Chapter 20

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They all were currently seating inside the court waiting for the judge.

Taehyung standing on the left side and Jungkook in the right.

Mr.sam and Mr.josh in the middle while the judge will sit infront of them.

Namjoon was present there too. He made it on time.

From Jungkook's side, there were Hoseok and somin.

Somin continuously rubbing his husband's hand to calm him down.

While Rihyuk was seating with Macy in between the 2 lawyers.

( I repeat i am a science student i don't know much about law, it's a fanfiction and i have molded some things)

Rihyuk was playing with the toys taehyung had brought him.

" Please stand for the judge" said the guard.

The judge that will be handling their case was a very renowned judge for handling cases related to child custody.

His name is Kwon Kyujin.

He is a 57 old man, with a lot of experience and maturity.

Everybody stood up on his arrival.

Kyujin entered and both the lawyer's bowed to him.

He acknowledged their presence and told everybody to sit down.

The people working for him placed today's case file infront of him.

He read the case briefing and decided to start it.

"Order order order" he banged 3 times to silence everyone, wanting to tell that the case is started.

"Mr. Josh please start the case." Declared kyujin.

"Yes sir."

" Hello court I would like to introduce myself, Mr. Josh kim, Leading the case for my client Mr. Kim Taehyung."

That's when Taehyung bowed towards the judge.

"Sir my client just wants to adopt a kid named Rihyuk. But here Mr. Jungkook too wants to adopt him."

The Judge nodded in understanding.

" Anything to say Mr.sam?"

Mr. Sam rose up from his seat and introduced himself.

" Hello let me start with my introduction. My name is Kyung-Sam, client right here (pointing to jungkook) is Mr. Jeon Jungkook. He too wants to adopt the same kid name Rihyuk, as Mr. Taehyung."

He said and sat down.

" Sir Mr Kim taehyung is more capable of handling Rihyuk as he has a motherly affection towards Rihyuk and the kid loves him back too." Said Mr. Josh.

"The kid loves Jungkook too. Don't be bias here." Said Mr. Sam rising from his seat.

" But don't you think mother's love will be needed more as he is a kid." Counter attacked Mr.josh.

"See don't -" said mr.sam

"Order order. Mr. Sam you will be given chance to speak. Mr. Josh please continue." Said the judge kyujin.

Mr.sam angerily sat down. His assistant immediately giving his water to calm down.

"Soo judge as I was saying, Rihyuk is only 2 years old kid. As living in orphanage sense birth, He tend to get more attached to a motherly figure with my client and Taehyung fits perfectly in it."

" The way Rihyuk finds warmth, comfort in the arms of Taehyung, implies that he loves taehyung a little more and wants to be with him. I request you to please hand the full custody to Mr. Taehyung." Said Mr Josh.

" Objection my lord." Said Mr Sam raising from his chair.

He can't just seat and listen when the custody should be given to his client.

"Yes please continue mr.sam" said the judge.

" My opponent here Mr.Josh doesn't know that, Rihyuk is also attached to my client more as Mr.Jungkook was the first to meet him. Here let me show you some pictures." Said Mr Sam.

He handed the pictures to the person seating in front of the judge which will pass the pictures to him.

The pictures where from the time Jungkook took Rihyuk to play or simply to spend a day with him.

The picture showed them posing with icecream, a picture taken of Rihyuk sliding down from a slide, Rihyuk running happily.

"Hmm good evidence." Said judge.

Mr.sam smirked at Mr Josh and sat down.

While everything was happening Rihyuk was a little disturbed by all the loud yelling of the lawyer's and the judge.

He was continuously asking Macy to go to either taehyung or Jungkook.

"M-macy aunty c-can i go to M-mommy??" Asked Rihyuk.

"Baby shhuu don't talk and no, now we are in court we can't stand up okay or we will get punished so shuu." Said Macy while placing a finger on her lips indicating to stay quiet.

Rihyuk was sad.

He looked at taehyung to find him looking at him and smiling.

"Hey baby" whispered taehyung even though Rihyuk can't hear him. He waved his hand for Rihyuk to see.

Immediately Rihyuk was smiling, he waved back too and keep curling his hand, stating taehyung to come to him.

" Sorry baby" said Taehyung holding his ears.

Rihyuk sat sadly into his chair.

" Sir -" Said Mr. Josh.

"Sir I would like to present some important details. Please let me start the proceedings." Said Mr Sam.

"Okay better it be related to case." Said Mr judge.

"Sir but it was-" said mr.josh.

"Have patience you will be given the chance." Said judge.

" Sir I would like to apologise before, I am sorry but Taehyung is younger in age and doesn't have quite good experience in handling kids. My client has a nephew of one year and he handles him perfectly. He was there for him from the start, from his birth till now which explains that he has more experience." Said Mr Sam.

"Objection my lord" said Mr. Josh counter attacking mr.sam

"Please proceed" said Mr. Judge while nodding and noting down the important points.

" I request to present Mr. Kim Namjoon, husband of my clients best friend in front of the court." Said mr.josh.

" request granted." Said judge.

Immediately guards are taking Kim Namjoon into the speaking section.

" Please introduce yourself." Said the judge.

( I am not a law major. I have modified it. I am sorry in advance if something is wrong.)

"Hello court (bowing down) my name is Kim Namjoon, i am the husband of Kim seokjin who is best friend of Kim Taehyung." Said Namjoon.

" Please Namjoon ssi tell the court about your family." Said Mr.josh.

" Sir i have a husband with whom I live in a middle class house with our 2 twins" said Namjoon.

" What did you said twins right??" Asked mr.josh emphasising more on twins part.

"Yess sir they are my own kids. One boy and one girl named Kim seokhyun and Kim Sora. They are 3yrs old." Said Namjoon.


" Tell me from when do you know that Taehyung and seokjin, your husband are bestfriends?" Asked Mr.josh.

"They are childhood buddies and so far I know they are very much close." Said Namjoon.

A sad smile adored taehyung's face, smile as in remembering his bestfriend but sad as in his bestfriend didnt came to court to support him.

Jin knows the consequences of this court matter. The person who will get affected more is Taehyung. Jungkook is rich and has ways and connection but Taehyung is middle class.

To make him taste his own medicines and to make him understand that sometimes backing off is better, he didn't visit him in court but in real life he instructed Namjoon what to do and what not to say in court.

He made sure that Namjoon answers the right and true things about his bestfriend which he belives his husband will.

" Did seokjin ssi gave birth to your kids by him or by surrogacy-" said mr.josh.

" He is capable of giving birth" said Namjoon gritting his teeth in anger.

" Soo tell the court was Taehyung with him that time?? During the birth?? Asked mr Josh.

"Yess he has been there with them from the start. He cares for them as their own kids. Even the kids love their tae uncle so much." Said Namjoon.

" That my point your honor."

"Please elaborate for the court." Said the judge.

" I mean to say is that as Mr Sam said Jungkook ssi has experience in handling kids so is Taehyung ssi. He has not only handled one but two kids of his bestfriend. He knows how to handle kids. Mr Jungkook has only handled and dealt with one year old but Taehyung had experience from past 3 years. I dont think it's a valid point." Said Mr. Josh.

"Hmm any other point Mr. Sam?" Asked judge.

And with that the clock strick 1 indicating, the court time is over.

"Order order order"

" Today's court is adjoined here. I have heard both parties and listened to their vitnessed. The case is not over. The date for next hearing is after 4 days. I hope both parties will come up with good and reasonable evidences. Till the next hearing court restricts taehyung and Jungkook to meet Rihyuk. The organization has to take care of it. Till then the court is over." Said judge standing up.

Everybody stood up and the first person to after the dismissal of the judge are both taekook.

Requesting their lawyers to atleast let them meet the kid.

" Please Mr Josh let me meet him" pleaded taehyung.

" I am sorry taehyung ssi but we can't go against the judge's order." Said amr Josh.

"Please Mr. Sam do something. I wanted to meet him after the court." Said Jungkook.

"Sorry Jungkook i can't do anything. But sensing this I think the judge is thinking of some way to sort the things thats why he decided to make him stay away from you both." Said Mr. Sam.

Both were now out of the court heading to their individual cars.

Taehyung is going with Namjoon while jungkook with Hoseok.

While outside Rihyuk was crying badly wanting to meet his koo and taetae.

" I-i want to meet M-mommy and a-appa" cried Rihyuk while Macy was comforting him and taking him to the orphanage car.

This was not at all gone unnoticed by taekook.

But what can they both do the court has ordered them not to meet him.

" This is what I was fearing. In case between them, the kid is the one suffering." Said hoseok to his husband.

"Everything will be alright hoba." Said somin.

While seeing the crying face of Rihyuk anger flooded through Jungkook's veins.

"This is all because of you. If you hadn't come in between he would have been happy with me." Said Jungkook angrily towards Taehyung who was standing a couple feet away from him.

"What ?? It's my fault now?? Huh?? It was you who left him that day and the poor kid found comfort in my arms. Don't blame me." Shouted taehyung.

Both has raged clearly visible in their eyes.

Both the lawyer's calming their clients down.

Suddenly Jungkook smirked and said,

" See you in next hearing"

The smirked taehyung knew that this was somewhat challenging and if for Rihyuk he will do anything.

"Don't get so high of yourself" Said taehyung and walked away.

Jungkook too left from there.

" I shouldn't have left him." ( Said someone but Who?)


" If you met a genie, what would your three wishes be?"

Please do answer Lavenders 💜✨

( Sooo excited ❤️✨)

The instgram I'd isn't mine. It's the person I look up to for any information.


Here's the update. Hope you like it.

I am not a law student. I have changed the system and modified into my liking don't come at me telling and yelling about cour things.

What will happen in next hearing??

Will jin come??

Will Rihyuk suffer??

will hoseok do something??

Who is who??

Any questions?? Do ask??

Lavenders 💜✨

Author ✨❤️

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