Old Story (A DevilDice Part)

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(* I couldn't find the right song so just lession to the first song that's in the 3 hour long video)

Boris's POV-

Today me and Bendy we cuddling in the couch after a long performance and my mind began to wonder around and that's when I thought "Hey Bendy, sweetie?" "Hey my big furry lover?" he asked looking at me. "How did your dad's become a couple?" I asked tilting my head. "I actually don't know... maybe... HEY INK" Bendy yelled out and Ink leaned in from the door frame and looked at us "Si?" she said.
"Do you know how our dad's hooked up?" he asked "Well... I know that our dad's were friends since they were kids, and that Dad offered Papa to work in the casino and obviously he said yes... and also his soul was on the line for some reason that they refuse to explain but..." Ink left off and thought for a moment before "But you guys arn't ready to know how they FULLY hooked up" she said with a wink and left. "GOD DAME IT INK DON'T LEAVE US ON A CLIFF HANGER" Bendy yelled and chassed her.
'I wonder how Mr. Devil and Dice are doing?' I thought.

King Dice's POV-

It was one hell of a day of making sure the costumers aren't going to crazy, the lackys weren't falling behind on there work, and that all these contracts were dealt with one way or another. After I was done with getting a contract from some type of strawbarry that was black and white I started to walk back to the casino.
Ones I got back I went to my bosses room and said him look at some of this cash and rubbing where his horn was ones. "Hey boss" I said sitting on his desk with my legs crossed "Dice, how was collecting contracts?" he asked looking at me 'Devilishly' "Well boss I think I ruffed them up well, I mean you were the one who showed how to be threatening" I said with a wink. He smirked and stood up and and walked infrount of me to put his hand on the desk to make sure I didn't leave. "Heh, hey boss remember my birthday before we became a couple... before I realized I was bi and now gay" I asked him and he looked away embarrassed "Ya..."


"THAT... was embarrassing" he said getting close to my face "Ya thought I have to admit, the more I think about it the more I regret not realizing that liked you" I said and wrapped my leg around him.
"Then do you remember how we got together?" Devil asked "How could I forget that night? You came up to me after hours, the only light came from the candles that lit up all by them selfs, you snapped your fingers and a slow jazz song came on and held out you hand asking me to dance" I said and he took my hand and kissed up my arm slowly. "Go on, keep going" he said looking up and at me, I blushed and closed my eyes wanting to enjoy the feeling "Dice..." he said a little hostile and his eyes glowing. "W-Well... then I took you hand and you pulled me in for a dance and I believe the song was 'Feel Like Making Love' right?" I said and he nodded and got to my shoulder. His hand beginning to run his hand slowly up my waist to the side of my chest "Continue..." he said 'Dame it... why must it be easy for him to control me?' I thought looking away and started again.
"As the music continued you asked me questions and then you asked a certain question that I never expected from you..." I said as he came face to face with me "And that question would be?" he asked smirking "Do... DO..." "Spill it Dice" he said growling "Do you love me..." I said "And I said yes" I finished and he kissed me.
I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms started on the desk to hold my up, and Devil started to take off my dress coat. I love it when he gets like this, he tonge somehow got into my mouth and that's when I wrapped my arms around him. I breathed out heavily with my head back as he unbuttoned my dress shirt and sucked, kissed, bite, and lick my shoulder. I knew we were gonna have some fun as his hand wondered down until there was a knock on the door. "Well dame it..." I whispered and Devil just growled and went to the door with loud steps and pulled the door open. "WHAT" he yelled at one of the lackys and that was all I heard until he slammed the door closed and walked over to me "Those asses, thinking they can interrupt me from going to hell with your ass" he said looking irritated. "Boss if you like, after we're done here I can put them in line" I said as he went back to where he was "Nha, I'd rather f*ck you up to the point you can't even walk"  he said and got off my shirt, he saw all the marks from previous punishments, teasings, and fun time from the past few weeks or month. He pinned me down on the desk and just yanked off my pants "Looks like someone want this casino to know who owns you" he said and I looked away a little frustrated "Just fuck me already" I said feeling a blush come across my face, then he grabbed my cock and I gasped loudly. I bent my back, back and breathed heavily and ones or twice moaning. My vision got a little blurry as I blocked out what was going on around me and just focused on what Devil was doing to me.

I closed my eyes and felt him bend my legs up and held something think and hard poke me, I smiled widely and said "Boss... just shove it in me" I said looking away, and he quickly did. I bent my body up and my head on the desk feeling so much pleasure "I still can't believe you like pain" Devil said slamming into me more "Y-y-YAh *breathes heavily* I just hope that, that didn't get become a think for the kids" I said drulling with my eyes closed.
"Dice..." I felt him pull me up and I opened my eyes quickly "Look at me while I cum in you" he said and I looked down at him thrusting into me. I moaned louder as I felt myself getting close and he make me look at him straight in face and slammed his lips onto mine. I wrapped my arms around him and moaned loudly as I felt him explode in me and I exploded onto the both of us. I pulled my lips away from him and saw salvia connect out lips together.
He got onto the desk with me and asked "You really didn't think I was done with you right?"

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