S2 E9: Ultimate Weapon

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(Fade in to our favorite heroes at the table of the Rust Bucket enjoying a meat that Max had made.)

Max: "Well, what do you think? Bet you never tasted anything like that before."

Kelly: "It's actually pretty good."

Zack: "And it's spicy too. Totally delicious."

Max: "Glad to hear it you two."

Ben: "What's the crunchy sound?"

Max: "Dung Beetles."

(All the teens go rigid and spit out their food. Ben wipes the taste off his tongue while the girls both ran to the sink where they start vomiting and Zack, ever being the gentleman as always, goes over to the girls and rub their backs to help comfort them while also keeping their hair out of their faces.)

Max: "What? Too spicy? You'll get used to it."

(An alarm then sounds off and one of the cupboards opens to release a monitor.)

Max: "No."

Ben: "What is it, grandpa?"

Max: "The Mask of Ah Puch. It's the key to the most powerful and destructive weapon ever created."

(Next thing they know, Max drove passed the Texas border with the teens inside the RV.)

Max: "The Mask of Ah Puch is the guide to the Sword of Ek Chuaj. The plumbers have searched for it for decades without any luck."

Zack: "Ek Chuaj? You're not talking about Mayan, the God of War, right?"

Max: "That's right, Zack."

Cass: "You know what it is, Zack?"

Zack: "I red and played everything related to God of War. Ek Chuaj said whoever wields the sword, it shall grant them unbelievably powerful. A single swing could level the entire cities with a simple swipe."

Max: "You're done your homework, Zack."

Zack: "Never missed out on any of them."

Ben: "Sounds like the perfect world's most powerful toy a boy could ever had."

Zack: "It's not a toy. This is serious, Ben. Whoever wields that sword, we'll be in serious trouble."

Max: "Zack's right. This is no laughing matter. Whoever controls the sword controls the destiny of mankind and I will not let it fall into the wrong hands."

(Zack, his brother and Harem share a worried look at Max's words and change of demeanor.)

(They arrive at an oil field and are looking at the main office building.)

Max: "Bet they're keeping it in the basement. Ben, you ca-"

Cass: "Wait! I can do this. I can be in and out before anyone knows I'm here."

Zack: "You sure Cass?"

Cass: [nods] "Positive."

Max: "Okay. Go for it."

(Cass nods as she gets up and does her thing.)

Cass: "A'mu-K'ma-Bo'Lor!"

(And before their eyes, Cass had vanished. While waiting for Cass to return, Gwen had decided to help Cass out a bit since she can do magic too.)

Gwen: "Hey, Zack?"

Zack: "Yeah?"

Gwen: "What do you think about Hope?"

Zack: "Hope?"

Gwen: "It's Charmcaster's real name. She told me."

Zack: "Oh, okay. Well, she's growing to be a great magician since she joined us from her crazy uncle."

Gwen: "And have you two done it yet?"

Zack: "Done wha-"

(With a sudden flash of purple light, Cass reappears inside the RV with the Mask of Ah Puch in hand.)

Cass: "One creepy mask hot and ready."

(Max quickly takes the mask without saying anything and gets the RV underway towards the Mexico border, leaving Hope a little dejected.)

Zack: [He comes over and place a hand on Hope's left shoulder.] "You did good, Hope." [She looks at him with a look of surprise due to hearing him call her real name.] "Relax. Gwen told me it's your real name and I think it's a beautiful name."

Hope: "R-really?" [Zack nods as Hope smiles and plants a kiss on Zack's cheek.] "Thank you, Zack." [The pair stared at each other's eyes before they begin to lean in to kiss each other on the lips.]

(But then their moment was broken when the RV gets rocked side to side, making Zack and Hope fell on the floor. Ben and Kelly looked out the window to see a black car with a large shield on the front of it chasing them.)

Kelly: "We got company, dudes!"

Ben: "I recognize that car. It's those Forever Knight goons!"

Gwen: "Enoch? But I thought he got sunk inside his own castle!"

Max: "He somehow made it out, and he's after the mask."

Zack: "Welp, I guess it's time to chill him out." [He activates the Ultimatrix and transforms into Big Chill.] "Big Chill!"

(He phases through the RV and used his Ice Breath to freeze the tires of the car but spikes came out of the tires and broke the ice. From the sun roof of the car, Enoch shows himself with a pistol in hand.)

Enoch: "Fall, you pest!"

(Enoch tried to shoot Big Chill but he turned intangible. He quickly phased through Enoch's car and froze the engine solid, causing the vehicle to spin out of control and crash.)

Big Chill: "Today's forecast...cold. With a chance of ice." [He chuckles to himself.]

(After rejoining the group, they eventually arrived at an old Mayan temple deep in the Mexican jungle after discovering the mask showed a holographic map to the temple. Max then decided to change into his old Plumber outfit upon arriving at the temple.)

(When they reached the main door to the temple, they found that it couldn't be opened. Max walked around to the side of the temple and started feeling the wall.)

Ben: "Grandpa, what are you doing?"

Zack: "These temples always have a secret entrance, bro. Grandpa's looking for it."

(Gwen then notices that the eyes of the mask were glowing and took the mask off of Max's belt.)

Max: "Gwen, what are you doing?"

Gwen: "This thing showed us how to get here, so maybe it can show us how to get in."

(Peering through the mask, Gwen was able to see that one of the stones in the wall was glowing and pushed on it, revealing a passageway inside the temple.)

Kelly: "Oooh... Spooky dark cave."

(As they walked deeper inside, they quickly lost sight on how dark it was. Max light a torch just before Gwen fell off a ledge down a deep cavern.)

(Zack gasps and quickly grabs Gwen by the arm, saving her from falling and pulling her up along with the mask as Max took it.)

Max: "That was close... Almost lost the mask." [Walks off-screen.]

(The teens were looking at Max in disbelief as he didn't acknowledge that Gwen almost lost her life because of that mask and Zack was glaring at him.)

Zack: [thoughts] 'Grandpa's losing himself. He's getting addicted to the mask. This happens everytime people lost themselves for treasure. He better not be addicted too much of it.'

(Max had begun to descend some make shift stairs down into the temple. However, the boys had transformed into Stinkfly and Big Chill and was carrying the girls and Max grabbed onto Stinkfly's tail and rode down with them.)

(After descending into the darkness for what seemed like an eternity, they finally reached the bottom. Before them was an enormous door and a stand that had the indentations of the mask. But before Max could place the mask into the stand, Enoch and four of his Forever Knights suddenly appeared and took the kids hostage by the time Max turns around.)

Enoch: "We must thank you Mr. Tennyson for leading us straight to the temple."

Kelly: "Didn't Zack freeze you Forever Losers!? How in the hell did you find us!?"

Enoch: "Oh my dear children. Did you think that attack would slow us down? We, the Forever Knights, always have a backup plan." [He shows them a tracker that was planted on the RV.]

Zack: "Wow, I did not see that coming. Real clever, Enoch, but you won't get away with this."

Enoch: "Spare me the comeback, child. Now, Mr. Tennyson."

(He walks over to Max and takes the mask from him. After that, Enoch and his knights leads Max and the kids to a large hole in the ground.)

Enoch: "Legend has it that the eternal pit of despair is bottomless. Let's find out."

(Enoch kicks the boys down the pit first, much to Zack's Harem's horror to witness their boyfriend's sudden death. But not long after, the boys transform into Four Arms and Humorus. Using their strength to grab a hold of the walls and stop themselves from falling.)

Humorus: "You alright, Ben?"

Four Arms: "Yeah, barely. Those Forever Losers are going to get it big time!"

(They suddenly heard screaming from above them.)

Four Arms: "Grandpa!"

Humorus: "And the girls!"

(The boys were able to catch Max and the girls with the girls on top of Ben's back and Zack holding Max's hand as they both climb up out of the pit and back to surface. As they climb out, Max races forward but Ben stops him.)

Four Arms: "Grandpa, wait! I think the girls need a minute to catch their breath."

(Humorus place the girls down so they can catch their breath with their eyes closed and breathing deeply.)

Max: "No can do. Enoch may already have the sword."

Humorus: [He glares at Max.] "Is that all you care about!? We almost died because of that mask!"

Four Arms: "Yeah! Ever since that alarm went off, that sword is all you think about!"

Max: "You guys to have to keep your eyes on the prize and remember what's important here."

Humorus: "We do remember? Do you?"

(A loud roar gets everyone's attention. Max goes after the roar with Four Arms, Humorus and the girls, who already calmed down, and they arrived at the Great Chamber where they see a large creature fighting the Forever Knights. And behind it at the top of a tower was the Sword of Ek Chuaj.)

Hope: "Is who I think it is?"

Max: "Ah Puch, the Mayan God of Death and the Underworld. He's the guardian of the Sword of Ek Chuaj."

Humorus: "The gods are real...? Incredible."

Max: "Boys, you two keep Ah Puch busy while we get the sword." [He and the girls ran toward the sword.]

Humorus: "Ready to face a god, bro?"

Four Arms: "Bro, I was born ready."

(The boys charge at Ah Puch and engage to do battle with him. However, Ah Puch shows to have unbelievable strength, easily overpowering the duo. Ah Puch smashes the boys through the stone walls of the temple as if they were a minor annoyance.)

Four Arm: "Ugh, goddamn. This god sure can pack a punch."

Humorus: "That's because he's a god, bro. What do you expect?" [He summons tons of Skeleton Heads and readies to shoot the lasers.] "Can you survive this, Ah Puch!? Let's find out."

(Humorus commanded the heads to shoot their lasers and it connected to Ah Puch. However, Ah Puch was unfazed by the blast and roars at the duo.)

Humorus: "Ooookay. I guess he can."

(Ah Puch charges at the boys again showing a montage of the creature continuing beating them down. He smashes down back into the sword chamber and beats them into the ground. Near the sword, the boys catch a glimpse of Enoch preparing to kill Max and the girls. In a fit of rage, the boys go berserk and went all-out to overpower Ah Puch, finally knocking the God of Death unconscious. However, the impact of Ah Puch hitting the ground caused Max and the girls to fall off the tower, leaving Enoch at the top.)

(Just as the boys were about to stop Enoch, they time ran out as they revert to Human forms.)

Ben: "No! Why now!?"

Zack: "We used too much of our power, that's why! Quick! Save grandpa and the girls!" [The boys go and check up on Max and the girls and they were okay.]

Enoch: "At last. The ultimate weapon. The world shall kneel before me."

(But then, the sword suddenly crumbles to dust in his sword.)

Enoch: "What...!? NOOOO!!"

Ben: "Whoa, what happened?"

Max: [Beginning to laugh.] "Guess that's what happens when your ultimate weapon is five thousand years old!"

(Not a moment later, the temple begins to crumble around them. Max and the kids are able to escape on time but Enoch wasn't so lucky as the temple collapses on him.)

(Cut to outside. Max and the kids see the temple fall from the distance as animals scatter. Max looks dead on before turning to the kids.)

Max: "Well, I sure could go for some dung beetles stew. It's even better reheated, y'know."

(They both share a laugh.)

Ben: "Glad to have you back, grandpa."

Max: "Thanks, guys. And I'm sorry. You know, I think it's time to put away the old Plumber suit."

Hope: "Because you've finally found the sword of Ek Chuaj?"

Max: "That, and it's giving me a really uncomfortable rash."

Kelly: "So, how are we going to get back?"

Gwen: "No way I'm flying "el stinko" airlines again." [Ben stick her tongue at her.]

Zack: [He quickly spots the Forever Knights' helicopter before turning to Max.] "Yo, grandpa. You wouldn't happen to know how to pilot a helicopter by any chance, would you?"

(Max smirks to himself.)

(The helicopter flies over the top of the jungle's trees and off into the horizon.)

(Fade to commercial break.)

Episode cleared.

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