chepter 4: kung fu ben 10

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After they followed Ben as they're headed to the bleachers
Twilight: okay now we're here now tell us what's going on
Ben: okay it all started....
In the squid festival a 10 years old Ben Tennyson was with his cousin Gwen and his grandfather max and Ben was bored

Max: here we are the squid festival
Gwen: it's actually cool
Ben: oh man why are we in this boring festival
Then they walked around the place as they headed to the squid ice cream shop
Max: 3 squid ice cream for everyone please
Then Ben was whispered to Gwen
Ben: hey Gwen I don't like this place
Gwen: cool your jets Ben it's the squid festival
Max: what?! What do you mean you can't?
Seller: I'm sorry the squid festival is closed because they'll gonna build a mall on this place because I'm quit it
Max: I can't believe they closed the squid festival
Ben: you see grandpa? This place is boring!
???: actually I think we have a guy who refuses the squid festival
Then a giant robotic octopus that was made by steam Smyth
Ben: what do you want?
Steam Smyth: my problem is the future and my way to fix it is the past
Then steam Smyth destroyed the part of the unconstructed mall as twilight breaks the story
Twilight: wait so steam Smyth has attacked the squid festival
Rainbow:and then what happened after that?
Ben: I transformed into four arms and kick steam Smyth's butt
Rainbow: that was so awesome!
Sunset: there no time for this team we must know the secret of these portals under canterlot high
Twilight: sunset is right steam Smyth could planning to travels to any dimensions and ruin it
Starlight: then let's go!
Then they headed under canterlot high as they headed to the portals room
Rainbow: so guys what's next?
Randy: I don't know
Sunset: how about that portal?
Then they saw an black and white portal as they entered it to another dimension to a strange world
When they entered the portal to another dimension as they noticed where are they
Starlight: where are we?
Soarin: I don't know
Ben: uh guys are we in China?
Twilight: China? What do you mean?
Then they pointed to the building as they are in a Chinese valley called the valley of peace

Rainbow: so you mean we're back in time
Starlight: no rainbow dash we're in another dimension okay?
Then they saw a people running
Chinese civilian 1: run for your life!!!!!!
Chinese civilian 2: tong fo is attacking the valley!!!!
Ben: uh oh! Okay team it's hero time!
Then they approached to the source of the attack as they saw a panda named po and the furious five was fighting tong fo

Po: you're not get the crystal of judgement tong fo!
Then a guy named tong fo answered this

Tong fo: I need the crystal of judgement to free the most powerful creature ever, the draconequus!!!!!
Ben: hey you little jerk! Leave them alone!!!!
Tong fo: who said that?!
Ben: we are!!!
Then they turned to see Ben and the mane 10 as tong to glared at them and po and the furious five was shocked that there are another heroes who were defending them

Then tong to laughed at them
Tong to: hahaha! And what are you gonna do you little.... Humans?!
Soarin: and you saw humans had superpowers c'mon Ben kick their butts!
Then Ben activated his ultramatrix
Ben: c'mon ultramatrix! give me something useful
Then he slammed the dial as he transformed into an goat like-alien as they're shocked that they never saw a human transforming into aliens

Ben: huh?! Who's this?!
Tong fo: ugh! Enough of this! Attack!!!
Then his troops was trying to attack Ben but Ben punched them right on the faces with his unbelievable skills
Ben: heh! Nice! I might call this one. goat foo!
Tong to: ugh! I've heard enough! But soon i'll gonna get the crystal of judgement!!!
Then tong fo and his troops ran off as the civilians asked Ben
Chinese civilian 1: who are you?
Then Ben turned into his human form as he introduced himself and his team
Ben: my name is Ben Tennyson and we're the mane 11
Chinese civilian 2: now we had a great warriors!!!
Soarin: wait does the old Chinese people liked us?
Starlight: I think so
???: well well so we had another heroes
Then they all turned to po and the furious five
Ben: names Ben Tennyson and what are your names
Po: I'm po
Monkey: you can call me monkey
Tigress: I'm tigress
Viper: I'm viper
Crane: I'm crane
Mantis: and I'm mantis
Rainbow: whoa but you're a little bug
Mantis: heh! you think me that I'm little bug lovely girl
Sunset: so you all are kung fu masters
Po: and you too
Soarin: you think us are kung fu masters heh! Because...
Randy: because randy the ninja will show you my awesome skill!
Ben: okay guys knock it off! We must know why that little guy want to attack you
Tigress: he's name is tong fo and he want the crystal of judgement
Pinkie: wait a minute, are you say that crystal which use it to free the most dangerous guy ever and they call it the draconequus
Crane: that what she said
Ben: pinkie, how did you know these guys and this place and all this stuff?
Then pinkie gets closer to Ben and whispered at him
Pinkie: I watched kung fu panda series last night and I know these guys but the crystal and the draconequus didn't mentioned on the show
Po: is everything alright?
Ben: uh nothing, so...
Pinkie: so you can pick us to your master chifu
Then po and the furious five shocked
Po: (loud gasped) how did you know about our master? Are you psychic?
Then pinkie nodded
Ben: ugh! Fine can you take us to your master
Po: okay follow me
Ben and the mane 10 followed po and the furious five to a chinese temple like palace named the jade palace as the mane 10 shocked

The mane 11: whoa!!!
Po: I know right
Then po burst the door open with his kung fu skills
Po: master chifu! We had visitor!
Then a red panda named master shifu as they saw Ben and his friends as master chifu glared at his student (I mean po of course)

Shifu: what... Have.... You.... Done?!
Po: uh...for what?
Shifu: bringing the strangers to the jade palace is a shame to the kung fu masters
Then the furious five glared at po
Po: I'm sorry master but he saved us from tong fo
Then master shifu faced palm as he looked at ben
Shifu: and it was nice to meet you master Ben Tennyson
Soarin: he called you a master
Randy: wait but I'm the master!
Then they glared at him
Randy: what? Never mind
Ben: so how did you know my name?
Shifu: you're one of the legendary heroes from another world, a world that is different from our world every worlds in every universes had their own legendary heroes but there's a creature who want to destroy all the worlds is the draconequus a demonic creature that want to make all the worlds chaotic and by the power of disharmony
Randy: oh that makes sense
Ben: (I don't know what steam Smyth want for me is it because he wants the crystal of judgement well steam Smyth this will ends in my world and you're gonna go to the jail) "he thought for a moment"
Shifu: but you Ben Tennyson you'll gonna protect the crystal and don't let it kept by the wrong hands
Ben: I will and it won't happen
Soarin: maybe we can get back to our dimension I had the dimension launcher that I get it from the sonic world
Then soarin launched the dimensional portal as po interrupt Ben
Po: wait I had the crystal that master shifu told it about, you deserved this
Ben: thank you po
Soarin: Ben the portal will closed
Ben: oh yeah
Then Ben and his friends entered the portal as they're back to canterlot high and lands it on the statue
Ben: ow man!
Rarity: Ben darling are you okay?
Ben: yeah I'm fine rares
Rainbow: that was awesome maybe we go to another dimension
Ben: rainbow dash we don't have time for this maybe steam Smyth don't want to destroy the dimension but he wants the crystal
Twilight: Ben is right, we must stop steam Smyth
Rainbow: guys?!
Ben and the mane 10 looked at rainbow dash
Rainbow: it's hero time!!!
To be continued

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