S2 E3: The Big Tick

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(It's a beautiful day in Yellowstone National Park as Max and the kids were enjoying a peaceful hike through the forest. Except for one...)

Max: [sighs] "Nothing like finally relaxing in the peace and quiet of the great outdoors."

Ben: "Darn it, darn it! I hate this stupid thing!" [Messes around with the Omnitrix with Zack stands next to him with his arms crossed.]

Gwen: "Or not..."

Zack: "Ben, if you keep that up, you'll break the damn thing."

Ben: "I wouldn't have to if it worked like it should."

(Ben moves a pair of headphones he had on around his neck as a news report was heard about a small meteorite is going to crash in the northern part of the state.)

Max: "What's going on, you two?"

Zack: "Ben figured he'd go XLR8 and hit that burger place in Casper, to pick up a double cheeseburger with pickles, but he's having trouble with the watch, as usual."

Cass: "But you were having so much fun yesterday at the lake where we met Attea and Looma. How come you're not having fun now?"

Ben: "That was then, this is now."

Gwen: "Ben, Yellowstone happens to be one of the coolest places around! Just hang out and appreciate it for once."

Zack: "Yeah, I mean, how are you not excited about a giant geyser that shoots out giant pillars of boiling water? Thought you'd enjoy that."

Max: "Gwen and your brother are right, Ben. And we can live right off the land."

(Max walks over to a log and pushes it back, revealing worms wriggling underneath.)

Max: "Mmmm! Grub worms! Full of protein!"

(He picks up a worm and gobbles it up, earning sounds of "Ew's" from the kids with Cass turning green and almost about to puke but Zack places his hand on her back and gives her a rub to make her better. Gwen and Kelly quickly joins Ben in the fiddling.)

Gwen: "On second thought, maybe I can help. I'll take my burger with chili."

Kelly: "Hey! Don't forget about me. I'll have a double burger with spicy ketchup."

Ben: "I'd appreciate this, you two."

(As Ben presses the activation button, Ben suddenly transforms into a new alien called: Cannonbolt.)

Cannonbolt: "Huh? Woah!"

(Ben loses his balance in this new body, falling on his back. He opens his eyes and sees two white chubby arms with black claws.)

Cannonbolt: "Guys, what am I?!"

(Max, Zack and the girls walk up to him.)

Gwen: "Now that's a heroic pose."

Cannonbolt: "Real funny."

(They help him up.)

Cannonbolt: "I can't believe I'm a new hero!"

Max: "And where there's one more, who knows, there could be a hundred more."

Zack: "Heh. And I thought my imagination wasn't enough."

Cannonbolt: "Well, as long as they're not as worthless as this one is! So what do you think he does?"

(Zack transforms into Brainstorm and begins examining Ben's new alien form, checking his power level and skills that'll help him out in the future.)

Brainstorm: "I think I know."

Kelly: "Well, don't keep us in suspense."

Brainstorm: "This alien's has a small, stout body. Armor plating on his back, arms and legs. And powerful arms, but stubby legs. Ben, try rolling up into a ball. Kinda like that Blue Hedgehog performing a Spin Dash technique he'd learned from a Yellow Fox."

Cannonbolt: "Uhh, okay."

(Ben bends over and tries to roll himself up. After a few tries, he succeeded as he was now like a giant polly.)

Brainstorm: "Great. Now try rolling around."

(Ben then rolls around like his bro instructed until he unfurls and face plants.)

Brainstorm: "Yeah, this'll work..."

(Zack reverts back to normal.)

Zack: "I hope."

Max: "How'd you figure all that out?"

Zack: "Deductive reasoning."

Gwen: [Hugs Zack's arm] "Cute, understanding, can cook, and intelligent. You're perfect in every way, Zacky~"

Zack: [Blushes and scratches his cheek.] "Um, thanks, Gwen."

(Without warning, the meteorite from the news broadcast crashes just north of the group. Ben curls back up and sped off toward the crash site, with Max and the kids in hot pursuit.)

(When they arrive, they find that the meteorite is actually a giant shell for an enormous creature.)

(Not long after, a ship arrives and from the ship were three beings emerging.)

Leader: "Rejoice. He's arrived, in all His glorious glory."

Interpreter: "I await His proclamation."

Max: "Who are you guys?"

Leader: "Relax. We come in peace."

Gwen: "That's what they always say - right before they blow you to bits!"

Enforcer: "Hmmm, an earthling with attitude. I've heard they exist here in large numbers. Or should I say "did"?"

Zack: [Moves in front of Gwen; glares at Enforcer alien.] "What do you mean by "did"?"

Enforcer: "You'll soon find out."

Leader: "And an Arburian Pelorota to boot."

Kelly: [Turns to Cannonbolt.] "Guess we know your new alien form now."

Leader: "His presence here must be a sign provided by The Great One. Is He not tremendous?"

Enforcer/Interpreter: "Tremendous..."

Leader/Enforcer/Interpreter: "All hail the tremendous."

Enforcer: [Goes up to Cannonbolt.] "But you're a little far away from home, aren't you?"

Cannonbolt: "Actually, closer than you think-"

Enforcer: "Unfortunately, there's nothing to go back to. The Great One purified your planet last week."

Zack: "Purified?" [Gets into serious mode] "The Great One you're speaking of is going to destroy the planet?! Is that what you mean by "purify"?!"

Leader: "This one is rather intelligent. Yes, you are correct, earthling. We followed The Great One from planet to planet, galaxy to galaxy after he paid a visit to each and every one of our planets. He will burrow deep into your world, to its core. Rotting it from the inside and then... Digesting it."

Zack: [Clenches his fists] "Well, The Great One you speak of is about to find out that this planet had protectors to defend it. Ben, Cass!"

(Before Zack can activate the Ultimatrix, the Enforcer alien uses his axe to fire an energy wave at the group. However, Cass use her magic to block the attack.)

Zack: "Nice job, Cass. Now it's time to try out my new ability I'd discovered with Humungosaur."

(Zack activates the Ultimatrix and transforms into Humungosaur. Then he grows and grows until he stands a staggering 120 feet in height. Everyone look on with shock/surprise looks.)

Humungousaur: "Ha! It worked. Now then."

(Zack rushes towards the tick and grabs ahold of it, beginning to pull it. Meanwhile, Ben and Cass are distracting Leader, Enforcer and Interpreter from interrupting Zack's work. Finally, after great effort, Zack rips the tick from the ground and tosses it high into the sky.)

Humungousaur: "Hey, bro. How about a game of basketball?"

Cannonbolt: "Heh! You got it, bro."

(Ben rolls into a ball as Zack picks him up. He then reels his arm back and throws Ben so hard, he create a sonic boom when Ben hits the tick with such force, he smashes right through its armored shell. Ben crashes and bounces inside of the tick until the tick finally explodes for some reason and Ben falls to the Earth only to be caught by Zack.)

Cannonbolt: "WOOHOO! That was awesome!"

(Zack smiles before turning back to the three aliens who were now afraid and Zack scares them off.)

Humungousaur: "Boo."

(The three aliens quickly hightailed back to their ship and left Earth, leaving our heroes victorious once again.)

Cannonbolt: "Dude, I'm like a cannonball."

Humungousaur: "How about "Cannonbolt"?"

Cannonbolt: "Oh, that works too."


(And so, our heroes continue with their peaceful day. Zack and the girl trio went to see Old Faithful, Max went for a hike, Zack and Ben had an arm wrestling competition between Humungosaur and Four Arms (Humungosaur won by default), and Gwen helped Kelly and Cass in their secret plan to get them to confess to Zack... In addition, as promised, Ben went and got those burgers her brother and the girls wanted earlier when Max started collecting worms for dinner.)

(Fade to black.)

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