Yan-Chan Visits Yan! Boris (Boris Yandere AU)

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(*Yandere AU)

Ayano's POV-


"WHAT YOU DON'T LIKE ME IN RETURN?" Osana yelled at him "I'm sorry but I don't want too be in a relationship with a person that bullys and threatens my friend" Toro said.

"I hope he exepes my feelings" "What are you Osana" I asked annoyed by her "What the- Oh it's YOU, it's non of your buissness You FREAK OF NATURE" she yelled at me. "Osana you better watch your mouth" I said emotionless glaring at her "Oh and what are you going to do about it CRY WELL I..." as she rambled on about her threats I saw Toro- Senpai peeking out of the corner. 'Perfect' I thought as he carefully got away and I knew he has seen enough...

"I'm sorry but I don't like you that way" Senpai said walking away from her "Senpai... no" Osana said before collapsing on her knees, but he didn't pay any attention. "Oh hey Ayano" He said patting my shoulder before walking away.
' Oh My GOD... TORO SENPAI TOUCHED ME, HE ACTUALLY TOUCHED ME' I thought happily as I walked to the main enterens and I felt lighter than air. When I got I didn't outside I didn't care of what the Gym Teacher said and ones I skipped home after I watched Senpai go home. I wanted to go see if he would like me to walk with him but if I got too close to him I would stutter.
So I took out my phone and started to text Boris.

Yan-Chan: Hey Boris
Boris: Yes Ayano?
Yan-Chan: Can I come over tomorrow for some tips, since it's Saturday tomorrow and I got rid of my rival
Boris: Of course, please come around 8 PM since tomorrow we have a performance all day
Yan-Chan: Okay

Ones we were finished texting I went too sleep.

Next Day

I woke up around 8 AM and decided too talk to my Darling Toro today at least for a while. So I called him since he gave me his Number so generously "Hi Ayano" "Umm HEY Senpai- I MEAN Toro..." "So what do you need on this nice morning?" "Can we hang out for a little just until I have to 5 PM" I asked him and he agreed.

'HE SAID HE'LL BE AT MY HOUSE IN 5 MINUTES!' I yelled in my head. 'Thank God the house is clean' as I got a ready.

Later AFTER Hanging with Toro

As I walked to Silly Vision Studios and one's I saw Bendy and Boris performing from a window, so I walked in and watched there performance and saw Henry talking to Ink. "Hello Ink, Henry" I said being polite "Ayano-chan it's good to see you" Ink said hugging me "I see you're still short" I said teasing her and she just looked up at me like she was triggered and pouted.

"Aww come on Ink you can't stay mad at me forever and besides, there are advantaged of being small" I said patting her back. "There is?" "Yes, you can get into very small places when no one can, you can't be spotted as easily as adults, and you can do better sneak attacks on people" I said and she smiled "You're RIGHT, in fact I'm going to scare someone RIGHT NOW" she said running away.
"I can't beleve she's 16, and I'm happy she's a kid at heart" I said to myself "Umm who are you?" Henry asked "Oh right, I'm Ayano. Bendy, Boris, and Ink's friend, we met at a party with all the other Horror Game Charaters, and they talked about you" I said. "Oooookay then Miss. Ayano, wait did you say party?" he asked but I kinda pushed him away.

"Ayano glad you could make it" Boris said walking with Bendy "Bendy, BORIS good too see you guy's, Bendy why do you have a collor?" "Oh Boris put it on me to show that I'm his" he said blushing. "Dear can you wait in the bedroom, I have too give Ayano so 'tips'" he said and Bendy nodded.

"So which 'tips' do you need?" he asked leading me to the employees room "So for getting ride of rivels and some in the sheets" I said and he nodded and started.

*I'm Sorry But, TIME SKIP- it's 11:30*

"Wow... I never knew that there were so many posiblitys for that" I said as he told me about a... certain type of ridding of rivels...
"Well I'm happy to help, but you should leave. I promised a fun night for Bendy and you have to win your Senpai" he said leading me out. "Thanks again, and Boris?" "Yes Ayano?" "What happened to Alice?" "Let's just say... I got rid of her" he whispered and I nodded and left.

Tomorrow is another day...

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