Chapter 1: You Smell Good

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Penny: Oh my God. School!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like vampire AU's. I hate writing these but, I like hearing from people. If you have any suggestions for future chapters let me know.

Damien P.O.V.

Jon Kent, the object of my affection, was sitting across the room from me. I couldn't keep my eyes off him, he drew my attention like the moon pulled on the tide. His tongue sticking out ever so slightly, eyes focused, and pencil moving at superspeed. He thinks I hate him but, I love him. Everything about him is perfect to me: his eyes the color of the ocean, his cute button nose, fair skin, messy dark hair, and I could go on forever. He's three years younger, two inches shorter, and only half-human. 

Jon's perfect. I, on the other hand, am a vampire going through dumb ass bloodlust. Jon's blood, according to Bruce, was supposed to be the best. He's a hybrid. Nothing else to it. I needed his blood desperately. "Jon, do you ever long for someone, er, something terribly but, you're terrified of what someone will think?" I asked, trying to be casual and discreet but obviously failing. 

Jon looked up and cocked his head to the side like a puppy which almost made me smile. His blue eyes sparkle as he thinks about my question. His nose scrunches up slightly, and his brow furrows in concentration. He's too innocent for this.

"You get whatever you want anyway. So, why don't you just take what you want?" Jon asked returning to the paper. I was pissed from earlier today when a criminal kissed Jon. Needless to say, I beat the crap out of that bastard. I was hoping that Jon would say something like that.

"I felt the need to ask but if that's what you want. So be it." I said walking over to him with the box containing kryptonite in hand. He was backing away from me until his feet hit the bed.

" depends on what you want though," Jon said wide-eyed. He was visibly shaking, and his beautiful ocean eyes were locked on the small box. He thought I was going to kill him. I would never kill him. He's too important to me.

"What I want is for you to be quiet. I want your blood, but just a taste because you smell too good to resist." I said cuffing him to my bed. I put the kryptonite next to him as he shivered. The green glow lit up my face probably making me seem scarier than I was.

"Damien, what are you doing? Please stop, you're scaring me. Just tell me!" He was resorting to begging and squirming. He whimpered and closed his eyes, curling his body away from me. I put one hand on the side of his face to get him to calm down. It always worked.

"I'm a vampire and I'm in love with you. I want your blood. Only yours. I won't kill you because I love you too much. I would never hurt you." I said running my hand through his silky, messy hair. "I'll make a deal with you. I'll be whatever you want me to be relationship-wise as long as I get a pint of your blood a month." I was hoping he would take it.

"Deal," he said hesitantly, "But, you have to tell me honestly. Will this hurt?" He asked still scared. His eyes were still wide and locked on the kryptonite. 

"Just a little. I'll take care of you." I said as he moved so I could get better access to his neck. "I love you," I said before biting down. He screamed in pain. There was something else there though, almost like pleasure.

{Time for Jon's P.O.V. It will get more interesting over time. I promise!}

Jon P.O.V.

Damien hates me. He's made it pretty obvious. The only weird thing is that he keeps staring at me intensely with something in his eyes. But he looks away before I can say what that is. I looked back at my paper making a sketch of a criminal from memory. I think Damien's just acting weird because this random criminal kissed Jon the boy who couldn't fight back. Damien almost killed the guy from lack of oxygen. 

I don't get why he was furious though. It was just a kiss. Sure, I hated every instant of it, and I still felt disgusted, but he saved me in time. Maybe it was the fact that I didn't want to kiss the guy and he just forced it on me. Isn't that rape? Oh my Rao, I was mouth raped! 

Damien ripped me out of my thoughts, "Jon, do you ever long for someone, er, something terribly but, you're terrified of what someone will think?" What is going on with him? He has some serious mood swings that I did not want to deal with. 

I thought for a moment, "Well, you get whatever you want anyway. So, why don't you just take what you want?" I asked looking back down at the sketch. 

"I felt the need to ask but if that's what you want. So be it." Damien said as I felt sick. There was a green glow from his hand. Kryptonite! He's gonna kill me! I have to get out of here. I have to distract him first though. I was backing up as my legs hit the bed.

" depends on what you want though," I said scared for my life. My eyes locked on the green glow of the kryptonite. 

"What I want is for you to be quiet. I want your blood, but just a taste cause you smell too good. to resist" I felt my hands get cuffed to the bed. I struggled and started crying again. I didn't want this. I closed my eyes in fear and curled my body away from him. 

"Damian, what are you doing? Please stop, you're scaring me. Just tell me!" I was embarrassed with myself. I wanted to get out but, losing my dignity was not on the list. He rubbed one hand through my hair and then put it on the side of my face trying to calm me down.

"I'm a vampire and I'm in love with you. I want your blood. Only yours. I won't kill you cause I love you too much." I was in shock. He loves me. That was why he was mad at the stupid criminal. "I'll make a deal with you. I'll be whatever you want me to be relationship-wise as long as I get a pint of your blood a month." I was considering this. I'm crazy to be considering this. I knew this was going to hurt but, I wanted him to be happy.

"Deal but, you have to tell me honestly. Will this hurt?" I asked baring my neck for him to bite into.

"Just a little. I'll take care of you." I know you will, Damien. "I love you," he murmured before biting down. It hurt at first but, it got better. So much better.

Penny: Hey, so this is one of my few fics that I will be updating like crazy. If you like Birdflash, I have two Birdflash fics that I'm working on currently: A Twisted Little Thing Called Love and The Hero Trap. Thanks for reading chapter one.

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