S1 E6: Tourist Trap

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(The quartet were on the road again and Max had a special surprise for the kids that he was keeping secret. Gwen reads out the signs on the roadside.)

Gwen: ""You'll have a ball with it!" "Next exit"." [Zack chuckled, making her smile.]

Ben: "Come on, Grandpa. At least give us a hint of what "it" is."

Max: "Uh-uh. No hints. I've been planning this stop all summer."

(They reach their destination. Max walks out of the RV. He takes care of some things and then opens the door of the RV.)

Max: "Ta-da! Welcome to Sparksville!"

(The trio looked at the town, confused to see the town looking pretty deserted. In addition to having overly sized objects across the town such as a giant bottle of ketchup and a giant fish bowl.)

(The group was approached by a man named Earl, declaring that he was the mayor.)

Earl: "As the mayor of Sparksville, I welcome you, as seekers of wonder."

(The trio look at Earl strangely for a short while.)

Max: [To the trio] "I know you guys are probably excited to see "it". So, I'll go check us in."

(Max gives them a ticket each and walks away. The trio look at each other and shrug.)

(The trio go to an exhibit named "The Jack-A-Lope". Zack rings the bell. The trio are surprised to see Earl walk out as the ticket collector.)

Earl: "Tickets, please."

Ben: "I thought you were the mayor." [Gives tickets]

Earl: "He who wears the crown is burdened by many hats, son." [The trio go in] "Mind the signs."

(As the trio enter, they then go to have series of fun over the next few hours. Playing pranks on each other, making jokes and generally forgetting about their troubles. Gwen and Zack even find a world's largest valentine's Day heart and proceed to have a mini-date while Ben gags in the background, causing Gwen to get angry and roughly shoved her cousin aside. Eventually, they find a sign post that says "It Is This Way" and follow it. They come to a large barn that has its "It's Here" posted on the front of it.)

Earl: "Though these doors lies the weirdest, wildest thing ever to find it's way to Sparksville."

(The door opens and they enter. There is ominous darkness and various signs light up. The trio each read them out.)

Ben: "Please tell me this is "it", because I can't stand "it" anymore. "Do not touch it!""

Gwen: "Do not photograph it!"

Zack: "Do not use batteries or electrical equipment anywhere near it!"

(The light returns as the trio see a huge sign reading "THIS IS IT". The trio look on. The sign moves away and reveals a giant rubber-band ball.)

Ben: "This is "it"?"

Gwen: "It's a big ball of rubber bands."

Earl: "And who knows what secrets lie within."

Ben: "Uhh, more rubber bands?"

Earl: "Stay as long as you like. Mind the signs." [Walks away]

Zack: [irritated] "Dude, we just got played! This was not worth it, at all."

Gwen: "It is pretty lame. I can't Grandpa was so excited about this."

(Ben smiles and walks closer to the ball.)

Ben: "Hey, bro. You thinking what I'm thinking?"

Zack: [smirks] "Ben, bro. I think I am."

Gwen: "What are you two thinking?"

(The brothers go behind the ball and activated their watches. Ben transformed into Four Arms and Zack transformed into Humungosaur. They both then lift the ball with one hand each on either side.)

Humungosaur: "What say a little prank?"

Four Arms: "One good prank deserves another."

Gwen: "For once, I agree with you. Got something special in mind?"

Four Arms: "I don't know. Maybe... the world's biggest booger?"

(Gwen laughs. The brothers juggles the ball rather confidently.)

Gwen: "Careful, guys! You'll drop it!"

Humungosaur: "I got it! I got it!"

Four Arms: "I could life this thing with three hands tied behind my-"

(The ball begins to slip out of Ben's hand, but Zack catches it and places back on the ground gently.)

Humungosaur: "On second thought, Ben, I'm with Gwen on this. I'm sensing bad vibes about this ball. Let's just turn back and go see what Grandpa is doing."

Four Arms: "Well, if you're sure, bro. Let's go."

(After waiting for a while, the brothers reverted back to normal and the trio head to a hotel where they'll be staying for the night.)

Max: "You kids have fun?"

Zack: "Surprisingly, yeah. Me and Gwen even found a nice spot for our small date."

Gwen: "Yeah, it was definitely romantic~."

Ben: "Ew, I'm gonna burp!" [Gwen shoves Ben aside.]

Max: "Well, I'm glad you three had fun. C'mon, let's head inside and get some sleep. We'll have more to see tomorrow."

(The episode ends with the quartet heading in a hotel to see some sleep and in the next morning comes, they spent the whole day having fun around the town of Sparksville without trouble before hitting the road once again.)

(Fade to black.)

Episode cleared.

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