Chapter 8

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Lana's POV

It was the day after Lana and Roman had had their first date. Lana was walking into the classroom with a smile on her face. In fact, since their time with Roman, she constantly found herself supporting a smile on her face.

As Lana entered the class, her eyes directly found Roman's across the room. They were both smiling at each other like they had a secret between them and no one else knew about it.

Lana had enjoyed the evening with Roman. Usually when a person stammered or acted like a fool, Lana would find herself getting bored in their company. But when Roman had done it, she had found it rather endearing. And also Lana could see that deep down, Roman was an intelligent, strong person. His nerves were acting up through out the evening, making him do things out of character. Well, if Lana was being honest with herself, she was sure that she  would do the exact same thing as Roman on their date. Giggling or blushing or worse acting like a high school teenager. The only reason she hadn't done any of those things was because Lana had more experience on Roman. She could easily master her emotions and subdue her instincts.

Though it still had required quite a large amount of restrain not to blush. And that hold on herself had gotten harder when they were kissing in her car. Lana had leaned in at the end of their date to kiss Roman. She could not resist the urge do it. And she was glad she hadn't had the power in her to stop herself because it was spectacular. This kiss was far from being her first, but it had certainly felt like she was receiving a kiss for the first time in her life. Because if that was a kiss, she didn't know what those in the past were supposed to be.

Her heart had had started beating again, there was a smile decorating her face... Lana was alive again.

And it was all because of Roman.

Lana started the lesson and went on teaching latin as usual. She was teaching conjunctures, verbs, nouns, sentence structures. Sometime during she was talking about all these, Lana decided to give Roman what he wanted last night. She gave the answer in context so it looked as if it was relevant.

".... for example the adjective 'cara' is in use throughout the ages and it means precious or also in other contexts as dear or beloved. Many of the adjectives in the latin language..." And then Lana continued on with the lesson.

But she looked at Roman to see if he had caught what she just explained. Roman, by the looks of it had understood Lana's explanation. That cara mea is meant as my dear for him. He was looking at her with wide eyes and a little bit of pink cheeks. Apparently Lana's explanation had affected Roman.

The rest of the lecture continued on as usual and by the time the lesson had finished, Lana's hands were itching to touch her beloved.

The rest of the students filed out of the classroom and Roman made his way towards her. Lana took that time to admire the male. He was wearing a tight fitting blue t-shirt that was darker than his own blue eyes. The t-shirt outlined his lean and muscled body and Lana could almost see through it and see his abs. His dark jean was not tight but hugged his backside perfectly. And the final touch to the masterpiece was a straight black hair glistening like Roman had just came out of the shower.

After her head to toe appreciation of Roman finished, Lana raised her eyes back to Roman's. She was sitting in her desk chair and her legs were crossed. She slowly licked her lips almost tasting the delicious aroma of Roman in the air. As she did this, Roman's eyes lowered to her lips, watching Lana lick them and then back to her gaze. Lust burned in Roman's eyes.

He came around the desk and leaned onto it right next Lana's chair. There were the only ones left in the classroom. Roman leaned down towards Lana and Lana tilted her head back upwards to Roman. Their faces were inches apart and their scents were mixing, making both of them crazy.

Roman extended his right hand to touch Lana's cheek. Trailing the back of his hand down her cheek, he drew a path down to her neck. His touch on her neck made a shiver of pleasure run through Lana. She inclined her head to the side to give him her permission. Beautiful tingles and fire crackers were spreading through Lana's skin.

Roman trailed his hand towards the back of her neck and holding Lana by her neck, he pulled himself in for a kiss. Lana let Roman control the kiss. It was slow, tantalising and full of passion. Every time their lips moved against each other's, the soft friction was accompanied with lightning strikes.

Roman was apparently satisfied with the pace of the kiss but Lana was burning with need now. Without breaking the kiss, Lana stood up from her chair and stood between Roman's legs, who was half leaning half sitting on the desk.

Now Lana took the control from Roman and deepened the kiss. Her version was not soft but hard, showing her burning need. Roman groaned deep in his chest making Lana feel the vibrations of it. She trailed her hands from his arms going up, up towards his shoulders and through his neck to tangle her fingers in his soft black hair. At first Lana played with the strands softly making soft strokes on his scalp. But then she pulled a little on Roman's hair while being careful not to lose her control on her strength.

The pull on his hair made Roman open his mouth and Lana took that opportunity to invade his mouth. Her tongue dancing expertly with his and creating the most exquisite sensations. Roman lifted both of his hands to the sides of her waist and he pulled Lana closer towards himself. Their bodies were flushed, no space was between them and Lana felt the hardness in Roman's pants. Feeling how aroused Roman was, Lana moaned into their kiss.

Lana's hands left Roman's hair and landed on his thighs. She slowly bit by bit trailed them up his thighs. Through the material of his jeans, Lana could feel Roman harden as her hands got closer and closer. But right before her hands could reach there Roman stopped them and broke the kiss. Their foreheads leaning together, they were still reeling from the effects of their make out session.

Roman was still breathing hard in and out but said, "If you touch me right now, I'm afraid I will come right here."

Lana chuckled at his honest claim. They both had gotten carried away. At the same time they seemed to remember where they were. They were still in the university's classroom.

"Do you think this is inappropriate? You are my professor after all." Roman said smiling. He was still holding her by the waist and Lana was playing with his hair.

Lana also smiled. "If you are uncomfortable by this situation, I could always find a new university to work for." Lana said half joking half serious.

"No no." Roman replied quickly making Lana chuckle. "I mean I just wanted to make myself clear. Anyways its very nice listening to your voice when you are teaching latin. I love how the foreign words roll right off of your tongue, creating a symphony."

"All right then I will keep teaching here." Lana said. "And the teacher-student relationship is only a problem in high school. Not so much in university." She added.

"Good to know." Roman replied grinning.

"You know I had been waiting to do that for a while now." Roman said.

"The kiss?" Lana asked.

"Yes. I had been waiting to do it again since the minute our kiss last night had ended." Roman said sheepishly.

"You are too sweet for your own good." Lana said.

"I'm not sweet." Roman ruffed out, his male ego coming up to the surface. "And what do you mean 'for my own good'?" He asked puzzled.

"I love the taste of sweets." Lana whispered and leaned down to Roman's neck. She kissed his neck and continued speaking with her lips against his neck, her breath making him shiver. "And that means I would have to taste. Every. Single. Inch of you to see if you are as sweet on the outside as you are on the inside." Lana said in between kisses on his neck and then seductively licked his neck.

Roman made a loud groan hearing what Lana plans on doing to him and squeezed the sides of her waist.

She ceased her ministrations on Roman's neck and straightened up looking at his face.

"You are killing me." Roman said with need shining clearly in his sky blue eyes.

"You have seen nothing yet cara mea." Roman's eyes lighted on hearing the endearment, now knowing what it means. "The things I will do to you will make you go to heaven and back."


Well that was hot wasn't it?

I got bothered while writing it, thats for sure.

Tell me what you thing about the story so far.

Thanks dearies, love youu.

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