Chapter 23

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Lana's POV

"Leo tell your men to get ready, I will not wait for them for more than 10 seconds." Lana said as she turned to look at the warehouse.

It had took longer than Lana liked to find the security footage and spot where Marcus and his men had taken Roman. After that, they had tracked their movements from street cameras.

Leo and his team was a special department of the council. They usually undertook operations when a vampire went rogue or they had gone against a rule that all vampires needed to follow.

Lana hadn't asked for help from the council, she didn't want to involve them on this and had instead only contacted Leo. He hadn't informed the council on Lana's request so he could spare only little man power to stay under the radar.

That's why there was only six men getting ready by the van.

Leo turned to Lana, "It's not safe going into the warehouse without back up or without knowing how many people are in there." Leo sighed, he knew Lana was not paying any attention to him. "If we can wait a little longer..."

Lana cut him off an looked at him, "I will not wait any longer."

Leo knew that talking was useless and his attempts at trying to talk some sense into Lana would turn out to be fruitless. He ran a hand through his brown hair.

"If your men still wants to come with me.."

"They do." Leo said cutting Lana off.

"Then me and four of them will go through the main entrance."  Lana said.

"I will come with you too." Leo said.

Lana shook her head in no. "This is not your fight Leo. I don't want you to go in there with me." Leo looked like he was going to disagree with her so Lana added, "Besides, I want you and the remaining two man to be by the back entrance. You can get in unnoticed if something goes wrong."

Leo sighed in displeasure but gave in and nodded his head.

Lana looked back and saw the four vampires were ready. She had told them to take weapons according to the circumstances. Their enemies would not be only vampires but werewolves as well.

"Let's move." Lana said and started moving in to the entrance of the warehouse.

She crouched and unsheathed one of the silver knives from her ankle. Then she grabbed a wooden stake from her waist into her other hand.

One of the three men moved forward and grabbed the door's handle. On Lana's signal, the male opened the door and Lana moved in. It was dark inside so she used her vampire vision to search the perimeter.

She heard a whoosh sound from her right and she slightly inclined back. A knife rushed past her head and embedded into the wall.

Lana didn't wait a second as she used her vampire speed to appear before the person who had thrown the knife. It was a simple human and she quickly twisted his neck.

His dead body slumped down on the ground with a thud. Lana looked around the room for anyone else but there was none. She turned around to the four men behind her.

"There are humans working with Marcus along with werewolves." She told them. They moved to the next room.

One of the female vampires entered the room first. Two males were inside the room. They used their speed to grab Leo's female soldier.

One male held her arms and the other moved to stab her chest with a wooden stake. Lana was there in a flash and she grabbed the arm that was holding the wooden stake and twisted.

The male groaned in pain as he kneeled in the ground.

The other male vampire that was holding the female soldier called out, "Jane! We've got company!"

The next second a werewolf female appeared in the doorway with two male werewolves on either side of her.

Jane and the two male werewolves rushed inside the room and attacked three of Leo's soldiers.

The male vampire Lana was holding down was struggling to get up. He kicked back and his feet collided with Lana's shin. She didn't even registered the pain as she punched the male down to the ground.

Then she got the wooden stake that had fallen off of her hand and plunged it deep into his heart.

Just as Lana righted herself up to go help the female soldier, a wooden arrow from a crossbow rushed at her. She caught the first one and snapped it but she didn't saw the other two. One of them embedded into her shoulder and the other in her abdomen.

She felt the wood affecting her system but she pushed through it.

Her beloved needed her right now.

Lana looked in the direction of the wooden arrows and saw Jane, the female werewolf. One of Leo's male soldiers was fighting her and preventing her from shooting at Lana.

Lana grabbed the wood arrow at her stomach and quickly pulled it out. Then she did the same with the one in her shoulder. They would take longer to heal but at least the wood was out.

Just as Lana stood up and turned towards Jane, she saw Jane kill the male soldier with a stake. The male fell to the ground unmoving.

Lana was in front of the female werewolf in a second and punched her in the face. Jane reeled back from the force of it and hit the wall behind her back.

Lana punched from the left side this time but Jane ducked and Lana ended up punching the wall. The stone crumpled beneath her knuckles.

Jane hit Lana's stomach from below and her punch landed right on the wound from the wooden arrow.

Lana hissed at the pain and had to take a step back. She was losing time, Roman was somewhere close, she needed to find him.

Jane tried swinging a leg below to take Lana's leg under her but Lana took another step back to avoid it.

Lana kicked with her right foot and it collided with Jane's torso. She lost all of her breath with the kick and slumped against the wall.

Lana unsheathed her other silver knife and was in front of Jane's face in the next second. She had a vice grip on the female werewolf's throat as she pointed the silver knife right at Jane's heart.

Just before Lana stabbed her she looked into Jane's eyes. Their brown colour looked familiar to her but she couldn't pinpoint from where. There was also fear in those eyes but Lana was too far gone to stop now, she was searching for her mate.

So she pushed the knife in and watched as the life drain from Jane's eyes.

Lana didn't waste any time as she got up and looked around the room.

There wasn't many of Marcus' men left. One more male werewolf was dead and there was only one male vampire and one male werewolf remaining.

Leo's female and two male soldiers were fighting them off.

Lana took a step towards them to help them but a scent caught her nose. The metallic scent of blood wasn't unusual. They had been fighting and there was a lot of bloodshed.

What caught Lana's attention was who the blood belonged to.

It was Roman's.

Lana's eyes turned red from their usual green colour. She released a feral animalistic roar at smelling her beloved's blood. Marcus had hurt him. He had hurt her Roman.

She was going to kill him.


So what did you think of this chapter?

I thought maybe a little blood and gore could be good for you.

You know after having dear Roman hurt, you may have wanted some bloodshed/ransom for that?

And we are nearing the end of the book. I'm sorry about that :(

I'll update the rest soon dearies.

Buonanotte 🌌 💙

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