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The group pulled up to an apartment complex. The white paint was peeling off at some points of the building. Lucas stopped the car and peeked at Klaus but looked away.

"So do you still want to stay for the night or?" Ben glanced at Klaus and motioned to Lucas. 

"Uh yeah sure, um, Lucas buddy.", Lucas turned to Klaus, "I'm sorry for yelling, it's just I still have a headache and the whole shooting thing wasn't my thing. Ya know? I'm not mad at you, just worried." Lucas sighed.

"We are both at fault then huh?" Lucas joked. Klaus laughed along, his smile not reaching his eyes. 

"Come on let's go inside, I have an extra room." Lucas, Klaus, and Ben walked inside the building. Climbing the stairs, they reached the fourth floor.

'Room 407. Room 407. Ah, there it is!' Fishing for his keys while standing at the door, Klaus was having a silent argument with Ben. 

'What the fuck did you do, Klaus?'

'I'll tell you when we get inside alright?' 

'I want you to tell me now.' 

'When we get inside.'


'Shut up! He's turning to us.' Klaus and Ben immediately smiled at Lucas.

"Welcome to Lucas's home." It wasn't bad. Green plants in every corner, a few newspapers on the counter, the smell of butterscotch was hinted and a nicely done TV in the living room. Ben could definitely see Lucas living here. At the cafe, he waters all the plants and makes many butterscotches pies so it wasn't a surprise to see he would have one of those things.

"Uh, by the way, Klaus. You weren't the reason I was crying, I've been kinda depressed the last couple of days. And well you know." Lucas took off his jacket and placed it in the coat closet.

'We really don't know shit about Lucas.' Ben thought. 'If he's been depressed the last couple of days, we never even noticed it.' Ben took a good look at Lucas to see the difference.

His black shirt was loose on his skin, black pants pulled up with a belt, untied green military shoes. He shook his brown curly hair, his bangs covered his blue eyes. They were hard to see at times, Ben's curiosity one day got better of him. He was literally inches away from him so just so he could see his fucking eye color. 

Ben then noticed it. His back was slouched, the bags under his eyes, his skin was paler than normal, maybe a bit skinnier, Ben bet that if he was still alive and he touched Lucas he would die from frostbite. His smile... wasn't as bright but he was trying. He was trying.

"No it's ok, I understand. I think we just need some rest ya know? Sleepytime." Klaus tried to lighten the mood, using his child-like antics. Lucas smiled.

"Yeah. I'll go get your bed ready." Lucas left the room into the hallway and into another room. His mood seemed to be better now. Klaus turned to his brother.

"What did you do Klaus?" Ben sat on the kitchen counter, crossing his arms.

"Okokokok. So maybe I stole something from the people who were following us." Ben looked at Klaus like he was crazy.

"Ha, good one Klaus. That better be a fucking joke." 

"I wish it was one too, buddy." Ben pulled at his face.

"Are you kidding me, Klaus! Why the fuck would you do that?! What the fuck did you even steal?" Klaus shrugged.

"Well, I thought if we didn't win anything, we would at least have this." Klaus took out the small golden car statue from his pocket. Ben sighed.

"Klaus, just- just go to bed."

A few moments later everyone was in their beds, falling asleep. Except for Ben. Ben wanted to know more about Lucas, he was like a book that kept giving cliffhangers, (like this one lol). Ben walked toward Lucas's room and peeked inside. It was interesting.

'Never knew he could play the piano.' Ben looked over the keys of the black piano. It was smaller than the other ones that Ben has seen but it did take some room. Two dressers. A tall one and a short one with a mirror, the counter was covered with books. He had a desk pushed in his closet. It was actually very convenient. Ben walked towards Lucas's bed where he was laying at, after he was done looking at everything.

"Lucas, I think its time you met me."

Black. A void of nothing but black. Lucas's dream was already going weird. Lucas looked at his feet and saw that the floor was a type of charcoal liquid. 'Guess I'm Jesus now.' Looking around he saw nothing but himself.

Lucas slowly sat down and looked in the darkness in the eyes. It started back. He almost wanted to wave. He didn't hear the person appear behind him.

"How are you darkness?" The darkness replied behind him.

"Doing quite well Lucas." Lucas turned to see a young man and to be honest if darkness was a person he would probably look like that man. The man hands were in his jacket and his hood was up.

Black jacket, black shirt, black pants, black shoes, and black hair. Lucas was sure enough that if he got real close that he would see that his eyes were black too. He had a pretty face. But the cold look in his eyes told otherwise.

"Do I know you? You said my name as if I knew you?" Lucas gasped silly like. 

"Are you my father?" The man gave a questioning look.

"No. But yes you do know me." Lucas joked around.

"Unless you work for Hot Topic, I don't know you." Ben gave him a deadpan look.

"Ben." Lucas' eyes widen. 

'Ben. His friend Ben was in front of him.'

He instantly stood up and ran towards him. Ben was concerned if he should move out of the way so he wouldn't crash into him but lucky he slid to a stop next to him. Lucas placed his arms on his hips and stared. 'Whoa ok, this is not what I expected.'

Lucas looked straight at Ben's eyes, searching for something that Ben didn't know what it was. Lucas didn't look away and it was making Ben uncomfortable. He hadn't had someone look at him in a long time. Other from his brother of course. He shifted his weight on his other leg and looked away.

'Shit, what do I do?' Lucas slowly began walking around him, studying him from all sides. Ben turned to look at him, questioning what he was doing, but Lucas snapped at him. Ben kept his eyes forward.

When Lucas came back around he smiled. 

"Nice knowing you're doing well, Ben." Ben sighed in relief. Lucas said nothing for a moment then poked at Ben. Ben smiled at his curiosity.

"Yes, in this place you can touch me." 

"How?" Lucas asked.

"Well, this is your dream. You can make it whatever or however, you want. I just can enter it."
Lucas nodded in understanding. Lucas smirked and then wrapped his arms around him, giving him a bear hug.


"You deserve this." 

'Do I?' He was warm. His arms were comfortable around his sides. He felt safe. He smelt like vanilla. Lucas felt so nice. It's been a year since anyone touched him. Has Ben been psychology starved? Yes, yes he has. Did he care before? No. Does he care now? Maybe but that's not the point.

Ben slowly hugged back. He was shaking, his breathing changed. He knew he was going to cry but, he wasn't going to make a scene just so Lucas would worry about him. He was... Just going to let them go. Let go of the feelings. Ben closed his eyes just letting go of them.

Lucas cared so much for him. Everything he has done was for him and Klaus. He cared for a person who couldn't even care for himself. The first tear would say his silent 'thank you'.

Lucas felt the tears on his shirt. He knew that Ben was crying and for a good reason too. He felt Ben shake a bit, his breathing was slower and there were a few hicks coming out of his mouth. Lucas spoke.

"You wanna sit down?" Ben sniffed.

"Uh yeah sure maybe." He shrugged, he hid his head into Lucas' shoulder so he wouldn't see his tears, but they both knew. 

"We don't have to if you don't want to." 

"Nah, I should be good. But I have a question that I was supposed to ask you early before, uh, this." He let go of the hug and wiped his nose.

"Mhm." Ben mumbled under his breath but Lucas still heard his words.

"Why do you always put me in the conversation? I'm dead. I can't talk to you and you can't see me. You always ask how I'm doing and you say, 'Hey guys!' And not just say 'Hey Klaus!'." Ben was shaking pretty badly at this point. Ben wasn't usually like this. He usually had control over his feelings. If he was still alive he would feel his monsters try to escape at this point.

"Let's sit down." Ben nodded, still waiting for an answer. They sat down. Ben tried sitting down next to Lucas but Lucas pulled him in closer. 'I feel like I'm too big for this.'

Ben's legs hanged over Lucas's. Ben was sitting inside his lap while Lucas sat crisscross apple sauce. Lucas's arms were still wrapped around Ben's waist. Ben felt like he was too old to be sitting inside Santa's lap. Ben sighed knowing that he wasn't going to get out of this but instead enjoyed Lucas's stubbornness. He still felt safe.

He tried breathing through his nose, he got a nice breeze of the warm vanilla again. Ben tried to convince himself to get up. He's not a kid anymore. He shouldn't have to cry on someone's shoulder. The last time he cried was when he had a nightmare, Grace came in an comfort him with cookies and warm milk. He was so embarrassed. His father heard about him and made his training even worse. Ever since then he locked his door and bottle up his feelings.

He didn't want to like this feeling. But he did. He scratched his hand but Lucas grabbed it. 'His hands are warm too, he's a fucking heater.' Ben smirked to himself playing with Lucas's hand, distracting himself.

"I say it because you are there and you're my friend." Ben tried to convince Lucas he wasn't. He shouldn't try so hard to make someone like him happy.

"I'm not there! You don't even know me!"

"And you don't even know me but I still believe that you here and there." Ben sighed in defeat. Lucas tightened his grip on him, without thinking Ben hugged him and laid his head on Lucas' shoulder again.

"You're not going to listen to me, are you?"


"And your just going to keep making me feel like I'm around." 

"Yep." Ben sighed again he felt like he was talking to Klaus about drugs.

"Fine." Lucas smiled.

"Can I get up now? I still have some things to tell you."

"Mmmm. Nope."


Hey guys, I worked really hard on this one and so I hoped you enjoyed that little fluffy part at the end. So yeah.

Fun fact: I really like overwatch. My main is Zenyatta.

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