Ben-X= Erice

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Ultimate Humungousaur fell on her back, smashing through multiple trees as a bloody slash was carved straight through her armored chest. 

"AAAGHHHHH!" A flash of light later and Mika lay in her human form in the earthen rubble, coughing.  "G.. god.. no.. agh.."

Sephirah smirked as she twirled her blade. "Such a useless pawn Akira. Father had high hopes for you, but I share none of those aspirations.  Both of you have such lofty goals about the Universe, the Multiverse whatever... but I was created from Sephiroth more than I was Yog Sothoth, and I only put pleasure in one thing, power, and the ability rise above all other users of power."

Sephirah pointed down at the injured Akira, her eyes blazing. "You wish for a world where the Supernatural is gone? But without the Supernatural, a world based on dominance through power, and survival of the fittest.. a world without the hell of having all the authority through family ties instead of true skill and competition.. that would disappear. It is only through the supernatural that those with only natural abilities can rise through to greater heights.."

Sephirah turned to the bed where Ben was sleeping at the top of the hill's alter and readied her blade. "Father wished for you to be a test to Ben Tennyson, that is why he asked you to kill him. In truth he hoped that Ben Tennyson would survive to meet him and ultimately decide the fate of their ideals. But I am a free being, not his puppet.  I will kill Ben Tennyson for one reason only... to prove that I am the strongest and then continue growing stronger."

"You battle obsessed fool!" Akira growled, panting. "Why... why would Sephiroth give you life!?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Sephirah said with a smirk on her face. "Because he was curious. That part of Yog Sothoth is still in him after all. And he is quite curious about my path as well."

Akira gritted his teeth. "Well then.. kill him.. and be done with it, at least our goals align that much.. then when you're done, I'll fucking kill you."

"Are you sure you can say that in your current state?" Sephirah said. "I just beat the one who beat you, that says enough about your ability to best me.. you aren't even worth killing.."

Sephirah pointed her blade at Ben's sleeping form. "The only ones worth killing.. are the strong, and the strong are only worth killing when they can fight.."

Sephirah smirked. "If I awaken him before he finds Alien X.. then he won't be stronger than me, but he'll be strong enough that our battle will be worth a few legends won't it?  How should I shock him awake? Perhaps if I cleave that Erice girl's head off right next to him.. "

"Oh.. head cleaving.. that sounds fun! Wait is it? I can't say I've tried it.."

Sephirah froze, her confident smirk slid away. "Shit.."

She slowly turned around to see The Anomaly right behind her..

The trees in the forest all uprooted and levitated randomly, as the space of the sky distorted into random swirls.. as if the entire world were glitching in response to her presence..

The Anomaly's tail whipped back and forth with interest as she smiled at Sephirah.  "Hmmm.. you look weird, I wonder if I make you fall in half like that gun boy, will you splatter the same? Er.. huh.. don't know if I should try it.."

Sephirah backed away. "I will.. take my leave.."

A portal of darkness opened up next to Sephirah as she stepped through it.. retreating. 

As the portal disappeared, the Anomaly rolled her eyes. "Where does she think she's going? That's just bullshit."

The Anomaly snapped her fingers, and instantly Sephirah reappeared in the same spot she had been before.

"Wh-WHA!?" Sephirah's eyes went wide with terror. 

"Wh-what in the world is that thing!?" stammered Akira. "Wh-why does it's aura feel.. feel like.. the Omnitrix?"

"I am looking for a boy who keeps showing up in my mind.." the Anomaly said. "A boy who looks like him."

The girl smiled as she pointed at Ben's sleeping form. "I'm looking for you."

"H-he can't hear you.." growled Akira. "He's asleep."

"No.. he's waking up now." said the Anomaly.

A pair of sneakers stepped onto the grass at the foot of the bed.. 

Akira's eyes widened as he watched Ben Tennyson slowly stand up, Erice Tsukuyomi behind him.

The boy took his green jacket off the bed post and slid it on in a flourish, while he stepped down the stairs leading up to the alter, the leaves of the trees behind him fluttering in that flourish, almost timed perfectly.. 

The girl's mouth split into a smile as her eyes widened, Ben's face reflected in her vibrant eyes. 

"Well.." Ben's eyes opened as he looked down at the girl. "Somebody's looking for me..?"

"Finally." The Anomaly whispered, her excitement evident as the levitating trees in the world began to twist their roots, being wrenched apart. 

"What is that thing? Is that-?" Erice murmured.

"What used to be Shub Niggurath?" said Ben.

"H-how do you-?"

"Don't ask me how I know.. I just know.. " said Ben as he held up his wrist and looked down at the Omnitrix that was now glowing vibrantly. "Its as if this thing.. and her, have some sort of big connection. Either way, Shub's dead.. and this is what she left behind."

The Anomaly smiled happily as the strange Omnitrix shaped scar on her chest above her breasts began to glow green. 

"I love him.." whispered The Anomaly as she clutched her chest tightly, her cheeks pink. "Teehee.. I don't know why.. but.. I ... I love him.."

The Anomaly pointed at Ben. "Oi.. Beloved person.. I have an offer for you.. "

Ben narrowed his eyes at the girl. "Yeah?"

"Marry me." The Anomaly said. 

"HAHHHHH!?" Erice stammered.

"Eh?" Akira blinked, nonplussed. 

"Hmm?!" Sephirah raised an eyebrow, sweating. 

Ben remained cool and unfazed however. "Why?"

"Because, I love you."  said The Anomaly. 

"Hmmm " Ben narrowed his eyes. "What happened to my friends?"

"Friends? Oh, you mean the people outside?" The Anomaly shrugged. "Pshh, I killed them, they were boring toys. But you don't need to worry about that, I don't think you're boring. So I won't kill you. That's great right? Marry me now!"

Ben closed his eyes for a moment then reopened them. "Sure, I'll marry you."

"HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHH!" Erice's face went red with shock as she staggered back a bit. "B-Ben what about Oph-?"

"Shush.." Sephirah glared at Erice before she sent a chin nod that clearly said. "Don't interfere now, use your head."

Erice blinked and then went silent, looking at Ben questioningly.

"YAY!!" The Anomaly pumped her fists in excitement.

"On one condition." Ben continued. 

"Eh? Condition?" The Anomaly blinked. "What is it?"

Ben put a hand on his hip. "First what's your name?"

The Anomaly suddenly started to grin with excitement. "Ahhhhh.. hmmm.. I thought about that.. I don't have one.  But... the weird memories in my head.. her memories, that Shub Niggurath person who made me.. hmmm.. she gave me some ideas."

"Ideas?" Ben said. 

The Anomaly grinned again. She Put her hands up above her head as if she were spreading her wings, putting an imitation stance of a familiar alien. "JETRAY!!!"

She then got on fours, making a pose like an action hero. "SPIDER-MONKEY!!!"

She then stood up, puffed up her chest and raised her arms like she was flexing. "HuuuuuMUNgousaur!!!.. eheheheheh so cool."

"Are you saying you want me to give you a name?" Ben asked.  "Sure. Howabout.. Alice?"

"Alice..?" said the Anomaly tilting her head.

"Honestly the first name that came to mind." said Ben. "What do you think?"

"A.. li.. sssss." said Alice, pronouncing her new name carefully. "Okay.. so what is the condition?"

"Bring back my friends." said Ben. 

Alice blinked, then pouted. "NO! They're boring! I don't want them to bother us with being so boring! Booo!"

"Then I won't marry you!" said Ben. "I can't marry somebody who killed all my friends. So bring them back."


Alice fell on the ground and pounded her fists like a child throwing a temper tantrum. "NOW NOW!!"

"No." said Ben. 


"Bring back my friends." said Ben. 

"I don't want to!"

"Then I won't marry you." 

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Alice let out a scream, and cracks like broken glass began to creep through the sky of the alternate space.  "MARRY ME OR.. OR.. I WILL MAKE YOU MARRY ME!!"

Alice thrust a finger at Ben. "I can make you like me even if you don't like me!!"

"Maybe." said Ben. "I can feel that you're really strong.. so strong that it's mind boggling, that even trying to measure it would break the smartest minds in the universe. But..  making me like you.. do you really want that kind of love? Is it really even real to you?"

Alice's body trembled as she bit her lip, tears welling up in her eyes. "You.. YOU MEANIE!! I.. I'll .. I'LL KILL HER!!"

Alice thrust a finger at Erice.  "She's your friend too right? MARRY ME OR I KILL HER TOO!"

"You won't do that." said Ben. 

"WHY!?" Alice roared. 

"Because if you try I'll stop you." Ben said.

Alice grinned viciously, her sharp fangs showing, giving her a demonic appearance.

"YOU STOP ME!!!?" Alice let out a laugh. "Nobody can stop me!! Everybody is boring and weak! I can kill everyone, bring them back, kill them, bring them back as many times as I want! You stupid Beloved! STUPID STUPID STUPID!!"

Alice's grin grew wider. "Besides.. I know the one to kill that'll REALLY make you listen to me."

Alice turned slowly as a figure stepped out of the forest. "Hello.. Vampire."

Ophelia Anderson stared, wide eyed at Alice, having just made it herself. "Wh-wha..?"

"It's her isn't it?" Alice growled, pointing down at Ophelia. "She's the one you actually WANT to marry right?"

Ben looked at Ophelia for a moment as Ophelia stared back, her eyes filled with concern.

"Yeah.. she is."

"B-Ben..?" Ophelia whispered. 

"Then if I kill her, then you will have to love somebody else, and that's me!" Alice roared. 

"But I'll stop you." said Ben. 

"AS IF!!" Alice let out a scream of rage as she pointed at Ophelia. "EXPLODE INTO ITTY BITS!"

At the same time, a green light engulfed Ben.

"AAAAGHH!" Ophelia's eyes went bloodshot as she began to cry out in pain, as if she were in the process of her body doing exactly what Alice wanted. 

But the feeling faded away rapidly.

"E-eh?" Ophelia blinked as she looked at herself. "I'm.. Alright.. "

"H-HUH!?" Alice stammered, staring with horror. "Wh-what's happening? EXPLODE!? DIE.. TURN INTO PUFFY STUFF!!"

Alice pointed at Ophelia, but no matter what she commanded, nothing happened.

"Wh.. why!?" 

"I told you.. I stopped you."

A voice filled with the echoes of cosmic vastness seemed to reverberate across time and space itself. 

The Omnitrix symbol was now made of strange floating metal, swirling within a cloud of nebulous gas on the new arrival's chest... 

It stepped forward while Alice turned to look at it..

It's body was humanoid in shape with spikes jutting out of the shoulder and three horns on the head.. but aside from its shape.. its entire body was a black void.. as if it was a human shaped gate into another universe.. swirling white nebulous energy whipping from it's shoulders and it's white eyes like flames. Its entire body was filled in with stars and galaxies swirling inside him.. a walking universe.

While to the human eye, it looked like the being was the size as a human.. the feeling to all present that there wasn't any actual real definition to his size. He could be the size of a universe and still fit in a  small apartment bedroom. He could be the size of an atom and yet still take up the space of a planet.  His very presence was incalculable to the normal mortal.. and any attempt to perceive beyond what the naked eye could see would drive a human being insane.

"Alien X.." whispered Akira. "So.. so that is Alien X?"

"Wh-what is that one?" said Alice. "I.. I don't have any memories about that one from the one who made me.. I.. guh.. I DONT LOVE YOU ANYMORE!! GO AWAY!!!"

Alice thrust a hand at Alien X.

But Alien X's eyes glowed bright and a powerful pressure slammed into Alice, causing her to step back.

"That won't work." said Alien X. "You aren't the one making rules here.. also, killing people is wrong."

"If I can do it, it's right!" said Alice snapped. "If it were wrong, I wouldn't be able to do it!"

"Hmmm.. in that case.." Alien X snapped his fingers. 

Shi-Jian.. Highfeld, Dragfeld, Hanzo, Parvarti, Mika, Deca and even Etheria appeared in the dimension, standing next to Erice. All of them completely unharmed.

"Wh-wha?!" Shi-Jian stammered feeling his head with his hands rapidly. "D-dude.. I had the worst nightmare!! Wh-what ha- AHHH ITS HER! And.. wait what's that thing!?"

"That's Ben." Hanzo whispered. "That's.. that's.. Alien X. Did.. he..?"

Highfeld chuckled. "Well well.. even conquering death, that's my comrade for you.."

Dragfeld stared with wonder. "His.. his power it far surpasses my father even. M.. My lord.. is truly a god right now."

"Even me.." Etheria whispered. "Even after I tried to kill him.. why me too?"

"Ben.. " Mika whispered. "Senpai.."

"G.. GRRRRRRRR.. N.. NO FAIR!! I DONT WANT THEM!!" roared Alice furiously.

"But I do." said Alien X. 

"BUT THEY WILL TAKE YOU AWAY FROM ME!!" Alice roared back. 

"People can't just form one relationship their whole life." Alien X said, offering a hand. "You're still young, I can tell. You're something new. You can still learn." 


Alice clenched her fists, as suddenly the world around her exploded, reality itself shattering.

The world rapidly changed as it flipped through dimensions rapidly, turning from underwater, to a world where everything was made of paint, to a barren desert, to out in space to a strange dimension made of glowing polygons and back to the forest again.

Alien X flicked his wrist and everyone else in the dimension was suddenly engulfed in a large glowing white bubble with strange spatial distortions around its borders, protecting them from the rapid environment change. 

"HOLY SHIIIIIIT!" Shi-Jian screamed. 

"Protecting me too?" Sephirah said as she watched Alien X from behind.  "You might regret that later on.."

"You're new too.. just like her." said Alien X. 

"Hmph.." Sephirah sighed. "Father was right about you.. I suppose I'll watch for now, and praise the fact I'm still alive."

Alien X turned to look at Ophelia. "There's a lot of things I want to say.. but.. "

Ophelia beckoned silently with a finger. 

Alien X leaned into the bubble, only for the vampire to lean in and kiss the alien in the approximate area where the lips might have been. 

Alien X's eyes went wide. 

"Kick her butt. She's a kid throwing a tantrum, she needs to be put in her place or she'll never learn." said Ophelia with a smile. 

Erice chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Get a room.."

Alien X took a deep breath and leaned out of the bubble and turned to look at Alice who was now approaching slowly, the earth erupting into magma around her feet as her hair blazed like flames and she gritted her teeth furiously.  

"Time to end this Radiant War.. once and for all."

Alice thrust out a hand, and a massive blast of dimensional energy exploded out..  its appearance was wild, like glass shards that also twisted like liquid, and as it passed through the space of the artificial dimension.. the very laws of physics broke like a wooden stick being pressured. 

random gravity wells exploded around the blast, and cosmic matter that had no name vented from the front of it..

Alien X's eyes glowed as he thrust out his own hand, and a cosmic swirling light shaped like a galaxy exploded from his palm and slammed into the Reality Shatter Blast. 

Alice clapped her hands. Immediately the world around them changed, and suddenly they were in a world filled with mirror like shards and walls.  The entire dimension's mirror walls turned their reflective surfaces into transparent reflective blades, and the planet and galaxy sized shards converged on Alien X. 

Alien X whipped his hand to the side, and multiple Black Holes  appearing as giant gaping voids of pure blackness with golden halos around them,  erupted in a wall around him, swallowing the attacks in an instant. 

"Can't just change the field without permission." Alien X clapped his hands in a similar manner to Alice, and suddenly they were inside a giant void where multiple amoebas, viruses and cells the size of planets in comparison to those present, were oozing along through the void itself. 

"GEEEH!?" Alice blinked, surprised by the change in setting right before Alien X teleported in front of her and hurled a fist straight into her jaw. 

A white shockwave that rang with a gong-like sound exploded outwards as a punch with multiverse destroying potential sent Alice blasting straight through a white blood cell the size of Jupiter, puncturing a hole in its surface. 

"GAH I HATE THIS PLACE!" Alice clapped her hands, and the universe they were in changed once more. 

They were now in a grassy field that seemed to go on forever where a strange white tower shaped like multiple swirling pillars of spiraling light could be seen in the distance. 

Instantly requesting knowledge on the area with his power told Alien X that the tower was known as Rhongomyniad to mortals, and they were in what was called The Other Side of the World.  Wait.. Erice had used-

"This place is funny! It feels MUCH nicer!" Alice slammed her hand into the ground, immediately beams of light whirled out like ribbons from the distant tower and Alice grabbed them, ripping them off as their shapes both morphed into swords of light. 

Alice threw the swords, the blades themselves multiplying into millions of pure blades of light, all of them the size of planets much larger than the ones in the known solar system.. carving through the infinite sky and down at Alien X. 

The grass blew around in waves as Alien X raised both hands and his power erupted through Time and Space and down to the Root of the Very World. 

Rhongomyniad itself twisted its very body and two giant hands of golden light whipped out from the tower, connected to a torso shaped like Alien X himself, causing the blades to absorb straight into the palms, returning the light to its source. 

Alien X then thrust out a fist, causing the Rhongomyniad avatar of himself to hurl a punch directly into Alice's body.

Alice whipped hand up, and an invisible Reality Shattering force slammed the hand away dissipating the avatar back into the energy of the Root of the World. 

She and Alien X leaned forward, and both of them teleported and reappeared in front of each other, slamming their palms into each other as a shockwave erupted from the impact, the two of them pushing hard as once more cracks ran through the sky from the disruption of the boundaries of time and space itself. 

"LOVE ME!!" Alice screamed. "LOVE ME NOW!!"

"That's not how love works Alice." Alien X said. "You need to listen.. you're just a kid with too much power and its overwhelming you.  Trust me I know what I'm talking about. I had too much power when I was 10, and if it wasn't for my Grandpa I'd probably be a huge wreck!"


At that moment he understood.

Ben understood what Alice's issue was..

Shub Niggurath's memories had influenced her. Her entire source of knowing about the world was Shub Niggurath. All she knew was from Shub Niggurath. 

"She's the one making you this way, some of her is still left in you." Alien X growled as he pushed harder. "If that's the case.. I'll get rid of her.. once and for all!!!!"

Alien X broke free of Alice and threw another punch right into her jaw. 

Another gong sounded as a white shockwave erupted and Alice was sent flying, shattering through the world like glass.. as she was sent spiraling through multiple dimensions.. shattering through each one like a glass wall... (in a similar way to America Chavez's power). 

Alice exploded into a white stone pedestal as the dimensions she just broke through shattered like glass and Alien X stepped out in front of her..

They were on what appeared to be a strange white pedestal made of solid indescribable matter..  

Around the pedestal was an endless sea of calm mirror-like water reflecting an infinite cloudy blue sky under what appeared to be a sunset from a star more massive than a million universes put together.. 

"You picked this place didn't you..?" Alien X muttered as Alice stood up, rubbing her sore chin.  "Why?"

"H-how should I know?" Alice growled, panting hard. 

"Ben! Look down at the pedestal!" Erice called from the white bubble that had followed the fight through the dimensions. 

Alien X looked down at his feet and saw that the pedestal was carved in a circular hourglass pattern. An emblem that looked a lot like...

"What?" Alien X whispered.

"Alalaya.. don't tell me we're in the Center of Reality?" Akira muttered. "Did the Tower at the End of the World somehow influence them to come here?"


Alice thrust a hand into the air, and a giant sphere shaped like a black void filled in with stars and galaxies in very much the same appearance as Alien X's body erupted outwards, starting to obscure the endless sunset sky. 

"NO!!!" Sephirah roared. "BEN TENNYSON!! LISTEN TO ME NOW!!"

"Eh!?" Alien X turned his head to look at the floating reality bubble. 

"This place.. if she damages it.. it really will grant her wish." said Sephirah. "This place is the center of it all.. Even a Celestialsapien can't normally enter this place!! But somehow thanks to the Omnitrix you're both here.. if this place is gone.. EVERYTHING is gone.. Reality, Existence, Outer Gods, Humans, Memories, Dreams, EVERYTHING short of God himself  will stop having ever existed past, present and future!!!"

Alien X nodded. "Uh.. right!!"

Alien X hurled a reality shattering force straight at the sphere that was growing bigger, but.. it glanced off.

"What!?" Alien X stammered.

"Her power.. is still growing!" Ophelia gasped as one of her eyes turned yellow with a keyhole shape like her Gateway form. "The Vision of Yog Sothoth doesn't lie.. I think she might even be growing beyond Azathoth in scale!!  Even Alien X can't win!! You'd need to call on other Celestialsapiens to even have a chance at that point!"

"YOU HAVE TO KILL HER!!" Sephirah roared. "NOW TENNYSON!!"

"There's still one thing I can do.." Alien X growled. "AND I AIN'T GONNA KILL SOMEBODY WHO ONLY JUST HAD A CHANCE TO LIVE!"

"DONT BE A FOOL!" Sephirah roared, but Alien X already charged in.  He gripped Alice's head in both hands.

"Wh-what are you!?" Alice screamed. "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO-!?"

"I'm sealing it away." Alien X roared.  "Your memories of Shub Niggurath.. and all of your power!!"

"Y-YOU CAN'T DO THAT! As I am now, it would only kill you to do th-" Alice began. 

"Of course!" Alien X growled. 


Alice screamed as suddenly a red collar of light appeared around her neck and she glared at Alien X incredulously

Alice's eyes went wide. "YOU WOULDN'T GO THAT F-!"

"OH HELL YES I WOULD!" Alien X roared. 

A blistering celestial light  exploded out from Alien X.. 

The reality bubble disappeared.. 

Everyone stood floating upon the clear water, as if their feet could not break the tension of the liquid itself.. ripples appearing around their feet. 

They slowly looked up to see Alice standing alone, a strange red pattern around her neck, as she clutched her head, moaning..

And Ben Tennyson lay upon the pedestal.... his body disintegrating into gold light.. 

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