Chapter 10

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I covered my ears with both hands and squeezed my eyes shut. The voice was back, and it sounded more desperate than ever.

I'll make you mine.

No! I screamed back but it just ignored my protest and continued to repeat, 'mine'.

I didn't understand why this was happening. The voice was louder than ever before and I couldn't seem to stop its insane claiming commands anymore.

I'll have you tonight.

No! Useless.

You'll be officially mine tonight, my little mate.

I could feel the sweat lingering on my forehead as I struggled to wake up. The voice was getting louder and it was deafening, but I couldn't stop it.


My eyes snapped open the second after the last word echoed throughout my head. I jolted and groaned when the sun's rays hit me full force in the face from where I sat. I then used my hand to block the harsh light that peeked out of the opening.

I looked around the narrow cave and wasn't surprising at all to find that John and Miguel had left me alone. Perhaps they had gone to find food.

Grimacing at the dull throb in my ankle, I crawled away from my position before I carefully climbed out of the opening. Cautious not to strain my injured ankle further, I lowered myself slowly to the ground and used my good foot as my anchor to the ground then let go of the mouth of the opening.

The minute I'd landed on the ground, I peered downwards where I landed and was a bit relieved to see that Maddison's body wasn't there. It was either John or Miguel had taken it away from here or the wolf had decided to drag it along with it, which wouldn't add up.

Either way, I was grateful. I couldn't bear to look at her lifeless figure as it would bring back harsh memories of her little trust in me and I certainly wasn't up for that.

Brushing away the stray tear that had managed to escape from my left eye, I limped away and towards the bushes where I heard the sound of rushing water from a distance.

After carefully making my way towards the noise which kept getting louder with each step I took, I stepped out of the thin bushes and sighed when I came across a brook.

The water splashed against the rocks that were embedded in the small stream and tiny green plants could be seen underneath the small rocks in the water. I sat down on a rock by the brook and bent down to place my hand in it, sighing as its smooth texture cooled my fingers.

"Enjoying the water?" John appeared out of the blue and knelt down beside me with a small smile playing on his lips.

Unable to help it, I smiled back and nodded slowly. "It does feels good," I replied and shifted my gaze from him to look at the water.

Carefully, he shifted in his position to sit cross-legged before carefully lifting my left leg, which I had placed in the water, and began to massage my sore ankle. I flinched at the slight pain that arose when he put pressure on it but then it later subsided and I smiled gratefully at him as he soothed the pain away.

"Now that feels so good." I sighed again, straightened up and closed my eyes as his fingers got to work.

"That's a nasty bite mark you've got," John said as he ran his finger over my swollen ankle. I mumbled a 'yeah' before relaxing some more but then a thought crossed my mind at the mention of the wolf's bite.

I opened my eyes and looked at John whose eyes were now focused on me. "I'm not going to turn into a werewolf, am I?"

He chuckled. "No. You can only turn from an original wolf's bite. But if the wolf's not original, then the moonstone will have to be in either the victim or the predator's hands in order for the victim become a werewolf."

"However, it no longer exists," he added.

I breathed out a sigh of relief and closed my eyes again. There was no way I was going to cope with being a werewolf. Opening my eyes again as another thought crossed my mind, I let my worries be made known.


"Hmm?" He removed the dirty cloth around my ankle, tore a small portion of his shirt and wrapped it around my ankle. "Are the wolves the ones responsible for the bus' incident? I mean, were they the cause of the accident?"

John paused in his actions for a second. "It's possible they might be."

"But then why did they kill the others? Why are they chasing us? We didn't do anything to them. Why are they trying to kill every one of us for just visiting these woods as tourists? Has this happened before? If it has then why is this touring business still running?" Damn, I was so confused.

The tour guide took a moment before replying, "Maybe it's because we've crossed their territory. I think I might've took you further than I should've."

"Yeah, that might be it. But something doesn't make sense to me." I frowned. "When the wolf got me it didn't tear me apart like it did to the others. It just stood on top of me, staring, but it was like its mind was somewhere else. However, if it weren't for that distraction I would've been dead by now. I don't understand what happened."

"It doesn't matter now, because I won't let you die on my watch. Just forget it," he said confidently then lifted his hand to brush a strand of hair away from my forehead. He then brought his hand to my cheek and began to rub his thumb against it. "I would never allow that to happen to you again. You'll be safe with me. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."

I stared at him, so confused by his sudden passionate gesture but before I could say something to stop the uneasy feeling in my stomach, he slid his hand to the back of my neck and pulled me towards him. Subsequently closing the distance between us.

"John...?" I tried to put my hands on his chest to push him away from me, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. It was like something had taken hold of my body and was denying me control over it.

"Shh," John hushed me and before I knew it, his lips were brushing against mine.

My eyes widened as he kissed me. And what was even shocking for me was that I was kissing him back. Not me I couldn't control my mouth anymore nor my hands as they moved upwards to wrap around his neck.

I mentally fought hard to push him away, but my body was refusing to obey me. Something stirred inside me as the kiss deepened and it was not my heart fluttering, but something else that was apparently living inside me, taking control.

The husky voice was back and it was yelling 'mine' so loud in my head that I would've screamed if I hadn't lost control over my senses.

John murmured something against my lips and immediately, my mind went blank after that. My eyes closed, and all sorts of emotions swirled within me as I kissed him with all I had. I began to enjoy the kiss without meaning to and even slid my hand down his chest, grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer.

His soft lips caressed mine and I moaned, my body giving in to this strange desire. I couldn't think anymore, I couldn't even acknowledge my surroundings because all thoughts were suddenly centered on kissing John.

However, with rapt speed, he broke the kiss and smiled, smoothing my cheek with his forefinger.

Still dazed, I leaned into his touch as I heard him utter between clenched teeth, "You're mine, Phoebe."


"Why the hell did you guys do that?" Miguel whispered yelled as we walked far behind John, who was leading the way in a way too good mood.

"I don't know, Miguel." I groaned and rubbed my forehead. "I can't remember much after he kissed me nor why he did it. I remember trying to push him away, but then I guess I couldn't control my body anymore."

Sighing, my partner said, "I believe you. But that obviously means that he had something to do with it."

I turned to face Miguel with a frown. "What could he possibly do to make me lose will over my body like that?"

Miguel scrunched his eyebrows. "I don't know, Phoebe. But I do know that he can't be trusted." After that last statement, he reached into his pocket and brought out a beautiful crystal-like stone.

"Whoa, what's that?" My voice lifted in surprise and awe as he showed it to me.

"It's the moonstone from the story John told us about. I found it on him while he was sleeping."

My eyes widened. "He said it didn't exist anymore," I whispered and my head whipped to the side to face Miguel. "What was it doing with him?"

He shrugged. "I have no idea, but I'm positive there are a lot of things about him that we don't know. I mean come on, how was he able to push that huge wolf off you with those muscles of his? And how did he manage to make you kiss him like that? And how did this," he lifted the crystal stone once more before putting it in his pocket, "end up in his pocket when he clearly told you that it didn't exist? And which normal person sleeps with their eyes opened?"

"Wait," I interrupted, "how did you know about that?"

Miguel shrugged. "I caught him staring at you after I woke up this morning, but ignored it and stole the moonstone when I realized that he wouldn't wake no matter how many times I waved my hand in front of him. He explained later after he had "woken up" that he sleeps with his eyes open." He then scoffed as if it was the most ridiculous thing he'd ever heard. "I don't believe it one bit. Maybe he even wanted me to steal it. For all I know, he could be one of them."

My heart started pounding rapidly against my ribcage at Miguel's statement before I spoke, "I thought you didn't believe in this stuff. In werewolves, the history and everything."

Miguel arched an eyebrow at me. "You didn't too, remember? But with all this crazy stuff going on what do you expect me to think?"

I took in another deep breath to calm my frantic nerves. "You're right. It's just...scary."

Miguel shook his head before gripping my arm. "Be careful, nena, I mean it. Stay away from him. I don't trust him."

And as if he could hear us from where he was walking ahead, John turned his head around to face us and threw us a creepy smile which sent an instant shiver down my spine.


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