned my back towards him.

"Our baby, and my babe cannot turn away from me for long." He brushed my hair aside and kissed my neck. 

He wasn't wrong, but I wasn't going to admit it right. I just simply let him spoon me as we both drifted off to sleep.



I was just finishing up my work, with my gaze repeatedly going towards my phone.

Mina should be reaching there soon. I wasn't going to sleep until she or Arhaan called me, as he was the one picking her up from the airport. 

When I still hadn't received a call after Fajr, I called Arhaan, but he wasn't answering.

Suddenly, Iman walked into the room wearing an abaya, with her head covered by a dupatta, clearly having just prayed Fajr. "What's up? Enjoying your freedom by staying up late, Papa?" She gave me a sleepy, teasing smile.

"I'm just waiting to hear from Mina or Arhaan." I told her. "Go back to bed if you're finished with Fajr, beta." 

"I'll wait with you. Coffee?" She suggested.

"Sure. Why not?" I knew I was being a terrible parent right now, but I was too tired and worried to care. 

Suddenly my phone rang, causing Iman to stop and turn as well. I reached for it and was surprised to see Ahad's name on the caller ID.

"Assalam Alaikum, Ahad." I answered.

Iman seemed to be holding her breath as she stared at me, her eyes wide.

"What?!" I stood up as I heard my brother-in-law's words.


Sorry for the cliffhanger! Not. :D

Hania is really seeming to follow her mother's footsteps, evolving from a shy and awkward, to a responsible and mature wife, sister, daughter and granddaughter. She's truly becoming her mother's reflection.

Sorry for the sort of sad chapter, guys.

Thoughts and comments?

Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote.

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