Chapter 18

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Arnesto left for California a couple days ago. He's spending The new year with his family there.

When he first told me, I was pretty sad, but it's only like a week with out it. I can handle it.

He told me at midnight on new year's eve ,to look up to the moon and blow it a kiss. He said he'd do the same thing. I told him that was kinda cheesy. Arnesto said he knew it was because it was from a movie in his Spanish class. (What are they teaching in there?)

Even with out him though, my life had to keep going. And by that I meant swimming. I still had meets. And I still had practices. I mean, sure my friends were still there, but nothing is the same without Arnesto there sneaking kisses when no one is looking.

One morning, I woke up feeling pretty sick. There was no way I was planning on going to practice. There's no conceivable way my weak m could handle all those flip turns.

So I crawled out of bed and headed down the hall in my pjs. I found my mom in the kitchen making her coffee and getting ready for work.

I walk up to her and stand next to her and waited for her to notice me. finally she said "why aren't you ready for practice, you lazy ass?"

I look at her with my best sick face and respond "I don't feel good mommy."

She returns back to her coffee. "Well then get the hell away from me! what's the matter with you?"

I move away from her. "well my stomach is really queasy and my head is pounding. And my nose is pretty stuffed too," I tell her.

"Huh. Well you're not getting out of that practice. You need the exercise . Have you looked in the mirror lately?" she shudders. "Just take a DayQuil and suck it up. You're going."

I turn around and head for my room, pissed at my mother's lack of empathy. I start to get ready for swimming. I pack my bag and squeeze into my tight little swimsuit. Boy did my tummy argue with that.

I went down the hall and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast. My mother had moved to the living room and was on her cell phone.

I chug a glass of orange juice and make some oatmeal. I carry it to the dining room. I place it on the table. I'm about to sit down, when I feel a disturbance in the force. Every thing in my stomach is making a move for the exit.

I turn around to run to the trash can, but I accidentally run into my mother. I didn't have enough time to get away from her. I puked all over her and her brand new shoes.


I try to apologize, but she doesn't seem to care. " Does this mean no swimmi-?"

"Just get the hell away from me. Go to your room you little stupid brat. "She tells me pointing to the door.

I do as she says and think to myself, what are we? 5? Sending me to my room and calling me names? Wow. My mom needs to up her game.

I get to my room and take off my suit. I'm too exhausted to our my pjs back on, so I just crawl into bed naked. What do I care? Ain't no body to judge me.

I shoot Arianna a text saying I won't be at practice because I'm sick. She responds that she'll tell Brent and to feel better soon.

Within minutes, I am passed out. Not even the zombie apocalypse could woke me up.


I don't want to say I slept for a long time, but when I went to sleep, it was about 8:30am. When I woke up it was 10:00 am...the next day.

I didn't go to the meet that afternoon because I still wasn't feeling up to it.

However, about an hour before the meet Arnesto texted me.

"Good luck at the meet tonight babe. I love you."

"Thanks. I love you too. But I'm not going"

"What? why not? is something wrong?"

"I'm sick. I'm blowing chunks everywhere."

" Ew. I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better."

"Thanks sweetie."

"...Wait. You're not pregnant right?!?!?"

"well last I checked no. But you know. I'm pretty sure my bloody vagina is a pretty good sign in not."

"Ok. If you say so. Imma go let you get some rest. Bye babe :*"


After our chat, I watched tv for awhile. I was channel surfing, and saw that "i didn't know I was pregnant was on. I kept it on and watched it for awhile

. I started to worry a bit, but I knew I couldn't be. I mean I was on my period. We had used protection. I am to young to have a baby. I'm only 15. There's no way.

After I convinced myself I was not expecting a child, I went to sleep. Who knew not being pregnant was such a stressful thing?

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