Chapter 16

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"I-..........." said Rihyuk.

" Don't scare Rihyuk, no one will say anything to you." Assured Macy to the little boy.

" I love bot M-mommy an A-appa." Said Rihyuk in his cute voice.

This made a smile adore on hoseok's face but cause alot tension on others.

Macy was happy to know that maybe taehyung and Jungkook can act as a mother and father figure in Rihyuk's life but it's on others decision.

Jungkook got a little said to know that maybe Rihyuk prefers taehyung more than him maybe.

While taehyung was in a big dilemma as what what he should do now.

Both the lawyer's wete now thinking options to make this come on a peaceful solution.

" Appa" called Rihyuk.

"Yess baby" said Jungkook.

Rihyuk wanted to be hold by Jungkook as he was with Taehyung for a long time now.

Jungkook carefully took Rihyuk and hugged him tightly feeling that Taehyung might snatch Rihyuk away from him which he doesn't want.

While taehyung got a feeling that maybe Rihyuk deserves Jungkook more but as this thought passed his mind he cursed at himself and told he is the more deserving one.

While hoseok was looking at them imagining a perfect family of three. Mommy taehyung, appa Jungkook with their both son Rihyuk.

After a long silence,

Mr. Josh spoke up.

" Considering that Rihyuk loves both of them we have to seek help from higher authorities."

This was the one thing Mr. Sam agreed too with Mr. Josh.

"Higher authorities??" Asked Taehyung.

" Mr. Kim we have to file a case in the child's court regarding this issue." Said Mr. Sam.

Court?? From where will Taehyung find money to fight a case.

A judge will not give it's decision in one hearing right?? How will he effort the expenses of the lawyer and it's very day hearing??

He is a very middle class person with a stable job with a medium earning.

He can't even think of purchasing a car how can he fight a case??

Jungkook was also worried about this. He just wanted to peacefully end this but now if he really wants Rihyuk in his life he has to fight the case.

This will create at lot of media focus on him which he doesn't want.

" Maybe this can work." Said Jungkook to himself.

He wanted to ask taehyung something.

" I have an idea." Said Jungkook.

Everybody looked at him for futher explanation.

" Taehyung see this is random for you but I was thinking that see Rihyuk thinks you as his mommy maybe he can have a deal between us??" Asked Jungkook.

" What deal??" Asked Taehyung.

" We can have a platonic relationship where I am his appa and you will be his like a caretaker/ mommy??" Asked Jungkook.

See don't get Jungkook wrong. He is a very busy person himself.

He needs to hire maids and caretakers for Rihyuk.

Before too he tried to have a platonic relationship with a kid attached but the ladies even boys were with him for money.

This angered taehyung. He mistook this deal.

" What the hell?? What do you think of yourself huh??' asked Taehyung.

Taehyung thought that Jungkook was making him work for Jungkook. Taehyung wanted Rihyuk as HIS son.

"See listen-" said Jungkook.

" This is not happening. I am against it." Said Taehyung.

Soo this was the first time ever somebody has rejected his offer. I mean when the business tycoon himself is offering you an amazing offer a fool will only reject it.

Jungkook was quite amazed with this answer.

" He is indeed different." Said Jungkook to himself.

" Isn't there any other way??" Asked Jungkook.

Taehyung too nodded at his question.

" Maybe there is one." Said Mr.Sam.

" What is it??" Asked Jungkook.

Taehyung was also listening to it carefully.

"Maybe one of you back off or adopt any kid other than Rihyuk-' said Mr.sam but before his sentence gets finish he got cut but 2 loud yells.

"NOOOO" yelled Taehyung.

"NEVER" yelled Jungkook.

Both not ready to compromise, why to compromise when they both wanted Rihyuk as their own.

There was a raging fire inside their eyes as the thought of not having rihyuk was blowing up their mind.

" I won't back off" said Taehyung fiercely.

" Neither will I" counteract Jungkook.

" Go get another kid, you are rich, you can get thousands of children." Said Taehyung.

Not this was considered disrespectful to jungkook.

" You are middle class why you want to have a kid in the first place." Replied raged Jungkook.

Now this was also considered disrespectful.

" why are you including status in it huh??" Said Taehyung.

"Who started it in the first place??" Mocked Jungkook.

" Yes I am middle class not a rich one like you. I wanted kid for myself and I will have Rihyuk only, only him. " Said Taehyung.

" Only Time will say everything." Smirked Jungkook.

Taehyung bored daggers through his eyes to jungkook.

" I am ready to file a case in the child's court." Said Jungkook.

This made Hoseok widen his eyes.

"Jungkook think about it again." Said hoseok to jungkook.

" Hyung please. I need to win this. Rihyuk is the one I ever layed my eyes on. I kinda imprinted on him." Said Jungkook.

While taehyung was in talk with himself.

" Should I give- noo noo what are you thinking Tae, it's about Rihyuk your son. You have to fight this battle." Taehyung said to himself.

Afteer a long internal discussion, he came on a conclusion.

" I am ready to file a case too." Said Taehyung.

This made Jungkook's smirk widen.

He wants to see taehyung loosing. He forgot the day when he was looking at taehyung with adoring eyes because that time he didn't knew that Taehyung will be the one in future who might take Rihyuk from him.

If he knew he wouldn't even try to go near taehyung or he would have adopted Rihyuk earlier.

But now it's not about what he was thinking before, it's now about him and his kid.

"Mr.sam prepare a case for the Custody of Rihyuk for Jeon Jungkook." Said Jungkook.

Mr.sam smirked and nodded his head. He now too wanted to again crush his opponent Mr.Josh.

" Mr. Josh you too file a case of custody of Rihyuk for Kim Taehyung." Said confidently Taehyung.

He himself doesn't know where this confidence came from. He doesn't who from where he will get soo much money from for the lawyer's expenses.

But his heart said they will manage something.

Ad rihyuk was in Jungkook's hold, Jungkook said loudly, loud enough for Taehyung to listen.

" Be ready Rihyuk to be a Jeon." Said Jungkook.

This angered taehyung as he was going to say something Mr. Josh stopped him.

"Let's see them in court." Said Mr. Josh.

" This will be fun" smirked Mr.sam.

"God please help them, find us a way." Prayed hoseok.

While Macy was uter shock how this peaceful meeting turned into a drastic court case.

Who else saw yesterday's live??

How they know that I wanted them soo badly and Then they came live?? 😭😭

Soo what do you think about this chapter??

There will be a case filled soon.

Any views??

Any questions?? Do ask.

Lavenders 💜✨

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