Chapter 1

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Today was Min Hee Seong's birthday.

Jimin was running here and there checking the preparation. Hee Seongi was sleeping on his dad yoongi's shoulder. Yoongi took a leave today from his company.

Party hotel??
Check ✔️

Check ✔️

Check ✔️

Check ✔️

Check ✔️

Check ✔️

Check ✔️

Min hee Seong??
Check ✔️

His outfit??

His outfit??

" What??? Where is my son's outfit??" Asked Jimin while raising his eyebrows at his manager.

" Umm sir I-i-" his manager was stuttering.

" What you huh?? Today is my son's first birthday. My hee Seongi's birthday and his outfits aren't ready yet?? I should fire-" jimin's rambling was cut by his own husband back hugging him.

" Shuu my love. Don't shout at him. You will wakeup our baby." Said yoongi in his ears.

He motioned Jimin's manager through his eyes to take care of the outfits as soon as possible. The manager immediately left from there to grab the outfits.

Jimin turned around and saw his baby peacefully sleeping on his dad's shoulder. He kissed hee Seongi's chubby cheeks.

"I want a kiss too my love." Said yoongi.

" Noo. Go and put our baby in his crib and come help me here. They are messing everything here." Said Jimin rubbing his forehead slightly.

Yoongi pouted and stood there. Jimin knew his husband won't even move a bit not having a kiss. So he kissed yoongi deeply.

" Now will you move??" Said Jimin.

" Ay ay captain." Said yoongi and went towards their kid's bedroom.

Jimin chukled a little and went to kitchen to check the other arrangements.

On the other hand,

Jungkook was in a meeting which was going on and on from past 2.5 hrs.

" What the fuck is this meeting for?" Groaned Jungkook in frustration.

" Jk came down just some more time." Said hoseok.

Jungkook was getting impatient. Today was his beloved nephew's first birthday and he didn't want to be late.

He was yet to buy him present too.

After what felt like ages the meeting ended. Jungkook took his leave first with hoseok trailing behind him.

They cleared their schedule for the evening and went to the mall to buy presents.

They directly went inside Hamley's.

Jungkook was soo excited to see all the toys. Hoseok was also invited soo he too wanted to shop.

They roamed around the store for like 45mins. Jungkook brought 6 gifts for his nephew while hoseok brought 2. Jk wanted to buy the whole store but hoseok told him not to cause what if hee Seong didn't want soo many gifts.

This thought paused the shopping train of jungkook and he finally decided to buy 6 gifts including- a car set, dinosaur soft toys, swords, Abcd book, drawing books and a small boxing gloves.

Jungkook loves to do boxing. He wants his kid to love boxing too. Now that he doesn't have a kid he persues hee seongi to like boxing too.

Jungkook was satisfied with the shopping he made.

It was currently 7pm in the evening. They both rushed towards their own homes. Jungkook went to Jeon's Residence and hoseok went to " Jung's Apartment."

Jungkook lives with his parents while hoseok living with his husband and daughter.

The party was at 8 pm.

Jungkook had a warm bath and wore a black bluish hanbok.

He came downstairs to find his both father's dressed up and waiting for him.

" Appa" said Jungkook.

Minyoung looked at him and smiled a little. He went towards his son and hugged him tightly.

" My baby" said Minyoung.

" Dad" said Jungkook.

And hemin went near his husband and kid and hugged them both.
Jungkook broke the hug and asked,

" Ready for the party?"

Both his father's nodded.

They both sat at the back of Jungkook BMW car with Jungkook in the driver's sit driving. They off to the hotel where the birthday will take place.

Inside the Min's villa,

" Hee seongi baby please stay still otherwise your eomma will beat me up baby." Yoongi said.

Yoongi was trying to dress hee Seong but he being the naughtiest kid was throwing his legs in air.

" Yoongi-" said Jimin.

" Hee seongi is not ready??? It's already 7:30pm right now. What are you doing yoongi?" Said Jimin and eyes yoongi.

" Go get changed, I will dress him up and feed him." Said Jimin.

Jimin brought the bottle milk and started feeding hee Seong.

Jimin was all dressed up and now dressing his son up.

After few minutes the couple and their son where all ready to go. They wore hanbok as it's a Ritual to wear hanbok on  child's first birthday.

On the other hand,

Taehyung was invited to his best friend's home for a dinner date.

" Taehyung are you ready??" Asked his mom.

" Yess mom coming." Said Taehyung.

Taehyung went downstairs seeing his mom and dad already done with their dinner and we're waiting for him. Hee greeted the his parents first.

" Sorry mom and dad. I will be leaving now bubye. Said Taehyung.

With that Taehyung made his way to Kim's Bunglow.

Upon reaching the entrance of the house, 2 voices called for Taehyung.

" Uncle tae"

" Taetae uncle"

Both Seokhun and Sora yelled for their favourite uncle.

           Kim Sora and  Kim Seok hun

" Aww my babies" taehyung ran towards them and hugged them tightly.

" Taetae uncle you came very late we were waiting for you." Said Sora.

" I am sorry soo baby. Forgive your taetae uncle." Said Taehyung holding his both ears.

Seokhun elbowed his sister and said,

" Don't say sorry uncle come inside Maa has cooked delicious food " said Seokhun.

Taehyung smiled at them and they all went inside to have their dinner date.

" Taehyungii" yelled seokjin.

Both best friends hugged eachother.

" I am very hungry hyung." Said tae.

" Come lets have dinner and chitchat." Said seokjin and they all sat down for their dinner with discussion session.

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