chapter 29

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It's been one day rihyuk has asked about taehyung to which Jungkook just dismissed it.

It didn't really affect Jungkook but when he did share this to Jimin, jimin raised concern that rihyuk needs a mother figure and he sees taehyung as one.

Agitated they had a small quarrel between themselves which resulted jimin giving silent treatment.

What was his fault though, he pointed out the starting crackle that would really result badly.

After yesterday, Jungkook just thought a solo day with his son would be perfect, to distract his son.

Today was perfectly planned day for Jungkook and his son.

They have just reached.....

Chocolate factory.

"Appa where are we going??" Asked rihyuk looking around the window, watching the scenery.

Jungkook chukled and pulled his son's  cheeks.

"It's a surprise my boy!!"

"Woah!!! Appa suprise??" I want to know it.... Appa....."

Jungkook was continuously shooking his head as no while his finger were on to his lips.

While rihyuk was jumping on his appa wanting to know his answer.

" Sir we have Reached." Said the driver after 15mins of complete silence.

After not getting answers from his appa, rihyuk didn't wanted to talk to him, so huffed and looked outside.

Jungkook also decided to play along with his son. But he smiled knowing this place will surely make his son happy.

"Come my boy let's go..."

Curiosity made rihyuk's mind compile with his father.

While walking for like 5-7mins,


This was the excitement Jungkook was waiting for.

"Do you like the suprise??"


"let's go inside."

Rihyuk and Jungkook both went inside where everything was made from chocolate.

It was like a different world.

Rihyuk was awestruck with whatever he was seeing. It's the first time he is seeing what he sees on tv.

"Appa can we eat this??" Asked rihyuk pointing at the chocolate looking chair.

"Yess baby go on."

With that rihyuk bend forward and had a huge bite from the middle of the chair.

"Slow down slow down my boy." Chukled Jungkook watching his son's mouth full of chocolate.

Whole 2 hrs they were playing and eating all kinds of chocolate.

It was afternoon 1'O clock when both father and son came outside of the factory.

"Rihyuk it's time for lunch. You should have a little lunch too."

Saying this they sat in their car, with rihyuk happy that he collected soo many chocolates for his younger brother, ofcourse Jungkook paid for it.

They had their lunch in a small lunch place, nice and cosy. Both were not that hungry but as a good father Jungkook is, he cared for rihyuk's health.

Only staying on chocolate is a big no no.

It was 2 when they both were again back in car.

"Sir to the next place?" Asked the driver.

"Yes please."

This caught rihyuk's attention.

"What place appa?? Where are we going?? It's a new suprise?? Please tell me?? Please please."

"My baby son" said while pinching rihyuk's cheeks," it is indeed a suprise and you have to again wait to see it."


"Appa is not gonna listen. Because appa wants to see the happy reaction in his baby 's face."

Rihyuk again huffed and sat back into his seat.

After what like 45mins they arrived a their destination.

"Appa it's soo big fish!!!!" Rihyuk yelled loudly.

"Appa see that soo tiny!!!"

"Appa see that is orange one!!"

Rihyuk was dragging Jungkook from one place to another wanting to see as many dishes he can.

This was the first time he was watching fishes in real, mostly it was always in books.

And as a good daddy he is, he compiled.

"Slow down son. Let's start from there see it's the starting point."

"Woah appa see he is soo big."

Currently they were looking at a very large turtle swimming around his open tank while his caretaker was cleaning his place.

They saw alot of different fishes, different shapes, sizes and colors.

The one rihyuk loves were the zebra fishes. "It looks like zebra." Were his words upon seeing them.

Looking around, experiencing this things with his son felt so good, so happy.

They went to see every fish tanks, watched a 30min long fish movie and even watched the seal show that rihyuk loved soo much.

They even feed dolphins and rihyuk was jumping as the dolphin kissed his hand.

After touring for 2hrs, they both were exhausted to which rihyuk suggest basically orderyhis appa to buy him icecreams.

Both were standing in que for the order when rihyuk's eyes caught something.

Just when he was about to ask his appa regarding this, Jungkook got a call from jimin.

While Jungkook was talking on the call rihyuk silently observed the act happening infront of him.

There was a lady seating with her son reading him a book.

They way the lady was narrating and .along actions in order for her son to understand the story better blinked something in his mind again.

He murmured,

"Mommy...."    Taehyung.

He was observing everything just when a man probably his father came with 3 icecreams in his hand for himself , the lady and son.

The son looked happy and he jumped on his father, while the lady made space for them.

They both sat down while the boy was narrating the story by acting and loudly yelling it.

This clicked whole picture in rihyuk's mind.

The boy in this situation is non other rihyuk himself.

The man who brought the icecream is his appa like how they have been in que.

And the lady................. The mother figure for him is his mommy taetae.

Rihyuk immediately became soo happy. He started jumping, like he found his missing piece found.

Like a clue he got to solve the problem.

He needs taetae mommy in his life.

He very fastly, started pulling on Jungkook's pants.

"Yes baby what is it??"


"Sir may I have you order please!!"said the casher.

"Wait a minute rihyuk okay, yes we would like to order a chocolate ice-cream and a vanilla one please."

"It will be 2 right? Any more order?"

" No that will be all!!'

"Nooo give 3 please."

" No no i am sorry it's only 2 thankyou."

"Appa but..."

"It will be 15.7 euros."

Jungkook paid for it and within 5-7 mins hey got their order.

Jungkook took rihyuk to a near by bench and sat him down.

"What happened baby? Did you need one more icecream?? "

"No appa......... I am sorry."

Sensing something was wrong he immediately asked his son.

"Jeon rihyuk what is it ?? What are you hiding??"

Rihyuk looked up and Jungkook wasn't scolding him, he was genuinely asking what wrong.

This is the time, rihyuk said to himself.

"Appa I want taetae mommy."

This question was one he wanted to avoid. This person was the one he not wanted to be mentioned today.

Yesterday was a hell arguing with Jimin and now again his son is asking same.

He don't want to scold his son, so he did what he always do, ignore the question and pleas rihyuk was throwing at him.

" Rihyuk eat your icecream baby, it's melting."

The drop of icecream on rihyuk's hand caught his attention and he immediately started eating it.

"I don't know what I should do." Said Jungkook to himself.

After what like 15-20mins they were again in car waiting to go home.

The way Namjoon hyung suggested to moveon was a tough one.

Leaving behind his parents and his grandmother was a tough one.

For his well being he has too for which his parents supported him.

Namjoon suggested to try to get work in USA. He has contacts and with that he suggested for an interview.

It was an interview for international school of seoul. The school for Koreans living in USA.

The job title was for a primary school.

He had given resignation letter to his previous school and was currently standing infront of the door of the room his interview shall be conducted.

Taking a deep breath he walked in, pass or not he atleast tried was his go to motto that exact moment.

He doesn't know how to feel it.

It's been 3hrs his interview was over and he was asked to wait for the result, because he passed he would have to submit all the requirements right away.

"Kim Taehyung?"

"That me!!" He said raising his hand up.

"Please follow me."

Standing again in front of the selection crew, he was nervous yeah.

Tightly holding his resume and bowing deeply, he stood there waiting for his faith.

This result can really be a big change for him. Moving to a different country would do good to him, he will be able to learn different things, see how korean adapted their life in USA and most importantly he will move on.

" So when you will able to Kim Taehyung ssi?"


"Sorry sir I didn't get you."

"I said you are selected when can you be able to do the medical examination so that the visa process can start?"

Selected?? Him??

"Thankyou so much sir. It will be an honor to work with such highly reputed school. I will right away submit my required documents and will be back to you with the medical report in 3 days."

"Congratulations Taehyung ssi. See you soon."

With one final bow he left the room, suprised but happy.

"Hello Namjoon hyung?"

It was 7 pm when both the duo rihyuk and Jungkook came home.

Rihyuk was the who ran inside with a chocolate bag his brought for heeseong while Jungkook went straight to the kitchen for a glass of water.

With his tiny legs, rihyuk climbed up the stairs to Jimin's room.

They were basically staying in an penthouse hotel, somewhat like Airbnb.

Rihyuk recahed his door and just when he was about to enter, he saw jimin was breastfeeding heeseong.

There was a small gap between the door from which he saw how jimin was cutely talking to his son while heeseong was munching on his food.

Watching this, was........ was something different. He felt different.

He felt the warmness of something, basically someone on whom he use to keep is head while listening to the story.

The someone who he is thinking daily for few days.

The someone who was so gentle and kind to him just like his Appa.

The person he in the afternoon speak off.

Taehyung, his mommy.

The bag if chocolate he had in his hand just fell, which caught the attention of jimin.

Jimin saw how rihyuk's eyes were fixited on his boob where heeseong was drinking.

But jimin didn't had it. He called rihyuk and said him to come inside.

Rihyuk was so scared, he thought he had done something bad by looking at jimin by hiding.

He bend down and picked up the chocolate bad in his hand and move forward.

He with back of one hand, removed the hairs on his forehead and went inside.

"I am soo sorry uncle, I was not bad by hiding, sorry uncle."

Jimin didn't said anything. He released heeseong and covered himself.

He tapped on the bed for rihyuk and placed down heeseong next to him.

" It's okay baby, no problem."
Jimin smiled at him, and this seems rihyuk at peace.

He thought jimin uncle  isn't angry with him and it's true jimin isn't angry on him but his father Jungkook.

Jimin can clearly see the want of mother figure for rihyuk. If this goes on, it's gonna be very difficult.

"I see something. What's it?? What's it?? Is my baby rihyuk brought it for me??" Jimin smiled.

This si not he issue he needs to talk or correct rihyuk. It's he issue he needs to have a very he mean very serious conversation with his brother.

Rihyuk immediately took the bag away and held it behind himself.

"No no uncle it's not for you. It's for seongie."

Hearing his name, heeseong looked at his brother.

" Seongie, hyung has brought you some chocolates. Here have one you will love it."

With that he gave all the chocolates one by one in heeseongie's small hand.

Both the. Brothers were looking at the unique wrappers and sparkling texture.

Jimin was literally feeling so sad and angry both at the same time.

Sad that this kid has to be the ball tossed in between the two cruel players.

And angry that the 2 cruel palyers can't even see what this outcomes is happening on rihyuk.

"See what is happening Jungkook." He said to himself.

Unauthorised pictures of rihyuk taken when Jungkook and rihyu were both traveling around in europe.

"He looks so handsome, and now I am more determined!!" Said someone anonymous.


What do you think will now happen between jimin and Jungkook??

Will Jungkook ever listen and take seriously what rihyuk says??

How will taehyung 's life will be???

Who is the anonymous someone??

How is the story so far??

Any questions??

Please do let me know!!

Thankyou Lavenders 💜✨

Yours Author ❤️✨

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