S1 E12: Side Effects

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(The group are in the Rust Bucket, except for Ben, who is chasing after a guy who just robbed the bank and driving a sports car. Ben, who is Upgrade, is chasing the guy as a motorcycle, sped pass the Rust Bucket.)

Gwen: "There he goes."

Kelly: "Motorcycles are cool, but I'm more of a car person."

Cass: "You sure you don't want to help your brother chase that guy, Zack?"

Zack: "It's just one normal guy, Cass. I'm sure Ben can handle it."

(And handle it, he did. When they catch up, they find the robber being taken away by the police and Ben was inside an ice cream truck with his eyes red and a red, runny nose.)

Max: "You okay, Ben?"

(Ben sneezes.)

Cass: "I'll take that as a no."

Back in the RV...

(Max takes Ben's temperature, find it at 101.)

Max: "Sorry, Ben, it's official: you have a summer cold."

Gwen: "Maybe from now on you'll think twice before having snack time inside an ice cream truck!"

(Ben feels a sneeze winding up. He grabs some blue clothing and uses it to rub his nose.)

Gwen: "Hey! That's my new blouse! Your brother brought me that!"

Ben: "Maybe from now on you'll think twice about leaving your new clothes just lying around!"

Zack: [Steps in; holding another blue blouse.] "And that's why I always brought a spare one. Here you go, Gwen."

Gwen: [Takes blouse.] "Thanks, Zacky."

Zack: "Hey, grandpa. I got an idea. Let's head to Chinatown. Whenever I get sick, my mom would make me a special ramen surprise to get my sickness away. Maybe it would help Ben too."

Max: "What a great idea, Zack."

Ben: "Thanks, bro."

Down in Chinatown...

(The group walks out of a Chinese store with Zack holding a shopping bag of various herbs and spices.)

Cass: "The stuff you brought makes it look like you're about to make dinner. Not a cold ramen."

Ben: "You sure this stuff will work?"

Zack: "Positive. You'll feel like your old self again faster than your time ran out."

Ben: "Hey!"

(The three girls laughed at Zack's joke while Ben pouts, but still forms a small smile.)

(However, their fun was cut short by a homeless looking man controlling a hoard of wasps. The crowd runs away with fear in their faces as the man tries to kidnap a Councilwoman who was giving a speech.)

Ben: "This looks like a job for-" [He sneezes.]

Zack: "Someone who isn't sick. Grandpa, get Ben, Gwen and Kelly somewhere safe while Cass and I go stop that wasp-loving man."

Max: "Right. Come on, guys."

(As Max takes Ben, Gwen and Kelly somewhere safe, Zack activates the Ultimatrix and slams it, transforming into Swampfire.)

Swampfire: "Cass, you get the Councilwoman out of there. I'll deal with the bug brain myself."

Cass: "Right."

(The pair ran towards the stage where the Councilwoman was being held hostage. When they were near, Cass used her magic to free the Councilwoman by making her temporarily intangible. Meanwhile, Zack faced off against the homeless man and his hoard of wasps.)

Clancy: "You think you can stop me? My friends will feast upon you."

Swampfire: "Sorry, pal, but I'm not gonna be on anyone's menu today."

(Instead of using his flames, Zack used his ability to generate fumes from his body that were harmless to the people in the area, but were lethal to all the insects instead.)

Clancy: "No, no, NO! What have you done?"

Swampfire: "Here's a little science lesson, pal." [Grabs and holds Chancy by his shirt collar.] "I'm a living pesticide." [He then KO's him with a headbutt.] "Nighty-night."


(The police arrested Clancy and took him downtown. The group are back in the RV heading on back on the road and Ben was feeling much better after eating Zack's special ramen dish.)

Ben: "Woohoo! I feel great. Thanks, bro. That was a great ramen surprise I've ever eaten."

Zack: "Don't mention it, bro. At least you're cured and good as new." [He gives Ben a thumps up.] "Now we can-" [He sneezes.]

Cass: "Uh-oh."

Kelly: [Forms a seductive smirk.] "Looks like you're getting sick, big boy~"

Gwen: "Don't worry, Zacky~ Nurse Gwen, Kelly and Cass are at your service~"

Zack: "Oh boy."

(Fade to black.)

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