chepter 5: the battle final part 2

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Meanwhile vilgax's ship headed to earth as vilgax paying attention to everyone around the world
Vilgax: (from new York) attention humans!

Vilgax: (from London) I am vilgax!

Vilgax: (from Dubai) and I have to tell you

Vilgax: (from Paris) that Ben Tennyson is defeated!

Everyone around the world gasped as a teenager boy named jock jokerson interrupt him

Jock jockerson: hey! But Ben Tennyson never gonna be defeated you alien loser!
Random civilian 1: I agree with you dude
Vilgax: silence!! You don't make me a choice!
Then his ship blasts a laser to Paris as it headed to the Eiffel tower and started to falling down to the civilians as they all screamed in panic

Meanwhile in Washington DC an unknown person who appeared to be the president of the united states as his assistant came inside the white house

Assistant: Mr president, a giant alien ship has attacked Paris
General 1: and it looks like they're trying to invade the earth like the independence day movie
???: general, send our air forces to that alien ship and destroy it!
General 1: roger that sir
(Meanwhile in vilgax's ship)
When vilgax was looking the earth as albedo interrupted him
Albedo: vilgax, you should gave me the infinitrix
Vilgax: impossible, the infinitrix and the elements of harmony is MINE!
Albedo: but we had an agreement!
Vilgax: albedo, don't you know I used you and it always what I do. Robots! Take albedo and tie him up!
Albedo: you liar!
Then the robots time albedo and tied him up as they don't let him use his ultramatrix
While Ben, Randy and the mane 7 was in the cage
Twilight: I cannot believe you just did that
Ben: (sigh) I'm sorry twi, we can't just get out from here because I don't have the infinitrix
Rarity: oh, it's okay darling may you haven't the infinitrix but you still the hero which I love him
Sunset: yeah, she's right!
Pinkie: none of us hates you, you're our friend
Rainbow: yeah and you faced the dazzlings and eon as you kicked their butts off
Applejack: yeah because you're our partner
But twilight was a nervous as Ben tried to say sorry to her
Ben: twilight, I'm so sorry
Twilight: how could you say sorry if we don't have the infinitrix and the elements
Ben thought for a moment as he told her something
Ben: twi, there's something I want to give you
Twilight: what?
Then Ben cupped her cheek
Ben: this
Then Ben kissed her on the lips causing twilight to blush and the mane 7 was jealous even rarity who was jealous and her eyes twitching again, then they broke the kiss
Ben: so I guess is a "sorry" kiss huh?
Twilight: (blushing) yeah it is heheheh (oh my, he kiss me on the lips!)
Rainbow: so how are we supposed to get out from here?
Randy: don't worry rainbow, because I have my ninja mask!
Then he wore his make as he throw his smoke bomb and teleported to outside the cage as rainbow dash smiled at him
Rainbow: (that's the randy I know and love)
Then randy saw using his Nomi eye to see the fingertips on the password lock as he did the correct password as they all free
Ben: let's go!
Then they all approached to the command room as Ben paying attention to vilgax
Ben: not so fast vilgax!
Vilgax: you again! But how?
Ben: you should not asking
Then a big vortex appeared as professor paradox came and with him is memnock and zenblock
Paradox: not so fast vilgax
Vilgax: time walker!
Mem: we're not alone!
Then the noobs appeared and a two girls appeared but from the future timeline. The first girl, she had a peach skin, light purple hair half of it are Ben's hairstyle in the top and rarity's hairstyle down and her eyes color was mixed between Ben's green eyes on the top and rarity's sapphire blue eyes down she wears a black shirt and a green sleeveless jacket with the number 10 on it, a grey skirt and green boots as it drawn the Omnitrix symbol in it and her name was crystal Tennyson. And the other girl she had ivory white skin, a brown hair in rarity's hairstyle and her eyes the same as crystal, she wore glasses, a white and blue striped shirt, a pink hoodie jacket, purple skirt and purple and pink boots her name was amber Tennyson
Paradox: and as I was saying it's hero time
Tyler: c'mon noobs let's show that alien what we made of
Crystal: it's hero time!
Then she activated her Omnitrix and slammed the dial and she transformed into a goat like alien (actually this is fan fiction and it never appeared in Ben 10 show because you think this is a new alien)

Crystal: goat foo!
Then she runs faster to vilgax and punched him right in the face as everyone was shocked as Ben saw the Omnitrix symbol on her chest
Ben: wait, that girl's got my Omnitrix!
Crystal: now amber!
Amber: take that you alien sh*t!
Then she used rarity's diamond sword to wakening vilgax as rarity saw her diamond sword
Rarity: and she's got my fabulous diamond sword!
Then crystal turned her human form when vilgax knocked backward as Ben asks her
Ben: so who are you?
Crystal: you should not asking that because it'll ruins the spacetime continuum
Paradox: she's right Tennyson
Ben: wait a minute, rares look at their eyes
Then they looked at crystal and amber's mixed eyes as rarity notice this
Rarity: are you....?
Crystal: we're your twin daughters
Then vilgax wake up
Vilgax: ugh! I heard enough of this family reunion!
Then he activated his infinitrix and slammed the dial as the robots transformed into humangosaur
The robots: humangosaur!
Ben: uh, really? Infinitrix!
Infinitrix: yes Ben Tennyson
Ben: get ready of self destruction code 00 destruct 000
Infinitrix: self destruct will ready in 55 seconds
Ben: you see vilgax? You have two choices give me back the infinitrix or you're died from destruction
Vilgax: no way Ben Tennyson! The infinitrix is MINE!
Then he slammed the dial and the robots transformed into many alien until they transformed into swampfire
The robots: swampfire!
Vilgax: destroy him!
Infinitrix: it remains 5 seconds, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 self destruction is ready
Then the infinitrix exploded wakening vilgax to the ground as Ben approached to him and get the elements to the mane 7 and he get his infinitrix but it ruined
Ben: no way!
Then the alarm warned as it'll landing with a crash
The computer: warning, the ship will approached to the earth in 5 minutes
Pinkie: (gasp) WE GOTTA GET OUTA HERE!
Then vilgax woke up
Vilgax: you think this is over!
Tyler: c'mon noobs it's time for battle balls!
Then Ben approached to albedo as he free him
Ben: okay albedo I'll get you out from here if you're gonna give me the ultimatrix
Albedo: it's called the ultramatrix! And I don't give it to you
Ben: well as you wish
Then he free him as albedo fell to the ground
Ben: ultramatrix, get ready for self destruction code 00 destruct 000
Ultramatrix: self destruct will be ready in 55 seconds
Albedo: you're lying!
Ben: ask vilgax if I am lying
Then he looked at the ruined infinitrix as he removed his ultramatrix and gave it to Ben, then he was trying to activated it until albedo afraid I'll be exploded
Albedo: uh!
Ben: oh, cancel self destruct code 10
Ultramatrix: self destruct secret cancelled
Then the ultramatrix dial turned green as the base turned black

While the others was fighting vilgax until they're defeated
Twilight: we can't defeat him
Starlight: it's over twilight, the ship will landing on the Atlantic ocean!
Twilight: What?!
Vilgax: this ends here!
???: swampfire!
Then they all turned to see Ben transformed into swampfire
Randy/starlight & the mane 7: Ben!
Vilgax: you!
Then Ben slammed the ultra matrix symbol on his chest and four spikes came out as he transformed into his super ultimate form

Ben: super ultimate swampfire!
Vilgax: aggghhh!
Then he rushes at him and Ben blasts his fire to him knocking him backward
The computer: warning now we entered the atmosphere of the earth
Sunset: guys we need to get out from here now!
Shope: uh guys I think we'll going to crash on the ocean!
And shope was right as vilgax's ship drowned on the ocean
Ben: surrender yourself vilgax it's over
Then vilgax looked at the window as he gave Ben an evil smirk
Vilgax: yes, but soon you'll see the true vilgax!
Then he break the window as the water flooded everywhere as Tyler paying attention to everyone
Tyler: now hold me!
Rarity: No! We're not leaving Ben here
Tyler: trust me!
Sunset: that kid is right, Ben will gonna be okay
Then rarity hold Tyler's hand as they all teleported and crystal and amber went to the portal back to the future and professor paradox teleported to another place out of the ocean while Ben was fighting vilgax (but what he didn't know that vilgax turned into a giant octopus)
Ben: this ends here vilgax!
Then he blasts a big fire to vilgax as the ship will gonna be exploding as Ben swimming to the top while the mane 7, randy and starlight, memnock and zenblock and the noobs in the middle of the ocean as rarity saw underwater and he didn't saw Ben anywhere
Rarity: where's Ben? Where is he?!
Then they heard an explosion of the vilgax's ship as vilgax defeated by Ben Tennyson as they thought that Ben is dead
Rarity: No, (crying)
Sunset: he...he saved us
Randy: yeah, you're right
Then rarity crying and hugged applejack as she hugged her back, but then Ben gets out of the ocean turned into an alien named astrodactyl

Ben: astrodactyl!
All: Ben!
Then he heard them as they wave at him
All: over here!
Then he approached to them as he turned back into his human form
Rarity: Ben darling! I'm so glad that you're okay
Ben: it's okay rares
Kevin the supernoob: that was awesome!
Zen: yeah, but how did you get out from that ship?
Ben: because it's Ben's idea!
Twilight: so how did we get out from here?
Then the US navy came and pick them up as men and zen turned into their human form and general notice them
General 1: may you defeat the alien ship but we'll take you to the president
(Later in the white house)
Then the general pick them to the president's office as the president saw them as he hide in the darkness
???: never I thought I'd see you for the first time Ben Tennyson
Ben: how did you know about me? And who are you Mr president?
Then the president get out the dark place as his face showed up

???: my name is president tom kirkman and I knew everything about you and your friends eight girls, and a ninja kid and two guys and four kids
Ben: with my respectful Mr president but how did you know about me?
President kirkman: well you the only kid who saved everyone from danger transforming into many creatures as all around the world knows you
Ben: ooh, that's makes sense
President kirkman: well I guess I get you all back to your home, general send them to canterlot city, the state of Washington
General 1: roger that sir
Then the general pick them up in the helicopter as it headed to canterlot city and landed on canterlot high
General 1: well kids, there you are and I'm warning you Ben Tennyson we're watching you
Ben: (I don't trust this guy)
Then the helicopter flew away as they're happy that vilgax is defeated
Rainbow: well I guess we've got a great adventure
Starlight: (giggled) and I guess the earth are safe
Randy: so rainbow dash, are we gonna go on a date tomorrow?
Rainbow: (blushing) uh yeah, why not?
Starlight: well I guess rainbow dash has a boyfriend (and Ben, I was thinking about you and you're the most hottest guy in my life)
Rainbow dash & randy: shut up!
Ben: well I guess I'll see you tomorrow. So rarity, starlight, wanna go to my house?
Rarity & starlight: (blushing) uh, sure
Then Ben, rarity and starlight walked off as memnock thought for a moment as he looked at sunset shimmer
Mem: so, sunset, can I sleep with you tonight in your house?
Sunset: (blushing) uh sure
Applejack: looks like someone has a crush
Then sunset's face turned red with few shades red
Sunset: (blushing) what?! No!
Applejack: if ya say so
Sunset: whatever
Then they all walked off to their houses as they all go to sleep
To be continued (to the season 3)

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