S1 E10: Lucky Girl

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(Our heroes are taking a tour in Voodoo Museum, being led by an old tour guide.)

Tour Guide: "...And behind this impenetrable glass is the recently discovered, and only known existing copy of the "Archamada Book of Spells"."

Tour Guide & Gwen: "It contains ancient witchcraft and rituals from the later sixteen hundreds."

Tour Guide: [Snidely, and to Gwen's disappointment.] "Maybe you should work here, dear." [Walks away with the other guests.]

Zack: [Comforts Gwen; whispering] "Don't let "mummy-face" get to you."

Ben: "Yeah, she's probably older than that spellbook."

(Ben imitates a mummy's pose and facial expression in their tomb, to Kelly, Zack and Gwen's laughter. The lighthearted moment is broken when rumbling begins, with everyone in the room soon lifting to the ceiling, seemingly magically.)

Max: [Grunts as he and his grandchildren reach the ceiling.] "Something tells me this isn't on the tour."

Kelly: "No offense, Mr. Tennyson. But what's your first clue?"

(Below them, a red swirling mist comes through the window. From it, two figures emerge in front of the book of spells. This was Hex and Charmcaster.)

Hex: "The Archamada book of Spells... All of its power shall soon be mine!"

Charmcaster: "We came all the way here for some dusty old book?"

Hex: "Insolent child! The book holds great power that you can't possibly imagine, now be silent. Fah-Me-Doof!"

(The glass of the case exploded with a bright flash of light. As Hex lifted the book with his magic to his hand, he released everyone from the ceiling causing the civilians to fall right as the Tennyson brothers nod at each other and went to transform.)

(During the fall, Ben was able to transform into XRL8 and Zack into Big Chill. Ben sped off to a large tapestry hanging from the wall and used it to catch the other tour guests while Zack caught Gwen, Max and Kelly, bringing them to the ground safely.)

XRL8: "Everyone out!"

Max: "Ben, Zack, be careful. You don't know what tricks he's got up his sleeves."

Kelly: "Yeah, something tells me that guy is going to be tricky to beat."

Big Chill: "Thanks for the heads up. We'll be careful. Now, go."

(As Max, Gwen and Kelly left, Ben and Zack face down against Hex and Charmcaster.)

XLR8: "Dude, you want a book, try a library."

Hex: "Bethi-Mordor-Natta!"

(Hex used his staff to send a torrent of flames into the large tapestry, setting it ablaze. But Zack quickly froze the flames with his Ice Breath. As Ben sped off to fight Hex, Zack noticed Charmcaster was trying to sneak away. He fazed through the wall and came up through the floor, directly in front of her.)

Big Chill: "And where do you think you're going?"

Charmcaster: "Anywhere that my uncle isn't."

Big Chill: "That's your uncle? I don't see the resemblance. What's your name? How old are you?"

Charmcaster: "My name is Charmcaster and I'm 12."

(The two hear a loud crash and see that Ben has defeated Hex already.)

Big Chill: "Good going, bro." [Back to Charmaster] "If you don't want to be with your uncle anymore, then you should come with us. We'll help you get away from them."

Charmcaster: [Smile at Big Chill.] "I'd love that. Thanks."

(As the two rejoin Ben, they see Gwen, Kelly and Max returning.)

Big Chill: "Guys? I thought Ben told you three to go and get somewhere safe?"

Gwen: "We wanted to help. And who's this?"

Big Chill: "This is Charmcaster. That wannabe Houdini's niece. She'll be staying with us for now if she wants too. If that's okay with you, Grandpa."

Max: "That's okay by me, Zack."

(Cut to the front of the building with XLR8 and Big Chill surrounded by reporters and photographers. While Ben is basking in the attention, Zack is standing up straight calmly away from the center stage noticing some of the girls were giving him a good show of their butts, which made Zack blushed as he looked away. This also made Gwen and Kelly, especially Charmcaster to glare deeply at the girls for seducing on Zack.)


(Our heroes are heading down the road in the Rust Bucket and the five kids are at the table with Kelly leaning against the wall, Gwen and Zack on one side with Charmcaster and Ben on the other side.)

Gwen: "Why do you two get all the attention?! I've been helping you guys out, but nobody notices me."

Zack: "I notice you, Gwen. And it's not about the attention."

Gwen: ""Who's your heroes?!" Hello! It's always the two of you."

Kelly: "Hey, that's not fair. I mean, yeah, Ben was showboating, but, don't Zack wasn't. From what I can tell, Zack doesn't even like the attention."

Ben: "Yeah! Yell at me all you want, Gwen, but don't drag Zack into this. Especially when he had nothing to do with it."

(Gwen's eyes went wide and look to her left to see Zack looking down hurt and guilt of being the center of attention with Ben, even though he doesn't like it.)

Gwen: [Leans on him and hugs his arm.] "I'm sorry, Zack. I didn't mean to yell at you like that. I was just jealous that I'm not a hero like you and dweeb."

Zack: "It's okay, Gwen. I understand. But you gotta know, I don't mind the attention. As long as I do the right thing, I'll be happy. And besides, me and Ben are the only heroes because of these watches."

(The group is quiet for a moment until Ben broke it when he holds out the charm he got from Hex to Gwen.)

Ben: "Here, Gwen. As a sorry gift."

Gwen: [Takes it and smiles] "Thanks."

Max: "How about we get to know more about our new friend over a nice meal?"

Charmcaster: "That sounds nice. I haven't eaten anything in awhile."

Kelly: "When's the last time you ate?"

Charmcaster: "Umm... Two days ago."

(Everyone looks at Charmcaster in utter disbelief.)

(Cut to a Restaurant where we see a group is finishing up their meal.)

Charmcaster: "That was the best meal I've ever had!"

(The rest of the group shares a smile and a nod before turning to Charmcaster.)

Max: "So, Charmcaster, how would you like to stay with us for the rest of the summer?"

Charmcaster: [Her eyes widen] "Wait, really?"

Zack: "Yeah, we talked about it and kinda figured your uncle isn't the best guardian to have."

Charmcaster: "Won't argue with that. But you guys really want me around you? What if my uncle comes find me and take me back by force?"

Ben: "Then we'll be better to kick butt and send him packin'!"

Kelly: "Amen to that."

Gwen: "It would be nice to have another girl to talk to about magic and stuff."

Zack: "Plus, you would make this trip even better and I personally can't wait to get to know you better."

(Charmcaster gives a slight blush at Zack's words.)

Charmcaster: "Well, if you insist. Then I'm in."

(The group cheered at Charmcaster's acceptance of joining them in the rest of the summer.)


(At the end of the meal, Gwen, now wearing the Luck talisman, and Ben argue over the last crawfish. The argument ultimately ends with Gwen getting the crawfish and Ben having a bowl of live crawfish on his head. Soon enough, Gwen notices the talisman glow.)

(After dinner, they all walk the streets having a good time until a group of three thugs steal a women's purse. Max stops them only to be threatened with a metal rod. Ben ducks behind a food cart trying to activate the Omnitrix while Zack does the same to the Ultimatrix. However, Charmcaster uses her magic to throw two of the thugs against a brick wall, knocking them out. Meanwhile, Gwen, unknowingly using the Luck Talisman, bumps into a street performer on a unicycle juggling bowling pins, causing him to fall and hit the last thug in the head with his unicycle.)

Charmcaster: "Nice work using the talisman, Gwen."

Gwen: "All of that came from this?"

Old Lady: "These young girls are heroes, Officer."

Gwen: "I just got lucky."

(Gwen then sees a mask stand and gets an idea.)

The Next Morning...

(Zack, Ben, Kelly and Charmcaster wake up to find the sound of Max snoring.)

Charmcaster: "Does he always snore this loud?"

Zack: "Not always."

Ben: "Hey, where's Gwen?"

(The super-powered quartet go outside to find Gwen doing trick shots with a basketball that would put Dude Perfect to shame.)

Gwen: "Nothing but the bottom of the net again!"

Zack: "Whoa! That was amazing, Gwen!"

Gwen: "Thanks, hun."

Ben: "How'd you do that?"

Gwen: "What can I say? I'm charmed."

Charmcaster: "It's the Luck Talisman around her neck. It being unrivaled good luck to anyone who wears it."

Kelly: "Sure didn't work for your uncle back at the museum."

Charmcaster: "Magic is weird sometimes. It follows its own rules."

Max: [Comes out of the RV.] "Nothing like a goodnight's sleep to start the day. Who wants breakfast?"

(Before anyone could answer, an explosion goes off at the nearby construction site.)

Zack: "Oh crap! Ben!"

Ben: [nods] "It's hero time!"

(Activating their watches, Ben transforms into Diamondhead and Zack transforms into Echo Echo. As they go to save the construction workers, Gwen runs back to the RV and comes out a moment later sporting her new hero outfit.)

Max: "Gwen?"

Gwen: "It's Lucky Girl, grandpa."

(As Ben climbed the building to get two workers dangling from the scaffolding, Zack went to help a worker trapped in his truck that had been crushed. However, Gwen jumped onto some boards to fly into a crane, which caused a chain reaction. While it did save the two workers, Ben was dropped into a cement truck filled with wet cement and Zack was thrown into a pile of broken wood and glass. While Gwen was being praised by the media, Ben slunk off. At the same time, Charmcaster was helping Zack, who is back to normal, out of the debris and get him back to the RV with glass shards embedded in his right leg.)

(When Ben was finally turned to normal and returned to the RV, his eyes widen in shock when he saw Zack's injured leg.)

Ben: "Bro! Oh man! Are you okay?!"

(Max walk up to Zack and knelt down to have a look at his right leg. Then Zack sat at the table as Max tries to pull out the glass shards out of his leg.)

Zack: "Y-Yeah, I'll be f- OW!"

Max: "Sorry, Zack. Just hold still and I'll wrapped a bandage around your leg."

Zack: "Got it. And thanks Cass for getting me out of that debris."

Charmcaster: "Cass?"

Zack: "Yeah, I thought I would give you a nickname. One that sounds a little better than Charmcaster. Sorry if it makes you uncomfortable."

Charmcaster: "No, no! It-it's okay, I like it."

(Gwen comes back after the interview.)

Gwen: "It's good to be-" [gasps] "Oh my god! Zack, are you okay?!" [Rushes to his side.]

Zack: "I'll be fine, Gwen. Don't wor-" [Hisses in pain as Max pulls out the shard.]

Ben: [glares at Gwen] "This is your fault, Gwen!"

Gwen: "Me? What did I do?"

Ben: "That stunt you pulled out there! Because of you, I got dumped into a wet cement while Zack looks like he got thrown into a fight with a hardware store!"

Gwen: "You're just jealous that you're not in the spotlight anymore!"

Ben: "At least I don't cause accidents that would hurt my family and friends!"

Gwen: "Guess again!"

(Gwen holds up her left arm, showing the large scar from the stray diamond shard that hit her back in the desert.)

Zack: "QUIET!"

(Everyone looks at Zack.)

Zack: "All of this fighting is getting us nowhere! And Gwen, not blaming or anything, but you are the main reason why I'm like this now."

Gwen: "Zack, I... I'm so, so sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you like this."

Zack: "I know you didn't do this on purpose, but you also need to learn to be more careful. Even though you got powers, we have to take responsible with them. It's not all fun and games." [Gwen looks down in shame.]

(Everything is silent until Max broke it as he successfully fixed and bandaged Zack's right leg.)

Max: "Alright. That should do it, Zack. You won't be walking for awhile, so you better not move too much."

Zack: "Duty noted."

Gwen: [Steps forward to Zack.] "I'll help you get to bed."

(Gwen picks up Zack in bridal style and takes him to bed.)

Later on...

(While heading down the road, the group hears a strange radio broadcast.)

Radio: "And in the news of the weird, reports are coming in that the city's famed Haunted History Mansion has come to life, trapping dozens of visitors inside."

Zack/Gwen/Ben: "Grandpa!"

Max: "On it."

(Once they made it to the Mansion, the group gets out of the RV and looks at Zack.)

Max: "Zack-"

Zack: "I know. I can't go because of my injured leg. Go and stop that wannabe Houdini from hurting the people."

Ben: "That's the plan!"

Kelly: "I'll bring back souvenirs just for you!"

(The group, minus Zack, head out to stop Hex. After an hour later, they all return, none the worst for wear.)

Zack: "Did it go well?"

(The group proceeded to tell Zack what happened, including Gwen no longer has her magical powers due to her destroying all of the talisman Hex had, including the Luck talisman.)

Zack: "Hex tried to destroy the whole city? Damn, what a mess. Well, at least you guys stopped him in time before he does. I really liked the part where Ben used a giant stone sword."

Ben: [chuckling] "I know, right?"

Kelly: "How about the part where Cass used her magic to give Hex a wedgie?"

(They all shared a laugh at that.)

Gwen: "That was really funny. Sorry you have to miss it, Zacky."

Zack: "It's okay, Gwen. No need to apologize. At least you both put a stop to him. What do you say we hit the hay?"

Max: [nods] "Good idea."

(As everyone got back on the road to find a spot to end the day, Gwen went and sat next to Zack in the back.)

Gwen: "Are you still gonna be okay?"

Zack: "My leg will live in time. And Gwen, I'll admit, I was very upset with you." [Gwen looks down; Zack place a hand on hers.] "But that doesn't mean I hate you. As long as we're more mindful, we'll be fine, Gwen."

(Gwen gives a smile and a nod. She leans forward and shares a kiss on the lips with Zack.)

Gwen: "Thanks, Zacky. I'll go make your favorite drink. Chocolate Cherry Smoothie, right?"

Zack: "You know it."

(The episode ends with Gwen going to the kitchen to make Zack's favorite smoothie while Zack rest his leg.)

(Fade to black.)

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