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Mustafa Japan, 6 years ago

Owen POV, age 10

"Owen, why do you always get into fights," Izumi asked me,"this is the fourth time this week."

"They called you a quirkless no one Izu," I said,"its only natural that we defend you."

"Yeah, anyone who messes with you gets a beat down," Katsuki said, setting explosions in his hand

"Guys, you know if you get into trouble, you won't be able to join UA," Izumi said,"thankfully mom and Owens parents took care of the bullies like last time."

"You know Owen, for plumbers your parents are scary," Bakugo said

"Yeah, they can certainly make problems go away," I said, then got up,"okay guys, I better head home or mom and dad will get mad."

"Okay bro, see ya tomorrow," Katsuki said, then we did our bro handshake

After that I ran home, which wasn't far away, and hopefully see mom and dad today. Cause its my birthday today, and hopefully they don't have work today like always, for plumbers they sure work to much. I sighed as I reached home, going to the door when suddenly it exploded and I was send flying into the street. I groaned as I got up to see my home completely destroyed

"Mom, dad," I yelled as I ran to it," mom! Dad! Where are you!?"

"Where is it," a weird voice said,"give it to me and I might end your miserable life faster."

"You will...never...get your ugly hands on it," Moms voice said,"its hidden, far away, not even you can find it!"

"And one day, when it reaches him, he will beat you Vilgax," Dads voice said

"MOM, DAD," I yelled as I ran to the sounds of their voices

I ran to them but stopped when I see a massive figure, he was green with a nasty face with octopus tentacles in black and red armor. He was holding mom up by one hand, when dad was on the floor, having scratch marks and all. I looked at the octopus and ran at him, punching and kicking his leg, but I just ended up hurting my hands

"Annoying pest," he said and backhands him

I screamed in pain as I flew into a wall, feeling something warm and yet on me face . I touched my left eye and felt blood, the warm red stuff mom told me when I cut myself cutting my food. I looked at the monster, who turned to mom and then looked at her.

"Fine then, looks like I won't be getting anything from you," he said,"time to take care of deadmeat."

He then squeezed moms neck hard and soon I heard something snap, mom suddenly stopped moving and the monster started moving to dad. But Dad pulled a weird grey metal sphere, with red beeping. The squid monster looked at him and then dad looked at me.

"We love you son," he said,"remember, you will always be our hero."

As he said that, the device exploded and I yelled out to him, as the explosion send me to a section of the house that use to be my room. I groaned as I looked around and suddenly see a box under my burnt bed. I crawled to it so I can see what it was, hoping it could help me stop these monster, so I pulled the top off and see a strange watch of sorts

"The Omnitrix," the squid said, walking to me,"give it to me pest, I am the only one worthy of wielding it!"

I looked at the watch and grabbed it, then suddenly it glowed a very powerful green light, blinding us both. The bottom part of it splits open and attaches to my left wrist, seemingly like it was glued to my skin. I looked at it and was so confused by what this was or why the squid wanted it. But he was obviously upset about it, screaming in rage.

"D.N.A scanned, preparing D.N.A lock," it said and soon beeped and clicked,"D.N.A attachment lock complete. Batch 1 online and ready to be used."

"NO, YOU LITTLE PEST, YOU MAY HAVE SET MY PLANS BACK, BUT I CAN EASILY FIX THAT," the squid said to me and pulled out a neat looking sword.

I screamed as I looked at the watch and tired to see if this thing can work. I looked and pushed the big green button, then sudd the big piece came out and it made a weird noise, then I looked in the green diamond and there I see what looked like a person with flames on its head. I didn't know what this was, but I had to take a chance, so I lifted my right hand....

"NOOO," Squid-man yelled

And slammed the big peice down.

3rd POV

A bright green flash happened, making Vilgax cover his eyes as he looked to see Owen transform. Red rocks suddenly appeared from the Omnitrix, having the rocks cover it and it continued to climb up Owens arm and spreads over his body, making way up to his face. He closed his eyes as the rocks covered him and then he opened them to show show bright orange eyes.

As the flash subsides, in Owens place was now a big figure who's body was composed of bright yellow inner magma body covered by red and brown rocks. His hands were now magma and huge, his face had two magma lines going down his eyes. His head was ignited by a continuous flames starting from the neck and ended on top of his head, his feet were oval-like design with only two toes and a single back toe

And on his chest was a green faceplate of a green hourglass.

"I WILL RETURN BOY, AND I WILL HAVE THE OMNITRIX," he yelled as he vanished from sight

Owen stood there, with his flames dancing around, looking up where Vilgax vanished. He breathed heavy as he fell to his knees, panting as the Omnitrix beeped a couple times till it flashed red and soon Owen was back to his original self. He looked at his home and his mother, crying a bit as he fell to the side and blacked out.

6 years later, Izumi POV

I was getting berated by Death Arms and Kamui Woods, since I tried to help Kacchan get free of the slime villain who tried to take me with his powers. We were walking home after school, trying to see Owen since he left early today. The villains tried to take me, but All Might saved me and there I asked if a quirkless person can be a hero...and lets say the answer was less then favorable

So after that, we went to the market to get somethings and then we found out the villain escaped cause of me. Then he took control of Kacchan, who pushed me aside to save me, then he was taken hostage for a while. The Pro Heros tried to help him, but they couldn't do anything to help, I got so scared that I would lose my best friend.

So I ran to help him, much to the others protest, and ran to help him. After a couple minutes of trying to safe him, he tried to kill me and AM saved me, thus ending the situation and saved Kacchan. Now I was getting a stern talking to by the Pros...I wish Owen was here right now.

"Do you have any idea how stupid that was," Death Arms said

("You could have gotten seriously hurt," Kamui said to me

As I was yelled at, I see Kacchan looking a little bit upset, maybe it was cause he couldn't get out himself. He didn't like people always helping cause they would get hurt. He liked handling things himself...or if Owen was there, they would handle it. Those two were like brothers, especially when Owen lost his family 6 years ago, when Owen then unlocked his...quirk...and defeated the villain

I wonder where he is, we were suppose to meet here for our little get together. Owen lived in a small orphanage in town, ever since he lost his family. We got to different schools, but we hang out a lot and have small picnics and such. Owen was...distant sometimes, but he was still Owen, the most kind and caring boy you can meet

"And you could have....," Death Arms said but a hand on his shoulder stopped him

They turned to see....Owen!

"Hey Izu, are you okay," he asked me, in his sweet honey toned voice

"Yeah, I'm fine Owen," I said in a happier tone,"you missed it! AM came in and saved Kacchan!"

"Oh trust me I saw it Izu! So, ready to go for our little hangout?"

"Hold on just a second kid, she needs a scolding for for interfering with Hero business," Death Arms said

"Oh you mean you failing attempt to save my best friend, who I consider a brother? Yeah right, Izu here was more of a Hero then you or Mt. Lady, like seriously I have never see such a lame ass display of heroine from you two."

"What do you mean cutie," Mt. Lady asked him, making me glare at her for calling him that

"You could have shrunken down a bit and then used your hands to grab Kacchan and pulled him out. Death Arms here could have moved in fast to grab him and pull him out, but was a total backseater."

"And me and Backdraft," Kamui Woods asked, pointing to him and Backdraft

"You guys did good, like pretty good. You tried to help people with your branches and get people back. Backdraft was busy with getting the fires out so the stores don't burn down. But here's a little advice, use his water to wet your branches to make them last longer in the fire."

"Hmm good advice good, I'll commit that to memory," Kamui said,"okay, you three can go, but please next time try and protect your live. It's important as well."

I nodded my head as I grabbed my backpack and we caught up with Kacchan, who patted my head, as I smiled when we walked into the alleyway.

"Morons," Owen said,"thinking they know everything and got the balls to tell us what to do."

"Yeah, plus though other extras tried to get me join their agencies cause I have a powerful quirk," Kacchan said,"and said how 'brave I was', tch, more like I was terrified for my life, if Izumi wasn't..."

"Don't talk like that," I said and punched his shoulder,"your alive and thats what matters! In fact I was the most useless one, I nearly got you harmed twice Kacchan, I'm sorry."

"Hey its okay Izu," he said as he patted my head,"if it meant protecting you, then it was worth it. Besides Heros have to give it everything they got to help others."

"His right," Owen said,"we all made a promise to protect and support each other no matter the cost. Cause, we are gonna be the next Big Top 3 heros of Japan!"

"YEAH," we yelled

"HAHAHAHAHA, SUCH BEAUTIFUL FRIENDSHIP," AM yelled, shooting in the same alleyway we were in

"ALL MIGHT," me and Kacchan yelled

"OH JESUS," Owen yelled, fixing to use his Omnitrix, but I stopped him

"No its All Might," AM said, confused,"well anyway, I need to speak with Young Midoriya here for a second."

"Umm I think leaving a teen aged girl with a man is classified as stalking," Kacchan said, making me and AM spit take, as Owen eyed him

"Its okay AM, you can trust them with your secret," I said,"guys, whatever you do, don't freak out or tell anyone, this is important! Like someone stealing our ultra-rare All Might playing card important, or stealing the only copy of Sumo Slammer 7!"

"Oh shit," they said, then bowed,"WE SWEAR TO NOT SPEAK OF YOUR SECERT SIR!"

"That worked," AM asked me

"Trust me, these two will not spread a word if its this important, they will two will super glue their mouths shut or cut their tounge out. So your save for life,"

"Very well then," he said and deformed into Skele-Might,"thats a little better."

"Woah, AM is that you," Kacchan asked him

"Sadly yes young ma, this is my true form. I sustained a serious injury a few years back that caused me to take this form most of the time."

"Shit, sorry to hear that sir," Owen said,"so I take it that since you steamed you reached a time limit?"

"Good work there what are your names first, I forgot to ask."

"Katsuki Bakugo, sir, pleasure to meet you."

"Owen MaCallen, sir, same here."

"And me as well! Now, I can go 3 hours in my Buff form, but I would have to escape from the paparazzi to avoid showing it."

"I see, and why do you need to speak with Izumi," Owen asked, having the Omnitrix at the ready just in case

"...Young Midoriya," AM said, looking at me,"you once asked me if a quirkless person can be a Hero...and I told you no, and I was brutal at that,(Owen got a little pissed). But when I saw you run to help your friend, I realized that I was a hypocrite. I stood by as you went to save him, as I was more worried about my form and people seeing it."

"You saw heroic Izu was," Kacchan said

"I did and that made me realized, that she is more heroic then me and anyone else. She ran to help when others didn't do anything. So Young Midoriya...what I said to you was wrong..."

I cried as I held my chest and fell to my knees, as I was hearing the words I needed to her from him. I felt someone hug me, I turn to see Owen kneeling beside and hugged me as I held him

"YOU CAN BE A HERO," AM yelled, spreading his arms out wide,"AND I HEREBY DEEM YOU WORHTY OF MY QUIRK, ONE FOR ALL!!"

"One for All," we all asked,

"Yes, its a qurik transferred to one person to the next, growing stronger each time it's passed on! I am the 8th wielder of OFA, and you shall be the 9th, do you accept this great honor Young Izumi Midoriya!?"

I cried as I looked at Kacchan and Owen, who looked at me and smiled, nodding their heads to me. I smiled as I looked at All Might, with determination and drive. I can finally be the hero I always dreamed of, with Kacchan and Owen by my side!

"I ACCEPT," I yelled


"So you want us to clean the beach," I asked

We were on Dagaboh Beach the next day, per AMs instructed us to. He was gonna help train us to prepare for UA in 10 months, as Kacchan and Owen wanted to get better with their quirks and skills. The beach was...well it was a crap hole, trash and such littered it along the coast, I would see it every now and then since I pass it most days

"Yes, even though your body is build," he said,"you need to build even more muscle mass to handle OFA. Its power can be underwhelming at the start, but once you've trained your body, it'll be second nature.”

"So as she cleans, she would be not only training her body, she would be doing her community service," Kacchan asked

"Yes, now can you two please explain your quirks? I would like to understand them so I can try and help."

"My quirk is Explosion, I sweat nitroglycerin in the palms of my hands and can set them off command," Kacchan said as he demonstrated his qurik

"Mine is called Alien Genetics," Owen said,"its a transformation type quirk that allows me to turn into Aliens. Though I couldn't use it until I was 10, as I needed a device to help control my transformations. Thus this."

He showed him the Omnitrix, making the cover story we made up with mom, Auntie Mitsuki and Uncle Masoru.

"Aliens," AM asked

"I'm a big fan of Aliens, since I was a kid. I have a total of 10 forms, though one is a little tricky, so I don't use him much."

"How long is the limit?"

"10 minutes, but if I deform say after 2 minutes, I can transform into another for the remainder of the 8 minutes."

"Impressive, so can I see them?"

"Here, you can use this for now," I said as I handed him Owen notebook

Owens Alien Forms: Batch No. 1
1. Heatblast
2. Swampfire
3. Four-Arms
4. Echo-Echo
5. Ghostfreak
6. Humgasour
7. Wildmutt
8. Feedback
9. Jet Ray
10. Alien X

"Hmm I see, so I'm guessing that you had time to train with them," AM said, looking at Owen

"Mostly, Heros would get in the way and say that I shouldn't use it with supervision said such," he said,"but I got Heatblast down pat...his my favorite."

"Good, now I want you to train your forms by battling Bakugo in some matches. While Izumi cleans, I want you to help as well, then teach Izumi some hand to hand,"

"Yes sir," we said

Owen POV

I looked at the Omnitrix as I smiled, thinking they I was getting close to my dream. Mom, Dad, I will be the Hero you guys believed I cane be.

"Owen, you ready bro," Kacchan asked, getting ready to brawl

"Hell yeah," I said,"ITS HERO TIME!"

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