Whipped Cream/Cool Whipped

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(* Not Sponsored) 

Bendy's POV:

It was the day of Thanksgiving and to be honest I didn't know how to surprise Boris. I mean really Thanksgiving isn't that oh how do I put it...


I mean Come ON you're just making food to eat like turkey, potato, ham, and piiiiiiiiiiiiiie... "I just got my idea for tonight' I thought to myself pulling a devils smile onto my face and walking over to Boris. "Oh Boris~" I spoke leaning to him "Yes, Love?" he looked at me like he didn't know what's going in "What's your favorite type of pie?" I asked hugging him from the back "Well I guess Cream, why'd you ask?" "Oh no reason~" I said walking away with a wink. 

"Hey sis can I ask you something?" "Sure what do you need brother?"  she asked "Can you help me make Cream Pie?" I asked with begging eyes "Sure" was all she said before leading me to the kitchen. "When did we get a kitchen" I asked myself "Last week" she said happily and started to get the ingratiates "So how much do you need" "Just one" "One why-" "Don't worry, it's a surprise for  Boris" I cut her off hinting at something and she got it, very well. "So what do we need sis?" I asked opening the new fridge, she smiled and started to tell me what we did and started the oven.

Later that Day:

So we finished the pie and make a few dozen more for dinner today, but then we saw Alice. That little son of A "Hey Bendy~" she said trying to seduce me but failed... MISERABLY! "Oh Bendy I know you want it" she said whispering to me but I just stepped away from her for you see... I HATE HER, SHE TRIED TO TAKE BORIS FROM ME! " Okay what do you want Alice?" I said annoyed by her and to be honest I didn't know by Henry or 'Him' made her. "Oh you know what I want" she said rubbing my chest and "NOPE NOPE NOPE NOT HAPPENING NEVER ALICE GO TO HELL AND BURN FOR ALL ETERNITY AND-" I walked out the door as fast as I could and slammed it leaving her there. 'I hope she won't do anything bad to Boris' I thought to myself worrying about tonight, so I walked over to Boris and Ink. "Hey Honey, Ink" "Hey Bro" Ink said smiling "What up Sweetheart" Boris asked "Alice" I ground "What she's here?!" he sounded panicked "Who's Alice? I mean I know Alice from Disney but-" "She's a good for nothing, whore that tries ruin me and Boris's relationship" I told her so she told me that she keep away from her, so I patted her on the head as a way of saying 'Good girl.'

"Boris" "Yes my Love" he asked "Can I fallow you for the rest of the day, I don't want to deal with Alice" I said holding his arm tightly "Of course" he said picking me up and walking towards the kitchen. "So what can I get you Bend-" ""Hello Boris~" Alice swooned at him not noticing me thank God. "What do you want Alice" he asked frustrated at her "Wanna go to my room and try some new cream" she said. "No Alice, I'm with Bendy" Boris said walking past her to put me down on the counter and went to get a drink for us. "Soooo Bendy, sweetheart wanna-" "NO WAY, CAUSE IF YOU THINK I'M LETTING BENDY BE WITH A BITCH LIKE YOU THEN YOU BETTER THINK AGAIN" Boris shouted at Alice and made her scared and ran away. "Boris..." I whispered "Sorry Love... I didn't want you to see me like that" he said looking away from me so I got off the counter and went to him. "Bendy what are you-" "It's okay Boris, to be honest, that was really hot~" I left him off letting him figure out the puzzle and one's he got it we blushed that dark gray color...

Boris's POV:

"Shit Bendy..." I said to myself as I looked at his sweating hot body "Wanna ya know..." he said swaying hips side to side like he was hypnotizing me. So I picked him, got some [whipped cream/Cool Whipped], and went to the bedroom. Ones we got there I placed him on the bed and got our toys out to play with. I cuffed his hands like he did to me and made sure he wouldn't move as I got the [Whipped Cream/Cool Whipped] out. "Boris what are you doing with that?" he asked but I didn't answer, I just put it all around his cock and licked it very slowly "Gah- Boris!" he whined knowing that he couldn't do anything, but still he struggled. "Oh come on Bendy, no need to be so 'hard' about it" I said with a smirked at his frustration. "Boris just fuck me" he said impatient at me. "Well  no need for foreplay then huh" I said lifting his legs up and slamming into him knowing he like it rough. "BORIS PLEASE BIT ME, MAKE ME BLEED, OHHH PLEASE PLAY WITH ME" he begged me and I could never say no to that face.

So I went for it and with my sharp teeth I bit into his neck and he moaned for more so I gave him hickeys, bit marks, and a bloody mess on his neck. As I humped and bit him he started to thrust with me and started to release his cum.
"Boris please cum in me, PLEASE" he yelled in a whisper "Well then go ahead~" I said starting to go faster until I came in him, but I saw he didn't cum yet so gave a few more thrust till he did.  "Hey Bendy" "Ya Boris?" "Wanna keep going?" I asked him "Umm... only if you want to" he said and I went again.
So let's just say we went for a few more hours...

(* So I want to make a story where Boris is a Yandere but I want to make sure you guys like it so... HEAD TO THE COMMENTS  CAUSE I honesty I don't know
So like usually if you have suggestions tell me or if you want a picture in this one

- Forgotten-chan)

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