The Library Part 1

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Last time on Ben 10 Ghostbusters....

The Ghostbusters got a little visit from the Mayor and there not friendly person, Walter Peck. THe Mayor has put Peck in charge of the Ghostbusters actives and what they are doing every second.

MEanwhile in the sewers, four strange people are heading to the library. WHo are they? Are they Friend or FOe? FInd out in THe Library Part 1.



"Hey guys. Something big is going down. It's on the news radio." Said Janine though the walkie talkie. Winston then turned the radio station to the NEws.".....And another ghost sigint at the public library scrambling for answers." Said the news reports.

"The Grey Lady." Said Egon.

"Let's get her for real this time." Said Ray as he tuned the car around and headed for the Public Library. "UM Grey Lady?" asked BEn. "She was the first ghost we ever hunted but she made us look like scared cats. But Not this time." Said Ray.

Ray then park the Car near the stairs to the Public Library. THe Ghostbuster were then getting out of the vehicle and getting their equipment ready.


Meanwhile somewhere in the Libary.....

THe Four Figures that were from the Sewers were just really the TEenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.(2003)

THey were facing a giant Book golem, it was literally beating the shell out of them. It keep knocking them into the walls and punching them into unconscious. THe Book Golem then gathered the four turtles into a pile and the golem disappeared and made the room it was in back to normal so no one can get suspicious.


Back with Ben.....

"UM Guys?" Said Egon. "Yes Egon?" said Ray. "I got a huge SPike right here on this lion statue." Said Egon. As Rookie and BEn went to take a look, two ghost exploded out of the lion statue and escape through the entrance into the library. THe Blue Ghost was Crusto and the purple ghost was Cruster.

They try to catch up with them put they were too fast and escape them. Egon then suggested that they split up. Ben went down a hall on the first floor while Rookie, Egon, Ray and Winston took there own path on the second floor of the Library.

"Come out, come out wherever you are!" Said Ben. Ben got his wish though, one of the Ghost(The Blue one), charge right at BEn from Behind and dragged him into a huge Room that has lots of table seats and chairs and book on it. 

THe Ghost then throw him into the pile of the Turtles.

"Ouch!" Said Ben.

"OKay will you get your foot out of my shell?" Said MIkey.

"Um Mikey, we can't because we are stuck." Said Don.

"THen LEt's get unstuck Einstein!" Said Raph.

"OKay on three, we jump up to get unstuck. One...Two......THree." Said LEo as he and the other turtles jumped up and got unstuck. But for Ben, he was launch a little bit into the air and was heading back to the ground.

Leo caught him just before he came into contact with the ground.

"Did anyone see the number on that train?' Said Ben as he was a little bit dizzy from when he was launch a little bit into the air.

Leo then set him down. BEn then Shook off his dizziness. Ben then look at the four Turtles.

"My name Ben." Said BEn. "My name is Leonardo.  THis Michelangelo, Raphael and Donatello." Said Leo as he introduced his brothers.

"So um, what are you dudes doing here?" Asked Ben. "Well, our computer has picked up lot of activity in the Library and so we though we should check it out. ANd then we were facing a some kinda book Golem and kick the skeel out of us." Said Don.

"Oh, when I find that Book GOlem, I will tear it to pieces!" Said Raph. "Don't mind him, Raph is just the grumpy one." Whispered Mikey but Raph heard him and gave Mikey the Nuggy.

"HEy Ben!" Said Ray as he was on the Balcony of the Room with Egon and Rookie. 

"I see you made some new friends. We were following the ghost and he gave us the slip. NOw we are getting a huge PKE reading somewhere in this room. SO please lets be careful and don't touch anything." Said Egon.

"I think he means you Mikey." Said Raph. "HEY!' Shouted Mikey.

Then the tables began to shake and break apart. Crusto pop out of the ground. He spin around and tons of book began to cover him and a Lamp came onto of the Ghost. THen The Same Book Golem came back. 

"Hey Leo, Can you protect me while I try to get my watch ready?" Asked Ben. 'WHy?" asked Leo. "BEcause, THis watch helps me to go hero." Said Ben.

"Alright. Don, Mikey, Cover BEn. Raph, You and help the ghostbuster stake down this golem." Said LEo. "NOw you're speaking my language Leo." Said Raph as he and Leo charged at the Golem.

"COme on, what should i pick? What is the best way to take something that is made out of Books?" asked Ben. "How about trying to freeze it?" asked MIkey. "Mikey that is a good idea if his watch had that!" Said Don.

Ben then try to turn the watch until it came upon a familiar icon that his future self used. BEn slam down the Dial and a huge green light filled the Room. 

What stood in Ben place was Articguana.

"Now this is Cool." Joked Articguana. Articguana then launch a powerful ICe breath at the Book GOlem, It freeze its body for a little bit. 

LEo and his brothers launch their attacks on the creature's Legs, and arms. Ray,Ego and Rookie fired three Photon stream and yanked the lam that was its head out of the body and the Book Golem just fell to the floor and the books scattered all of the floor.

THen the Watch on Ben left hand began to blink Red and Ben returned to his human form. THen a lady ghost appears behind BEn and said "shhh!" Said the Grey Lady. It made Ben and mikey almost jump out of there skins(For Mikey, he would have jumped out of his shell but you get the point).

"THat's her, the Grey lady. After her!" Said Ray as he jumped down from the Balcony along with Egon and Rookie and chased after the Ghost.

Leo and his brother followed as well. But MIkey was tip toeing away to safety but Raph grabbed him and yanked him back into the chase.


To Be Continued.....

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