What Goes Around, Comes Around

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© All copyrights belong to StarsAndMoon1447 on Wattpad


WARNING: Chapter will discuss abuse/domestic violence. I will mention the parts which will mention these, so please skip them if you're not uncomfortable.



Saad had always been charming to me, before marriage. 

We had initially met in college, but at that point, there was nothing romantic between us. I had met his parents, Mr and Mrs Zafar Farukh at college events, and I had come to a conclusion that Saad came from a very good family. 

We started university together, and we started liking each other as more than friends. I told my parents about it, and they asked me to wait until we'd finished our education. I accepted that because I felt that I was too young for marriage than anyway.

However, I graduated, but Saad never did. He failed, and he didn't try again. He gave up. He took a job as a mechanic, fixing up cars. But I was okay with that, because I was under the belief that degrees didn't define a person anyways. Good education did not guarantee good personality. Similarly, not having a degree didn't make someone a bad person. I guess I was blinded by love, because I didn't see what my parents saw.

"He failed, and he's not even attempting to try again?" Papa asked, dubiously. "Doesn't say much about him, does it? He's willing to waste all those years?"

"I am not very comfortable with this either." Mama agreed with him.

But I was in love, and I only saw positivity in Saad. I convinced my parents to at least speak to Saad's parents. I was sure that when Mama and Papa met them, they would know that Saad was a good person, based on what wonderful parents he had. His father was a policeman, while his mother was a doctor.

In my defence, Saad failed to mentioned that Zafar Uncle was his stepfather, and that his biological father, a disgusting misogynistic man, was still a part of his life. 

In my defence, I genuinely believed Saad to be a good man, despite not excelling at studies.

In my defence, my parents also started to see him as a good person, after Saad put on an Oscar-worthy performance when he met them, along with his parents.

In my defence, knowing Fariha Aunty as I do now, I'm sure that even she wasn't aware of what a cruel, merciless man her middle son was.

Saad and I got married a couple of years after my graduation, and I had Shezan a year later. Saad, from what I knew, was working hard, my mother-in-law adored me, and Shezan brought new happiness into our lives. He was the apple of his grandparents' and uncles' eyes. 

WARNING: Sensitive content regarding domestic violence. Skip if uncomfortable!

But then I found out that Saad had lost his job while I'd been seven-months pregnant with my son, and I found this out after Shezan's birth, when we had to mention the father's profession while having the birth certificate made. Any money that he brought home, he'd earned by selling off my jewellery, or from gambling in games with his good-for-nothing friends. I only found out one day when he came home, miserably, muttering that he had lost everything. It had been the middle of the night, and everyone else had been asleep, but I had been up to feed my newborn son. 

His misery changed into rage as he saw Shezan. "That b*****d is going to use up any little money that I have left." 

"Saad!" I was horrified, clutching my baby against my chest.

"Give him to me! I'll take care of this little s**t once and for all!" He reached out to snatch my son from my arms.

"Saad, please! Stop!" I jumped up from the bed, on the other side, protecting my son. My heart was pounding in fear, not for myself, but for my son. 

To my relief, he lay down on the bed, massaging his head like he had a headache. 

I looked down at my baby boy, tears running down my cheeks. I couldn't stay here. My son was at risk with his own father. I had to leave.


The next morning, I was packing a bag when Saad had walked in. "Where the f**k are you going?" 

"I'm going to my parents' house. I can't live with you anymore." I answered, simply. "And if you ever threaten me or my son again, I will get Fariha Aunty and Zafar Uncle involved. I'm sure..." 

He smacked me right across my face, so hard that I fell onto the bed. "You filthy b***h! Stay in your limits. I own you. Don't make threats, am I clear?" 

I blinked up at him, in pain as I'd bit my tongue. "You own me?! What's wrong with you?!" 

He grabbed me roughly by my hair and leaned forward. "If you breathe a word of this to anyone, or if you go to your parents' house without my permission, I will smash our son's skull, killing him instantly. You are not to even breathe without my permission, am I clear?" 

"You will do no such thing." I glared at him. "You're all bark and no bite. You don't have it in..."

He walked away immediately and lifted my son up from his cot. "Watch me!" He raised my baby in the air.

"STOP!!!" I screamed. "Okay, fine! I won't go! Laikin, Khuda ke waaste, mere bache ko kuch na karna!"

*"But, for God's sake, don't hurt my son!"

Zafar Uncle and Fariha Aunty weren't home them, otherwise they would have stepped in to protect us, I had no doubt.


This continued for a long time. Saad abused me in the absence of the rest of the family, and in front of the family we kept up a happy façade. He kept threatening to harm my baby, each time I even thought about telling my parents-in-law. During this time, I found out that Zafar Uncle was not is biological father, and that he was meeting his birth father behind everyone's backs. 

And then he moved us away from my in-laws. He grew calmer then, but every time he wanted me to do something, he threatened Shezan. I wanted to leave, but he was so cunning that every time there was an opportunity, and I attempted to do so, he somehow found out, and then I would face the brunt.

And then Umair Uncle moved in with us. All I can say is that it was hard to imagine that a woman like Fariha Aunty had married him.

The word 'sexist' seems like an understatement when it came to Saad's biological father. He spoke above women like they were objects, only to be used for men's pleasure. He swore at random ladies on TV. It was that outdated mentality that had no place in our religion or society. 

Once, I heard him complain to Saad that I talked too much, and that women should remain timid and quiet. 

And then one morning, he was gone. He had packed up and gone God-knows where. Saad told me that it was because they'd had an argument after I'd gone to bed. Umair Uncle had wanted Shezan's money. Saad had refused, and not because he was a good father, but because he had wanted the money for himself. Shehzan's money was kept in a little safe in my cupboard. 

When I woke up the next morning, the little safe was gone, along with Umair Uncle. The table downstairs had been smashed, and Saad had told me that it was a result of the argument that they'd both had last night.

I couldn't help feeling relieved that that filthy man was out of my house.

The relief was short-lived because Saad questioned me why I had left the money so carelessly.

"It was in a safe!" I yelled back, furious that he was not angry at the fact that his father had come into our bedroom in the middle of the night to steal it. "What kind of a shameless, disgraceful man are you to ignore the fact that he walked into our bedroom last night, while we were asleep?" 

"Papa's right. You are mouthy. I'll deal with you." He threatened before leaving the house. 

That afternoon, I was in the kitchen cooking lunch, while Shezan sat in a high-chair nearby. I didn't even hear Saad come in, until he tapped my shoulder.

I turned, startled, and before I even had time to react, I felt my skin burn badly. Loud screams escaped my mouth, turning into wails of intense pain. Shezan started screaming in terror as well.

I couldn't stop. It felt like someone had set fire to me.

I was burning, my skin was melting. "YA ALLAH!"


He sees it all.

He notes it all.

And when the time comes, He punishes for it all.

When darkness becomes too overwhelming, a dawn breaks through,

When torture becomes unbearable and the silent cries of the oppressed reach the heavens above,

Fear that day, oh oppressor, for His punishment matches your crime, like He answers your love with love.



It took two days before the police could even speak to Madiha. 

I was extremely tensed, uncertain about what was going to happen. No matter what happens, I've lost. Either way, Saad is the reason why Madiha ended up in this situation, and therefore, it was my loss.

A policewoman came out of Madiha's room and spoke to Zafar, who was bowing his head by the end of the conversation, looking like a defeated father himself.

"What happened?" I asked him after she had gone.

"My subordinate just confirmed what I already knew." My husband told me. "Saad lied to us. He is the one who threw the acid on Madiha, not Umair. I'd already found out that Umair had taken a bus out of Lahore a night before the attack on Madiha, and he'd arrived in Karachi early in the morning of the attack." 

"Saad threw acid on Madiha?" My heart sank. "My son ruined a girl's life?" 

Zafar nodded, his jaw clenched. "Apparently, Madiha has told the police everything. There is a long history of domestic violence involved. I feel like a complete and utter failure for not seeing it when this was happening under my own roof." 

"D-Domestic v-violence?" I was horrified. In front of me, Madiha had always remained happy and cheerful. She had hit her troubles well. There were days when she was completely lost in thoughts, and I had questioned her about it, but she had just smiled and reassured me. 

"She hid everything excellently because he threatened to kill Shezan if we even got a hint that there was something wrong between them." Zafar continued. Suddenly, he turned around and slammed a fist against the wall.

"Zafar!" I gasped, rushing to grab his hand between both of mine.

"How did all this happen under my roof without my knowledge?! How did a girl get abused under my roof, right under our noses?" He looked furious at himself. "I'm glad Allah didn't give us a daughter because clearly we're not capable of looking after daughters!" 

I leaned my head against his shoulders and sobbed. Ya Allah! Please forgive me! After everything that I have suffered, I missed the signs when it came to Madiha. Ya Allah, please give me strength to witness my son suffer for his deeds. Ya Allah, please forgive me for not being a good mother.

And yet, things were about to take a much worse turn.



"Omar Bhai!" Saad screamed out. "Get me out of here!" 

Saad had been taken into the police custody, and was standing behind the jail bars. 

"Mamma kept warning you." I said, quietly, staring at him from the other side. "I kept warning you. Zafar Papa kept warning you. You didn't listen, and you forgot that a day comes when you need to face the consequences of your deeds." 

"I didn't even throw the acid at her!" 

"Your lies are exposed, Saad." It hurt me greatly, because he was my younger brother. "Umair Papa wasn't even in the city when this attack occurred. And Madiha Bhabi has already given her statement to the police."

"She's a lying b***h!" 

"At least now have some fear of Allah." I told him. I shook my head. "I can't believe that you're my brother. That we share the same mother. Our mother didn't raise us like this, and neither did Zafar Papa. I wish you had chosen the right set of parents to side with." I turned and headed out, without another word to him.

I heard him screaming out my name, and my heart hurt. 

As I stepped outside, the sound of the Adhan made me head straight to the nearby mosque. 

I wanted to pray to Allah to give my brother some sense, but I felt like it was too late. Deep in my heart, I felt that Allah had decided that there were going to be no more chances of improvement for Saad, and it broke my heart just thinking that. 



A team of doctors and nurses had rushed into Madiha's room.

There was something going on. 

Zoya squeezed my hand in reassurance as I stood between her and Jasmina Bhabi. Nazia Bhabi stood on Zoya's other side, and each one of us looked as tensed as each other. 

On the other side, Zafar stood besides Ahad, and Arhaan Bhai was having a word with the surgeon who was supposed to perform plastic surgery on Madiha. Mr and Mrs Imran were sitting huddled in a corner, both in tears. 

The Sheikh family, as usual, were standing by to support us.

"Ya Allah!" I sobbed quietly into my dupatta. 

Zafar already had to take medication for blood pressure and was looking more tensed than ever.

It seemed to be hours before the doctor in charge of Madiha's treatment stepped out of the room, her face grim. "Madiha suffered a brain haemorrhage due to stress and trauma. There was nothing we could do. We were unable to save her. I'm very sorry for your loss." 

Mrs Imran's heartbroken scream could probably be heard all over the hospital, and Mr Imran's shoulders shook with sobs.

I collapsed onto the ground, shocked, as Bhabi and Zoya struggled to hold me up.

Zafar stumbled back against the wall, his face pale, and Ahad grabbed his arm to support him.

Nazia Bhai gasped out loudly, pressing both her hands against her mouth as tears filled her eyes.

"Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un." Arhaan Bhai bowed his head and muttered, as the surgeon beside him patted his shoulder, sympathetically.

My son was a murderer.

My son had taken the life of an innocent girl, leaving their infant child without a mother.

Saad was never coming back to me, and I didn't want him back.



"Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un." Papa spoke on the phone, closing his eyes.

Dado, Appi, Hamza Bhai and I looked at him shocked over the dinner table.

"What happened?!" Dado asked in a loud voice as Papa hung up. 

"Madiha passed away of brain haemorrhage." He explained in a low voice, placing a hand over his mother's. 

"Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un." I repeated, along with Appi and Hamza Bhai.

"P-Passed away?! She was in her mid twenties! What do you mean 'passed away'?" Dado was in shock as she had been unaware of the incident so far. "Ya mera Allah! What about her poor little boy? Our Shezan?" 

My hands felt cold as I blankly stared at the table. Saad killed Madiha Bhabi. Saad, a cousin of ours, our beloved Phupho's son, had murdered his wife due to his misogyny. 

Appi was crying. "Poor Phupho! Poor little baby Shezan!" 

Dado was shaken, but her wisdom was still there. "Fawad, you should go. Fariha would really need you right now. You're her biggest support from her maika." 

Papa looked thoughtful, probably thinking about me and Dado.

"Papa, I'll stay over here." Appi offered. "You go. Hamza is around anyway to keep an eye out for us. When Mani goes to university, I'll be here for Dado. Don't worry about a think, we'll all look out for each other. But Dado's right. Phupho will need your support right now." 

"If I didn't have to go to uni, I would have gone with you." I said to Papa, softly.

"Allah, please give my Fariha and her family to bear this incredible loss." Dado raised her hands in prayer, tears streaming down her face. 

"Ameen." We all said in unison.



I received the devastating news while still at the mosque. My knees suddenly felt too weak to help me up, so I remained sat there, staring blankly into space.

I felt like we had lost Saad along with Madiha Bhabi as well. There was no forgiveness for what he had done. He had murdered an innocent girl. 

My phone vibrated and I glanced down at it. It was a call from Zunaira. I got up and walked out of the mosque before calling her back. "Assalam Alaikum, Zaira."

"Walaikum Assalam." She sounded grim. "Mamma aur Papa ghar aagaye hain sab ke saah. Aap kab aarahe hain?"

*"Mamma and Papa are home with everyone. When are you coming?"

"Bus nikal raha hoon. In Sha Allah dus minute tak pohanch jaaon ga." I replied. "Zaira, Mamma ka khoob khayal rakhna. Unhain hum sab ki bohat zaroorat hogi is waqt."

*"I'm just about to leave. In Sha Allah, I will be there in ten minutes."
"Zaira, take good care of Mamma. She'll need us all a lot at this time." 

"Aap fikar na karain. Main sambhal loongi. Allah unhain himmat de. Ameen." Zunaira said, softly.

*"Don't worry. I'll take care of her. May Allah give her strength. Ameen."

After the call ended, as I headed back to where I'd parked my car outside the police station, I looked at the building where my brother was. 

Sahi darne ki baat tab hoti hai jab Khuda ka khauf khatam ho jaye.

*The real scary thing is when you no longer have a fear of God.

I knew that I now had to be very, very strong for my family as both my parents will be in shock after this event, and most likely both of them will blame themselves. I need to make them understand that this wasn't their fault, and ultimately Umair Papa was the real culprit. He had destroyed his own self first, and now Saad's life, and ultimately Madiha had paid the price for it with her life.

Agar Madiha ne tumhe maut se pehle maaf nahin kiya hua Saad, to Allah se bhi bakshish ki umeed mat rakhna. I silently spoke to my brother, as if he could somehow hear my thoughts inside. It is a well known fact that Allah doesn't forgive you until the person you've hurt does.

*If Madiha didn't forgive you before her death, then don't hope from forgiveness from Allah either.

I headed home. My parents needed me right now.


When I got home, I was surprised to see that Shezan was playing around in the veranda, wobbling on his two little feet. 

I lifted him up in my arms, looking around, bewildered. "What's he doing here?" 

Zunaira came inside, her head covered with a dupatta. Here eyes were puffy from tears that she'd shed out of sympathy for her dewarani. "Assalam Alaikum."

"Walaikum Assalam." I kissed Shezan's cheek. "What's my little prince doing here?" 

Zunaira's eyes filled up. "I have no idea what Madiha was suffering at Saad's hands, but a few weeks ago, she had contacted her lawyer cousin. She had written a hand written declaration that if anything was to happen to her, she wanted her son to be raised by us." 

"By us?" I felt a little confused.

"By you, me, Mamma and Papa. But not Saad. She had said that she didn't trust Saad enough to raise their son on his own." 

"Ya Allah! How badly was the poor girl suffering?" I was in severe shock.

"Us bechari ki takleef to Allah ne door kardi. Laikin Saad Bhai ke saath ab jo hone waala hai...

*"The poor girl's pain was eased by Allah. But now what will happen to Saad Bhai..."

I nodded, my heart filled with grief. There was a good possibility that Saad might face the death penalty.

But if Madiha Bhabi had constantly suffered at his hands, and had died without forgiving him, I don't even want to think about the punishment he will face from Allah. 

I wanted to pray for his maghfirat (forgiveness), yet at the same time I wanted him to suffer first for Madiha Bhabi's death.

"Whoever kills an innocent, it is as if he has killed all mankind..." - Holy Quran 



The fact is that some people just don't reform, no matter how wonderful their families are, and Saad is one of those people.

He has caused the death of his wife, but Fariha and Zafar are facing the guilt.

Thoughts and comments?

Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote! 

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