Alfa Dog

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Boris's POV-

'Oh god, OH shit it's that time of month for wolf's' I panicked. If you don't know what I'm talking about how some of us has 'Heats' and really powerful one's. The ones where your other side comes out to play.
I passed around woriedly cause for the next few days I'm going to be a different wolf, I worried what Bendy will think. So I decided to tell him, so I saw him talking to Ink about something "Hey Ink mind if I steal him for just a sec?" I asked her And she nodded. So I lend a hand to him and we walked out of the room "What is it Darling, something bothering you?" he asked "Well remember when we have sex I get dominant?" "Yah, it feels amazing when you do that" he said drooling a bit.
So I wipped his mouth and said "Well tomorrow is my 'Heat' and well... things are about to get crazy" he just looked at me with a 'Processing' look then a 'Realization' look. "Oh, wow" was all he said "Well don't worry, and besides I might like it~" he said winking at me. "Come on Boris, Ink was talking about how those guys at Disney want to..." he whispered the rest and my eyes widened "They really want to do that?" "Yep."
So we went back.

The Next Day

'God dame it, I feel like I'm about explode' I thought as I put myself under a pillow, trying to cool down. "Sweetheart you've been out of it for a while... Okay since this morning, and it's evening now" he said stroking my fur, and I moaned. "Wow your heat is THAT bad?" he said serprised and so I tilted my head to let him see one of my eyes.

Bendy's POV-

When I saw Boris's eye it was different. It had a glowing red heart in the center, and also had the lust written all over. "I'll leave so you can Cool down a little" I said walking away and before I could even touch the doorknob he grabbed me and throw me onto the bed. When I was trying to get up he shoved my head to the bed and started to tie up my hands together.
"Boris what the hell?" I asked but all he did was kiss me roughly, almost bruising my lips "Oh Bendy you silly Demon, I'm the Alfa Wolf here" he said and started to push into me. I couldn't breath for a while, and he wouldn't stop for me. And I hate to say it but, well... I WAS REALLY FUCKING ENJOYING IT!
I was feeling harder by the minute and he was enjoying this a little to much.
But what can I say he felt soooo goooooooooood~ 
As he kept going I kept cumming, and by the minute I came about 5 times he came 0. NONE I'm still impressed. Then he stopped and quickly pulled out I started breathing "*pant, pant* Boris *pant* PLEEEEEEse don't stop" I whined but he blind folded me.
"Again?" I whispered "I heard that so you're getting this as well" he said putting something that feels like a stick. "AHHHH GHAA" I couldn't help but yell harshly, I felt like crying."Don't worry Sweetheart, you'll like what comes next" he said putting me up like I was a baby then shoved a larger vibrator in me.
I could resist but to moaning and he started to place me, I shuck in pleasure as I felt the the vibrator go up. "BORIS, Boris just fuck me already!" I begged.
"Very well love, have it all~" he said picking me up and shoved into me and I yelped, he was too big 'Wow his heat is powerful' I thought as he continued for the next, oh I don't know... 2 HOURS!

*2 Hours Later*

"Shit, fuck, FUCK!" I kept saying as he started to go full speed then he came  in me, like fill me up all the way came. He pulled out of me slowly and when he was full out he pulled out the vibrator by a string.
I panted with relief then I head a gasp. "Bendy oh god I wasn't to ruff on you, was I?" he asked panicked taking off my blindfold. Then he say me and looked panicked "SHIT, Bendy you're crying!" he said rubbing my check "Boris could you please" I said looking down and he said "Oh right" then pulled it out.
I yelled as I came and he just stared at me "*pant, pant* Boris... I just want to say, you didn't go to ruff so don't about me hun, I can take care of myself" I said kissing him.
As we kissed he layed me down to sleep, and I heard 'I Love You...'

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