Boris's Family

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Bendy's POV-

As I told Boris our day back home he looked unsettled "What's wrong Honey are you alright?" I asked stroking his cheek as I hear Ink take care of Benis "Well... I'm not so excited to visit my mom and siblings, I ran away from that place so I don't have to lession to them" he said and I said "Don't worry just tell me if you want to leave, but just wait at least 15 minutes" and he nodded and kissed horns lightly which made me moan lightly and place my head on his shoulder.
"Don't make me want to fuck you today Boris, I'm really tired and and some rest before we leave" I said and he nodded and we slept on the couch.

The Next Day

I was opening a portal to Boris's place or what I like to call 'Cartoon of Birth' and be was rubbing his arm nervously. "What's wrong love?" I asked looking back at him still opening the portal "Well one, I'm a little concern about your eyes glowing and two, I haven't seen my mom in years" he said I sighed and fully opened the portal and went to him to hold his hand. I noticed her was holding his clarinet behind his back, I scweezes his hands a little bit and walked him in the portal.
When we were fully in I saw a small cave with a house like extraterritor and said "It look nice" and saw him look away frowninh and say "It's not really on the inside."
I looked down and now held his arm as if I was a lady and we walked towards the house. "Boris, how many siblings DO you have?" I asked "Well... there not really siblings were just in the same pack, so we have to call eachother brothers or sisters" he said and knocked on the door. The door slowly opened and I saw a elderly looking wolf with puffy bangs and hair in a ponytail, a little taller than Boris, pants, a long shirt, and glasses. She smiled and hugged Boris "Boris my child" she said before backing away and slap him "How dare you not visit you mother" she said really fast that I almost couldn't understand her, then she noticed me "Who's your little friend here?" she asked "Mother he my-" "Oh it's nice meet you" she said shaking my hand "Hmm... a little TOO short of my tall son" she said. "MOM" Boris yelled a little embarrassed "Oh don't worry, Boris I want you to meet someone" she said dragging us in.

It was really roomy in here with a fireplace running, a carpet that wolf's were sleeping in, a kitchen, one room, a bathroom, and couch chair next to the fire place. It was nice "Everyone my son has come back with a friend" Boris mom said "Um Mrs. Wolf-" "Just call me Jem" she said "Alright... Jem" I said cause I saw her more as a 'Patunea.'
"Boris" his siblings said and went to tackle him to the ground laughing, then I saw a female gray wolf with an image like Jem, a crop top, a cowgirl hat, pants, accessorys, and was shorter than him walk to them. "So you're Boris..." she said unsatisfied about what she's seeing 'BITCH' I thought my eyes twiching at her.
"Mom... who's that" Boris asked getting up but his little brother and sister were hugging onto his legs. "Boris this is Parewinkal, your so to be wife" Jem said "WIFE" me and Boris yelled in shock "Of course, MOTHER ALWAYS knows best" she said. My eyes were twiching angrily as this WOMEN held Boris's arm and cuddled into him and I can SEE CLEARLY THAT HE DOESN'T LIKE IT. "M-mom can we-" "HAVE PRIVACY SURE" she said and he and Boris's siblings walked out.

I stayed not wanting to keep Boris and that women alone in a room cause TRUST ME I'VE SEEN FRIDAY THE 13TH JASON TAKES MANHATTAN SO I'M STAYING. "So... Boris was it, what do you do exactly?" she asked looking at her nails. 'She doesn't even know him that well... what is UP with this family" I screamed in my head "Well me and Bendy preform at a Studio with his sister, an actual Angel, and some others" Boris said trying to make the best of this.
She was getting to close so I coughed and said "Okay, whatever your name is, Boris can I talk to you for a moment?" he gladly got up and went with me to the corner and said "What the eff dude what's going on with your family?" I asked and he said "I don't know and mom always slapped us or put us in the kennel if we did something she didn't like and make us do what she wants."

"Boris you have a secret weapon though" I said holding his hand "And what would that be?" he asked "Me" I said smiling warmly at Boris as he was about to lean into me that women named Parewinkal grabbed Boris's clarinet and said "You play MUSIC, HA I've seen wolf's like you do more manly things, here let me get rid of this for you" and she snapped it in two. Boris looked like he was going to cry.
That's when Jem came in "Everything going well here?" she asked and Parewinkal showed the clarinet "BORIS I TOLD YOU LONG AGO TO NEVER BECOME A MUSICIAN" and slapped him across the face again. "THAT'S IT" I yelled and stomped so they would look at me.
"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO?" I shouted and hugged Boris close. "YOU, you a person who DOESN'T care about how other people feel, and you only cader to your own interest" I said then looked at him mom "And YOU, your a mother that never cared about her own kid and hurts him for no good reason, MAYBE THAT'S WHY HE RAN AWAY FROM YOU" I shouted. She looked at him "But he-he ran away so he can play not from me, and I know him... he's my son after all" she said "You don't even KNOW CRAP YOUR OWN SON, but I DO" I yelled and held my hand up to show the ring. Boris did the same and looked away as his mother gasped "No..." she said holding her hands to her mouth "Yes, and Jem I think it's time for you to wake up and realize what you've been DOING wrong" I said and held Boris hand.
"I... Boris... I... I'm so sorry" she said and tryed to hug him but he backed away. "Boris look... I want to make it up to you" she said and so he nodded but still backed away and I sighed.
"Boris please I-" "No mother" I looked at Boris and saw determination in his eyes as he spoke "I had to trust you for years, and you already had a chances to fix it, and you wasted it" he said and went out the door.
"I'm sorry Jem..." I said and left as well leaving the ladys in there and saw Boris sitting on the grass under a tree and went to him and sat.

"You know... the one of the only reasons I stayed is because I can be at peace under the trees" he said after a while of sitting and he leaned his head on me as he we took in the scenery "This place is pretty when it's silent" I said and sighed "Bendy, can we go home?" he askes and I nodded as I got up.
I started opening the portal and Boris's mom ran out "BORIS WAIT" she yelled and Boris didn't bother to turn around. "Boris I know you're lessioning and I just want to say... I'm so sorry for being a mother who never lessioned to you, I never intended you to hate me, please come back and give me a chance" he begged him. Boris with his head down walked through the portal so I looked back at her and waved slightly before leaving and closing the portal behind me.

"Boris..." "I'm fine Bendy, I'm fine" Boris said and smiled at me and held my hand. "Come on how about we get Benis and start baking sugar cookies" I said and he smirked and said "Sure, and after that I can have a bit of your cookie" and I smiled slyly with mischief in my eyes and nodded.

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