Ch 2: There was 10

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3rd person

In outer space. A massive brown ship is attacking a much smaller teal ship, somewhere out near Jupiter.

Inside the large ship, there is a robotic Lieutenant monitoring the enemy shit status.

Robotic/Lieutenant: Hull damage: 20 percent. Weapons system's still operational.

The robot looks to the ship's captain, an alien resembling a man with a green octopus on his head, sitting firmly in his chair. His name is Vilgax.

Vilgax: I have come too far to be denied. The Omnitrix shall be mine, and there is not a being in the galaxy that dares stand in my way!

Meanwhile, on Earth, Ben Tennyson is seen sitting in school, crafting a paper airplane. He proceeds to throw it at the back of his teacher's head.

Teacher: *gasp*

The teacher looks back at Ben, who quickly buries his face in his book, poorly pretending to read.

The clock ticks in Ben's classroom; he looks at it anxiously.

Ben: Come on... Come on...!

Teacher: And I just want to remind you all that I will be teaching summer school this year, and it's not too late to sign up.

Ben: Yeah, right.

The bell rings, as everyone cheered.

Ben: YES! Outta here!

Teacher: Everyone, have a good vacation, and I hope to see you all again in the fall.

Ben follows behind everyone to the door.

Teacher: Benjamin! Could I have a word with you before you go?

Ben turned his head, as he show the teacher holding up his paper airplane, Ben huff and walks over to the teacher's desk.


Outside, the pair of kids Cash and JT back up another kid, Jamie, into a tree.

Cash: Normally, we'd take your money and beat you up, but since it's the last day of school, we're going to give you a break. Now fork over the cash, so we can get out of here!

Ben walks out of the school, only to see the school bully cash and his Ex-best friend J.T billing Jamie.

Ben: Leave him alone!

JT:Get lost, shrimp.

Ben:I said, back off!

Cash: Oh, looks like we got us a hero. Suppose we don't wanna back off?

JT:What are ya gonna do about it, Tennyson?

????: Indeed, that's a good question.

Both Cash and J.T flinched; they both turned their heads as they show Ryder standing behind them; they also noticed Ryder carrying a duffel bag along with a hockey stick. Jamie lean over to Ben and whispers.

Jamie: *whisper* He's that?

Ben: *whisper* That's my twin brother, his name Ryder; he's the captain of our middle school hockey team. He also hates bullies, and cash just so happens to be in the hockey team.

Ryder: *to cash* Cash, I told you that if I every show you bulling anyone; they I would make practice difficult for you. And we both know coach agreed to that, and don't your dare say "I'm sorry, I won't every bully people again."

Cash: But Cap, I w-

Ryder held his hand up stopping cash from speak.

Ryder: You're lucky today the last day of school or I would have told coach everything. Now, seeing how nothing happened; I'm letting you leave.

Cash sighs with relief.

Ryder: But, since I know you were bullying Jamie; I'll handle you when the summer is over. Now, turned around and apologizes to Jamie.

Cash gulps and turned around, facing Jamie.

Cash: I'm sorry!

Cash ran off, JT was about to follow him but Ryder stopped him.

Ryder: Dude, you can't keep following cash.

JT: And what's make you smart?

Ryder: You, Ben and I... We use to be best friends. I don't know why you become a bully, but you need to stand up to Cash and tell him that bulling hurts people. He thinks it's all fun and games, but the people that he bullies; they will offend hurt themselves just to be free.

JT eyes widen, he looks down in sadness; Ryder sighs and patted JT shoulder.

Ryder: We all gotta stand up to bullies, even if they are our own friends; you can't be afraid to tell cash the Truth. Don't become like him, JT.

JT: Then what am I supposed to do, If I don't what he's that he'll bully me.

Ryder: Become someone better.

JT leaves, as did Jamie leaving the two brothers alone.

Max: Well, side Ryder.

Ben and Ryder looked as their grandpa Max walked over, Max patted their shoulders.

Max: Listen boys, before we leave; I want you two to know, Something; if you see someone who is being picked on or being bullied; go and find a teacher or a adult and report it. And if things are getting worse, then you step in and stop the bullies; and I'm not saying you should start fighting. Just by standing up to bullies, will inspire hope to others to stop bullying.

Ben/Ryder: Understood grandpa.

Max nodded with a smile on his face, the trio walked over to the rust bucket.

Max sat down behind the staring wheel, while Ryder sat in the passenger seat. Ben enters the rust bucket.

Ben: I have so been looking forward to this!

Ben looks and noticed his cousin Gwen sitting at the table.

Ben: What the?, Grandpa what's SHE doing here?

Gwen: Take it easy, dweeb. This wasn't my idea. Somebody convinced my mom that "going camping for the summer would be a good experience for me".

Ben: Grandpa, please. Tell me you didn't...

Max: I thought it would be fun if your cousin came along with us this summer. Is...that a problem?

Ben: Aw, I can't believe it. I wait all school year to go on this trip, and now the queen of cooties is along for the ride.

Gwen: Hey! I had my own vacation already all planned out too, you know!

Gwen pulls out a remarkably detailed schedule.

Gwen: Each activity is color-coded, so I never do the same thing two days in a row.

Ben stares at it, slack-jawed.

Gwen: Now, I'm stuck with my geekazoid cousin going camping for three months.

Ben: Geek!

Gwen: Jerk!

Max: *to Ryder* Something tells me this is going to be a long summer.

Ryder: Yes... Yes it is.

The Rust bucket drives out of Bellwood, onto Route 66. Later in the day, the trio of Tennysons gather in the woods around a table-bench. Max brings to the table a bowl full of pale, still-wriggling grub.

Max: Chow time!

Ryder took his bowl and started eating the food, shocking both Gwen and Ben.

Ben: ..Okay, I give up. What - is that?

Max: Marinated mealworms. Hard to find them fresh in the States. You know, they're considered a delicacy in some countries.

Gwen: And totally gross in others?

Ryder kept eating the food, much to Gwen and Ryder surprise.

Ryder: Come on guy's, at least try it; you never know if you like it without trying it first.

Ben/Gwen: Yeah, no. We're good.

Max: If these don't sound good, I've got some smoked sheep's tongue in the fridge...

Ryder: I'll take one.

Max nodded and walked into the rust bucket, while Ben turned his head and looks at his brother. He turned his attention over to Gwen.

Ben: Okay, I got a half-eaten bag of corn chips and a candy bar in my backpack. What do you got?

Gwen: Some rice cakes and hard candy... What about Ryder?

Ryder finished eating, and looked at the two.

Ryder: I got about, 500$ from from mowing lawns and from my newspaper route. I also got hot pepper beef jerky and some sport shakes.

Gwen: How do you have 500$?

Ryder: I saved up the money from my newspaper route and from mowing lawns. Besides, that for emergency only.

Ben: *to Gwen* Think we can make them last the whole summer?

The two sulk together, as Ryder ate their food.


Vilgax's ship continues attacking the other, blasting lasers into the hull of it.

Robotic/Lieutenant: Their propulsion systems have been destroyed.

Vilgax: Prepare to board! I want the Omnitrix, now.

The smaller ship primes a laser blast and precisely fires it, directly hitting Vilgax's control room and engulfing it in a fiery explosion. Vilgax's ship immediately returns fire, charging a large blast that blows the small ship to pieces. From one of those pieces, a small pod ejects and flies down into Earth's atmosphere. Ben and Gwen sit opposite each other at the campsite. Ben plays his handheld video game while Gwen types away at her laptop.

Max: Who wants to roast marshmallows?

Ryder: I do, I'll go and grabbed the stuff.

Ryder stood up, and walked over to the rust bucket. After gathering everything, Ryder walks out of the rust bucket; he looks up only seeing Gwen and Max.

Ryder: Uh Guy's... Where's Ben?

*With Ben*

Ben walks through the woods with his hands in his pockets.

Ben: Aw, man. This is gonna be the worst vacation ever. I might as well have gone to summer school.

A meteor shoots across the sky and catches Ben's eye.

Ben: Whoa! A shooting star!

The "shooting star" instantly changes course, aiming straight for Ben. He gasped then shouted as he runs away, just as the meteor crashes right behind him; the shockwave launching Ben and sending smoke and debris in the air. As it clears, Ben stares at the glowing crater, getting to his feet.

Ben: Looks like a - satellite or something...

The meteor's white-hot light fades. Ben leans in at the edge of the crater, but the ground he's standing on crumbles beneath him, sending him sliding down.

Ben: Yaaaa-! *grunts*

He gets up, now with full view of the pod. It opens itself before him, and with a beeping noise, a green light in the shape of an hourglass shines from it. It spills out; revealing it to be the centerpiece of a watch-like device.

Ben: ...A watch? What's a watch doing in outer space?

Ben smiles to himself, stepping closer to the pod, outstretching his arm. As he does, the Omnitrix suddenly leaps out of the pod and onto his wrist, latching itself to Ben.

Ben: Aah!

Ben started shaking his arm trying to remove the Omegaitirx.

Ben: Get off me! Get off, get off!

He frantically tries ripping it off his wrist, to the point of losing balance and falling over. He quickly climbs out of the crater and starts running.


Back at the camp site, Max, Gwen and Ryder are seen sitting down by the camp fire.

Max: Hm. Ben's been gone a while. Well, I guess he can't get into too much trouble out here.

Gwen: Unless he wound up bear food.

Max and Ryder looked at her.

Gwen: Hey, I can dream, can't I?

Ryder sighs and stood up, pulling a flashlight out of his cargo pocket; he turned it on.

Ryder: I'm going to look for him.

Max: You sure?

Ryder: Yea, he'll do the same if I was in his place.

Ryder leaves, the camp sight entering the woods. Ben tries to pry the Omnitrix off with a stick, but the stick breaks, angering him. He falls to his knees in defeat, and starts fumbling with the device. He accidentally hits a button and its faceplate springs up.

Ben: Whoa!

The faceplate's hourglass morphs into a diamond encasing a black silhouette.

Ben: Cooool!

Ben looks down at the faceplate, and his eyebrows raise as he presses it back down. Ben suddenly finds himself in a void, crimson rocks spreading across his skin, transforming him into something else. He emerges from the void, now a monster made of burning rock.

Heatblast: Ah!

Ryder looks around, while shouting his brother name.

Ryder: Ben, where are you?.. Come on dude.

Just as he was about to take another step, he tripped over something making him fall down and drop his flashlight.

*Metallic bang*

Ryder turned his attention towards his flashlight; he went over and tap the ground. A bang echos throughout the woods, just before Ryder could do anything; the metallic box which is hidden by a hologram is reveled.

Ryder: What the?

Ryder grabbed his flashlight, and shines it on the box; he looks and noticed the Greek emblem for omega in the center of the box.

Ryder: Ok, this is w-

He is cut off, as the box slipt open; as air hissed out of the box. Ryder shines the flashlight, into the box; as he noticed a grey arm bracer with blue trims: resting in the box, there's also a faceplate in the center of the bracer, with a blue hourglass in the center of the faceplate.

Ryder: Ok, this is wried; why would a bracer be in a box.

Ryder reaches out with his left arm, the beaver opens and jumped onto his arm closing itself. Ryder quickly stood up and tried to, removed the Omegaitirx; but it wouldn't move.

Ryder: Ok, this is even more weird... Why is it so hot?

Ryder lifted his head, as he noticed a wild forest fire is spreading through the woods.

Ryder: Why do I have a strong feeling that Ben's behind this.

Ryder turned to run, but hjs path is blocked by the forest fire.

Omegaitirx: Auto transformation addicted.

Ryder looks down at the Omegaitirx.

Ryder: Did you just t-

A bright blue light is released from the Omegaitirx.

Ryder is in a void, as grey lightning flew around his body, making a grey suit with blue lightning trims covered his whole body. He emerges, from the void.

Grey/Blot: Whoa, this is freaky!

*Alien data*

Name: Grey blot
Race: Meta human
Superpower: Super speed + lightning manipulation.


1.) Speedster Physiology
2.) Accelerated Body
3.) Accelerated Activity
4.) Focused Time Perception
5.) Flash Step
6.) Speed clones
7.) Self-Velocity Manipulation
8.) Molecular Oscillation
9.) Water running
10.) Wall running
11.) Speed Force Aura
12.) Energy Resistance
13.) Aerokinesis
14.) Electrokinesis
15.) Lightning manipulation
16.) Lightning creation
17.) Lightning projectile

*Alien data*

Grey blot looks at himself, as grey lightning channel through his body.

Grey/Blot: Ok, this is new... Yet somehow cool.

Grey blot looks around as, everything become much slower: to the point everything become frozen in time; except for grey blot.

Grey/Blot: Ok, this has gotten even more weird.

~{A/n: Grey blot is voiced by Grant Gustin}~

Grey blot walked, forward through the forest; after walking for a couple of minutes. Grey blot looks and sees Heatblast and Gwen.

*Minutes earlier*

Gwen makes her way through the forest, spraying fires with her extinguisher, up until she sprays at Heatblast's back, causing him to turn around to look at her. She screamed, as Heatblast tried to calm her down.

Heatblast: Look, I know I look weird, but there's no reason to be scared.

Gwen clobbers Heatblast round the head with the extinguisher, knocking him down. When he tries to get up, Gwen sprays him, knocking out the flames surrounding his rock-like head for a brief moment.

Heatblast: *coughs* Hey!

Gwen: I don't know what you are, but you'll stay down there if you know what's good for you!

Heatblast gestures to Gwen's shoe, setting a small flame on it with a chuckle.

Gwen: Ow!

She hops on one foot until she extinguishes the small flame.

Gwen: I warned you!

She raised the extinguisher above her head.

Heatblast: Don't even think about it, freak!

Gwen: ...Ben? Is that you? What happened...?!

Heatblast: Well, when I was walking, this meteor fell from the sky and almost smudged me, except that it wasn't a meteor or a satellite, but this cool watch thing that jumped up onto my wrist, and when I tried to get it off, I suddenly was on fire, only it didn't hurt when I was accidentally starting this mega forest fire!

Max runs up to Gwen.

Max: Gwen, are you alri *noticed heatblast* What in blazes?

Gwen: Hey Grandpa, guess who?

Heatblast: *waves* It's me, Grandpa!

Max: Ben? What happened to you?

Heatblast: Well, when I was walking, this meteor-

Gwen: -Erm, excuse me? Major forest fire burning out of control, remember?

Heatblast: What do we do?

Grey/Blot: I can help.

The trio screamed and turned as they noticed Grey blot standing behind them. Heatblast was about to attack, but, Grey Blot stopped him.

Grey/Blot: Whoa, dude stop! It's me Ryder!

Gwen: What the? You too?!

Max: We can get answers later. *To Grey Blot* What's the plan?

Grey Blot channel his lightning through his legs, he vanished leaving a guest of wind in his place; The trio looked as they see a grey blue putting the fire out. After mere seconds, Grey Blot walks over while dusting off his hands.

Heatblast: Ok, dude I gotta ask... How.

Grey/Blot: Well, apparently; I have superspeed. I used my speed and literally sucked up all of the air around the flames.

Gwen: That's... Actually smart.

Up above the Earth, Vilgax's ship has a damaged bridge, and an incredibly mutilated Vilgax floats in a stasis tank.

Vilgax: What do you mean it's not there? This battle nearly costs me my life! And you say the Omnitrix is no longer on board the transport?!

Robotic/Lieutenant: Sensors indicate a probe was jettisoned from the ship, just before boarding. It landed on the planet below.

Vilgax: Go. Bring it to me.

Another robot, shrouded in darkness, walks off. The trio eat marshmallows by the fire, Heatblast having just explained to Max.

Max: And you say that this watch just "jumped up and clamped onto your wrist"?

Heatblast caught a marshmallow that Gwen threw to him.

Heatblast: Hey, this time it wasn't my fault.

The marshmallow became stuck in his mouth.

Heatblast: I swear!

Max: I believe you, Ben.

Gwen: So, are they going to stay monsters forever?

Max: Their not monsters, their aliens.

Heatblast, Gwen and Grey blot looked at him inquisitively.

Max: I-I mean...look at him. What else could' they be?

Heatblast: So, what? Are Ryder and I going to stay as these aliens?

Right on que, The omnitirx started beeping red; a red light flashes out as Ben has returned back to normal. He cheers, he also tried to get the Omnitirx off of his wrist; but he couldn't remove it. After two minutes have pass, the Omegaitirx times out allowing Ryder to returned to normal.

Ryder: Ok, that took long then expect; I'm starting to wish I had a manual for this thing.

Ben: Man, I still can't get this thing off of my wrist.

Max: Ben, you better leave it alone; at least until we can get a better understanding of what that watch and bracer can do.

Ryder glanced down, at the Omegaitirx; he noticed something next to the face plate.

Ryder: 'How's that button always been there?'

Ryder looks as Max walks into the woods, he stood duo and enters the rust bucket. He sat down at the table, he pushed the button; a holographic screen appears and spreads out to a T.v size. A image appears in the screen, as the creater of the Omegaitirx appears.

Zennith: Hello. My name is Zennith and I am the creator of the Omegaitirx; I am part of the alien race know as the Galvan race. If you are seeing this Holo-Message, then your behave found failed creation.

Ryder: Failed creation?

Zennith: You see, I created the Omegaitirx with in sole purpose; I created the Omegaitirx to destroy the omnitirx.

Ryder eyes widen.

Zennith: In truth, when I was done creating the Omegaitirx; I was blinded by my own hate and pride. The creator of the Omnitirx, was once someone I cared deeply for; but unfortunately his own pride and his ego blinded him. I was upset that he only cared for his greatest invention; the day that I left was the day I decided to take revenge.... ....But I discovered that I have became just like Azmuth.

Zennith grabbed the Omegaitirx and placed it into the metallic box, closing the lead. As her back faces the screen.

Zennith: In order to make sure, I will never use this creation as a weapon to take revenge; against that foolish man, I'm sending it away hidden in the planet earth. One day, I have hope that whoever finds the Omegaitirx will use it differently.

Zennith turned around and faced the screen once more.

Zennith: To who every fine the Omegaitirx, I ask one favor of you; fine a worthy purpose for it.

The screen disappeared, Ryder turned his gaze onto the Omegaitirx. Ryder exits the rust bucket, closing the door behind him. He looks as he didn't see Gwen or Ben; Max shows up.

Max: Where are Ben and Gwen?

Right on que, they both come running out of the forest.

Ryder: They're right there.

Just before, Max could speak a juggernaut chased after the duo.

Ryder: Ben, go alien!

Ben: I can't, my watch is recharging!

Ryder glanced down the Omegaitirx, it shines as it finished recharge fully. Ryder touched the dial and scroll through his aliens, he found one and press down on the faceplate. Ryder is brought to the void once more, his whole body stink down as his body transform into a jack-o'-lantern pumpkin; as some roots materialize under him.

Max looks down, as he sees Ryder alien.

Trick-o-lantern: And I have no arms or legs.

*Alien data*

Name: Trick-o-lantern
Race: Hallow spirit
Voice actor: Jay Leno


1.) Fire manipulation
2.) Root manipulation
3.) Illusion magic
4.) Sorcery
5.) levitating

Weakness: No body

*Alien data over*

Trick-o-lantern: Uh, grandpa little help.

Max grabbed trick-o-lantern, as they ran into the woods followed by the juggernaut bot.

Gwen: *to Ryder* Why couldn't you pick a useful alien!

Trick-o-lantern: Hey, this is new to me ok! I don't even know what this guy C-

He's cuts off, as he releases a breath of fire which hits the juggernaut bot. Max stopped and aims, Trick-o-lantern towards the juggernaut bot. He kept using his flame breath, keeping the bot back; but his breath attack stopped.

Trick-o-lantern: *idea* grandpa out me on the ground, I got a idea!

Max did so, once he was on the ground; Trick-o-lantern, digged his roots into the ground. Just as the juggernaut bot took a step forward; Various large roots flew out of the ground and attacked the juggernaut bot. The roots tightened around the juggernaut bot, crushing it.

Trick-o-lantern: Huh, neat.

The roots returned back into the ground.

Trick-o-lantern: Uh, can someone pick me up; please.

Gwen picked trick-o-lantern up, and held him in his arms.

Trick-o-lantern: Ok, so... Does anyone know what this thing is?

Ben: Dude, I have a better question; why do you have this alien form? No offense but, how?

Trick-o-lantern: Dude, I don't know; this is a first. But happy I was able to figure his powers fast, but I am curious about something.

Max: What's that?

Trick-o-lantern: Does anyone else, hear a horse whin; or is it just me.

Ben/Max/Gwen: No, not really no.

Trick-o-lantern: Huh, guess it's just me; then... Well, seeing how there's no more trouble; Can we got back and rost marshmallows I didn't get any.

*Next day*

The Tennyson are in the road once more, Gwen is sitting in the passenger seat; while Ryder and Ben are sitting at the table. Ben's playing his gaming device, while Ryder is writing in a journal notebook. He stopped and turned his head towards the door.

Ryder: 'Something tells me, this is going to be a fun Summer vacation.'

He glanced over at the Omegaitirx.

Ryder: 'I wonder what else you are hiding within your many secrets.'

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