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Micaiah knew he was screwed the second he looked into her eyes. The way his whole being came alive proved that even after all those years, she still had a strong hold over him.

Even after all those damn years. And it was quite evident, although he didn't want to admit it, that he had a strong hold over her too. But he wasn't going to dwell on either case because the moment had come for him to end this once and for all.

And yet with all the power he possessed, he couldn't bring himself to let go of her. After she had embraced him and transported him away from the others, they had appeared in a dark ruin. And in that ruin, they had remained in each other's arms. Just watching the other. Waiting for either one to make a move.

Mik knew he had to act soon, otherwise, Reina would be the death of him. If he didn't get himself straight, he wouldn't be able to hold himself back if she dared do something they'd both regret.

"You should've come with me," Mik couldn't help but say. Staring into her eyes, he knew he had to say something before he would never get the opportunity again.

Reina stared at the man in her arms. The only one who had dared to love her. She couldn't say she reciprocated the feeling, but the passion between them was just enough to assume so.

But deep down, she knew she didn't love him. She couldn't love him.

"You knew from the beginning that I wasn't one to love, yet you still fell anyway," Reina whispered, rubbing her nose against his. The shadows that were normally around her had disappeared at Et Kar's pre-command. He wanted her to be completely alone with Micaiah when she finally ended him. He wanted her to be the only witness.

Mik knew he shouldn't be enjoying this, but it was practically his last night with her. He hadn't seen her in years, searching for her like a starved maniac for nineteen years. So now that he had her so close, he wanted to enjoy little and enough at the same time.

Reina slid her hands across both of her lover's cheeks and leaned in to kiss him for the first time in years.

But for some reason that she - nor Mik for that matter - could comprehend, he pulled back.

The question in her black eyes didn't compare to the one burning to escape from his mouth. So in the end, he decided not to fight it.

"What didn't you let know me that we had a daughter?"

It took a moment for Reina to process the question. She had to admit that she was affected by his rejection, but she continued to caress his jaw as if it hadn't even happened.

"I asked you a question."

"You don't want to know the answer."

Micaiah's expression suddenly changed from an underlying passion to one dominated by wariness.

The Night Witch saw his sudden withdrawal and wanted to bring back the heated expression in his gaze. But she knew that he would not rest until she gave him an answer.

So she did. "I wanted to kill her."

Hearing this, Micaiah snatched her hands away from his face and gripped them tight enough to cause a bruise. His breath came out furious and his eyes glowed even brighter than they were already.

This would've made any normal being quiver and scream at the intense strength of his hands. But it only made Reina want him more.

She slowly let out a wicked smile. "I thought if she was born she would remind me of you."

Micaiah growled and shook her violently. "Liar. Tell me the truth."

The Night Witch's smile widened for a second but then dimmed as she let the truth slip. "I thought that she would be the one to set me free. I thought that monster would let me go and take the child instead if I made the right bargain."

She gazed into her past lover's eyes and saw the reason why she ever permitted him to touch her. The fire in there was enough to burn all her torment, all her thoughts and demons away. It had always left her breathless and in need of something more. But no matter how much she wanted to, she just couldn't keep him by her side.

Or keep herself by his.

"Why didn't you just kill her then?" Even though he wasn't surprised, Mik thought it was sick that Reina would even think about sacrificing their child for her freedom when she could've gotten it with him. He needed to know why she didn't kill Maera. His daughter. His only child.

Reina kept her eyes locked on his while his hands still secured her wrists. "I didn't kill her because deep down, I had always wanted a daughter named Maera. You knew that. Even Et Kar knew. So when the babe was born and I saw it was a girl, I couldn't do it. But a month after she was born, I realized that she meant nothing to me."

Reina snatched her hands away from Mik's and took a step back, needing to be a distance away from him to say what she had to.

Micaiah in turn quietly listened, even though he was still simmering in silent fury.

"I begged Et Kar to take her instead of me. But one look at her and anyone could see that she was impure. She wasn't fully a Night Witch." Reina spat out the last words.

"And do you know what I thought at that point, my love?" She kept fierce eye contact. "I wished it was Et Kar who had instead made love to me. It would've been natural. After all, isn't that what our whole purpose is as Night Witches?"

The Witch Hunter ignored the sting that pierced his chest and wondered how on earth he had ever got involved with a hateful and distasteful being like her.

Reina, oblivious to Micaiah's reaction, continued to speak. "I didn't kill her because I knew one day I will be able to change Et Kar's mind." The smile returned. "Now, here we are."

She leaned into his chest and sensually placed her palms over the broadness, relishing the feel once more. Reina then looked up at her past lover and hoped she wouldn't have to see the light in his eyes die.

"Now, we can be together."

Mik immediately caught the meaning behind her words and reacted before she did.

The knife he had buried in the almost invisible holder behind his trousers burned his hand as he swiftly swiped it out of its resting place and plunged it into the heart of the woman he had once cherished.

Not wasting any time - nor paying attention to the lack of shock that was supposed to be etched on the Night Witch's face - he opened his mouth, exposed her neck to his growing fangs and thrust them into her flesh.

Reina's fingers dug deep into his flesh as she gasped in painful pleasure, her life gradually fading away as the Witch Hunter sucked the essence out of her.

She had known the second she had mentioned killing Maera that Mik might've been prepared to take her life and put a stop to Et Kar's reign. So she wasn't really surprised when he had taken her words the wrong way and plunged a Hunter's knife deep into her chest.

As he nearly sucked all the life out of her, she held on to him with what little strength she had left and whispered weakly before she finally gave up the ghost,

"You'll never forget."

The words had their desired effect and agitated Mik to the point where he ripped out his fangs carelessly from her neck and shoved her dead body away from him.

He didn't even get to see her lifeless face clearly before her body was swallowed up by the shadows and buried into the ground. Expecting this, Mik didn't even bat an eyelash.

The Night Witch was right about one thing though, he would never forget. Her body may have been deceased, but her essence was within him now, making him more powerful as he digested her life source. If Cleo didn't help him perform the ritual with the other Witch Hunters when he got back, her essence would tear him apart from the inside and make him mad.

But that wasn't his major concern that night. He had enough time to save himself. At that moment he just hoped that Cleo and Lucifer had succeeded in carrying out the last of their plans.

Looking around at the dark ruins surrounding him, Mik had no idea where he was, but he knew Maera and the others were close. He could feel it.

Just like he knew that Et Kar wasn't going to escape this time around, he also knew that one day - someday - his daughter would be in dire need of saving from her own self. As long as she carried her mother's blood within her veins, she would end up becoming just like her - hateful and at the edge of ruin.

Shaking that thought from his head, Micaiah shoved the knife back into place, not bothering to wipe the blood off. He knew he should be more worried about Maera, but that would be for another day.

Emptying his mind of all thoughts about what just happened, the Witch Hunter swallowed in his growing fears and began to wander in the darkness, already anticipating what lay ahead.


Finally! The end of The Moon Trilogy. Thank you all for reading this book, especially those who stuck with the series even though I was hardly updating.

Gracias por todo

Until my next book!





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