They were gods once.

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"Ben Tennyson.. I wonder what you would do in this situation.."

"Hmmm? Sir? A-Are you okay?"

Akira Watanabe perked up as the makeup artist stared at him uncertainly, a powdering tool in one hand.. Nearby, the notable 60 Minutes Correspondent Lesley Stahl was eying a set of notes in her hands as she settled down in her seat. 

Lights blared everywhere over the pleasant background of a fireplace and book shelf as cameras were being checked and stage crew gestured to each other and talked amicably with one another. 

In the dark background of the room, Akira could make out Etheria smiling and wearing a simple blouse, a purse in one hand, holding a thumbs up. 

Akira smiled back at her and nodded before looking at the makeup artist. "Sorry, I was just musing to myself.

After the makeup artist finished her work in making sure Akira looked visible on camera, the interview began. 

"Now.. if I may start things off." said Lesley Stahl, smiling carefully at Akira. "I do understand that while you and your fellow comrades are seen as heroes by your supporters, that doesn't pair well with the fact that in the end you are still living contradictions to your own edicts. As supernatural power users yourselves."

"Sometimes one must shake hands with the devil to get rid of the devil." said Akira. "And I do understand it might show us as hypocrites, but the entire point of the Supernatural being unneeded and antithetical to peace, is that it is above and beyond the natural. Nothing our armies, our human achievements can do, is ever going to be able to get rid of them because they will always be beyond us.  I'm sure you've seen all my files on the Time Loops that happened recently just last year."

"Indeed, most disturbing news, though there is no evidence to support they ever happened." said Lesley.

"Perhaps, but the very nature of these loops would never leave evidence. And it should be noted that these files are from the very JSDF and UN databases themselves. Meaning our governement is entirely aware they happened." said Akira. "Did you see what happened to Ben Tennyson in one loop? They nuked Sato City. Why? Because he was too powerful for ANY of our armies to destroy by normal means. And he wasn't even using his most powerful form. Does any army truly believe they stand a chance should the Radiant Seven decide to swoop down and destroy you all?"

"And should YOU decide to destroy us all?" asked Lesley. "Sounds like you're asking the people of this world to put an awful lot of unwarranted trust in a group that's just as dangerous and unchecked."

Akira smiled. Just the line of difficult questions he expected from a renowned news network. But he was prepared. 

"Well simply put, you can't trust us, that I can acknowledge. But since neither of us can be trusted absolutely, you'll just need to have faith. And who would you rather have faith in? A group of seven teenagers who aren't even old enough to drive aside from the 10,000 year old vampire dictator?  Or the Seven Adults who wish to give up their own powers when this is over?"

 Later, Akira left the studio to find Etheria waiting for him, looking positively cheerful. 

"My Lord, you did brilliantly." said Etheria. "Such confident answers to tough questions."

"It wasn't easy." said Akira, a bit of sweat on his brow as he massaged his chin. "In all honesty, I'm not sure I came out of that the better for it. There were some questions I just couldn't answer in a way that would appeal to the sceptics of our cause."

"Perhaps, but you didn't lose confidence." said Etheria. "And the more coverage we get, the better it is for spreading Lady Sephirah's will. Even John Oliver is covering us tonight."

"J-John Oliver?" Muttered Akira. "Usually those he covers aren't things he has pleasant things to say about. Hmmm, in that case, I'm going to watch tonight's episode."

"Wh-why My Lord, if what you say is true then.. "

"Then it is something I can learn from." said Akira. "Oliver's researchers are usually quite thorough. If anything, I can see what they think I have wrong, and learn how to quell whatever fears are expressed."

"Heheheh, that's why you're my liege lord." said Etheria with another bright smile. "Your humility and willingness to learn is without equal."

"Perhaps. In all honesty, Ben Tennyson is quite a bit better than me in a few regards." said Akira. 

"He is nothing compared-."

"Do not be presume Etheria." said Akira. "When we last fought them, they were exhausted from their recent battles, and even then Ben Tennyson might have single handedly wiped us out. This Seraph Omnitrix, I have yet to fully master it, and in the end the best way to fight the Radiant Seven is using politics, and patience. Taking advantage of their refusal to make violence their first option, turning the public opinion against them so that when the final battle comes, they will be weakened."

"My Lord I'm quite sure most of our members are at least equal in power to the likes of their so called heroes." muttered Etheria with a slight pout. 

"Perhaps. But the pieces that matter in the equation are different. Namely you, Me, Ben Tennyson and Dragfeld Dragon Feller." said Akira.  "The four of us are the most powerful pieces in play, and yet currently both pieces on the enemy side exceed us."

"Tsk... D.. Dragfeld Dragon Feller.. I'll have my vengeance on that damn demon for sure." growled Etheria. 

"Yes you shall, but patience must come first." said Akira. "This is all going according to plan so far, we need to be meticulous and cunning like serpents.  That is where Ben Tennyson falls short. He cannot play dirty."

"Then while he isn't playing dirty, why don't the both of us play a little dirty tonight.. in your bed?" whispered Etheria, wrapping her arms around Akira's shoulders and winking. "Hmmmm?"

"Hmmm.. you tempt me my dear." said Akira. "But now is not the time for that. Perhaps when all is said and done.. I can settle down with you for a bit. But right now-."

Etheria sighed. "I know I know, hmmm. Well that's a shame, but I know this is important."

"Well one thing I know for certain that I have that Tennyson doesn't. " said Akira. "The most beautiful woman in the multiverse, whose patience for me knows no bounds."

Etheria smiled as she and Akira's lips met.. 

"Okay.. so.. I have no idea what I'm doing."

Ben lay on the couch in the living room as Hanzo sat over him, putting several Japanese Paper Omniyoji seals on his forehead, then on the Omnitrix

"Don't think too hard about it." said Hanzo. "This is a tactic used to speak with spirits that possess people or objects. Your companion will be able to go anywhere in your mind. And see anywhere."

"And how do I even find Alien X in my mind?" Ben muttered. 

"You ARE Alien X." said Nia as she sat on the nearby armchair, arms folded. 

"But.. I'm not sure its that simple." Ben said. "When I met Serena and Bellicus they acted like they had been around for eons longer than I had. They even had a grudge against Professor Paradox. I think that when the DNA sample was taken it removed the Reason that was inside so that the transforming one could take its place."

"Professor who-ha now?" Muttered Shi-Jian. 

"That's because the ones you met are an amalgamation of every Ben Tennyson's compassion and aggression in every reality, timeline, and universe." said Ophelia. "Ben.. Celestialsapiens are complex.  When you're Alien X.. you're EVERY Alien X.. and by extension, you're EVERY Ben.."

"That's... whoa.. but I don't feel like every other Ben.." Ben said. 

"Well that leads to the questions of Consciousness Separation within the Space Time of alterations of the same celestial being- which I could discuss, but would only leave your minds baffled." said Nia. "The point is.. Alien X IS you.. the two other personalities are long lived due to the fact that they became Omnipresent when you formed them by transforming... You three turned into something different.. time is not the same.  In any case, these two other personas are the parts of you who conflict when you try to make a definite choice. We ALL have these types of personas, Alien X just gives them form. And now, we're about to give them form again."

"Yep." said Hanzo. "Overall, you should be able to meet many of your.. uh.. alters.. inside. But you'll need somebody to be a handhold, a companion in your mind. Anybody you don't mind poking around in your head?"

"I mean, you're all fine.. except Shi-Jian."

"Huh? Why me!?" Shi-Jian stammered. 

"You know why." Ben said. 

"Oh yeah the Mind Reader incident.." Shi-Jian muttered. "I mean we only ended blowing up HALF of Easter Island in the end-."

"The fuck did you two do?" Hanzo muttered. 

"I'll go." said Erice, raising a hand. "It has to be either me or Ophelia.. I think the two of us have the best handle on this.."

"No objections there." said Ophelia. "But are you sure Erice? This won't be a walk in the park."

"Erice, it'll be dangerous to go in." said Hanzo. "In the mindscape Ben doesn't have control over what comes out or what kind of path will form. Overall, I was hoping Nia would go in-."

"Ohohoho! You don't want me in your head!" Nia said, looking bewildered.

"Huh!? Why-!?" Ben began.

"Think you idiots, I'm an Outer God.. do you REALLY want MY inner thoughts IN YOUR HEAD?" Nia growled. "I may be part mortal now.. but the vast knowledge and truths of the cosmos would still blow apart your itty bitty mortal skull like a popcorn kernel in a microwave."

"I would like to go in actually, but, if Erice managed to volunteer first, I won't stop her." said Ophelia. "Plus, Hanzo, you of all people should know that any of us can handle ourselves in the midst of danger."

"Huh, I guess there's nothing for it then." said Hanzo. "You both will be in a Spirit Dimension away from your bodies. However, Erice's abilities are magical, and Ben's Omnitrix is a device that has its own spirit graft, so you should be able to still use your powers with no problem."

"So how does that work in there?" Ben muttered. "The Omnitrix changes my human ghost into an Alien Ghost?"

"I mean, yeah its something like that, hard to explain really." said Hanzo. "Lets just start the ritual shall we? Erice, grab onto Boss's hand tightly. Yer gonna feel something pulling on you.. like a force pulling you into a hole. The important part is that ya don't let go."

"R-right.." Erice said. 

Erice took Ben's hand, as she did, Hanzo began to chant in a low voice. 

"Amaterasu...Susanoo no Mikoto.. Yamato No Orochi...  Tamamo No Mae. The Great Kitsune and the Eight Headed Serpent merge inward and reveal the innermost self, let us go to the Ethereal Plane.."

Ben felt as if a black hole was pulling him inwards. He gasped a little as he held on tightly to Erice's hand, and in an instant his world zoomed away from him, as if he were being sucked into a single point. 

Throughout the experience, as blackness hit him, Ben could still feel Erice's delicate yet strong hand holding tightly onto his, 

"U.. Uhhggh!!" Ben's eyes went wide as he came to, sitting in a familiar place

"Hey! Tennyson! Ya spacing out on me?! I was just askin' where this alien was supposed to turn up!"

Ben blinked a little as he stared at what appeared to be a boy about a year older than him, taller, with a mane of black hair, and a vague resemblance to Hanzo, wearing a sleeveless black muscle shirt and baggy pants. 

"Kevin?" Ben muttered.  He was sitting in the back seat of a green muscle car that somewhat resembled a dodge challenger. 

"Yeah! You okay? Ya spaced out for a moment there." said Kevin. "I swear if you're being possessed or something.. well I ain't cleaning up the puke again after the last time. Especially not while IN my baby here. Just cause Gwen's still borrowing your wheels doesn't mean ya got special privilege in here!"

"Oh.. um." Ben strained mind, furrowing his brow. Why was he here again? 

Wait.. yes, he had called Kevin early this morning after the Plumbers reported an alien sighting here in Bellwood, and he called Kevin for them to check it out! Right.. and for a moment he had.. had.. had what? Why was this difficult to really think about?

"Ben focus."

A different voice found Ben from the seat directly next to him. 

A girl was sitting next to Ben. A beautiful girl with an athletic yet graceful and shapely body, dressed in a leather black jacket, denim shorts and a shirt that only went to her midriff.. with medium short black hair that had a red streak.. and.. and..

Ben blinked and shook his head. "E-Erice-?"


"WHOA WHOA! Who the HECK are you!?" Kevin grabbed a strange looking sleek black gun from the front shotgun seat and pointed it at Erice. "Who the hell are you!?"

"KEVIN WAIT! Its fine!" Ben exclaimed, holding up a hand. "Its fine! She's a friend!"

"Yeah? Well do friends of ours normally just suddenly appear in the back seat without warning!?"

"Uhh.. yes?" Ben said. 

"..." Kevin shrugged and put the gun down. "Eh, fair enough. So where do ya know Ben from mystery girl?"

"When we were 10." said Erice said automatically. "Ben's summer vacation.."

"Oh, that biz, nothing but bad memories of THAT summer, but I guess ya met after I met him.. " 

"He can see me.." Erice muttered. 

"Hanzo did say that my memories would taken on a sentience of their own.." Ben muttered. "I think we have to be prepared for a LOT of things seeing you.. AND me.. Jeez, I almost forgot why I was here."

"That's why a guide is vital I guess." Erice whispered.  "So do you remembered what happened today?"

"Still a bit fuzzy. We were investigating an alien sighting. It wasn't anything notable actually, if anything, me and Kev found nothing and we just went out for smoothies afterwards after sitting in the car for a couple of hours." 

"Hmm.." said Erice. "Okay.. So it's not exactly a situation we can exactly make an excuse to get out of, so lets play along."

"Are you sure?" Ben muttered. "I mean this might take a few hours.."

"Time passes differently in the mindscape. I should know, I've visited my own mental scape before." said Erice. 

"Really? Was everybody in your memories aware too?" Ben asked. 

"Yeah, it was sooo weird." said Erice. 

"What are you two talkin' about?" Kevin muttered. "Hey Tennyson. Just who exactly is this chic?"

"Somebody who can handle herself." said Ben before turning back to Erice with a whisper. "Uhh.. sooo.. how do I go about.. finding Alien X?"

"They're a part of you, and this is your world." whispered Erice. "If anything, just talk around town."

Ben nodded. "I see. Uhhh Kev, new report just came in from the base. Apparently the alien's a Limax, it might have shapeshifted into one of the population, we'll have to take this off just observation."

"I see. Well I needed to stretch my legs anyways." said Kevin. "So when you and your girlfriend are done being lovey dovey, lets step out and make the bacon."

"She's not my-" Ben stammered, blushing slightly. 

"Heheheh, I jest Tennyson, thought you'd know me by now." said Kevin, grinning as he stepped out of the car.  "Better start putting your brain back together or me and Gwen will have to wheel you to the retirement home early."

"He always tease you like that?" Erice asked. 

"Oh yeah, this isn't even one percent of it." said Ben. 

"Huh, I like him." said Erice. 

"Yeah, I like him too." said Ben as he smiled slightly and stepped out of the car. 

As Ben and Kevin proceeded down the street, Erice followed, looking around curiously at the american city that surrounded her. 

It wasn't massive, but it wasn't small. An average sized American urban city. Nothing like New York and nothing too rural either. So this was Bellwood, Ben's hometown. 

All in all, not a world that was too different from Sato City on the surface or Erice's world for that matter. 

Of course not at first. Sato City's world had no supernatural phenomena, Erice's world had magic and monsters, and Ben's had alien activity. Though for all Erice knew, the same aliens probably existed in her world. 

"Alright Tennyson." said Kevin. "I'll cover the shops on this end, you and punk girl go and handle the ones there. Use your Badge's scanners."

"Badge?" said Erice.

"Oh for the love of- Here, I have an extra, ya better return it though, its tough enough getting spares, real strict regulations on that." said Kevin as he threw a circular metallic badge to Erice, which she caught. 

Erice stared at the badge in her hand. "It looks like-."

"The Omnitrix? Yeah we get that a lot." said Kevin. "Jeez its like Rex all over again. Come on lets get this done."

Ben grinned at Kevin. "Come on dude, you know me. Erice could probably beat you."

"Ha, you wish." said Kevin. 

As Kevin started to go for a bakery to the left, Ben and Erice went to a fast food restaurant labeled "Burger Shack."

"Its been so long since I've been here." Ben muttered as he went through the glass doors of the restaurant. "of course I'm not actually here, but.."

"I get it, I do. Lots of restaurants in my world that don't exist in the Radiant War's world." said Erice. 

Ben walked to the counter of the restaurant and looked over at the kitchen area. "Uhhh.. hello? Anybody home?"

"Yes? Want to order something?"

Ben nearly jumped out of his skin. The girl behind the counter wearing the somewhat stained Burger Shack uniform looked nearly exactly like Mika. 

Her eyes were the same shade of green, her hair the same shade of brown, only her hair seemed a little shorter with a mischievous, adventurous, playful glint in her eyes, something that reminded Ben of his own grandmother. 

"Hey there, what will you be having Ben?" The girl said cheerily. 

"Uhh, actually not eating, I kind of wanted to ask, you ever um.. see two certain people? Its hard to describe.. one is really angry.. the other is really umm.. ditsy.."

"Ditsy?" the girl smirked and shook her head. "That's hell of a way to describe yourself kiddo. Come on! Order something, and maybe I'll give you a hint!"

Ben frowned at the girl. "Um, no, I'm not hungry, not money."

"Come now, its on the house, and you REALLY should look at the menu, I guarantee it'll give the hint you need!"

Ben looked where the girl indicated.

The menu was covered in images of burgers, fries and the like, but the words did not match. 

Menu items such as 'Self Doubt, Self Confidence, Thoughts For Others, The Possibility I Might be Wrong,' and  'My Writhing Guilt' were all there.

"Ben... she's.. you." said Erice quietly.


"J-just look at her.." said Erice. "The tone she talks in, her eyes, the way she stands. At first I thought I was looking at Mika-chan, but.."

The girl smiled a little wider. "Oho, I like this one. No wonder we're crushing hard on her, eh me?"

Ben stared at the girl for a second and then his eyes went wide. "Wait.. S-Serena..?"

"Bingo!" Serena said, holding up a peace sign and sticking out her tongue playfully. "To think you'd see me outside of Alien X! I'm so happy! Since I'm normally always with you after all! Oh! Hold on, give me a chance to change a bit!"

Serena ran back into the kitchen and after a few moments, she returned, dressed in a green jacket with a 10 on the back in white lettering with a black shirt and blue skirt. 

"So, to what do I owe the pleasure of such a direct visit?" Serena asked, winking at Ben. "Ahh, I was sure you'd forgotten about me, or just decided never have me again!"

"Forget about you? You and Bellicus are pretty unforgettable." said Ben.

"You're talking about THAT me.. and THAT him.. yes when we are THAT.. when we are Alien X I feel that's the only time you're ever aware of my existence. Bellicus though.. hmmm.. Bellicus is a different story, you two get along swimmingly." said Serena. 

"Huh?" Ben said. "Wh-what are you talking about? I don't see Bellicus all that much either."

"He really is an idiot isn't he?" Serena said, winking at Erice. "But then again, he's me, so it's no wonder he is! Heehee! Anyways! Lets go! Lets have some fun!!"

"W-wait!" said Erice. "Ben needs to talk to you! About Alien X!"

"Of course of course, I know, but if we're going to do that we have to have some fun!" said Serena with a wink. "Come on come on!!"

Ben and Erice looked at each other. 

"Play along?" Ben said. 

"That's how it goes usually." said Erice.

The duo followed Serena through the door, For a while they just walked through the streets as Serena playfully jumped over curbs and waved at the other two, gleefully guiding them forward. 

"What is with her?" Ben muttered. 

"What is with you?" Erice corrected.

"B-but, I mean, I'd know if I were like this."

"This is a side to you, not the entire you." said Erice. "You need to stop thinking of Serena in the sense that she's just some separate consciousness sitting inside Alien X. She's you, she's a part of you."

"Right." said Ben. "I guess knowing thyself is more complicated than people make it out to be."

Erice smiled. "Honestly, I can see it."

"Really?" Ben asked. 

"You'll see." said Erice. "I'm sure you'll start to see it too. Lets just say, she.. she reminds me of some of my favorite parts."

"Ooooh Oooh! Look at that!" Serena suddenly pointed at the window of a nearby store where a bunch of game posters had been plastered up. 

"Oh right! Sumo Slammers Tournament Edition 2, I almost forgot it was coming out that time." said Ben as he stepped over to look. "Dang, if this world was real I'd totally go into buy it.."

"Huh? And who says there's nothing real about this world Ben?" said Serena, putting her hands on her hips before gleefully stepping over to the door. "Come on come on!! We need to buy it! It's Limited Edition!"

"That's quite a hefty price though." said Erice, examining the poster closely. "180 dollars? Yikes. I guess it makes sense since its got 3 special edition figurines but still.."

"Aghh! That's.. way too much.." Serena moaned. "For me that is.. but not for-."

Serena moved her sleeve up to reveal none other than a familiar looking watch with a black belt and white tubes..  the Prototype Omnitrix from when Ben was 10, the same Omnitrix that Ben once saw Sephiroth hold in his very hand. 

"Wh-what the-?" Ben said, right before Serena transformed, and a female Swampfire similar to Mika's version appeared. 

"Heeheee.." Swampfire grinned as she twisted her root like fingers into the earth and they dug down.. Lets see.. no.. no.."

Swampfire began pulling out random boxes and games from the hole and tossing them aside.  Inside the store, Ben and Erice stared, open mouthed as they saw random plant vines erupting from the floor and scaring customers as they grabbed games off the shelves. 

"Hey! Stop!!" Ben said. "You can't do that!"

"Of course we can! Come on it's been so long since we got to do this stuff together!" said Swampfire. 

There was a flash of green light, and the male Swampfire grabbed his female counterpart, pulling her away from the store and pushing her back. 

"You can't just use your powers like that!" Swampfire growled. "You have to take responsibility for your abilities! Not just use it whenever you like!!"

"Hmph!" Fem Swampfire folded her arms and looked away. "Look at you trying to sound like Grandpa. Get a grip Dweeb, I only wanted the one game!"

"Dweeb!?" Swampfire muttered as Fem Swampfire shoved past him. 

"Oh I know I know!" Fem Swampfire pumped her fists. "Why don't go out and kick some Alien Butt! Kevin mentioned something about that right? That's why you're here! Looking for trouble?"

"Kicking alien butt?" Swampfire said. "You sound like a kid."

"Maybe a specific kid." murmured Erice.

"ZOOOOOOOOOOOMMM!!" at that moment a large armored truck screeched by, skidding onto another street as a few cop cars zoomed by. 

"YES!!!" said Fem Swampfire. "BINGO!! Come on!!" 

"Wait!!" Swampfire said, right before another flash of green light flashed, and a female XLR8 appeared, complete with an armored helmet, a more feminine face, and a sports bra-like top.  Zooming at high speeds in the direction of the truck. 

"Smell ya later dweeb!!"

"Oh my god I've turned into Gwen." Swampfire muttered. 

"We better follow her." said Erice. "Give me a sec."

Erice twirled her finger and a disc of water began to swirl around in the air, glowing and shaping itself into a doorway. 

Together she and Swampfire stepped through the water portal. 

When they next stepped onto the street, they were a few blocks away from their last location, and in front of them, Female XLR8 was standing on top of a toppled armored truck, the robbers tied up next to it, raising her hands in the air and whooping as the cops stared with amazement. 

"Whose your hero!!!?" XLR8 exclaimed. "HAHA!"

"Hey!" Swampfire leaped onto the armored truck. "We get it you got them, come on! Just let the police handle it from here."

"Don't be such a party pooper dweeb!" said XLR8, putting her hands on her hips. "We gotta wait for the reporters to get here! Answer a few interviews! Come on! Build that rep!"

"No we don't." said Swampfire. 

"Why? Don't you want to say hi to your fans?!"

"Fans are there, yes they exist." said Swampfire. "But interacting with them, all this shit about being famous, it's pointless. We're here to do our job, nothing more!"

"Ben.." Erice said. 

"What? Did I say something wrong!?" said Swampfire. "Erice this is our job. We're not around to have fun! Being a hero for thrills?! That's not me anymore! That SHOULDN'T be me! That's not heroic. Super Heroes shoulder the burdens of others on their shoulders. To enjoy it is just plain dumb!"

"I don't think you totally believe that-." Erice began. 

"I knew it.."

Erice stopped, as the tearful voice met her ears. 

Serena had returned to her human form, and tears were welling up in her eyes. 

"You hate me.. you didn't come here to hang out.. you want me to go away, you always wanted me to go away.. well that's fine.." Serena sobbed. "Because I hate you too!! GO AWAY!!"

"BOOOOOOOOM!" The sky split apart and the cops staggered back as a massive form erupted downwards and smashed into the street, creating a huge shockwave. 

Swampfire grabbed Erice and shielded her with a wrapping of durable vines and roots while the massive shape lumbered through the dust and grabbed Serena in one huge armored hand, causing her to disappear in a flash of light. 

"SERENA!!" Swampfire roared. 

"Calling out for her? We don't need her. We never needed her, its just you and me Ben." 

Humungousaur emerged from the dust, his powerful armor bristling against the sunlight. However, his armor was a darker color, and the green of his eyes seemed somewhat brighter. 

There was a flash of green light, and in the alien's place, appeared a young man who looked to be in his early 20s. His hair was shorter than Ben's, and he wore a black shirt with a white stripe, and a pair of black jeans.  The omnitrix on his wrist looked more like Ben's than the prototype used by Serena. 

His expression seemed annoyed and void of any form of joy.  

The 20 year old version of Ben glared down at his younger counterpart with apparent disgust. "Don't call out for her. You and I stopped doing that ages ago. Being a hero is a joyless job, you're right about that. We don't deserve any of that joy. We're the only ones who can do it. Hanzo, Shi-Jian, Ophelia.. all of them should just stay out of the way so we can save em ourselves.. even if it means our lives."

"Bellicus!?" Swampfire growled. "That you?"

"Who else? You and I are the closest out of all our selves after all." said Bellicus as he put a hand to his Omnitrix. "Tsk, so you brought a visitor huh? Erice Tsukuyomi.. you shit head.. you're really into her ain't ya? Don't you remember what happened to Julie? That was our fault after all, its the entire reason we're so close."

"Bring back Serena!" Swampfire roared, charging forward. 

Bellicus merely grinned before transforming in another flash, becoming Water Hazard, and hurling out a massive water blast.

Swampfire channeled a massive fireball straight into the water blast, creating an explosion of steam before he leaped to the side and hurled a powerful flaming punch at the other alien. 

Water Hazard ducked the flaming punch and used a fist to pummel Swampfire's gut, sending him veering back.

"I know all your tricks, We know all each other's tricks. It's pointless." said Bellicus-Water Hazard. 

"Not quite." said Swampfire, hammering the Omnitrix badge on his chest. "ULTIMATE SWAM.. huh? HEY! Ultimate.. Ultimate!"

Swampfire hammered the Omnitrix badge over and over, but the device wouldn't respond.

"You don't get it. The Ultimates are a product of removing your restraints, of channeling your rage, of becoming purely a being of battle. They fall under my jurisdiction." said Water Hazard as he pressed a hand to his badge. "Observe.."

A massive shockwave exploded as Ultimate Water Hazard appeared, aiming his massive water cannon at Swampfire. "ULTIMATE WATER HAZARD!!"

The cannon began to glow as liquid began to swirl from the atmosphere straight into the center of the barrel. 

"Disappear.." Ultimate Swampfire growled. "Disappear from this world, and never seek her again. This is your very will."

"BEN GET BACK!!" Erice yelled as she transformed into her magical form and hurled up a hand, creating a huge multilayered barrier of magical glowing blue water in front of both her and Swampfire. 

"KAAAAABOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM!" a giant high pressured beam of H2O drilled through Erice's enchanted water and covered Ben's vision in white ocean foam. 

"AGGGHH ACK AAAAHHH!" Ben rolled off the couch, clutching his body.. 

He was back in the living room of the house where the ritual began.. 

He had never felt such sudden immense pain before.. like he had just been punched with a boulder the size of a building at XLR8 level speeds... 

So that was what it was like to be on the receiving end of that attack!? How on earth did Rasputin deal with it!?

"Yo Boss!" Hanzo stooped down next to Ben. "What happened!? You guys were okay for a second then you just.."

Ben gasped and looked up at where Erice was. 

She was breathing hard as well, looking shocked as her head lay on Ophelia's lap. 

"I take it Bellicus and Serena were less than welcoming?" Ophelia murmured. 

Ben gritted his teeth and bowed his head. "I.. I'm sorry."

"Well I can't say this wasn't expected. " said Nia, stepping forward and folding her arms. "I honestly didn't expect your first try to go swimmingly."

"F-First try?"  Ben said. 

"Ben Tennyson.. you honestly didn't expect yourself to be the only hero with no baggage from the past even after you went through those time loops did you?"  said Nia. "You've managed to save so many people here from their demons, and you've united them because of it. Deca.. Ophelia.. Erice.. but this time, you are about to face the biggest challenge, one that even I still can't overcome."

"A-and that is..?" Ben asked tentatively. 

Nia just smiled humorously. "Learning to save yourself of course.."

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