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"BOOOOM BOOOOOOM!" The Mad Titan hurled out a powerful barrage of punches as Hanzo was forced to whirl his blade forth, blocking the attacks, sparks radiating from the flat of his blade as his feet skidded back. 

"Your strength is that of a human." the Titan said as Hanzo skidded back. "But when you block, it is as if I am hitting an endlessly dense wall. How intriguing. Your swordsmanship is so skilled it breaks the normal laws of physics through its pure dedication. Its rare that I ever got to fight a warrior like you."

Hanzo grinned wildly... "Eh! Its rare I get to fight so much strength packed into so much violent skill as well. You ain't half bad. Hell yer kinda crazy yourself.." 

"Not crazy.." said the Titan with a smirk as he popped his knuckles with a flex of his fingers. "Mad.."


The Titan tilted his head out of the way as multiple bullets suddenly appeared in mid air where his skull would've been moments before, having phased through timelines. 

"Wait!" growled Shi- Jian as he appeared in a flash of time warp speed, adjusting his belt with another hand. "That quote! I  know that quote!! As if.. from an animated spinoff! That purple face.. that strength. The way ya kind of look like a well known celebrity whose name starts with a J!"

"Finally.. I suppose you recognize me." said the Titan with a grin. 


'Handsome Squidward's' grin disappeared. "Oh dear god.. is your friend an absolute idio-!?"

"DAMN It really DOES look like Handsome Squidward!" roared Hanzo. "Hahahaha! Who knew a MEME would have so much fighting power!"

"I'M THANOS!" roared Handsome Squidward. "The Mad Titan! In this world I'm such a famous movie character that there are a billion references around me!! I can't believe you fools aren't even bothering to-."


"Actually he does look a bit like Josh Brolin." said Hanzo. 

"BUT HE'S BALD!" roared Shi-Jian. 

"Yeah, but like Bald Josh Brolin." said Hanzo.  "Don't look at me man, I never watched Avengers."

"Me neither." said Shi-Jian with a shrug. 

Thanos sighed as he popped his neck and flexed his muscles. "Tsk. Imagine my absolute abhorrence when I came to this world first, realizing that everywhere I went, others would regard me as some cosplayer. But this humiliation, it's beyond my patience.."

Thanos hurled up his fist and he grinned wildly. "But on the other hand, the two of you have proven a lot less boring than the fools I had to fight against back in my Radiant War. Only one other contestant, Altair  (yes.. Re:Creators Altair) .. ever proved worthy to fight me. In a way we were both similar.. filled with purpose. Purpose to save our families.. regret for what we had done to the world.. 

A massive golden gauntlet suddenly appeared in a flash of light on Thanos's fist as six glowing different colored stones erupted into being upon slots in the gauntlet. 

Hanzo narrowed his eyes. "Shit.. the ki coming from those rocks. Oi!  Time Boy! This ain't looking good! That power ain't normal!"

"You're telling me!" growled Shi-Jian. "That green rock over there is at least 600 violations of the Temporal Regulations Subsection 12 B, if he was back in my world, he'd be held without bail or even chance for a trial!"

Thanos hurled out a fist, and the purple stone on his gauntlet erupted with tremendous power that razed across the street, causing the very island of Japan to tremble. "These stones are weaker than they were back in my world, due to their cheap status as immitations, however, they should be enough to rip you fools from the mortal plane."

Hanzo's eyes flashed as he dove between Shi-Jian and the blast. 

"SHEEEEEEEEEEN!" Reality seemed to ripple as Hanzo's blade moved with such speed, that all one could see was a silvery flash that almost carved through space itself, splitting the power blast apart and dissipating it.

Hanzo grinned at the shocked Thanos. "Oho? You finally taking us seriously?"

"How?" Thanos growled. "Even if that power was diminished, that was one of the six original conceptions of the Universe from which I hail.."

"When you learn to cut through Karma itself, even cutting phenomenon is child's play." growled Hanzo. "My power was never about pure superhuman abilities to begin with.  Relying something as bogus as alien super strength? Please, the only one I've ever seen really use something like that right was Boss. You may have skill, but Boss has been human, he knows to respect the strength he's never naturally wielded. As for you, you're used to looking down on those without your physiology aren't you?"

Thanos grinned. "Yes, I suppose you're right. That weakness is something I still possess. Even before Shub Niggurath took me away and resurrected me after the Asgardian beheaded me..  I suppose in my final moments I still looked down on the humans who fought so hard and did everything to win..  I won't look down on you anymore Hanzo Miyamoto.. 

"BOOOOOOOOOMMM!"  Hanzo choked in shock as a massive shockwave erupted outwards and before he knew it, Thanos's massive hand was clutching his entire body and smashing it against the street. 

Blood trickled from Hanzo's mouth as he let out a gasp. 

"You're the most dangerous one here that is for certain.." said Thanos as Hanzo's eyes slid closed and the samurai fell unconscious. "But in recognition of your skill, I'll leave you alive for now."

"SH-SHIT!" Shi-Jian stepped back, trembling as he rapidly pulled out his gun while training his other hand to his time belt. 

"Oh no you don't.." whispered Thanos as he clenched his gauntlet's fist, and a blue stone erupted along with the purple stone.

"CRRRRRSSSSHHHHHHH!" Shi-Jian's belt was ripped from his waist and disintegrated into a fizz of sparks.  At the same time, his gun was pulled from his hand and shrank down into a speck smaller than a grain of sand. 

"What th-the hell!?" Shi-Jian roared as Thanos grabbed him by the throat and lifted him into the air. 

"You know of all the members of your era's Radiant War.." said Thanos. "You are the one who confused me the most.  A Demon Goddess who pines to save her people.. a Boy with a device of immeasurable power tasked with bringing the Universe together in harmony.. A Girl who suffers from mental horrors, and braves them with the might of a true warrior.. a Vampire Goddess who suffers from an inferiority complex.. A Celebrity who never wants her dream of bliss to end.. And yet we have you.. a mere employee of a radical government who only works to earn his next paycheck and attract women who won't look twice at him."

Thanos shook his head. "You're confounding. You're the least worthy to be called hero, even compared to those of us who are more attributed towards the term Villain. Even my cause was defined as nobler than yours, and it is a cause I later regretted. I killed my own daughter  for it. However you.. you are just a pig.. a hopeless pervert.. Shub Niggurath must've had a few screws loose when she even thought you'd be mildly entertaining."

"Y-you may be right.."  Shi-Jian coughed...

My name.. is Shen-Wang-Peng..  I am but an ordinary  boy who once decided to sign up for the Time Corps when they came in to recruit at his high school one day..

I don't remember much about that day, except thinking to myself "This will be a good opportunity to meet some cute girls.."

But I had another thought in my mind.. 

I knew I needed to get back at them.. 

To rip this pointless government bureaucracy to shreds..

To take those fools who ripped my mother from me and make them pay. But how could I even hope to hurt an emperor who ruled over multiple timelines? How could I take on somebody with such vast power..? 

I still have not figured that part out.. however-..

"If I can't take on somebody who hasn't even managed to rule over ONE timeline.. then what hope do I have with taking on HIM!?" growled Shi Jian as blue flames began to ripple from his eyes, and the earth began to shake. 

"Wh-what!?" Thanos growled as the world around him began to be bathed in light..

"You piece of shit Grimace Look-A-Like! You obviously did your research about us Radiant War guys of this century.. but you flopped out somewhere." said Shi-Jian as his eyes flared with fury. "Sorry, looks like Maltruant's information was somewhat outdated, or even never dated to begin with. You're right, I'm not a hero. I'm not motivated by the will to save others, or to get cats out of trees or any of that stupid nonsense!  Girls are a nice side perk,  that's true, and yeah I do get paid.. however-."

Shi-Jian's clothes erupted in white flames as he began to transform. "I'll never forget the day.. all my mother wanted to do..  all she ever wanted to do was feed the poor folks who had nowhere to go.. but the law forbids feeding the homeless.. all in the name of bettering society they said. But my mother said 'what hope is there in bettering society if those who live in it won't even reach a hand for a starving child'? She was arrested, beaten and killed.. by the TPD."

"And yet you JOINED them!?" growled Thanos. 

"What better way to rip apart those you hate most, than from the inside!?" Shi-Jian growled, grinning wildly as the world erupted in white light further. "

When the light cleared, Thanos found himself standing in a strange world... it was as if he were looking at multiple mirrors reflecting  himself in different places.. from other planets.. to realities to even versions of himself he knew nothing about.. 

The floor was made of crystal mirror fragments, the walls.. which he weren't sure were walls to begin with since reaching out to them, he couldn't seem to grasp a solid surface, as if space in this place did not function the way it was supposed to.

"Well, what do you think?" 

Thanos whirled around to see none other than Shi Jian standing a distance away.

He was wearing a coat made of white flames, his very hat also ignited in intense white fire, blue circuits trailing from his eyes.  In one of his hands was a large gun similar to his old pistol, but longer and with a more high tech looking slender barrel. 

"What is this!?" Thanos growled. 

"My Radiance." said Shi-Jian.  "In Radiance I'm able to access my world's most high tech invention, given only to the greatest of TPD soldiers whose records were proven exemplary enough to be granted power by the Emperor himself.  We've been in my territory for a while now.."

"Why didn't you access your Radiance before!?" roared Thanos. "Why now!?"

"Because there's inherent risk to wielding Time like a weapon of mass destruction." said Shi-Jian. "To wield this power for more than 2 minutes a day or even a week, would mean nothing short of risking destruction of reality itself.  Where we are now is the Dimension between Timelines.. a nexus of seeing every single possibility that has ever happened, from that of your sphere's Sacred Time overseen by your TVA to that of our sphere's normal unfettered timelines. It is thanks to the constantly working nanomachines in this Uniform, the TPD Hazard Gear, that we are able to enter this dimension. It gives off so much energy as it works that it appears as white flames to those who look upon it.

Shi-Jian aimed his gun at Thanos. "And this gun only works when in tandem with the coat.  Overall, in total, I've only ever used this gun 8 times, this will be the 9th. "

"What kind of gun-!?" Thanos growled cautiously.

"Oh this? It is a gun that fires bullets that split time and space. In short you can regard it as a bullet that only works when in between the concept of Cross Time, like this world. A bullet that rejects existence of all it touches."

"RAAAAAAHHH!" Thanos hurled forth a combined energy blast, all six stones on his gauntlet erupting.

"Its pointless." said Shi-Jian. "You see, even if your stones were the real deal.."

Shi-Jian fired his bullet, and it exploded across the dimension before meeting the energy blast. 

The energy blast blinked out of existence as the bullet split straight through the middle, as if rejecting the concept of it altogether. 

Thanos dodged the bullet as it flew through the mirrors, disappearing into the endless void of possible timelines. He stared back at Shi-Jian with an open jaw. "That kind of power- J-just what kind of civilization-?"

"Don't misunderstand, there are heavy regulations regarding the usage of this gear." said Shi-Jian. "Of those who wield the Temporal Hazard Gear, there are only three, and further more, only 2 wear the White Coat to symbolize the highest order of the TPD, me and one girl.  And even then, if we couldn't give a good reason for using it for even 12 seconds..  we'd likely be executed. That is how serious this technology is.. Though it appears that the Omnitrix seems to surpass even this technology.. affecting time is one thing, but transforming the soul itself into an alien, that's beyond anything I've ever seen."

"RRRRRRAAAAAAAAARRR!" in desperation Thanos hurled up his Infinity Gauntlet, channeling a giant sphere of reality bending power into his palm, before hurling it forth. 

But Shi-Jian merely shot the sphere with another bullet, and it disappeared. 

"Didn't I say just now that it was pointless?" said Shi-Jian quietly. "You aren't of much consequence to me Mad Titan. To be honest, an enemy of your callibur might be rare on my world? But its nothing new."

Thanos let out another war cry and hurled more energy blasts in a ceaseless barrage, but Shi-Jian continued to just let out more shots, blasting the energy into nothing as he strolled ever so casually towards his opponent. 

A memory flashed over Shi-Jian's mind as he did this..

"I can't do this anymore Sally.. I don't know if I can do this.."

Shi-Jian cried as he knelt on all fours amid the rain pattering over the alleyway. Outside the alleyway, one could just make out dozens of flying cars zooming through the din.. skyscrapers and buildings of extraordinary architecture towering at thousands of feet through the storm clouds.. 

Another person in a white coat.. a woman.. stood in front of Shi-Jian, her time pistol holstered at her side as she looked down at her colleague, a sad smile playing on her lips. 

"Before Shi-Jian my dear.. you did this all in the name of vengeance for your mother. But I think you're finally beginning to understand something.."

"Understand..?" Shi-Jian sobbed. "U-Understand what!?"

"The whole burden of doing everything alone." said Sally as she removed her TPD hat and rested it on a nearby dumpster, the rain drenching her beautiful black hair. 

"Burden?" Shi-Jian whispered. "But I've always done it alone, and never asked anybody to intervene on my behalf. It has never been burdensome for me.."

"And yet here I joined you without your asking, and afterwards you could not bare to even go through it without me at your side.." said Sally with a bright grin in spite of the rain. "Shi-Jian. Its time you realized that you need an ally, an ally who the Emperor cannot control, who possesses the sort of light you need to see hope even in the bleakest situation. "

"I'm not sure such an ally exists." Shi-Jian whispered. 

"Maybe they don't.. but I hope you find him or her Shi-Jian dear." said the girl. "Find that person and maybe.. maybe you can just tell that person 'please my dear friend! Help me Save My Friends!' "

"Such a silly way to request it.." said Shi-Jian. "W-wait! Wh-what makes you think that person would be my friend and anything more than a platonic means to an end!?"

"Hmmm.. well I can see the future remember?" said the girl.

"Only one of many possibilities!" said Shi-Jian. 

"Yes, but I sure hope that this one possibility is the one which comes true." said Sally. "He's such a cool guy you know."

"So its a he." said Shi-Jian. "So then... Sally what's his name?"

Sally put a finger to her lips and winked playfully at Shi-Jian. "Heheheh.. no spoilers.."

Shi-Jian pointed his gun barrel, resting it against Thanos's head as the mad titan panted with exhaustion from using his gauntlet, kneeling before the Time Traveler with shock at his own defeat. 

Shi-Jian grinned a little as tears trailed from his eyes. "Jeez.. Tennyson.. I can't believe it was you this whole time you lucky bastard. Hahaha.. ha.."

Thanos closed his eyes and smiled without regret. "Huh, I suppose from your expression you found something good. Something you were looking for a long while.."

Shi-Jian nodded. "Huh, you don't seem to be angry about leaving this world."

"Ultimately, the only reason I wished to win the Radiant War was to perhaps visit my daughter Nebula and apologize to her as well as to my other little one.. but.." Thanos shook his head. "I've seen the movies made after the one of my death. I've accepted that they are better off without me."

"I see." said Shi-Jian. "Well, I never really watched Super Hero Movies in this world. I'm more of an anime fan than a live action fan. But I'll try not to forget you at the very least, Mr. Thanos."

"I'd like that, I was wrong about you.. Shi-Jian the Time Traveler, you do have will to surpass even this Mad Titan." said Thanos. 

With that, Shi-Jian pulled the trigger on his gun.. and the world of his Radiance disappeared in a flash of light.. 

As the light erupted, Shi-Jian spoke out.. 

"Ben Tennyson, if I ever have time to talk to you about this, or if you somehow by some miraculous circumstance hear this from so far away..  if we ever manage to get out of this Radiant War with the both of us alive. Please do me a favor:

"  Please my dear Friend, Help me Save my Friends."

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