Cana Alberona

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Cana Alberona

Genre: Conventional, Shota, Reverse R.

Universe: Original


It's been two weeks since Ben and Lucy went at it, so far they, along with Erza, have had small encounters here and there but nothing that would catch the attention of the other guild members. Not that he would admit it, but he's starting to enjoy his "special time" (A/N: 😏) with his girls, and he's slowly becoming enamored with them. Though that has almost lead him into trouble, a good example was when he wanted to give Lucy a kiss to show her she's a valued member of the guild and Levy asked what he was up to. Causing him to reel back, Lucy made up some story saying that she asked him to get a close look at her face to see if a rash or any sort around those lines were forming because she felt itchy a little while ago. Ben nodded in order to make it seem true, Levy seemed to buy it and let them be.

Since then he felt as if he was being watched, (A/N: that is creepy, just saying. Even though I perv I still no like being creeped on. Peeps don't like being peeped on by creeps) mainly because of being over cautious and a bit paranoid, and it wasn't just at the guild hall. At Fairy Hills Ben still felt like he was being watched, though that was on account all the girls there still found him to be utterly adorable.

Eventually though, by his own decision, he decided to find a place to live on his own, thankfully he was allowed to do so so long as his legal guardians, Aka any older members of the guild, came over to check on him every once in a while. Obviously Natsu, Gray and Happy didn't know where he lived because he didn't tell them, Lucy told Ben about how they always break into her home and he wasn't up for that. The few who knew where he lived were Erza and Lucy, of course, Mira, Freed (this was after the Harvest Festival), Levy, Reedus (at that time rotund man with paint magic) and Master Makorov.

As to where Ben actually lives, it's actually out of town, going out of magnolia one can see a large boulder. Underneath a layer of moss growing on it is a button, invisible to the casual observer, but for Ben it wasn't, pressing it will cause the rock to split in two and open up just enough to reveal a hole big enough for a person to climb in and out of. Underneath is actually a rather comfortable base Ben made for himself, it was almost like a modern house, thankfully Paradox was kind enough to send some house warming gifts for Ben, including a multidimensional TV. Even if Ben was starting to like the books of this world, he was happy to have some part of his world's entertainment back.

With said boy now he was still at the guild hall sitting at the bar with Mira and another member named Cana, it was getting close to night time and most of the guild members had already went home. Lucy included, Erza had just went on a job so she wouldn't be back for a while, leaving Ben alone. He didn't really feel upset about it but he did want to spend some time with them, his present thoughts however had disappeared as he heard Mira talk, "Hey Ben?" She asked, "yeah Mira?" He replied "can you do me a favor?" She asked, "sure what do you need?"

Mira then pointed to Cana, who's head had fell on the table with a blissful smile on it. 'Huh, I thought she was a heavy weight' he thought before hearing Mira again "Cana seems to have finally had a few too many, of it isn't too much trouble can you take her to your house?" She asked. Ben doubles back falling out of his chair, "w-what?! Why my house though?" He asked surprised, "it's already late and you don't know where her house is" she replied, Ben knew there was no winning here, especially with Mira, so he conceded. "Okay" He said Mira smile ac him "thank you Ben, come on Cana, Ben will take you home" she said helping her out of the chair "yay fun at Ben's place!" She slurred leaning on the kid, 'gah?! For a slender girl she sure is heavy!' He thought while helping her out of the buildings then turned into WildMutt and carried her on his back. After reaching his home Ben gently lowered Cana down with Snare-Oh's bandages and once inside he rested her down on the couch "I'll take you to the bed later Cana, I need to take a load off first" he said cracking his back a bit. Only to be hugged into her chest! "Benny boy thanks for helping a girl out!" She exclaimed.

Not aware that Ben was now having a good view and feel of her chest, 'oh no! Not good!' He mentally exclaimed before feeling her nipple through her top 'and that cements it!' "Sorry Cana but I just need to I go for a bath right now" he said running to the bathroom. Once inside he immediately locked the door and painted heavily while blushing "I know I may be hooked up with two older girls already... but damn, why do the girls in this world make me feel like this?" Ben asked trying to get his heart rate down. Then noticed a little mountain that had formed in his cargo pants, "and this needs to be taken care of immediately" the shapeshifter noted before going into the shower.

After entering the shower and cleaning himself off enough Ben had begun to take care of his "little friend" in order to avoid embarrassing himself in front another girl... again. First time was when he moved into Erza's dorm and went for a shower after getting a tease from his red headed lady friend, he didn't hear someone knock at the door and accidentally opened with Mira standing outside it. Little to say Ben was surprised that someone was outside... and embarrassed when his towel fell off with Mira getting a view of everything.

Lesson had been learned and afterwards he took clothes with him while showering... or so he thought, "AHH!!" Ben let out as he finally relieved himself. "Finally, man sometimes I hate being a boy. Yet I can't help but like it either" he commented grabbing the towel and dried himself off, "now for my pajamas" he added before trying to grab his clothes. Only to realize, there weren't any, apparently Cana's surprise hug distracted Ben and he forgot to grab his night clothes before heading to the shower. "Ah crap!" He exclaimed, slowly he creeped out to the living room area of his home and saw the door to his bedroom, "if I can make it there, I'll be able to get my clothes on before She notices" he said while fiddling with the Omnitrix. Only for it to beep and refuse to respond, "oh sometimes I really hate this thing!" Ben grunted trying to get it to work both manually and with Master Control.

"Looks like we're gonna do this the hard way, come on Tennyson" swiftly but silently, Ben had sneaked his way through his living room where Cana seemed to be resting. He made it half way and was behind one fo the chairs in foyer, 'better make sure she's still asleep' he thought, then snuck a glance at her, thankfully she still seemed to be snoozing. Unfortunately, her bikini top fell off and no she was left in just her jeans... only to see those came off and that only left her with her underwear that had been just hanging slightly bellow her waist on the left side, while tossing and turning making her chest jiggle. Which almost made him verbally groan "why must I be tortured so?" He whispered before trying to sneak away faster, only to hear the female wizard speak.

"Wow I must be really drunk because it looks like your half naked Ben" Cana slurred, he turned his head to see her looking at him with half lidded eyes. This made him flinch and unintentionally turn his body making his towel falter a bit, lucky Ben caught it... only, it was after, his p**** was visible, with a severe hard on. Which made Cana smirk "and with a big boy P....., and it looks really happy to see me" she cooed suggestively. He immediately looked down and yelled at his condition 'DIDN'T I TAKE CARE OF THIS FREAKING THING ALREADY?!?!' He thought trying to get it to go away.

(Lemon start)

Only for Cana to walk over to him, crouch to his level, turned him around to face her and removed the towel. Revealing his impressively large 10 inch rod, "wow Ben, that's pretty hot" she said giving it a feel making him groan and shiver. She started to stroke it, poor boy was now at her mercy "damn, to have something like this at your age Ben, that's just freaking impressive. By the way, I'm not that drunk to imagine something like this" Cana started. before kissing Ben with no restraint and brought them to his room and pinned him to the bed

As much as he tried to fight her he wasn't able to push her off, his mouth was now attempting to fight for dominance as Cana's tongue had trapped and stroked his own with ease, She then resumed to continuously stroke his premature manhood and gradually so making Ben moan more and more. "C-Cana... you're... you're..."he moaned as she sucked his "what's wrong Benny? You gonna..." "KYAA!!!!" In a matter of seconds Ben let out his seed all over the front side of her body. Cana was surprised a young man like Ben, or any boy in general, could let out this much c**, "woah, that see sure was unexpected" she said before licking some off her face 'not bad' however she'll wish she paid more attention to Ben.

Because now that her teasing had done its job he's become so aroused that he wants some sensual payback. "RAH!!" "Kya?!" Cana yelped as she was tackled by him, opening her eyes she saw Ben looking at her with lust filled eyes "my turn now" he said. Then took a quick bite at her chest making her flinch and squirm before he started sucking, now it was her turn to moan and she did So very much verbally. Lucky they were underground and far from people, 'for a kid he knows what he's doing... I can't fight him' Cana had thought before feeling something prodding her crotch, "B-Ben?!" She exclaimed seeing his rod even more harder than before.

"Sorry Cana... but I can't control myself anymore!" He said before sticking the tip in making her flinch from the sensation. Then when Ben started to push it further in she groaned as it steadily stretched her out right before hitting her hymen, "b-Ben you're... you're there." Cana said, she expected him to violently thrust forward and completely destroy the symbol of her virginity, however it didn't happen. Looking at the boy the mage has seen him looking at her with, she had expected to see a sadistic smirk. Only instead it was a look of pure caring nature and concern for her "Ben?" She stuttered, then saw he was starting to pull out, 'w-Wait... what's he doing? Isn't he gonna follow through?... or... "let me... guess... you don't want more do you?" Cana asked confusing Ben. "You don't really want to continue... I'm not surprised, I'm not the best girl, I drink a lot and I gamble just as much..." she continued. "Tell you what... I'll just let myself out and we can put this... HMM?!" The brunette was suddenly pulls closer to him by the hip. "I wasn't thinking that" Ben spoke, "I was going to ask... do... do you want it?" He asked surprising her, here she was practically assaulting him... then assumes that just because he knew about her rather bad history he wants to stop, and now he straight up asks for her permission to claim her. "I... I may want this badly right now... but I want it to be consensual..." he said.

Let's just say after his first times with both Erza and Lucy he's preferred it when both of them want it, and he doesn't like the idea of forcing someone into it. As to how he knew that word Erza teased him once by reading one of her novel's to him. Cana was stunned at how truthful Ben was, she literally just tried to take him now, yet he didn't want to force himself upon her. "If you... you don't want to... I'll stop... mmph?!" He exclaimed when Cana has kissed him gently "you're too sweet you know that?" She said, then had hugged him "but there's no backing out now, because... I do want this" at that word Ben nodded and had made a big thrust which had claimed Cana. She teared up a bit from the sudden pain, but it went away as it turned into pleasure and she signaled Ben to keep it up. He gladly obliged and thrusted in and out again, after being able to feel her hips again Cana had rocked them back and forth to match Ben. "Ben, Ben" "Cana!" They moaned.

She flipped them upside down so now she was on top and arched herself down to face him, "Cana" He reached up to the woman's face and kissed her again. After a last big thrust he Ben out his seed inside her, claiming his third girl in the fairy tail guild. "That... was... amazing" Cana had said, "y-yeah..." Ben replied as Cana pulled the covers over them, "funny thing is, you were the first person I ever kissed" She said, "really? You felt so experienced though" Ben chuckled as they giggled through the night.

(Lemon over)

The next day Ben had walked Cana back to her house before heading over to Fairy Tail, "oh geez" he groaned as the Lower back pains from his night with Cana had begun making themselves known. "Was sec always this painful?" Ben muttered entering the guild, then saw Lucy and Erza inside "hey Ben" Lucy greeted as he sat between them. "Hi Lucy, hi Erza" he replied as the blonde discretely kissed his cheek and Erza ruffled his hair. "Anything new happen when I was gone?" The red head asked "nothing to make a note of" Ben answered before feeling two hands cover his eyes, "guess who" he immediately recognized the voice.

"Cana what are you doing to Ben?" Erza asked, he flinched as he knew that once Cana spilled the beans to her and Lucy... he was in deep trouble...

And unfortunately he was, Erza lectured him about his issue with forgetting the clothes and giving into his urges. Then after that had taken him into a private room to teach him a lesson... little to say his back pains were worse and now Cana was part of their little group, and she's been calling it a harem. Partially because that's kinda what it is at this point.

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