The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man!

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Last time ON Ben 10 Ghostbusters......

The Tennyson's have just help the Ghostbusters caught a fisherman ghost. It was a really tough ghost to put down and put him into a trap. 

Just when they tough it was over, Winston just alerted from a Walkies Talkie that Stay Puft, also known as Gozer The Gozerian who chose this form to destroy the world, is back.

Now what is Stay puft is doing here again and what is Gozer goal this time?

Find out!


The gang rushed outside to see The Stay Puft is causing a chaos in the city. Ray wanted to make every make sure this isn't his fault.

"It wasn't me this time I swear it." said Ray. "Pull it together Ray." Said Peter as he go into the vehicle. "Ray don't worry. This is not your fault this time." said Rookie. "Thank you." said Ray.

"Okay, quick question, what so dangerous about a giant Marshmallow?" asked Gwen. "That Gwen is Gozer the Gozerian, since our last encounter, he pick the form of that to destroy our world." Said Egon as he got into Ecto-1 and began to drive the car to follow the giant Marshmallow.

"We can't keep up with him in time." Said Winston. They saw Stay Puft take a turn to a different road leaving behind lots of damage cars and white stuff that was from him on the streets.

"Grandpa, get inside the car. It will be safe for you." Said Ben. "If you say so." Said Max. Max then got into the backseat of the Car.

They then came to a stop to find too much wreckage to get through. "Let's find a shortcut." said Winston. He open a door by kicking it. He along with Rookie and Ben and Gwen went with him. They then enter through a room that has lots of dryers and washing machines for clothes. They then came outside into an ally way.

They saw a Oil truck that has a leak in it that is covered with white goo from Stay puft. Rookie shot a photon blast at the leak and the truck exploded creating a shortcut for Ecto-1. "Nice shooting Rookie." Said Ray.

They then came into Time Square to see Stay puft throwing cars into the air. "Is that him?" asked Peter. "He is hard to miss." Said Egon.

"Egon. About the Super slammer you are still working on, how close do we have to be in order to reel him in?" asked Ray. "A LOT closer than this." said Egon as he continued to work on the super slammer modifications.

"Hey look!" Said Ben as he was pointing out that Stay puft was looking through a window in the building to look for something or someone.

"He's looking for something or someone." said Ray.

"Well, lets get his attention and find out what is he looking for. It's Hero time." Said Ben as he slams down the dial. What stood in his place was Heatblast.

"Oh yeah. I am all fired up. Ray, Rookie, let's get the big guys attention." Said Heatblast. "Good idea. the rest of you guys get someplace safe to get that Super slider ready." Said Ray. "Okay." Said Egon as he drove the vehicle of to somewhere safe. 

"Alright, let's see if this 'god' likes a little heat. " Said Heatblast as he shot a fireball at Stay puft getting his attention, and also hurting him a little.

"Um yeah he spotted us.  Here is a new plan: Move move." Said Ray as they began to avoid Stay puft trying to squish them.

They were able to get into a building through an open door and close it before Staypuft can get them. "Whew." Said Heatblast.

Then the windows broke to see a group of Marshmallow Mini.

"Whoa, Stay puft min self." Said Ray before he shot them and it exploded into nothing. "Alright let's head up." Said Heatblast as they headed to a elevator and went up to the tallest floor.

As they walk around on the tallest floor, they saw Stay puft walking near the windows, and every step he takes, shatters it. They also heard a huge women scream.

"Um Peter come in, you are required at our location now." said Ray through a commutator. "So happy to help but the sugar boys got me nailed down. I can't get passed them. They're disgusting and they're unhealthy." Said Peter from the Walkies Talkie. 

"Did I also mention there is a beautiful lady in distress?" said Rookie. "I will be right there." Said Peter before we turn off the Walkies Talkie.

They then stop to see a broken office that was caused by Staypuft and was looking at a woman, the same woman who bump into Peter back at the Hotel.

When Stay puft try to reach her, Heatblast launch two fireballs at his face causing him to back off and giving the lady and our heroes a chance of escape.

Peter then showed up near a door to the stairs.

They had to go up, since the stairs to go down was destroyed by a certain walking marshmallow. They were now on the roof.

Stay Puft had Climbed to the roof and try to reach the Woman. Heatblast launch a powerful fire attack that was burning him. Ray, Peter and Rookie fired a photon stream at Stay puft causing him to lose his grip of the building and fall down to the ground and slap everywhere.

"Scoreboards reads, Ghostbusters: 2, Gozer the Gozerian: 0. Nice work Rookie and Ben. You are looking like a real champ out there." Said Ray as he contracts our two heroes.


"I guess I owe you guys for saving me." Said the woman as Egon check to see if there is any ghost possing her.

"She's clean." Said Egon. "Excuse me. What's your name?" Asked Gwen. 

"My name is Ilyssa Selwyn. And I was studying about the GOzerian and its culture. I was at the Museum to study more, than this blue pulse hit me and the next thing I  knew, I was on the 13 floor of a old hotel. I escape just before anything else happens. Then some wacko try to pick me up at the exit of the Hotel." She said and that she meant Peter.

"Why don't you come with us, because we like to ask more questions." Said Egon. 

"okay." She said.


To be continued......

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