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Universe: Ultimate Alien

We currently see Ben walking around an island, just a few seconds ago he had one in a brawl with Aggregor, thankfully instead of using Brainstorm Ben turned into a new alien named Ball Weevil. Though the bug like alien was small his plasma balls packed a massive explosion. (Not those kind of balls).

However after defeating the osmosian, one of his explosive gooey bombs hadn't hit him and fell to Ben's feet. Then exploded in his face and he was knocked unconscious. And when he woke he was here on this deserted island, "this isn't usually how my battles end. Maybe I'm dreaming" he said before getting hit in the head by a branch as he wasn't paying attention "ow... nope.. definitely not dreaming" he groaned.

Then got up, "hopefully Professor Paradox gets me home soon" he growled rubbing his nose, unfortunately said time walker wasn't coming. This Ben had actually been a copy that was sent to this world after the explosion, and the Ben who originally fought Aggregor was now celebrating his victory. And by that he was currently plowing his Julie while she screaming as if she was in cloud nine. (Lucky b*tch)

"There has to be some natives around here somewhere" he said before hearing a sound, raising a hand to his ear he was able to recognize a sound. That being a waterfall, "well at least I can find a source of fresh water" he commented before becoming XLR8 and ran towards the source of the noise. When the sound got stronger Ben turned back and quietly made his way to the waterfall.

As he got closer Tennyson heard another sound under the waterfall, a voice actually, and by the sound it seemed like a woman. "Oh god, please don't tell me there's gonna be what I think when I find that waterfall" he hoped before falling in some long grass. As he crawls closer, Ben peeled through the grass, and lo and behold, taking a shower under the falls was a girl. A beautiful girl, she had orange hair, brown eyes, a slender waist and... wait... She's stark naked!!! (Currently drooling and is chained to the wall so I can't get to her). That b*itch has a nice rack on her body alright. Ass is great to!

And obviously Ben's eyes bulged out of his head when he saw her, "oh... crap..." he whispered feeling his libido increase ten fold. "I gotta leave while the getting is good" he whispered before moving away, as he got out of the long grass Ben raised his hand over he Ultimatrix to escape. Only to misplace his foot and accidentally stepped on a booby trap, screaming as he was suddenly hoisted into the air but a snare. "Ow... how did I not see that coming?" He asked himself before hearing the woman's voice again.

"Well well Well, look at who's appeared on my private piece of paradise" she said, the boy blushed and looked back to see her standing behind him. Only wearing a towel around her torso to keep herself covered, "ah ha... would you believe me if I said I had just found myself on the beach?" Ben asked hoping he wasn't in any trouble. The girl then looked over him, "well I can't believe that you washed ashore. You're still clean and in one piece" she said as he had to agree if he was thrown around by the tides, "plus I could see all the beaches on this island from my private Villa so you couldn't have shipwrecked yourself" the carrot top added.

Again definitely something Ben had to agree with, "and in addition" she then pushed on a tree that held the rope that snared Ben and it raised it higher. And after she lightly smelled his neck, to which her breath made him blush, "you don't smell like salt water. So you definitely couldn't have swam here, you're not some kind of spy are you?" The woman asked raising Ben to eye level with her. "No ma'am, never been a spy" he said trying not to raise anymore suspicions she may have. Feeling this wasn't going anywhere the girl had sighed and let Ben go, albeit he fell on his head, "ow?! You could've lowered me down first" he complained rubbing his aching head.

She then reset the trap "sorry about that, after my crew was disbanded I haven't been very social as of late" she explained. "Anyway my name is Nami, you?" The girl asked, "I'm Ben Tennyson, but call me Ben" he introduced. "Again Sorry for the trap, not many people visit me so I'm not above letting anyone invade my private" Nami explained before ushering Ben to follow her.

She later (now wearing a tiny bikini top with some jeans that showed her figure) explained that she was once part of a powerful pirate crew called the Straw Hats, they were after something called the one piece. The most valued treasure in all of existence, that was until the straw hats were disbanded for unknown reasons and the crew split up. Since then Nami has been living peacefully on this little patch of paradise, that was enough evidence to convince Ben he was on a different earth.

He then told Nami about the theory of alternate universes and how he was from one, reasonably she didn't believe him until he showed her what his Ultimatrix can do. That was when she fully believed him, "so what are you gonna do?" She asked him, "gonna find a way home, it's not like I'm stuck here" Ben replied only to have a glass bottle drop out of no where in particular. "Ow what he hell?!" He groaned, he then opened he bottle and took out a paper that was inside "what, it's from Professor Paradox" he said. "Professor? Is he that guy you were talking about?" Nami asked, "the one that can travel through time?"

"Yeah that's him... oh..." Ben groaned, "what?" She then looked at the paper "dear Ben, I am sorry but I am unable to return you to you're world. Due to the explosion it had some how replicated you and transported you to this universe. So as there is already a Ben Tennyson in your universe you cannot return otherwise it will destabilize" the message wrote. To which the beauty winced at that, "looks like you're stuck here" she commented, then saw Ben put his hand on his face and lean back groaning. "Now what am I supposed to do?" He asked no one in particular, Nami had looked at him "well, this world could use a hero" she said.

He then looked to her, "really?" He asked "yeah, the government of our world is corrupt and they abuse their power" she added. Ben thought for a moment, then smirked "never took on a corrupt government before, this should a heck of a challenge" he said "that's the spirit" Nami said. "Thanks for giving me another purpose Nami" he said before activating the Ultimatrix. That was until she had covered the faceplate with her hand and grabbed his arm, Ben was confused until she yanked his arm past her and made them look at each other face to face. "However, you did still trespass on my home" she said with a sultry tone making the boy shiver, "Uh..." he stuttered before she spoke again.

"But seeing the circumstances of your situation, and that you showed me that crystal form you have. Added the fact that you're pretty hot" the last statement made the poor guy blush the heck out of his face. I'm surprised he didn't catch fire, "I think I'll let you live here with me. It gets lonely here so it's nice to have some company" she said. Which surprised Ben, "plus you can use this place as a home base to return to when you go out and help people" Nami added, Ben had seen her reason.

Not only will Ben have a purpose in this world to help people, but he also gets a new place to live and a new friend, not to mention a smoking hot one at that so that's a bonus. "Not to mention you can use hat diamond guy you showed me to makes crystals to help as payment for trespassing fees" she added making him look at her with a straight face. Then sighed knowing that technically he did trespass on Nami's island so he agreed to it. "But those crystals will only pay half the fee" she added before smirking at him, "half? What's do you mean?" Ben asked before Nami walked towards him. In reaction Ben had steadily walked backwards away from her until she had his back against the wall, "like I said, it gets lonely here. So I have certain 'needs' that need to be taken care of" Nami replied pinning his arms down.

Ben blushed as he realized what she meant by needs, "and besides, I'm sure a man like you has needs also" she cooed into his ear. His body was completely on fire, and Nami definitively noticed little Ben poking out between the hero's legs. "And I think your little friend agrees with me" she said before backing off "mind following me?" She asked, Ben was still feeling a bit awkward but had complied and followed her.

The two found themselves back at the waterfall they first met at, "let's just say I'll be taking the first payment to fulfill my needs now" Nami said reaching behind her making Ben backpedal in shock. "Since you had interrupted me during my shower earlier I have to continue on" she added before her top fell off. That alone was able to make his nose bleed like crazy, "and you're gonna join me" Nami then took off her jeans to reveal she wasn't even wearing any panties when she was talking with Ben. Now Ben couldn't think clearly as his eyes had just been hooked on the orange haired beauty.

"Enjoying the view?" She asked coyly making him flinch but nod in honesty, in response she giggled "well mind if I enjoy your view?" Nami added making Ben burn brighter. Then had gave in and slowly started taking his clothes off, little to say it was Nami's turn to drool and have a nosebleed as Ben had a well built physique. So how much is each payment again?" Ben asked nervously as he took his pants and boxers off... (holy cow! Ben's did is ten inches long!! Ten for ten I guess!!)

"Oh let's see, i'd day about 40,680 Beris, so pay the diamond half of the 20,340 beris with 30 shards a day. As for this" Nami then took him surprise by wrapping her arms around his neck and suddenly kissing him without any restraint. Even as going as far as forcing her tongue into his mouth, "one Beri equals one Orgasm so you'll have to make love to me 20,340 times" Nami said coyly as Ben paled knowing he'd probably be dead by then.

(Lemon start)

She then sat Ben down on he short of the pond near the water falls and wrapped her melons around his clock. Then gave him a titjob, Ben moaned and groaned from the pleasure she had given him, then threw his head back as she started giving him some head to add. Bobbing up and down Nami had licked all over his rod which had a surprisingly strong yet irresistible taste to her. Once little Ben was up and erect she smirked and stroked him harder "now time for some payment" she said before taking her breasts off him and stood above his waist.

"Time to sheath this sword" the girl said before lowering her muff to him; then when she had touched his manhood she allowed him to penetrate her pussy. Then groaned, 'the heck?! The tip is barely in but I can feel it!' She thought, 'crud, she's got a grip... I can't move' Ben thought.

Nami then smirked again "Well... here... I... go!!" She then moved her hips down forcing Ben into her making the girl moan "it's... it's already touching my hymen" Nami "Okay... now I can't move" Ben said. "Come on Ben, don't be like that! Show me how much of a man you are" Nami moaned, the shapeshifter had looked at her as his mind began to cloud over. At last his hormones took over and he lightly bounced her on the edge of his rod. "Man... this thing is strong!" She said with a lustful tone, "yeah it is... happens when you fight bad guys every few days a week" Ben added as he bounced her more.

"Do it Ben, pierce me already! break me! Claim Me!" She cried, that's when he fully obeyed and held her hips down and thrusted into her with brutal force. That one thrust had pierced her wall and made the girl wail out in pleasure, "oh... my... god..." she muttered, then was taken aback by him continuing his onslaught. "The beast is out and it's not being caged!" Ben growled seductively as he stood up pinning the carrot top behind the water fall. "Oh f*cking god you're an animal! And absolutely handsome amazing animal!" Nami moaned as he began to suck her boobs.

(Currently hiding in the cave behind the wall using X-ray vision to spy on them).

"And you are my prey" he said before biting her neck, giving her a hickey, Nami ended up grabbing him by the hair and clenched it in her hands while hugging him tightly. Ben took advantage at her ahegao face and had kissed her once more, this time forcing hit tongue into her mouth. Wrapping it around hers and lightly blocking her throat making her gag from time to time, she had official lost the ability to think as her eyes began rolling behind their sockets. Then after the last thrust Ben had released his load which made them both cry in ecstasy and fall to their knees.

(Lemon end)

Later on we now see the two back at the villa sleeping in her large bed, with Nami cradled comfortingly in Ben's Arms. "So... only 20,339 sessions to go" he said panting, Nami then shook her head which confused him. Then she spoke up "Forget the payment Ben. Just stay here with me, and I'll make love to you for all eternity" Nami said.

Ben and as initially surprised, but smiled and pecked her lips "as you wish Nami. My One Piece" he replied.

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