Chapter 19

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Devon's POV

It was still early in the morning but the group was finished as they left the mutt's house. The covenant leader turned to Devon as they filed into the SUV.

"It's time to set things in motion Devon. You and your team will have a small window opportunity. Do not waste it." He said with a menacing tone.

Devon bowed his head in respect as he said, "Yes Mr. Marcus."


Roman's POV

After Lana had gotten the phone call, they had both dressed back and Lana had gotten ready to leave the house. She was checking the house security for the third now.

"If anything happens, you have my number. Don't hesitate calling me." Lana said as she opened the door.

Roman smiled at her worry and kissed her. "I will love. You just concentrate on finishing your job quickly and coming back to me."

Lana smiled back and replied with, "Always."

Then she got into her black Camaro and drove away.

That was exactly 30 minutes ago and Roman was bored out of his mind. Deciding on going back to study wasn't a wise choice either.

Yes... finals and his future was important but his sanity was important as well.

So Roman settled down at the couch in the living room and turned on the TV. He found a good sci-fi show but it didn't have much left so in about 15 minutes, when the episode ended, Roman's boredom returned.

He wished Lana would quickly return and they could do something together. Maybe the two of them would go out. It was an idea Roman would share with Lana when she returned.

But right now all he could do was lay down on the couch and continuously change channels. Nothing interesting was on.

Right then, Roman's wolf hearing picked out a sound. He sat up and looked around. Nothing could be seen and he couldn't pinpoint the source of the sound.

Just as he was about to lay back down on the couch, he heard a clicking noise and grabbed the tv remote. He turned off the tv so the noise from it wouldn't interfere with him hearing that sound.

Then he stood up from the couch and started making his way to the kitchen. Nothing was there. Roman checked Lana's office next and nothing was out of the ordinary there either.

Lana would probably want him to call her right now but Roman didn't want to worry her in case the noise was coming from something ridiculous like the washing machine. He would look like he is paranoid and scared at even the little of sounds.

Roman decided to check the second floor to so he made his way to the bottom of the stairs. He took the first two steps but stopped short as his wolf senses caught a scent.

He carefully made his way upwards. He was confused. Didn't Lana tell Roman that the person stalking him was a vampire? The scent he was smelling was a werewolf's scent. It made no sense.

Why was a werewolf inside the house? And didn't Lana leave the house because she was going to question someone? Then who was this? Was there more than one people following Roman?

All of these questions were going through Roman's head as he reached the second floor. The werewolf's scent was stronger here. Roman could tell whoever it was in the house, they were close.

He looked around and saw a vase on a hallway table and grabbed it. It was a ridiculous choice of weapon but 'better this then none', Roman thought.

He silently crept up to Lana's room, where the scent was leading and saw the werewolf from the cracked opening. She was a brown haired woman, dressed in black. She was checking in the bathroom right now. Roman thought about sneaking up on her and hitting her on the back of her head with the vase but then he thought, if he tried to be a hero, Lana would definitely kill him.

So he pulled out his cell phone and quickly dialled Lana's cell. She opened on the first ring and said, "Yes cara mea?"

But before Roman could reply, his cell phone was snatched from his hand and the call was ended by someone behind him. Roman quickly turned and swung the vase into the head of the person behind him.

The person grunted in pain as the vase broke in to pieces as the impact and inflicted the side of his face.

Roman backed into Lana's room as he watched the man he had hit on the side of the face look up at him in anger. Those red eyes... this was the man he had seen following him!

The vampire was quickly recovering but before Roman could worry about the man, the werewolf woman he had seen going into the bathroom was upon him.

Roman swung a punch, the woman ducked. His next punch caught her in the stomach and sent her back. As she was trying to catch her breath, the vampire caught both of Roman's arms behind his back and then kicked the back of his right knee so he would fall on his knees.

The impact was painful as both of Roman's knees collided with the floor. He grunted as the vampire forcefully brought Roman's wrists together.

"Jane! Come here and help me bind his wrists." The vampire called to the werewolf.

Jane came over and pulled out the rope to bind Roman's wrists. Roman was still struggling to get up and get free so the vampire walked to his front and punched him in the face.

With the force of his punch, Roman's nose started bleeding but as far as he could tell, it wasn't broken.

"Devon, we don't have much time left let's go." Jane said to the vampire.

They both hauled Roman up on his feet and got him out of the house. There was a black SUV waiting outside and Roman could see two more men waiting inside of it. One was behind the wheel and the other was holding the sliding door open for them to get in.

Jane and Devon pushed him into the SUV and the door closed behind them. Roman still had his feet free so he pulled them both to his chest and kicked one of the men. He grunted from his blow and thumped on to the seat.

The car was speeding off and away from the house but maybe Roman could get away.

"Get his feet!" Devon said in an angry tone. Jane and the other man grabbed both of Roman's feet and bind them together. Then Devon opened a small black box.

He pulled out a needle from the box and filled it with a clear liquid inside a bottle.

"Hold him in place." Devon said.

The man and Jane grabbed Roman's shoulders and held his head so his neck was exposed. Roman watched as Devon brought the needle closer to his neck.

He kept struggling to get away as he said, "No! No!" But nobody was paying any attention.

Devon brought the needle to his neck and plunged it deep. Roman grunted at the pain but a second later, as the contents of the needle emptied into his system, everything started going blurry.

He was losing consciousness, fast. He struggled at keeping awake. The edges of his vision was turning black. He needed to stay awake. But as the drug took over, Roman could do nothing.

As he was about to lose himself in darkness, the last thing he thought was Lana...


Ay 😬 I really didn't like writing this chapter.

I love Roman so this was painful.

I'm really curious what Lana is going to do when she learns that Roman has been kidnapped.

As always, thanks for reading my beloveds and stay awesome 💙

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