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I have a whole month of school left


I'm so tired. Especially with studying for final exams, which is why I haven't been very active lately.

At least my birthday is coming up soon on the 16th

That's like...nine days away

But I don't know if I'm looking forward to it or not because really, I have the worst luck on my birthdays.

One year I cracked my head on a cement floor, I had to do home from school that day and had a bump on my head the size of an egg. That was in the first grade so.... seven or so years ago.

I was sick for the following three birthdays, and of course, I only get sick a few days in a row a year, OF COURSE IT HAD TO BE MY BIRTHDAY

And then my ninth birthday no one came, but I invited my very best friends at the time. Weren't very good friends, huh?

My tenth birthday was an entire goddamned conversation from my dad all about responsibility that droned on for ages, and my dad made these awful damn zucchini muffins. I guess he meant them to be like zucchini bread? Which I actually like? But it definitely did NOT taste like it.
I also stubbed my toe really badly that evening.

I could go on

I have a questionnnnn for you all

If I were to make adopts, like, just any kind of adopt, like old characters or just a coloured base I find would you guys actually want to buy them?

They'd most likely be in DA points or something.

Dammit I'm tired.

I'm going to go watch Gurren Lagann again.

And cry over it.


I've watched it like four times now I love it to much I shouldn't but I do wHY
It's a good anime 10/10 would definitely recommend
(It's on Netflix)

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro