What are little Boys and Girls made of

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RJs p.o

I was sitting in my room on my computer. Ben Gwen and Kevin were at the lake. My parents wouldn't let me go because of my condition there really protective of me.

I was finishing up homework when suddenly I blacked out.

I was in that strange place again. I haven't been here since ghost freak was freed from the Omnitrix. I looked at me and I was completely purple and my hair was pink and moving on it's own.

"Hello RJ it's been a long time" said a familiar voice. I saw that women and saw that I looked like her. "Oh my it seems like you gotten a lot stronger since the last time I saw you" she said.

"Well my powers are stronger and I can fly now" I said. "Oh I was right. I can't wait to see you in person my boy" she said. I was about to ask what she ment when suddenly I started felling light headed.


I woke up seeing two of my rock golems looking at me with a worried look. "Hey it's ok buddies" I said rubbing there heads and they started smiling. I clicked my fingers and they went back into my bag.

Suddenly Ben came in with Gwen and Kevin and Ben was holding a weird pink flower. "Hey guys what's going on ?" I asked. "We saw this hooded lady at Grandpas cove and she left this" Gwen said motioning to the floor. "We were wondering if you could trace the person who left it with this" Ben said holding up the flower.

"Well let's see" I said. I took the flower and my eyes glowed pink and so did the flower. I began trying to sense the person who left it but it was hopeless. I stoped sensing it and my eyes and flower went back to normal.

"Sorry guys I can't the best I can come up with is the flower is made up of the same energy mine and Gwens powers are made of" I said. "It's ok little bro at least now we know what this is made of" Ben said. "But we still don't know who left it or why" Kevin said. "But we know where the person might come back." Gwen said.



It was a day later and me Gwen Kevin and Ben were in Kevin's car waiting at night for the person who made the flower to appear. Ben was playing with the lock. "Ben can you please stop it it's getting annoying really annoying?" I asked. "He's not wrong" Kevin said.

Ben stopped. "Guys am going to find a bathroom" I said. I got out of the car. "Wait up" Gwen said. She got out of the car to. "We'll be right back there was a gas station a couple miles back" Gwen said.

Me and her left for the gas station.


Me and Gwen were walking back to the car. "Gwen do you ever wonder why we have are powers?" I asked. "Sometimes. Why do you ask?" Gwen asked. I looked down to my hands. "Because something's just don't make sense you know and I have questions that I want answers to." I said.

"like what" Gwen asked. "Remember when Ghost freak was first freed and he called me a anodite and when this aliens at that wedding we went to called me a energy being?" I asked. "Yeah" Gwen said. "I've been wondering what exactly is a anodite and why did they call me one and why doesn't Ben have the same powers" I said.

"I get it you have had your powers longer then me it's natural you would want answers" Gwen said. "Thanks Gwen there's just some things I can't talk to Ben about" I said. "It's ok what are cousins for" she said.

We got back to the car and saw that Kevin and Ben weren't there. We heard a loud bang I covered my ears. Gwen just sighed. "Just follow the sound of destruction" she said.

I flew over and saw a women with her hands in pink orbs and Kevin and Ben in the lake. She launched a pink bolt at them but I put them in a pink bubble so that the bolt hit the bubble.

When it hit and they survived that's when she seemed to notice me she saw me and went wide eyed. "Can't we leave you guys alone for two minutes " Gwen said.

"Do that again" she said to me. "I fired multiple bolts at her but she seemed to absorb them all. "Incredible" she said. "He's not the only one" Gwen said.

She turned to Gwen. Gwen fired bolts At her to but she absorbed them to. She looked shocked . I flew down next to Gwen. " just who do you think you are littering are Grandpas cove with your flowers?" Gwen said angry. "Flowers that she makes out of energy" Kevin said as he and Ben came over. "The same energy are powers are made of" I said.

The women smiled and came over to us . " did you say max was your grandfather?" She asked. Gwen nodded and she hugged me and her which made me uncomfortable. "Kiddos" she said. "Um he was my grandpa to" Ben said. She turned to Ben. "Really. Oo can you project energy like your brother and sister?" She asked with a smile. "She's my cousin and no" Ben said.

She quickly seemed uninterested by Ben. "Shame" she said. She turned back to me and Gwen. "Gwendolyn Robert Jr am Verdona. We'll talk again soon" she said before her eyes turned pink and she disappeared in a pink light. When it went away me Gwen Ben and Kevin were wide eyed.

"I think we just met are grandmother" Ben said.



me and Gwen were in her room preparing to tell my uncle Karl her dad about are powers. I haven't been this nervous since I told my family I like boys.

"Dad we need to talk" Gwen said as uncle Frank came in. " in your room am honoured when was the last time you let me in here" He said.

"Hello RJ how are you it's been a while?" He asked. "Am fine uncle Frank thanks for asking" I said.

"So what exactly is this about?" He asked.

Gwen closed the door. "I've been keeping a big secret from you" she said. "And I've been keeping the same secret from my parents I said. Gwen reached under her bed and pulled out a drawer filled with stuff about magic. "We have magic powers" I said. " so your both what wizards in training" he said like he didn't believe us.

"Come on you two there's no such thing" he said. "Actually uncle Frank there's more " I said. "You ready" Gwen said. We both made pink ropes appear and made them push the drawer back under the bed

Uncle Frank sat down on the bed emotionless. "That's a pretty big secret" he said. "We met Grandma verdona today" Gwen said. " I was afraid this day would come" uncle Frank said.

He looked to a bunch of pictures on gwens night stand. "But you never showed any signs off having powers. You mother and I thought we were in the clear" he said.he turned to me. " and I did suspect you had powers RJ. when you were a baby I thought I saw something floating and it was glowing pink and the only person in the room was you but I was hoping it wasn't true " he said

"Magic runs in the family. I knew it" Gwen said. "Honey there really is no such thing as magic. Your grandmas a Alien" he said. Me and Gwen went wide eyed and sat down on the bed. "Um ok but before this goes further guys you can come in now" I said.

Ben and Kevin came in from the window. " hey uncle frank" Ben said. "Uh how do you do sir Kevin levin" Kevin said awkwardly. " who's this your boyfriend?" Uncle frank asked Gwen.

Kevin and Gwen looked at each other . Absolutely not" Kevin said. "Daddy no" Gwen said. "So uh we have a situation are grandmother who we've never met wants something from me and Gwen but we have no idea what " I said.

" well let's ask her. Your brother and friend aren't the only ones who sneak around eavesdropping isn't that right mom"Uncle Frank said.

In a flash of pink light Grandma verdona appeared. "You always could tell when I was watching baby. I had hoped it meant you had the spark but no such luck " she said.

Suddenly we were standing in the living room with a surprised aunt Natalie and a broken vase on the floor. "Verdona what a surprise" aunt Natalie said glaring at grandma

Suddenly grandmas eyes glowed pink and the broken vase started flowing pink until it was completely fixed. "Woah" Gwen said impressed. "Tea dear and something sweet for the kids" grandma said to aunt Natalie


Me Gwen Kevin Ben Grandma and Aunt Natalie were siting around the coffee table with a plate of cookies. "Been a while mom" uncle frank said as he poured her a cup of tea and sat down. " I suppose in human times" she said. She turned to me and Gwen. "Sweeties your grandmother is an anodite and so are you two" Grandma said.

"What is an anodite I've been called it before but I don't know what they are" I said." Anodites are a race of free spirits with powers that humans can barley comprehend " she said.

"Now we don't often mess in the affairs of just plain folks but I fell deeply in love with Max Tennyson " she said. "And ditched him" Kevin said. " no it's just when the kids were grown and out of the house I needed to reconnect with my anodite heritage and max was busy saving the universe with the plumbers" Grandma said.

"Dad thought you didn't know about that" uncle frank said. " he didn't want me to worry. Sweet man. We had many good years together but we grew apart. Even a fella loaded with as much mana as max is still just a physical being" grand ma said.

"What's mana?" Ben asked. Just as he was about to take a bite of a cookie Grandma made cella tape appear over his mouth.

"Your grandfathers fate was big news it even reached my planet. So I came back to remember the good times. Who knew there was another budding anodite among you" Grandma said.

"Wait are you saying you knew about me being an anodite?" I asked.

"when you and Ben were born I came here to see if at least one of you or both had the spark but unfortunately i picked up nothing from Ben but you RJ I sensed you would have the spark and when you came into your powers I was able to communicate with you in your dreams" she said.

"Wait that strange woman in my dreams was you?" I asked shocked. "Yes and I was so proud I do I got to see you and your powers grow I got to witness your first transformation into your anodite form" she said with a smile.

"You mean that purple body of mine is my anodite form" I asked. "Yes it was" she said.

"Gwendolyn, Robert Jr you'll be Amazed at what you two can do. let me teach you both to master Life energy that's what mana is" Grandma said. Her eyes glowed pink and the cella tape on bens mouth went away. "Oh" Ben said.

" I do want to learn" Gwen said. "Me to where do we start?" I asked. "On Anodyne. Stop living these humdrum life's. Come home with me and join the real party"she said. "L Leave but but I don't want to besides what would my parents say. Am going to need sometime to think about this" I aid before I ran up the stairs and locked my self in the bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I was unsure what to do. Stay here with my family and friends or take the opportunity and become a all powerful anodite. be Human or anodite I was literally having to choose between to worlds.

There was a knock at the door I unlocked it and I saw Gwen. "Gwen" I said. "Hey RJ have you decided what to do?" She asked. "No I literally have to decide to be a human or an anodite" I said. "RJ it doesn't matter you can just be you don't choose anything you don't feel comfortable with" she said.

She was right I can't let anyone decide what or who I am. "I think I know what to do Gwen am staying" I said smiling at my reflection. "Good because so am I" she said. We left the bathroom and saw Ben and Kevin in the hallway. "So little bro you know what to do" he asked.

"Yeah I think I'll just settle for being a human anodite hybrid on earth" I said. "That's a relif it would be very awkward for me to tell mom and dad you were going away for a very long time" he said and hugged me.

We went downstairs and I swear we could hear shag carpeting grandpas favourite band. We saw grandma dancing. "Hey grandma" I said.

She stopped dancing and turned to me and Gwen as we came down the stairs. "Grandma it was nice to meet you and thank you for the offer but I don't want to choose between being human or Anodite I choose both so am staying" I said. "Same here"Gwen said.

Gwen clicked her fingers and the disco lights and music stopped. "But you two don't even know what you really are. Kiddos we belong on Anodyne among our kind. Let me show you" she said.

Suddenly she started glowing in a berry bright pink light. Ben and Kevin came down the stares and covered their eyes.

When it went away Grandmothers skin was on the floor and Grandma was in her anodite form. "See just a disguise. this is what it means to be an anodite " she said.

"That's why she looks so good" Aunt Natalie said as she and uncle frank stood up From the couch. "Mature anodites are pure energy. we draw life from the mana around us" she said.

"You got to admit that's kinda cool" Ben said. "Your both just to young to make up your own minds. Let me help you. I'll destroy your bodies and free the anodites inside it will be fun and you'll both be able to think much more clearly" she said.

"Destroy" Ben said shocked. "Their bodies" Kevin said shocked. Me and Gwen went wide eyed.

"Your kidding right your not really going to destroy are bodies" I asked slightly scared. "How do you know wether you like something if you don't try it" grandma said.

"Verdona they said no" Ben said as he and Kevin stood infront of us

"Another dance boys. Okay but just this once" she said.

She fired a powerful mana blast that sent Kevin and Ben through the house wall leaving a big hole in it. Me and Gwen ran out over to them.

Grandma flew out. "now this what I call a party" she said. She fired a mana blast at us. I was able to make a mana bubble around us so that we were fine.

I flew out f the crater and summoned to rock golems. They started throwing pieces of the fence at them. She tied them up with a mana rope.

Gwen came up on the platforms. She fired a mana bolt at her but grandma deflected it with her hair. She fired a man.

"Gwen RJ stay back" Kevin said. "Hit the road kevin" she said as She fired a mana blast at grandma. He looked confused at Gwen but I nodded to the concrete path. "Oh" he said getting it

He absorbed the concreate and started throwing pieces of rock at her. I fired a mana bolt at Her And it sent her flying into the wall of the house. I fired a mana bolt at the rope cutting it setting my rock golems free. Grandma flew up and the golems started throwing rocks at her with Kevin.

"Spidermonkey" Ben cried. Gwen made a mana wall between us and her but grandma was able to break it by making a hole in it with her hair.

Just as she was about to grab us Ben fired a web at us and pulling us away from her."check it out hands free" Ben said. The golems and Kevin kept throwing rocks at her.

Ben made a web between two trees and I made a bolt to put in it.

Ben pulled it back and I put the bolt in.
Grandma wrapped Kevin in his hair and the golems stoped throwing rocks. "Grandma" Ben said and she turned her attention to us. "What big trouble you have" Ben said and he let go and the mana bolt hit her and she hit the ground hard. Ben carried me and Gwen and we fired multiple mana bolts at her before we landed to the ground.

Just as she got up Gwen kicked her and she looked like she was getting weaker.

"She's getting weaker" I said. She flew up and the flew down to me and Gwen but Ben punched her and she fell to the ground again.

Ben then sprayed her with a web and wrapped her up in it. " spider monkeys got it covered" Ben said.

Kevin and the golems were about to hit her with some more rocks but they stopped. "Dude I don't think I can pound your grandma" Kevin said. "It's ok we're teaching her to mind her mana" Ben said.me and grandma giggled. "Good one ben" Grandma said.
"Was not" Kevin said.

Suddenly grandma broke free of her restraint and started absorbing the mana of the plants. "She's absorbing the mana of every living thing around her" I said.

"The grass" Kevin said looking down. "Am really enjoining this" Grabdma said. She used her hair to push The golems and Kevin into the ground with her hair. "I should get out more often" she said. Then she tied Ben up with the left over web. She flew over to me and Gwen. "No more tantrums sweeties it will all be over in a second" she said.

I fired a mana bolt at her but she absorbed it. Then Gwen fired a mana bolt at her but she threw it back to Gwen then she threw it to the garage door.

She tied us up with her hair. "One day you'll both learn to make new bodies any kind you like" she said. "Listen to us" Gwen said. Grandma let us down. "We are not going" Gwen said. "Grandma please understand me and Gwen both love are powers but we like are lives better" I said.

"We like fighting monsters and saving the world" Gwen said. " anodites help tons of people scads. You could use your new powers however you want after you mastered them in 60 or 70 years" she said.

" it's not just that grandma it's more we may be half anodite but we're also human" I said. " he's right it's more then that. " I like swimming and school and breaking boards with my hands and running and feeling tired aftwards and kissing boys" Gwen said.

"And I love fashion and sewing and my rock creatures and hanging out with my brother but most of all we love are family" I said. "Don't you remember those good times you had with grandpa?" I asked.

"Aw I was just a kid having my fun. Trust me grown up parties are so much better" she said. "Grandma admit it you miss him that's why you came back here" I said. "Max should have been like us he had a spark all his own an adventurer a trouble maker he was a lot like your friend uh Kurtis" grandma said.

"Kevin" Kevin corrected. "Energy beings talking here " grandma says. "" that's are point grandma we may be energy beings but we're also just kids" I said.

"Maybe I've forgotten what that's like. But still what am offering you both is better. Just think off how many new powers you'd have " Grandma said as she lefted me and Gwen up into the air. " we like our powers but we love are friends and family" Gwen said.

"We're not going with you grandma" Gwen said. "No I don't believe you are" she said. She lowered us back to the ground.

"Well it's been a wild little shindig" grandma said. Grandma clicked her fingers and everything was back to normal the house was fixed and Ben and Kevin were human again and no longer in the ground or tied up and my rock golems were back in my bag.

"But mommas got to go" she said. "How did you do that?" Gwen asked. "You and RJ could come with me and find out" she said. "Or not" I said. "Had to try" she said.

She helped Ben and Kevin get up. "Goodbye all and Ben way to stick up for your cousin and brother your all right" she said touching Bens face. "You to grandma" Ben said.

"Don't forget to have some fun kiddos" she said to me and Gwen. "Grandmas going to be dropping in every now and then to see how your both doing" Grandma said.

"Oh joy" Aunt Natalie said.

Grandma flew up into the sky until she was nothing but a pink blur then gone.
I turned and saw a pink flower on the ground and picked it up.


Me Aunt Natalie and Uncle Frank Gwen Kevin and Ben were at Grandpas grove. I placed the floor under the tree that said Max + Verdona in a heart.

I finally had the answers that I was looking for where my powers came from and what anodites were. I knew I was a Anodite and proud of it

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