The Attack of the Kraken!

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Last Time on Ben 10: Mystery adventure

BEn had woken in a different place. He then found out that he was in a place where aliens and humans are working together. He then went up a elevator.

He then meet the three people that were there with the mutant doctor. THey all introduced themselves and Ben agree to help martin group on missions and some how maybe find the monster that brought him in this world.

What mission waits for our hero Ben 10? find out!


There is a normal day on the ocean where we see a fishing boat and two fishermen are fishing for fish. "Got any bites pal?" Asked Fisherman 1. He was fishing with his fishing partner

"Nope same as always. I'm starting to think the fish are not here in these waters." Said Fisherman 2. Just then his fishing line pole began to move.

"Hang on I think I got something. Oh it's heavy. Must have got a monster fish here." Said FIsherman 2 as he try to reel the fish in but suddenly the line stop moving.

"Huh?" Said both the Fishermen.

Then suddenly lots of bubbles began to surface on the water. Without warning, huge tentacles came out of the water. "AHHHH!" The two fisherman screamed of fear.

"THE ATTACK OF THE KRAKEN!" Said the creepy introduction voice with a picture of the two men screaming.


Ben woke up from his sleep and still notice that he was  in Diana Room. HE got up and took a quick shower. HE got his clothes back on.

HE then head to Martin Room becuase that were the group meets together to chat about stuff. When he entered, he noticed that Diana and Martin were fighting. Java was there just doing nothing but watch Diana and Martin fight each other.

"FREAK!" Said Martin. "JERK!" Said Diana. In Ben mind, he is thinking why is this so familiar? He stop thinking and push the two trouble makers aside and stop the fight. "Might telling me what is going on?" Asked BEn.

"Its Martin's fault. He broke my favorite hair brush when he was doing a stupid stunt of his." Said Diana. "Hey you can't beat my coolness Diana." Said Martin. They were angry again and they head were pushing against each other.

Just then, Martin U-Watch was beeping. Martin look at the watch and try to find the portal to the Center. He found the portal in his closet. 

Diana was dragged by Java because she doesn't like Martin smelly closet. Ben then later jump into it and close the door behind him.

They all landed on a moving platform and a hand print scan device raise from the ground of the moving platform. Each of our heroes put there hands on it and were be able to continue.

Then a little alien in his flying saucer came to the guys. His name was Billy. "Hi Guys." Said Billy. "Hey Billy." Said Everyone.

"Hey Billy. As MOM found a way to get me home?" Asked Ben. "No sorry. we haven't yet made a machine to do that yet. But that is not the reason we called you guys. Come on. Mom is waiting." Said Billy.

They then went into a elevator and reach the floor they wanted to come to. When they entered they saw MOM in her chair.

"Hello agents and Ben. The center has a mission for you." Said Mom. "Is it a mission of evil walking slime that eats people for lunch?" Asked Martin.

"No martin. Reports from two fisherman said they were attacked by something. But they are too afraid to reveal what it was or what it look like." Said mom.

"So I am sending you to Florida where the fishermen are now. Billy, if you would do the honors?' asked mom.

Billy then open a portal to Florida. Ben and the gang went into it and was teleport to Florida.


Florida 9:30 am

A hero's were heading to the Room that had the two Fishermen in it. Ben knock on the door. One of the Fishermen opened the door.

"Hello there. My name is Drew. And this is my Brother Bruce." said Drew as his other brother came into view.

"We came to ask what happen to you on that boat." Said Diana. "We were just you know fishing and not bothering anyone but then it appeared." Said Bruce.

"It?" Asked Ben.

"The Kracken. It was angry at the humans for stealing it fish and destroying it ocean so it took its anger out on us. We were barely able to escape but with that thing out on the loose, no one is safe." Said Drew.

The others started to believe that story but Ben did not. Back in his home world, he had a creature that was called the Kracken but it was only mad when a group of thieves steal her eggs. If this Kracken would have the same feelings like the one back on his world, maybe Ben can calm her down.

"Guys I going to out to find a clue or find the Kracken. DO you have a com or something to stay in touch?" asked Ben

Martin toss him a comm to put in a person's ear. "Thanks." Said Ben before heading out.


Meanwhile somewhere in the sea.....

We see Ben, Now turned into RipJaws..... search from high and low for the Kracken.

"Here Kracken Kracken. Come out come out wherever you are."Said Ripjaws as he searched and called out the Kracken in a nice kind way.

The Kracken was behind him. And When Ben turned around, he only saw, "Uh-oh". Then the lights went out for Ben for a while.


Diana was trying to contact Ben fro 10 minutes ago but he isn't picking up.

"This doesn't make since. Why would Ben go on his own when he thinks he knows something we don't?" said Diana.

"Um Diana? I think I found something on the Legendex." Said Martin. "Its stays here the Kracken will only attack any humans if they steal the Kracken eggs. And the only way for them to calm down is to return there eggs." Said Martian.

"SO when the Kracken attack those Fishermen, she was just looking for her babies." Said Diana. "Yes that's right. " Martin then Gasped. "Whats wrong?" asked Diana. "Ben went out right? He might be in trouble if he encounters the creature." Jaba then gasped along with Diana.


"ugh." Said Ben as he finally woke up. He noticed that he was back into his human form. Also he notice that he was in a huge cave with blue crystals everywhere.

The Kracken then appeared in a huge pool of water that is from the ocean. "I get now, your upset and looking for your kids right?" Asked Ben.

The Kracken nodded her  head for yes. 

"Wait right here." Said Ben. Ben then turn back into Ripjaws and swim in the ocean. After 10 minutes Ripjaws returned with two giant eggs.

The Kracken took the egg's carefully and hold them with care.

"I found your eggs right next to a sunken ship. My best guess that your eggs got caught by the currents of the ocean. Just be careful and try not to hurt anymore humans okay?" asked Ben.

The Kracken nodded and swim to the deepest part of the ocean.


Hours later.......

"So you solved the case?" Asked Diana. 

"Yeah.' Said Ben as he was relaxing on a chair.

"I think your getting the hang of how things work around her Ben." Said Martian.

Ben just smiled and laughed.


TO be continued........

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